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Topic: Evidence for a Designer...
SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 11/12/09 11:45 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Thu 11/12/09 11:45 PM
Earlier I made a boo-boo... blushing
Just a small reminder to anyone interested, an argument or demonstration of thought process(which are essentially the same thing) cannot be both, contradictory to known fact, and valid.
That is false. An argument can be valid in form yet have a false premise(contradictory to known fact).

My bad!

laugh Very sloppy of me.
Well, that does it. I'm on my way down to hell to get some ice.

:wink: flowerforyou drinker

creativesoul's photo
Thu 11/12/09 11:48 PM
...That is, the rules of logic/necessity are what determine “truth”. And thus, the truth is relative to the logic - nothing more.

That is false, Sky. The rules of logic determine validity and truth value(liklihood based upon the argumentative form and it's relation to fact). A primary premise which contains established fact, along with a secondary premise which contains the same thing that necessarily lead to a conclusion deem that conclusion as necessarily true.

So, truth is not relative to the logic in a broad sense, especially concerning the premises. Without factual premises, there can be no factual conclusions. Therefore, logic does not determine truth/fact.

Do you follow me here?

SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 11/13/09 03:18 AM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Fri 11/13/09 03:27 AM
...That is, the rules of logic/necessity are what determine “truth”. And thus, the truth is relative to the logic - nothing more.
That is false, Sky. The rules of logic determine validity and truth value (liklihood based upon the argumentative form and it's relation to fact). A primary premise which contains established fact, along with a secondary premise which contains the same thing that necessarily lead to a conclusion deem that conclusion as necessarily true.

So, truth is not relative to the logic in a broad sense, especially concerning the premises. Without factual premises, there can be no factual conclusions. Therefore, logic does not determine truth/fact.

Do you follow me here?

I said "the rules of logic determine truth".

You said "the rules of logic determine truth value".

Now I’m just not up for slogging through that ole semantic swamp. So suffice it to say that, in the context of my intended meaning, I consider the two statements effectively identical, and I recognize and accept that you may not.

So let’s go back to the original statement and response . . .

If anything could be considered an absolute, it can only be the first-person perspective. Nothing has any value/use/worth/relevance until it is related to a first person perspective.
Logic demonstrates the first-person thought process in such a way that it can be assessed for truth value, through necessity.
First of all, I do not identify “first person perspective” with “first person thought process”. To me “perspective” is a static reference point, whereas “though process” is an action. So from this point on, it seems we were talking about two different things.

Secondly, the logic still does not assign any value/use/worth/relevance. If I correctly understand what you mean by “truth value” (as differentiated from simply “truth”) it has no intrinsic reference point outside the structure of the logical process. The only value it can have outside that process is the value the first-person perspective assigns to the logical process itself.

Do you follow me here?

Shoku's photo
Fri 11/13/09 06:55 AM
Argument for what? huh

Design? Of course it wasn't. It wasn't intended to be an arugment for design.
You're constantly saying "I think chance is the only alternative and chance is ridiculous so there must be design." Never all in one sentence but most of you posts progress in that order and the longer ones loop back to further pick at random chance like it's the only possibility besides creator.

All I did in that post was respond to your erroneous claims that Shoku had actually "explained" something.
Radioactivity is the reason we don't commonly see atoms larger than 92 protons. If not for radioactivity then the energy of a supernova exploding would be the reason we didn't see higher because it takes more and more energy as you count up and the biggest supernovae are rarer than common sized ones (gasp!) so you'd see fewer of the largest ones.

Now I'm focusing on relative amounts because you've used the term abundance. I've had a little more than an introduction to astronomy so I know exactly what "abundance of the elements" refers to.

Nonetheless this is still an explanation for why you wouldn't see infinitely big atoms. Maybe if proton scale particles were irreducible you would see some truly tremendous particles at the centers of black holes but because of that neutron rebound in supernovae we'd have been largely left at iron and you'd be asking why there were only 30 atoms (Iron is number 26.)

And without any particular energy required to stick another proton into a nucleus? Well then we would see atoms just continue on up to arbitrarily large numbers but even then we would see fewer of the larger ones because of the 10 marbles in a jar thing I explained.

And if elements we just irreducible themselves and you had no particular order to count them in? Well f_ck, that's too different from our universe for me to even stab at how many we should see. It would depend entirely on what made an atom a different element but by this point we've stripped all the properties of an atom away to nothing.

All science does is describe what's going on. It doesn't explain anything.
It doesn't explain the physical constants but you're radically opposed to the current attempts at figuring those out and nobody here is enough of mathematician to understand that explanation anyway.

Other fields, however, do explain why. Usually in simple math.
Survival of the fittest? Well when you know fitness is measured in reproductive success then it's obvious that those who make lots of healthy babies keep their genes around while people who make only sickly or no babies do not. Those that don't survive aren't, gasp, still around years later.

Or are you going to insist that I explain why having something come to an end should mean that it doesn't continue? I don't think anyone else would agree with you if you tried to say that a non-designed universe shouldn't have any continuity.

That was the only point to that post.

This crap that science "explains" anything is baloney.
What science doesn't do is tell point to a single thing and say it is the explanation for everything.

But hey, if you want to insist that science doesn't explain anything fine. Big deal. It's not like there is anything else that explains anything.

Science doesn't even claim to "explain" anything. All science does is describe.
Part of describing cause and effect necessarily involves explaining things.

That was the only point to that post. But clearly you didn't even understand that.
Because anyone that disagrees with you is just too stupid to understand? Yawn, I've heard better people rattle on about that.

Sky mentioned in another thread that if there was a 'suggestion box' for the design of life, he would suggest that there be a better way to communicate with people.

Attempting to communicate with you has been as futile as attempting to communicate with my cat.
From my perspective it's been more like your cat trying to convert me to the religion of the magical food dispensing hand. Free petting in the afterlife.

You seem to have a one-track-mind that is totally obsessed with "proof" of a designer that you can't even comprehend the concepts that are important to grasp before that question can even be meaningfully considered.
You've been insisting you've got solid science in all the posts I had been replying to so I stayed on that track. If you want to talk philosophy let's do it. Present your argument.

Even Sky has given up on trying to communicate that very idea to you. JB and I "get it", but you don't, obviously.
JB and you are talking about very different things. You just stick the same title on them so you consider each other allies.

Science, by the very definition of what it does is not even in a position to consider a question that is outside of its box.

That's not meant as a 'put-down' to science. That's just a fact. The scientific method does not permit it.

All that science is "set-up" to do is to describe the behavior that it sees.
And you keep saying that you see something that couldn't be anything but the work of a designer. Admit that you don't see anything that conflicts with a universe that had no designer and I'll gladly lighten up about that.

Science isn't in a position to even ask why!

It just describes what already exists in physicality.

It's takes the "nature" of what already exists for granted.
Sort of. Science is the business of working things out backwards every time you don't get a chance to watch it happen yourself. We've watched quite a bit happen and in the fields you scoff at they're trying to work backwards from those things. After we've worked backwards far enough and have potentially figured out the earlier step we go about trying to duplicate it or otherwise check for it in ways we hadn't yet and if we confirm it people throw parties because they just got themselves a big check from an investor that will pay for them working on another step.

So in a sense it takes what already exists for granted but only until it's relatively able to work out why that exists. Turns out the thing before it gets taken for granted for awhile but then people start scratching at that to try and figure out what's under it and so on.

Of course, if we could just start at the beginning and watch everything from there we'd do it in a heart beat but we can't so we're stuck taking the long route of figuring things out backwards.

Then it describes how it behaves and calls that a "natural process". laugh

Can you not see the folly in that from a philosophical point of view?
I can see a larger picture than that. There is at least as much folly in calling it the act of a celestial father figure.

All you're doing is taking the unvierse for granted and saying, "Well it behaves the way it does because that's the way it behaves". whoa
Are you willing to argue that 5+7=12 is evidence of a creator? There are infinite numbers, if it's all just chance why should those two added up just equal one number when they could equal infinite numbers?

You've got to get "outside of that box" if you're going to be bold enough to ask a question like, "Could there be a designer behind it?"
I've just been responding to you on the terms you laid out. Present some philosophy and I'll jump right on that train.

That very term behind it should be a clue!

The very question demands that we step outside of the box.

The question is meaningless if you try to say within the box of merely observing behavior and saying, "Well that's just the nature of things".

That just refuses to even consider why it had the nature it does.
Life has the nature it does because atoms have the nature they do because of the four fundamental forces having the nature they do because of, maybe, strings having the nature they do because of membranes having the nature they do and so on. Is your best argument against this that "it's not a religion"?

All you're doing is asking a question, and then flatly refusing to even consider it.

Why even bother asking if you're not even willing to consider it?

That's fruitless.
Oh the irony~

I have one last thing to say and then I'll quit because this is going nowhere:

If this doesn't get through to people then I can only conclude that they don't have the capacity to even comprehend what I'm saying.

Let's do the car versus universe analogy one more time.

Please pay attention!

You have a car. I ask you if the car has a designer. You say, no, it doesn't need a designer because I can explain precisely how it runs and how everything on the car works.
Well no, I don't think mufflers and such assemble themselves (and besides, most of the parts have the name of the manufacturer stamped onto them.)

I point to thing like the crankshaft, connecting rods, pistons, valves, etc., and I ask, "What about these parts? Where did they come from? There must have been a designer who designed these parts.

You say, "No. Those are just 'fundamental particles'. They just exist. They are a "given", we don't need to explain where they came from or whether or not they might have been 'designed'.

Given those 'fundamental particles' as the "nature" of the situation we can explain how the car runs and that's good enough.
It's just adorable watching you go through the motions of this argument as if you're talking to someone else who has made different arguments.

Now let's go back to the Universe

You people are explaining how the universe runs. (just like someone would explain how a car runs).

So big deal? I can see how the universe runs myself. That's not the question.

The question is, where did the fundamental particles come from and why are they shaped they way they are?

In the car we had its fundamental "parts", like a crankshaft, pistons, etc.

In the universe we have its fundamental parts, like quarks, leptons and bosons.
Oh I know that. Because of the Calabi Yau manifold and vibrational quanta. I don't understand those well enough to simplify them a whole lot for everyone but they'd be the reasons those particles are as they are.

Ultimately it goes back to stuff like how combining ten marbles into on unit gives you fewer units than if you left each marble as it's own unit.

So all you people are doing is taking "God's Dirt" (i.e. the quarks, leptons, and bosons) and explaning things in terms of their innate behavior.
You seem a bit behind the times. It's time to move that goalpost back.

They you are claiming that you've actually "explained" something.

But you didn't explain anything!

All you've done is observe how these fundamental particles behave. laugh

I can't believe that you people can't see this.

You're just taking the fundamental particles of the unvierse for granted and pretending that they don't need to be explained.
You haven't asked any mature questions about them. I'm not going to be so condescending to tell you that I know what you meant to ask and go on about that. Ask me questions that actually ask about these things and I'll go into it.

If you allow me that luxury with car parts, then I could argue that there is no evidence for a designer of cars either because crankshafts, pistons, valves, and spark plugs are taken for granted as already existing.

That's all you people are doing with the universe. You're just taking the quarks, leptons, and bosons, for granted and saying, "We don't need to explain them, they are fundamental".

What? noway

Science hasn't explained anything!
I'm going to give you a check plus anyway because although this argument is basically against the limits we had ten years ago at least you didn't overshoot by two or three decades like most of the people I see arguing this sort of thing.

All science has done is describe how unexplained things behave. whoa
Well, if you want to point to the fossil record and complain about a gap and then when someone shows you a creature that fits in the gaps through a bigger fit because now there are two gaps, one on each side of it...

I can't believe you people can't see this.

It's crystal clear to me, JB and Sky.

You people are playing with "God's Dirt" and pretending that you know something. laugh

That's silly.

Science has no explanation for "God's Dirt".
Just keep moving that goalpost~

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman is a entertaining movie of how the author shares his views on "God's dirt or dust" and how everything started.

It is a fantasy movie, but had much controversial debates and negativity amongst Catholic believers at one time. I think even the Catholic heads even indicated that it shouldn't be watched if you are a catholic. Of course this isn't the first time this happened. Harry Potter was another movie that had negative effects on Christian religion. Of course I am not saying all Christians had a problem with it, but nevertheless, it was discouraged by a large population who practice this faith system.

I mainly watched "The Golden Compass" for entertainment and donated money to help polar bears at the time when advertised.

Perhaps someone has watched it and thought about this possibility of design. Even though it is pure fiction it does have one thinking about the many possiblities of what could have started everything as we know it.

I'd say don't watch it because the author wrote it to be an *******. Seriously, he was pissed off about the Narnia books having some themes similar to the Bible so he decided it was propaganda and then instead of working to unraveling the propaganda he just wrote counter propaganda that was a whole lot less subtle.

Or don't watch it because the main character is a completely unlikable brat who only does anything good randomly against everything the rest of her behavior has established or because the evil organization that's supposed to be the Church doesn't pose a threat so much as a nuisance...[/rant]

That’s the surest way I know of to create conflict.

There is no conflict until someone objects.

It is the act of objecting that creates conflict.

Now if your whole purpose is to create conflict, then go ahead and object.

Just don’t forget where the source of any resulting conflict lies.
I generally avoid using this subject in arguments but do you think Jewish people shouldn't have objected to Nazi eugenics practices?
The initial objection was not that of the Jews objecting to eugenics, but the Nazi’s objecting to the Jews. That’s where the downward spiral started. From there it became objections to objections.

But that example is all but irrelevant - unless you’re trying to say that the Jews objecting to Nazi eugenics is comparable to one poster in this forum objecting to the statements of another.
By the rules you laid out it would be.
Yes, it would be, which then makes it supportive of my claim. biggrin
No, it shows a problem in rules that were laid out.
Do you even pay attention to what's happening or just look for baseless ways to declare that I've lost the argument?


I think we all have concluded that no one can prove anything, especially when 'science' can only 'see' within the confines of this universe.

It's awfully dirty to hang around saying "I'm just explaining my view point. It's only an opinion" and then declare that you've won an argument.

Which is it? Are you arguing or are you just letting people know WHAT you think? Choose one and stick with it.

It is fair to say in order to have intelligent things they must be started by more intelligent factors . Therefore humans were found by something or some things more intelligent than them . Intelligence can not just pops up and starts a life from zero thing .
flowerforyou .
By that logic God or any original designer would be impossible.

Should I take this as support for the naturalistic origin side of this discussion?


JB wrote:

Neither side of this argument can present enough "evidence" to convince the other and this has been duly noted and the thread and subject declared over. It would be fruitless to continue over the same grounds.

Well this was a productive thread for me. I've actually come up with an argument of why it would be utterly ludicous to consider anything other than Intelligent Design.

I don't feel like typing it in right now. Maybe tomorrow. :smile:
Ooh, but you're not saying you've got any proof for design. *ghost noises*

False dichotomy fallacy. You can't pretend there aren't more options and knocking down one doesn't prop your up. It doesn't matter if you're dealing with science of philosophy here; the fallacy is invalid in both.

So please, give us an argument for any of this without fallacies?


JB wrote:

Neither side of this argument can present enough "evidence" to convince the other and this has been duly noted and the thread and subject declared over. It would be fruitless to continue over the same grounds.

Well this was a productive thread for me. I've actually come up with an argument of why it would be utterly ludicous to consider anything other than Intelligent Design.

I don't feel like typing it in right now. Maybe tomorrow. :smile:

Well for what its worth, I totally agree and I declare that we have presented proof, evidence and logic that intelligent design is involved with the manifestation of this universe and everything in it.

That conclusion has not been accepted by the opposition. ( But then, they are still thinking inside of the box... that would be the entire physical universe.)

They are still sounding like a recording: "I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I see no evidence of intelligent design."I
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I see no evidence of intelligent design."I
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I see no evidence of intelligent design."
I see no evidence of intelligent design."

I've been trying to be relatively nice to you but that post deserves a dunce cap. Each and every thing in this thread presented as "evidence" has be fallacious.

It's not "I see no evidence of intelligent design" but rather "Ok, that's not evidence in science of philosophy. Can you show me anything else?"


Gee, I wish such an intelligent designer would create creatures capable of intelligent arguments...


Well, if you think that you're an example of such an intelligent being then it's settled. We've found evidence for intelligent design.

Otherwise, we'll have to look elsewhere for evidence of intelligent design I guess.


What more argument should be required? whoa

An argument not based on fallacy would be just lovely.


Gee, I wish such an intelligent designer would create creatures capable of intelligent arguments...



Actually the only thing that I have seen so far is that anyone who has a preconceived idea no matter how much intelligence they sport is stuck in the mud on their idea so badly that they find "proof" in the strangest places.

For those of us with the open minds waiting for the proof or evidence to seal the deal one way or the other are doomed to hang without any relief.

It feels a lot like being advertised to. "If I hear about those penis pills just a few tens of thousands of times surely I'll eventually decide to buy some!"

Shoku's photo
Fri 11/13/09 07:02 AM

Creative wrote:

Science knows that we do not know nearly enough to be able to draw a valid conclusion about the universe being a design.

And even an idiot knows that science also has no evidence to draw a valid conclusion of happenstance either

So we're right back to precisely what JB, myself and Sky have been saying all along.

Science isn't in a position draw any conclusions about this question at all.


It's just not a question that science is capable of addressing.

So for anyone following this loosely it's ironic how he takes this supposed designer for granted while he levies these complaints against anyone who opposes him.

He doesn't seem to care about being a hypocrite though as he just brushes anything he can't handle under the rug and returns to his habitual argument while declaring it even better than it was before.

no photo
Fri 11/13/09 08:10 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 11/13/09 08:12 AM
I've been trying to be relatively nice to you but that post deserves a dunce cap. Each and every thing in this thread presented as "evidence" has be fallacious.

It's not "I see no evidence of intelligent design" but rather "Ok, that's not evidence in science of philosophy. Can you show me anything else?"

"Trying to be nice?" Yeh, it really shows.. since there is no "try" there is only "do or do not do." (Wisdom from Yoda, Star Wars laugh )

As I said before, I have never claimed to have "scientific evidence" and I don't expect my evidence to be valid scientifically. I simply produced and gave examples of the evidence that I see and accept from my philosophical point of view.

It has never been my intention (or goal) to convince s/he who does not want to be convinced. (That includes all of my conversations on this entire club.)

It has never been my intention or goal to prove anything to anyone.

My sole intention and agenda for any of my conversations in this club is an attempt to understand another person's point of view. Sometimes that is done via 'argument' and other times it is done via expressing my opinion and reasoning.

I am willing to leave myself completely open for criticism and ridicule from anyone who feels they should or desire to do so. (Even if it makes you feel better by telling me that I deserve a "dunce" cap.)

Now I understand more about your point of view. I hope you feel gratified and justified and have accomplished whatever it is that you are 'trying' to accomplish by posting your views and opinions.

SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 11/13/09 09:34 AM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Fri 11/13/09 09:55 AM
That’s the surest way I know of to create conflict.

There is no conflict until someone objects.

It is the act of objecting that creates conflict.

Now if your whole purpose is to create conflict, then go ahead and object.

Just don’t forget where the source of any resulting conflict lies.
I generally avoid using this subject in arguments but do you think Jewish people shouldn't have objected to Nazi eugenics practices?
The initial objection was not that of the Jews objecting to eugenics, but the Nazi’s objecting to the Jews. That’s where the downward spiral started. From there it became objections to objections.

But that example is all but irrelevant - unless you’re trying to say that the Jews objecting to Nazi eugenics is comparable to one poster in this forum objecting to the statements of another.
By the rules you laid out it would be.
Yes, it would be, which then makes it supportive of my claim. biggrin
No, it shows a problem in rules that were laid out.
If you have a problem with my rules, then make up your own rules, I don't care.

Do you even pay attention to what's happening or just look for baseless ways to declare that I've lost the argument?
No, I never pay attention to what's happening. I just look for baseless ways to declare that I've lost the argument.


SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 11/13/09 10:41 AM
Creative wrote:

Science knows that we do not know nearly enough to be able to draw a valid conclusion about the universe being a design.

And even an idiot knows that science also has no evidence to draw a valid conclusion of happenstance either

So we're right back to precisely what JB, myself and Sky have been saying all along.

Science isn't in a position draw any conclusions about this question at all.


It's just not a question that science is capable of addressing.
So for anyone following this loosely it's ironic how he takes this supposed designer for granted while he levies these complaints against anyone who opposes him.

He doesn't seem to care about being a hypocrite though as he just brushes anything he can't handle under the rug and returns to his habitual argument while declaring it even better than it was before.
Thus sayeth the pot.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/13/09 11:16 AM
Edited by Abracadabra on Fri 11/13/09 11:19 AM
Creative wrote:

Concerning logic...

It is important to understand the value of a logically sound argument, and contrary to an earlier expressed opinion, the logic I use is not my logic. It is logic as it has been established throughout history by some of the brightest minds mankind has ever known. It is the most non-biased method of establishing truth value that we have at our disposal concerning ideas/propositions which are expressed with written language. Is it absolute???

Of course not, but what is? Therefore, for one to use that as a reason to dismiss it's use would be unreasonable, unless s/he could replace it with something more absolute. That is not possible.

Just a small reminder to anyone interested, an argument or demonstration of thought process(which are essentially the same thing) cannot be both, contradictory to known fact, and valid.

Your last sentence says it all. Logic can only be applied to known facts. You, yourself have rejected the extrapolation of "known facts" that exist within the universe, to properties of anything that might exist "outside" of the universe. You had no choice but to do that, other wise my logical argument for design would be valid. The only reason that it's not a valid argument is because extrapolation of known facts within the universe cannot be extrapolated outside of the universe.

On this point I'm in total agreement. And this is why I recognize that my "evidence" for design (i.e. my evidence that this universe is not happenstance) cannot be extrapolated outside of the universe because it's based on fact contained within the universe.

So, in short, all you've verified in your above comments is that logic cannot be applied to the question of evidence for designer because it requires that we already know the facts that exist outside of the universe. Since that is impossible to know, then logical cannot even be applied to the problem at all.

So why even demand that speculations about this question are restricted by logic when by your own analysis logic isn't even applicable?

Concerning anthropomorphism of the source of the universe...

As a result of the irrelevance to the topic at hand, I will not venture into anything outside of the idea of the original source of the universe. The label chosen does not matter here, because all of those have at least three things in common. They are claimed to *somehow* be responsible for the universe as we have come to know it, they have yet to have been proven to exist, and the very idea presupposes that the observations available to us are enough to be able to draw a conclusion about how the universe began.

The above three elements are true in all cases I can think of, regardless of whether or not personification(anthropomorphism) is involved. When that is done, it only adds variables which are not - cannot - be logically concluded as necessary.

Again, all you're confessing here is that logic cannot be brought to bear on this question since we cannot know any facts concerning any hypothesized original source

With this I agree, however, I disagree with your following comments:

It assumes, without logically sound reason, two more things - one being that a creator/designer exists, the other being that that creator/designer has human-like emotions and needs. With our current understanding and knowledge, there is no way to know that.

So what?

The very question of original source assumes that an original source exists. And the very reason we assume this is because we can't imagine how the universe could come into existence without an original source.

So all you need to do is take that one step further and recognize that many people cannot imagine how anthropomorphic could come into being if they didn't have an original source.

What's there difference? I claim that the only difference here is a matter of personal intuition and opinion,.

Moreover, let's go back to your earlier comment about logic:

Creative wrote:

Concerning logic...

It is important to understand the value of a logically sound argument, and contrary to an earlier expressed opinion, the logic I use is not my logic. It is logic as it has been established throughout history by some of the brightest minds mankind has ever known. It is the most non-biased method of establishing truth value that we have at our disposal concerning ideas/propositions which are expressed with written language. Is it absolute???

Of course not, but what is?

But logic is absolute in some situations. For example, within mathematical formalism. Mathematical formalism is a formalism in which starting premises have been carved in stone so-to-speak, via community acceptance. Those very special premises are called axioms. Once that has been done mathematics had become 'absolute'. Although even that had been shown by Kurt Godel to have been a false assumption (but that's a whole other story).

The point being that the only thing that even had a chance at making logic absolute was to force everyone to accept that same starting premises.

In the case of logic outside of the formalism of mathematics the choice of premises becomes open to personal opinion and intuition.

We been through this so many times in the past. Where logic leads can depend entirely on the premises chosen.

For example you choose the premise that the properties of anthropomorphism that we observe within this universe should not be considered when considering the nature of its source.

I, on the other hand, choose the premise that all of the properties exhibited by this universe should be considered when considering questions concerning the nature of its source.

Both of these could potentially be considered "logical" views.

You might argue that you believe that the properties of "anthropomorphism" arose purely by random chance within the universe and therefore do not in anyway reflect back on the nature of its source.

So your "logic" is then based upon your assumptions. Because you're very premises are based on your assumptions. And so it is your premises are what dictate how your particular choice of logical reasoning must unfold.

The same could be said of my logic. I see no reason to dismiss the observed properties of this universe when considering the nature of it's source.

You have no right to tell me that this is an 'illogical' approach. From my point of view, your total dismissal of the observed anthropomorphic properties of this universe as being irrelevant to the question of the nature of its source appears to be utterly illogical and absurd to me.

I could just as easily argue that you're the one who's being utterly illogical. drinker

Your continued stance that your logical reasoning somehow trumps everyone else's is truly pathetic.

It's ok for you to suggest that this is cool logic for you. If your happen with dismissing observed properties of the universe when considering the nature of its source more power to you.

However, your continued and relentless arguments always appear to be of the form that everyone else is using logic incorrectly and that you're the only one who is using logic properly. That's just baloney.

Logic is driven by the premises we accept at the onset.

IMHO, you're starting with the premise that you can ignore major properties of the universe when considering the nature of its source.

Where's the logical justification in that? spock

Shoku's photo
Fri 11/13/09 11:22 AM
Naw, I don't think it works. That one is the affirming the consequent fallacy by the way.

I believe he said "It works for me."

For him, that is all that matters.

"We've concluded" doesn't match with "for him, that's all that matters."

Do any of you understand what fallacies are?

Naturalism explains.

Naturalism explains? Is this a person or a new religion? What are you talking about when you say naturalism explains?
I'm referring to all of the sciences put together without a creator from outside of "the box" having any involvement in it.

I guess, to condense it down to a single phrase, I'm talking about order without intention.

I'm going to treat you're deaf if you keep equilibrating those two terms because they have very different meanings. JB was pretty annoyed by my picking apart the psychology of her sharing her opinion and arguing for it when it wasn't asked for but what you're doing is much worse.

Huh? huh Well who asked for your opinion about the psychology of my sharing my opinion? When did this get personal?
When people told me it wasn't possible for my opinion to be right.

I'm not particularly fond of people flipping between "it's just my opinion" and "well it's proven now" anyway though so even if you had been agreeing with me and doing that I'd call it if I saw it.

So basically you're saying "God is the single source of all meaning and purpose and he either created us with those things or we are just meaningless random chance and anyone who thinks differently than me doesn't get their own options because they are less that human."

No but anyone who would interpret it the way you just did above has a psychological glitch of his own. laugh
That is what Abra has been saying. I tell him it's neither of his options and he tells me if it's not a designer then it's random chance no matter how much I protest. If he would actually pose a philosophical argument for why it must be that way we might get somewhere but he is behaving as if he is some higher authority and we just have to accept that without explanation.

He is very much telling me that I don't get to choose my own opinion. Just look and it's visible whether you delve into the psychology of it or not.

Now, I've been trying to stay on the science subject here but you seem pretty fixated on atheists so: they agree with you about most things. We have a purpose, there is good in the world, you should rape kill and plunder your neighbors, etc. The thing that is different is that they say there are reasons for all of those things other than God. Those things are there, and there are reasons for them, and atheists say there's no God. They are rejecting "God is the origin of all things good," not that there are things that are good.

That would depend on what you are calling or defining as "God." I am an atheist. I don't believe in a supreme being or deity creator. (And if "God" is "love" then I doubt if there can be any "good" without it.)
You should probably look at what Abra has actually been saying. You're against using the term creator but he's all for it and has very much posed his view as exactly that.

He refers to all of existence as "God's dirt" and insists that our universe couldn't have any kind of order if a supreme being hadn't personally made it so. This isn't even compatible with what Sky has been talking about because the "where are all the failed universes" question necessarily means that you can have physical rules that can result in order if combined appropriately and that it should be possible for all combinations to exist but with the caveat that that's only an idea until we start finding other universes.

You three would really be at each other's throats if you didn't view each other as support to help you appear as the majority in here.

...well, ok, there are the nihilists but saying they represent all atheists would be like saying the flat Earth society represents all Christians.

And so with this I am giving you one more chance to show that you are capable of empathy and some God damn human dignity. If you're still acting like naturalism can't be anything but happenstance after page 35 I guess we'll all know what kind of person you are.

What the hell kind of religion is "naturalism?" Is mother nature your goddess? laugh laugh
Do you worship that consciousness we are all connected to?

To help alleviate some of the confusion in this thread I'd like to point out that two entirely different questions are being addressed simultaneously and there is a lot of cross-confusion going on.

The original question being considered by the OP was:

"Is there any evidence that this universe was designed?"

During the course of this thread there has been plenty of evidence for design given. Thus the answer to this question seems to be a resounding, "Yes, there is evidence for design"
If you count faulty evidence then I agree. There's no legitimate evidence though, or would you like to list all of your arguments again so I can tell everyone which fallacies they fall into again?

However there seems to be a second question that came up along the way.

"Does science support a conclusion that this universe was not designed".

Well the simple answer there is, "No, it most certainly does not". Science confesses to not knowing.
Science or philosophy? You really can't go jumping back and forth between the two so frequently.

So that's the answer to that second question.

Anymore questions? spock
Can you present a single piece of evidence without using fallacies?

What the hell kind of religion is "naturalism?" Is mother nature your goddess?

I'm afraid I don't know anything about the religion of "naturalism", so I can't answer anything about their beliefs, rites, and rituals. Sorry.

But for pages and pages you've been insisting that it is the argument that everything around us is random. I much prefer this newer stance of yours though so I will request you stick to it.

Shoku wrote:

If it doesn't look like chance we toss chance out and move up to the next simplest thing as the null and so on until we don't have any evidence that doesn't fit.

And what exactly does 'null' mean? spock

Null means we don't know. We can't say.
You're confusing when we use it with what it is.


Almost all of my posts are rather huge. Why do you keep dropping the majority of what I say? I would think it was to make it look like you're saying ten times as much as I am but I'm in the interest of not just saying that I'm open minded but actually giving people the chance to present a case for themselves,
so here you go~

Ok, so we think differently. I have no problem with that. I'm not saying you have to agree with my evidence, logic or conclusions. I'm only saying what works for me.
But it doesn't really work. What you must mean is that it is something you are willing to accept.

But you shouldn't. As we heard awhile ago humans are mortal. Dogs are mortal. Dogs are humans.

Now abra has been arguing in the form of A then B, B only if A and that would work much better but I'm disputing the B only if A part. He's constantly swapping between whether he's talking about science of philosophy though as if to make things so difficult to follow that anyone chasing him would veer off into a canyon or something.

It's ok though. He's much easier to follow when you realize the bulk of his argument is "my argument is awesome." It gets a bit repetitive telling him that it's not and that I've answered all of his science questions with science while he hasn't formally posed any philosophy questions but if I keep at it he'll either do that or look like an idiot when it becomes clear to everyone that he's not able to. I personally prefer the first option but at least the second would give some closure to this and I could get back to just talking to you and JB.

Creative wrote:

Naw, I don't think it works.

Ok, so we think differently. I have no problem with that. I'm not saying you have to agree with my evidence, logic or conclusions. I'm only saying what works for me.

Sorry, Sky, unless you accept what "works" for Creative you'll forever be deemed to be an illogical person by him. laughOr like the original Hindu people I will, gasp, have an effect on his thinking as I continue to show how formal logic works and that it's a good thing.
*They had their civilization taken over by barbarians but their culture conquered the barbarian one from within.

However, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.


Because apparently nothing "works" for Creative. He had never been able to establish any proof of anything. So clearly his methods aren't working either.
This thread wasn't about establishing proof for not-creation. I've only gone on about how atoms work to try and teach you what a false dilemma is and why it's fallacious,
you sh_t for brains narcissist.

Now, you already get how ad hominems aren't real arguments. That's what fallacy means. As I've said all of your arguments for a designer are easily identifiable fallacies. They aren't arguments for your position any more that the italicized thing there was an argument for mine.


So apparently we have a stalemate.
I sank your battleship and you can say that you wanted the water in there all you want but it won't make it real.

And this is precisely all that Sky has ever been claiming.

Thus Sky "wins" the debate, because Sky's position has always been that nothing works. laugh
It's odd how you recognize that knocking down arguments on "your side" doesn't amount to a win while you've been doing exactly that and declaring victory from the start. By odd I of course mean ironic but I'm trying to be subtle about pointing out your personality flaws because I don't have anything against you; I just want to show that your arguments don't hold water and that's got nothing to do with who you are as a person, or at least not within the confines of this thread.

Whilst Creative's position is some absurd notion that he holds the keys to something that actually does work. whoa

I'm pretty sure that every sane person on these boards will confess to the truth of the fact that we can't say one way or the other, (depending on what definition we give to 'Intelligent Design').
Well yes, definitely. Solipsism is philosophy so it can't be wrong but it's definitely a weak and useless philosophy.

Actually if we do something amazingly simple, then we can indeed conclude that 'Intelligent Design' is the only possible conclusion.

We simply define "Intelligent Design" as anything that which creates something intelligent.
No intention behind it? Ok, I don't have any problem with saying that. We've definitely got at least some intelligence on at least one rock in this galaxy so that's all the criteria right there.

Too bad that's never what people mean by ID though.

Then if we consider ourselves to be "intelligent" we have no choice but to conclude that we have been created by an "Intelligent Design" by our very definition of the term.
That's very nearly what JB has been saying. If she'd just drop that surrogate god out of the picture she'd have...
well, a worthless position that doesn't really say anything. Not wrong but definitely weak.

The only possible way to deny "Intelligent Design" in this scenario is for the person who is refuting "Intelligent Design" to confess that they aren't "Intelligent". laugh
I'm not so prideful that I couldn't argue that but I feel it would be too great a tangent for this thread and honestly I don't think you have the philosophical maturity to make it interesting.

In the face of that confession why should anyone care what that particlar person even thinks? whoa
Computers aren't intelligent. Why should anyone care about how they photons at you from their screens?

If not intelligent that means it would essentially be automatic and as the argument was that there is no intelligence period that means your caring about it is equally automatic. As non-intelligent beings any "why should" question would be irrelevant. It all becomes do or do not.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/13/09 11:54 AM

Shoku wrote:

Your philosophy is weak and your science is bad. With me around you can't dodge the danger in one by moving into the other and if you keep trying to I'm going to hound you until you're trapped in a corner and, well, basically humiliated.

Shoku, just for your own information you might want to read the rules of this forum. Stalking specific individuals for the purpose of attempting to humiliate them is against the rules.

I see that your posts clearly have this goal in mind, and in your above quote you proclaimed that this would be your mission.

You appear to have become totally obsessed with twisting my quotes out of context for the sole purpose of making it appear that you are achieving your personal vendetta above.

I can assure you that no intelligent person is buying into your plot.

If you have something constructive to offer with respect to the topic please feel free to offer it. In the meantime I suggest that you abandon your personal vendetta, as it will serve you no good purpose.

no photo
Fri 11/13/09 12:05 PM
Do you often have yourself doing this when discussing philosophy or science in these forums?laugh

no photo
Fri 11/13/09 12:07 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 11/13/09 12:11 PM
Shoku asked:

Do you worship that consciousness we are all connected to?

I guess that would depend on what you mean by "worship."

I appreciate life. I am grateful for my existence.

I am joyful always.

:banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Fri 11/13/09 12:10 PM

Shoku wrote:

Your philosophy is weak and your science is bad. With me around you can't dodge the danger in one by moving into the other and if you keep trying to I'm going to hound you until you're trapped in a corner and, well, basically humiliated.

Shoku, just for your own information you might want to read the rules of this forum. Stalking specific individuals for the purpose of attempting to humiliate them is against the rules.

I see that your posts clearly have this goal in mind, and in your above quote you proclaimed that this would be your mission.

You appear to have become totally obsessed with twisting my quotes out of context for the sole purpose of making it appear that you are achieving your personal vendetta above.

I can assure you that no intelligent person is buying into your plot.

If you have something constructive to offer with respect to the topic please feel free to offer it. In the meantime I suggest that you abandon your personal vendetta, as it will serve you no good purpose.

Amen to that! bigsmile drinker :banana:

But I respect that he lets his 'agenda' be known. LOL laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 11/13/09 12:11 PM

Do you often have yourself doing this when discussing philosophy or science in these forums?laugh

What is he doing, taking a crap? LOL

SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 11/13/09 12:13 PM

Ok, so we think differently. I have no problem with that. I'm not saying you have to agree with my evidence, logic or conclusions. I'm only saying what works for me.
But it doesn't really work.
Ok, I understand that you hold that opinion. And as I said, I have no problem with that.

You’ve stated it as an absolute, but it’s not.

Fact 1: It works for “me” (which is what I said).
Fact 2: It doesn’t work for “you”
Corollary to Fact 2: It doesn’t work for “us”.

So we’re right back at “We think differently” and I don’t see any way to move forward from there other than for one of us to change the way we think. And I don’t think you’re any more likely to change the way you think than I am to change the way I think.


What you must mean is that it is something you are willing to accept.
Nope. That’s not what I mean. I mean exactly what I said.

I didn’t say “It works for us”, I said “It works for me.”

But you shouldn't.
I shouldn’t what?

“Mean it is something I am willing to accept”? I don’t, as stated above.

“Be willing to accept it?” No one has given reason not to that is sufficient for my purposes. (And “sufficient for my purposes” is what defines what “works for me”.)

SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 11/13/09 12:16 PM
Do you often have yourself doing this when discussing philosophy or science in these forums?laugh
What is he doing, taking a crap? LOL
I don't recall ever taking a crap while sitting on a rock - in these forums. :laughing:

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/13/09 12:28 PM

Shoku asked:

Do you worship that consciousness we are all connected to?

I guess that would depend on what you mean by "worship."

I appreciate life. I am grateful for my existence.

I am joyful always.

:banana: :banana: :banana:

I read somewhere once that the original etymology of the word "Worship" actually simply means "Love".

So by that definition I would hope that anyone who views reality as a cosmic consciousness of which we are all facets would indeed "worship" it. At least in the sense of love.

I do believe that many religions have given negative connotations to the word 'worship' imply that it means to cower down in fear, guilt, and shame and beg for mercy from the wrath of a judgmental personified godhead.

IMHO, it's a shame that a word like "Love" has come to have such a distorted meaning. But that seems to be what has happened to the word "worship" in some religion. You either bow down and grovel, or face the wrath of the god. That's what 'worship' has become, unfortunately. Worship or be condemned! It's not a choice.

That would be like god saying "Love me, or I'll cast you into hell!"

That would be pretty empty love would it not?

no photo
Fri 11/13/09 12:31 PM

Do you often have yourself doing this when discussing philosophy or science in these forums?laugh

What is he doing, taking a crap? LOL

It is called the flushing syndrom that I started in the "Blackhole" thread. laugh

I bet many of the greatest thinkers in the world got their best idealogies out while taking a crap. They simply shouted "Eureka!" By gone darn it, I got it!laugh

SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 11/13/09 12:32 PM
< continued at this topic >
< last part of this topic is here >
Naw, I don't think it works. That one is the affirming the consequent fallacy by the way.

I believe he said "It works for me."

For him, that is all that matters.
"We've concluded" doesn't match with "for him, that's all that matters."

But I’m curious as to where you might think I said that. And if I did, exactly who “We” referred to.

Do any of you understand what fallacies are?
Yes, some of us do.

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