Topic: so how long was your longest
Atlantis75's photo
Mon 12/28/09 01:15 AM
time you stayed awake?

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 12/28/09 01:25 AM
Back in my druggie days I would go for 4/5 days...gawd, I'm glad I don't do that anymore..probably cause a heart attack now. Not the staying awake, the drugs...

no photo
Mon 12/28/09 01:29 AM
ms.lid i just want you to know that your my hero.

personal record: 4 days..kinda

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 12/28/09 01:32 AM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Mon 12/28/09 01:34 AM
72 hrs in the military. I lost completely the sense of time or day or night or what was going on towards the end, because of being constantly on guard. If you would have asked me how much 1+1, I swear I couldn't answer it. This was in the Mojave Desert war exercise.

Here is one I won't forget. Try staring at one direction all night with nightvision googles. Then drive all day in the middle of nowhere and then fight a war. It's almost like a straight ticket to the insane asylum.

no photo
Mon 12/28/09 01:37 AM
jeeze Atlantis.... when you put it that way i almost don't want to try it lol. but yea.... that sounds friggin brutal!

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 12/28/09 01:39 AM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Mon 12/28/09 01:41 AM

jeeze Atlantis.... when you put it that way i almost don't want to try it lol. but yea.... that sounds friggin brutal!

Trust me...towards the end you don't care who dies or lives, because you don't even know if you are alive or dead. I'm serious. It's the twilight zone.

Try it...put on night vision googles, but you must be at a place where there is nobody but a big nothing front of you. First it's cool to stare at the stars, maybe 10-15 minutes, then it starts to get you, because nothing is happening. And you have another 6-7 hours until sunrise you supposed to stare at the big nothing.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 12/28/09 01:42 AM

jeeze Atlantis.... when you put it that way i almost don't want to try it lol. but yea.... that sounds friggin brutal!

Trust me...towards the end you don't care who dies or lives, because you don't even know if you are alive or dead. I'm serious. It's the twilight zone.

Try it...put on night vision googles, but you must be at a place where there is nobody but a big nothing front of you. First it's cool to stare at the stars, maybe 10-15 minutes, then it starts to get you, because nothing is happening. And you have another 6-7 hours until sunrise you supposed to stare at the big nothing.

gawd, I can't imagine...sounds awful

no photo
Mon 12/28/09 01:46 AM
damn that's trip, i don't think i have even slightest life experience to relate to that in any way. i guess it would probably be like a big isolation chamber, where the lack of change in the environment numbs out physical sensory....and the whole in war thing too i guess.

Queene123's photo
Mon 12/28/09 01:55 AM
a old neighbor of mine used to live in springfield oregon and eugene oregon area which is known for drug city and she stated one yr way before they moved here that she knew a guy that was tripping out on lsd so bad that he tore his eyes out.. thats pretty gross.

only drug i have ever tried was pot.. and i quit that about 15yrs or so ago..

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 12/28/09 01:55 AM

damn that's trip, i don't think i have even slightest life experience to relate to that in any way. i guess it would probably be like a big isolation chamber, where the lack of change in the environment numbs out physical sensory....and the whole in war thing too i guess.

If you have watched the movie "Apocalypse Now" in Vietnam, that's the first thing pops in my mind. There are some really f.ckd up things in it...people completely lost it or on the edge. That movie is so perfect portraying the chaos that goes on.

But trust me, others right now in Afghanistan getting a whole lot worse things than we could imagine.

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 12/28/09 02:04 AM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Mon 12/28/09 02:08 AM
I have had three and four days a month I could not sleep for most of my life but I am sure that is directly related to accute pain and the desire to not complicate things with addictive medications. I still tried to mitigate as much damage as possible by resting.

It does scramble you sensory perceptions of time and coordination. Eventually you fall asleep but the muscle fatigue can take several days to recover,

Sad that anyone would purposefully use drugs to accomplish this because the damage can be lasting. Definitely will have an effect on the aging of the brain and later life. Defineitly hurts the heart.

I have no doubt that the current military will have terrible lasting effects on both physical and mental health.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 12/28/09 02:05 AM

a old neighbor of mine used to live in springfield oregon and eugene oregon area which is known for drug city and she stated one yr way before they moved here that she knew a guy that was tripping out on lsd so bad that he tore his eyes out.. thats pretty gross.

only drug i have ever tried was pot.. and i quit that about 15yrs or so ago..

yeah, someone tearing out their own eye's while tripping...that is more than pretty gross, it's repulsive. We didn't do things like that...we just laughed for days...our stomachs and faces were hurt from laughter and many times we peed ourselves which would make us laugh even harder. lol

krupa's photo
Mon 12/28/09 02:07 AM
10 inches........oh........wait a minute.......I should probably re-read the question.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 12/28/09 02:17 AM

10 inches........oh........wait a minute.......I should probably re-read the question.

rofl rofl

Queene123's photo
Mon 12/28/09 02:27 AM

a old neighbor of mine used to live in springfield oregon and eugene oregon area which is known for drug city and she stated one yr way before they moved here that she knew a guy that was tripping out on lsd so bad that he tore his eyes out.. thats pretty gross.

only drug i have ever tried was pot.. and i quit that about 15yrs or so ago..

yeah, someone tearing out their own eye's while tripping...that is more than pretty gross, it's repulsive. We didn't do things like that...we just laughed for days...our stomachs and faces were hurt from laughter and many times we peed ourselves which would make us laugh even harder. lol

oh geeze i remember the good old days a friend of mine we went out while the guy i was with stayed home and her bf was home. we got so stoned we ended up at her bf house as we were cracking up laughing and he just stared at us for he wasent sure what the problem was of course there wasent, and when i got back to my old bf house(which is the father of my daughter) this was way before i got pg with her) he couldnt stand the smell of pot it made him sick and he knew i was high for the smell he wouldnt even come close to me... but i dont miss it... thats my past, this is my future

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 12/28/09 02:54 AM
I'm screwed as I hit about 36-40 hours. I totally shut down, and will literally black out.