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Topic: Is right 4 some one (a guy)2 remain a virgin till marriage?
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Fri 05/07/10 07:28 PM

I'm a guy of 21 going 22 by 23rd of this month.All my life,i've been looking for the right answer 2 the question,but answers seems not 2 be coming.i'd luv 2 hear your views about the question "is it right 2 remain a virgin til marriage".IF THERE VIRGINS IN D HOUSE,i'd luv 2 meet with you.

Staying a virgin until marriage is a supreme show of devotion from a guy.

It's going to be a hard road for you because:

1. It is a great accomplishment in this day and age, but don't wear it as a badge of honor. Don't advertise it when meeting women, it will skew their perception of you.

2. It is hard to physically prove that you are a virgin. Most women won't believe you. They are used to men being sexually active and are more likely to think you are lying.

3. Choosing your mate based on their own sexual past (a virgin also?) does'nt automatically make them the right person for you. People make mistakes, you just want to avoid the women who have made mistakes on purpose.

4. If you truly believe in this, DONT GIVE IN, no matter the feelings you may have in the future while dating. If she knows how you feel but then you eventually have sex with her, she's likely to lose respect for you or even worse, you could have been a conquest but you did'nt realize it in time.

I would wish you luck but you don't need it. You need skill. Skill at staying a virgin. It is more of a mental virginity for men. We come crashing down when our strong beliefs are broken. If we don't live what we believe in, our lives have no more meaning than animals.

good point on two fronts - I don't believe him, and I dated a guy last summer who said he was - did't believe him either, and I figured it was a ploy get me so curious about having the chance to sleep with a virgin that I'd sleep with him - guys'll say anything to get laidnoway

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Fri 05/07/10 10:24 PM
No sex until marrage. Hmm that would be like going to a bar and not drinking any alcohal. what the ****!!smokin

no photo
Fri 05/07/10 10:26 PM
It's possible.

no photo
Fri 05/07/10 10:34 PM
Nice pic hannahwaving

no photo
Fri 05/07/10 10:35 PM
lol hey, you too?

no photo
Fri 05/07/10 10:39 PM

It's possible.

You really think it possible?smokin

no photo
Fri 05/07/10 10:41 PM
Yep, sure do.

no photo
Fri 05/07/10 10:49 PM
I love the adredlin rush of an orgasm and then the feeling of pure happyness and all your worrys just dissaper for that moment .smokin

worldbound220's photo
Fri 05/07/10 11:07 PM

Seriously hannah just made me laugh .... are you willing to go back to god a virgin ?Don't say no cause you know not might happen today or tomorrow but seriously i don't believe in marriage before sex . what if the guy got a little you know what .



I'm so confused.indifferent

Maybe you're only supposed to marry guys with a big you know what. lol

I know what you mean!!!

A big wallet!

ROFL, alright, and then you have to... just kidding. seriously man, i have been pressured by enough girls but...for some reason it just doesn't feel right to me. I mean yeah i'm sure it will be fun but there is always this doubt. i mean, i turned 20 this year, do i have the responsibility to go through with the consequences? (and yes, i am a firm believer that no matter what you do, good or bad, there will be a consequence, good or bad) personally, i'd rather wait until i have a house on my own and some form of financial security before i even consider finding a girlfriend...but on the meantime dating is still fun. ...and there goes my rant. *cough* anyway, the message...or messages i am trying to convey are put quite simply as:
do what your heart tells you and for the love of god listen to your conscience, its there for a reason!

RiseUp's photo
Fri 05/07/10 11:07 PM
Man, This good. There are consequences to opening that door. When there is sex, there is a heart and soul tie. These soul ties can be baggage that stays with us even though we may get over the relationship. I know sometimes, we may fall but then marrying the person is good,
But if you can wait, and its possible. Do it!
As you see by the posts, its not a norm in todays culture but spiritually, you will be better for it not have soul ties as baggage when you do go for marriage.
Some of us, through promiscuity in our youth, have brought this baggage into marriages, and to their demise.
So Keep yourself pure man. God will bless you.
Check out this song, and video on youtube.
By Casting Crowns Group, called "Slow Fade"

jetlions's photo
Tue 05/11/10 10:12 AM
I signed a Pact in middle school to obstain from sex until marriage. I upheld that pact. I believe it is your choice and your choice alone. My Ex also obstained. I think it is a great expeience to share with your spouse. Then you are growing and learning together. I think it creates a greater bond. But thats just me.

no photo
Tue 05/11/10 10:15 AM
Hey I was a virgin till I was 15 isnt that waitng long enough?bigsmile :banana:

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/11/10 11:20 AM

I signed a Pact in middle school to obstain from sex until marriage. I upheld that pact. I believe it is your choice and your choice alone. My Ex also obstained. I think it is a great expeience to share with your spouse. Then you are growing and learning together. I think it creates a greater bond. But thats just me.

no doubt the bond would be greater if neither had others to compare their partners actions and inactions with constantly,,,,,I have often wondered if people arent better off with the love of their youth as opposed to 'trying' and 'testing' so many partners before commitment.......Im all for great friendships with the opposite sex, but I do think attitudes about sexual activities have gotten far too lax....

danielmingle's photo
Wed 05/12/10 06:07 PM
Virgin or not,NO BIG DEAL

danielmingle's photo
Wed 05/12/10 06:08 PM
Virgin or not,NO BIG DEAL

EquusDancer's photo
Wed 05/12/10 09:34 PM

I signed a Pact in middle school to obstain from sex until marriage. I upheld that pact. I believe it is your choice and your choice alone. My Ex also obstained. I think it is a great expeience to share with your spouse. Then you are growing and learning together. I think it creates a greater bond. But thats just me.

no doubt the bond would be greater if neither had others to compare their partners actions and inactions with constantly,,,,,I have often wondered if people arent better off with the love of their youth as opposed to 'trying' and 'testing' so many partners before commitment.......Im all for great friendships with the opposite sex, but I do think attitudes about sexual activities have gotten far too lax....

I don't know. I've met way to many men and women down here who did the whole "wait till marriage" thing. Got married, had sex, then decided to see what it was all about, so they got divorced and went into super-sex mode. They technically followed the "law" of waiting till marriage, but after that it was a free for all.

I know I'd prefer someone with some experience, as they got the worst of it out of their system.

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