Topic: Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid
Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/04/11 01:42 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 10/04/11 01:45 PM

Bet the Study was done by Huffington Post!laugh
No it was a liberal elite collage. Ya know its a well known fact that the more educated a person is the more Liberal they are.

From Above

International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.

Wouldn't you know it!
Behind the Curtain,George "Spidey" Soros!rofl
let's see if this works!
Same URL,shortened.


Dragoness's photo
Tue 10/04/11 01:45 PM
I would have to agree that Fox News Channel viewers are less informed about the important things. FNC spends too much time promoting their agenda then they do informing.

My reasoning all along for saying that if they didn't lie and say they were news but told the truth that they are right wing entertainment and enticement to hate, then I wouldn't have a problem with them.

Same for Limbaugh as long as he is not passing off his garbage as fact which it definitely is not and calls it trash radio to pickle the brain with hatred, then we are all good.

no photo
Tue 10/04/11 01:59 PM
Fact - Everything the Government has done in the last few years has cost jobs. so 91% could technically be RIGHT.
Non sequitur. the statement was about the stimulus, Obama's part of which saved and created jobs. the Bush/Paulson part cost jobs, except on Wall Street.

Fact - heath reform law IS ALLREADY showing an increasing bad impact on the deficit and debt... and its not even in full swing yet.
No it isn't. Only a small segment of mis-informed people believe this.The deficit and debt is worse because of the failure to raise revenues.

Fact - the economy is still getting worse.
It wasn't at the time of the poll.

Fact - 60% believe GLOBAL WARMING is not occurring... However the question did not allow for CLIMATE CHANGE because the 'polled' group would naturally assume the question (at the time it was asked) was about GLOBAL WARMING (which is poppy seeds and make believe).
All real scientists say that you're wrong about that. I'm with them.

Fact - as long as inflation is continously pumped (by the Feds counterfiet paper) - your taxes are costing you more... in actual income... then they did a few years ago.
This is true, but the major degradation in income is caused by falling wages.

Chazster's photo
Tue 10/04/11 02:53 PM
LA times Healthcare costs rise coverage falls

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/04/11 04:56 PM
I always wonder how they figure out whether the chicken or the egg came first..?

so,, does Fox news MAKE people stupid,, or are stupid people just more likely to be drawn to Fox news?

no photo
Tue 10/04/11 07:32 PM
so,, does Fox news MAKE people stupid,, or are stupid people just more likely to be drawn to Fox news?

I'm not sure that either is the case. It could be that Fox News appeals to people who want tp be stupid because it feels so good to sound stupid and Fox News is a really smart way to sound like that.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 10/04/11 08:43 PM

Fact - Everything the Government has done in the last few years has cost jobs. so 91% could technically be RIGHT.
Non sequitur. the statement was about the stimulus, Obama's part of which saved and created jobs. the Bush/Paulson part cost jobs, except on Wall Street.

Fact - heath reform law IS ALLREADY showing an increasing bad impact on the deficit and debt... and its not even in full swing yet.
No it isn't. Only a small segment of mis-informed people believe this.The deficit and debt is worse because of the failure to raise revenues.

Fact - the economy is still getting worse.
It wasn't at the time of the poll.

Fact - 60% believe GLOBAL WARMING is not occurring... However the question did not allow for CLIMATE CHANGE because the 'polled' group would naturally assume the question (at the time it was asked) was about GLOBAL WARMING (which is poppy seeds and make believe).
All real scientists say that you're wrong about that. I'm with them.

Fact - as long as inflation is continously pumped (by the Feds counterfiet paper) - your taxes are costing you more... in actual income... then they did a few years ago.
This is true, but the major degradation in income is caused by falling wages.

Artlo I have learned to respect your opinions - to a point. Even though I do not see you stated facts as facts... the numbers do not add up.

"No it isn't. Only a small segment of mis-informed people believe this.The deficit and debt is worse because of the failure to raise revenues."

Beg to differ... If the Feds were not printing contiefiet dollars then the companies would not HAVE TO CUT STUFF TO MAINTAIN...

so I do believe the bottom line here is the interference of that organization in the markets and monetary systems.

one 'makes' money by earning it, producing something, or providing a service. One does not 'make' money by PRINTING IT. Such antics are OUTHOUSE economics and will simply wipe away the stains from ones butt.

Other than that it makes your money worthless.
Which has a direct consequence on every aspect of the economy.

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/04/11 11:43 PM

so,, does Fox news MAKE people stupid,, or are stupid people just more likely to be drawn to Fox news?

I'm not sure that either is the case. It could be that Fox News appeals to people who want tp be stupid because it feels so good to sound stupid and Fox News is a really smart way to sound like that.

a third option,, for certain

toastedoranges's photo
Wed 10/05/11 06:35 AM
No it was a liberal elite collage. Ya know its a well known fact that the more educated a person is the more Liberal they are.


no photo
Wed 10/05/11 07:27 AM
Which has a direct consequence on every aspect of the economy.

This analysis is rational in the broadest sense. Devaluation of the dollar is a multi-headed evil and will eventually going to come back to bite us. The issue at the present is whether quantitative easing is responsible for the debt and deficit, and it is not. The first and foremost indication that devalution of the dollar is doing its damage is the appearance of significant inflation . . . too many dollars chasing too few goods. This is simply not happening. Companies are cutting back because they have no incentive to do business. There are too few dollars in the consumer market, meaning too little aggregate demand.

Devaluation of the dollar will do its damage, but that isn't what's happening now.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 10/05/11 06:00 PM

Liberal vs. conservative: Who has better brain?

CBS) Are political leanings hard-wired into the brain? That's the suggestion of a new study that reveals striking anatomical differences between the brains of liberals and those of conservatives.

The brains of people who call themselves liberals tend to have larger anterior cingulate cortexes than the brains of people on the opposite side of the political spectrum, the study showed. The anterior cingulate cortex is a collar-shaped region around the corpus collosum, a structure that relays signals between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

What about conservatives? Their brains brains tend to have larger amygdalas. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure located deep within the brain.

Based upon what brain scientists know about the function of the two brain regions, researchers believe the structural differences support the notion that liberals are better equipped to make sense of conflicting information while conservatives are better able to recognize a threat.

toastedoranges's photo
Sun 10/09/11 08:41 AM
this is all very funny, since often a person's views changes as they age.

seems like a weak attempt at an attack on the other side.

"zomg, republicans don't agree with me so they must be stupid!!!"

really, what does that say about someone for them to jump to that?

Peccy's photo
Sun 10/09/11 09:29 AM

Liberal vs. conservative: Who has better brain?

CBS) Are political leanings hard-wired into the brain? That's the suggestion of a new study that reveals striking anatomical differences between the brains of liberals and those of conservatives.

The brains of people who call themselves liberals tend to have larger anterior cingulate cortexes than the brains of people on the opposite side of the political spectrum, the study showed. The anterior cingulate cortex is a collar-shaped region around the corpus collosum, a structure that relays signals between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

What about conservatives? Their brains brains tend to have larger amygdalas. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure located deep within the brain.

Based upon what brain scientists know about the function of the two brain regions, researchers believe the structural differences support the notion that liberals are better equipped to make sense of conflicting information while conservatives are better able to recognize a threat. the former editor of a paper, I recognize this story. Not the content, the style. This is a "fluff-n-stuff" story that we used to fill space. No actual quotes and a conclusion that really means nothing. In fact, this story tells you nothing and it's not supposed to; that's it's purpose - to fill space with something that looks important, but is just fluff.

Peccy's photo
Sun 10/09/11 10:52 AM
Edited by Peccy on Sun 10/09/11 10:53 AM

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/11/11 01:29 AM

this is all very funny, since often a person's views changes as they age.

seems like a weak attempt at an attack on the other side.

"zomg, republicans don't agree with me so they must be stupid!!!"

really, what does that say about someone for them to jump to that?
scientific studies are done to find an answer to a quistion not to support a pre- determined conclusion.

In this case they wished to know what sector of the public is better informed by the media outlets.

Because a person does not like the results of the study one shouldnt discount the study.

This study came to the conclusion that people who watch Fox news are less informed (of facts) than people who choose other forms of media.

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 10/11/11 01:51 AM
This is why I'm a centrist.

Apparently, it's now confirmed that I'm a genius.

My brain is so overdeveloped in so many regions, it makes my ears tingle. :tongue:

Peccy's photo
Tue 10/11/11 07:09 PM

This is why I'm a centrist.

Apparently, it's now confirmed that I'm a genius.

My brain is so overdeveloped in so many regions, it makes my ears tingle. :tongue:
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Dragoness's photo
Tue 10/11/11 07:53 PM

This is why I'm a centrist.

Apparently, it's now confirmed that I'm a genius.

My brain is so overdeveloped in so many regions, it makes my ears tingle. :tongue:

Even unaffiliated like I am can still see and hear Fox News Channel is not "fair and balanced" at all.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 10/11/11 07:57 PM
You know that thing about changing politics as you get older? Well, it is true, those who grow older and smarter turn more liberal in their old age and those who get old and miserable and hateful get more conservative. Check it out, it is verifiable just with the people you know.

Peccy's photo
Tue 10/11/11 08:26 PM

You know that thing about changing politics as you get older? Well, it is true, those who grow older and smarter turn more liberal in their old age and those who get old and miserable and hateful get more conservative. Check it out, it is verifiable just with the people you know.
LOL! I wouldn't say that.........the older and smarter (hopefully) you get you begin to see through all of this Liberal and Republican junk and realize that it's all just a "slight of hand" trick. Keep people focused on the one hand and they forget to pay attention to the other. Do you really think that? Sorry. but I took you as a smarter cookie. But if it makes you happy to believe something like that, carry on.