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Topic: I think my son is gay
skywisper's photo
Tue 11/29/11 04:38 PM

"We all know that a straight boy who acts like a girl is going to be bullied and you as his mother are concerned."

That was what I am trying to point out, if he's too feminine, kids will start bullying him... just thinking about is was really grueling

Maybe but you know a lot of kids that are different like that or nurds or who ever they will find a click you know a group of kids like them selves and hang out, plus that way there is safty in mumbers.

w0m4n's photo
Tue 11/29/11 04:40 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!

Men need a male role model, without one, he is behaving as a woman. I suggest you encourage him to be friends with more boys and buy him a copy of "No More Mr Nice Guy".

I raised my boys alone, they didn't and don't act like women.
They are all strait and get dirty, play and watch sports and do 'guy' stuff.

I agree boys need male role models and the book is also a good idea... if he is gay it isn't going to make a difference he will still be gay.

The only difference is that my son was with three women, where we do so many feminine things at home; dye our hair, paint our nails, shave and so on. When we laugh we cover our mouth, when we sit we close our legs and many feminine touch. I see him doing the things we do, it is not that I want him to be dirty, I just wanted him to act like a man not like us that was so feminine, but I guess that`s only an addition to the point. Just like any common family, every one want a son to be a man not another woman. But if in the end that would be his situation, I have no problem dealing with it, but for now, it was very unwelcoming to act like that, the society and people we are in were so judgmental and conclusive, to add that my greatest fear lies on how his peers, schoolmates and people around him will treat and respect him.

Being around females DOES NOT make a guy gay.

Kids can be mean, hell, grownups can be mean. My son was called a 'fag' in school and he isn't gay. People can be jerks!!

From the posts here, looks like your the only one judging him.
Sorry, that's how it appears here.

That`s fine, that was your opinion. Just drawing out the difference between our families, you got three sons and you - while it`s the opposite on my side, I got a son and three ladies around him.

My oldest son is 8 and 10 years older than his brothers...
when he came along it was just him and a bunch of women.
daughters, sons..matters not.
a guy can't catch gay by being around females

I understand it is not by association, that one becomes gay. I have a this gut-feeling and based on what I observe and see everyday, that gives me this "I think" conclusion, I wish, I was wrong.

w0m4n's photo
Tue 11/29/11 04:42 PM

He seems wise from how he hangs out with ladies. It is possible that he won't grow up with a lot of hangups. But if he does he will have friends to help him with them. He is being a 15 year old and not ready to get married, settle down and have kids. I am impressed. Good job on parenting him.:smile:

Thank you for a very positive comment and complement

You're welcome. I am impressed that you were strong enough to marry a lawyer. That must have taken a lot of courage. I mean some people have a fear of gay people. I have always been more afraid of lawyers. How did you overcome your fear of lawyers?

Please stay within the topic, it was about my son not with my ex-husband. Thanks for your opinion.

skywisper's photo
Tue 11/29/11 04:44 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!

Men need a male role model, without one, he is behaving as a woman. I suggest you encourage him to be friends with more boys and buy him a copy of "No More Mr Nice Guy".

I raised my boys alone, they didn't and don't act like women.
They are all strait and get dirty, play and watch sports and do 'guy' stuff.

I agree boys need male role models and the book is also a good idea... if he is gay it isn't going to make a difference he will still be gay.

The only difference is that my son was with three women, where we do so many feminine things at home; dye our hair, paint our nails, shave and so on. When we laugh we cover our mouth, when we sit we close our legs and many feminine touch. I see him doing the things we do, it is not that I want him to be dirty, I just wanted him to act like a man not like us that was so feminine, but I guess that`s only an addition to the point. Just like any common family, every one want a son to be a man not another woman. But if in the end that would be his situation, I have no problem dealing with it, but for now, it was very unwelcoming to act like that, the society and people we are in were so judgmental and conclusive, to add that my greatest fear lies on how his peers, schoolmates and people around him will treat and respect him.

Being around females DOES NOT make a guy gay.

Kids can be mean, hell, grownups can be mean. My son was called a 'fag' in school and he isn't gay. People can be jerks!!

From the posts here, looks like your the only one judging him.
Sorry, that's how it appears here.

That`s fine, that was your opinion. Just drawing out the difference between our families, you got three sons and you - while it`s the opposite on my side, I got a son and three ladies around him.

My oldest son is 8 and 10 years older than his brothers...
when he came along it was just him and a bunch of women.
daughters, sons..matters not.
a guy can't catch gay by being around females

I understand it is not by association, that one becomes gay. I have a this gut-feeling and based on what I observe and see everyday, that gives me this "I think" conclusion, I wish, I was wrong.
Well hopefully its some thing he will grow out of , i have some friends you would bet money they were gay but there not.

no photo
Tue 11/29/11 04:44 PM

There's never been any reason for me to correct someone's "gayness." Why would there be? There's nothing wrong with them!

Shorter life span, more likely to commit suicide, more likely to try drugs, more likely to have one night stands, more likely to contract venereal diseases, etc.

But even if you are going to ignore all that, what about anti-gay bullying? What about starting a nuclear family with an adult of the opposite sex? Is that not a good thing? It seems that it should be, since our civilization is built on families.

How are you going to go about correcting their "condition?" Pray away the gay?

And why does their being gay need to be corrected? Why not deal directly with the bullying?

If someone wants to start a family with someone of the opposite sex, awesome. If they want to start a family with someone of the same sex, awesome. I have no problem with either.

You always make the same mistakes in your thinking. laugh

Why don't you answer the questions then, so there is no mistaking the way you're thinking?

laugh laugh laugh

Thanks for the laughs. Let me give you a lesson in rational thinking: You should never read more into a statement than the author put there, you must take statements at face value. Re-read my previous post and try to find where I said that gays could be made straight. Look really hard, because you obviously think that I said it. When you find out that I never did, try to think back to how many times you have done this with my posts in the past. Example: I make a statement and you jump to conclusions that aren't supported by the statement. (Hint: You do it a lot!).

I'm sure you can understand, as you were responding to my post where I said there was no reason to try to correct them with a list of reasons to correct them. If you're going to give a list of reasons to correct them, I'm sure you can see why someone may think you think they should be corrected.

No need to be condescending just because your point wasn't made clearly. You do that a lot.

no photo
Tue 11/29/11 04:45 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!

Men need a male role model, without one, he is behaving as a woman. I suggest you encourage him to be friends with more boys and buy him a copy of "No More Mr Nice Guy".

I raised my boys alone, they didn't and don't act like women.
They are all strait and get dirty, play and watch sports and do 'guy' stuff.

I agree boys need male role models and the book is also a good idea... if he is gay it isn't going to make a difference he will still be gay.

The only difference is that my son was with three women, where we do so many feminine things at home; dye our hair, paint our nails, shave and so on. When we laugh we cover our mouth, when we sit we close our legs and many feminine touch. I see him doing the things we do, it is not that I want him to be dirty, I just wanted him to act like a man not like us that was so feminine, but I guess that`s only an addition to the point. Just like any common family, every one want a son to be a man not another woman. But if in the end that would be his situation, I have no problem dealing with it, but for now, it was very unwelcoming to act like that, the society and people we are in were so judgmental and conclusive, to add that my greatest fear lies on how his peers, schoolmates and people around him will treat and respect him.

Being around females DOES NOT make a guy gay.

Kids can be mean, hell, grownups can be mean. My son was called a 'fag' in school and he isn't gay. People can be jerks!!

From the posts here, looks like your the only one judging him.
Sorry, that's how it appears here.

That`s fine, that was your opinion. Just drawing out the difference between our families, you got three sons and you - while it`s the opposite on my side, I got a son and three ladies around him.

My oldest son is 8 and 10 years older than his brothers...
when he came along it was just him and a bunch of women.
daughters, sons..matters not.
a guy can't catch gay by being around females

I understand it is not by association, that one becomes gay. I have a this gut-feeling and based on what I observe and see everyday, that gives me this "I think" conclusion, I wish, I was wrong.

Have you tried talking to him about it?

w0m4n's photo
Tue 11/29/11 04:46 PM

Being around females makes a guy gay? Oh, God please help me. Oh, pretty please God don't make me gay. I beg of you with sugar on top. Thank you, God. I was just checking in. Nah. Everything is okay really. Aw, you are so sweet.:heart:

I didn't say that, that's over the top. What I have in mind is that, things may have been better if he was surrounded with males, his father, uncle, cousins some role model that will show him how man rolls.

w0m4n's photo
Tue 11/29/11 04:49 PM

"We all know that a straight boy who acts like a girl is going to be bullied and you as his mother are concerned."

That was what I am trying to point out, if he's too feminine, kids will start bullying him... just thinking about is was really grueling

Maybe but you know a lot of kids that are different like that or nurds or who ever they will find a click you know a group of kids like them selves and hang out, plus that way there is safty in mumbers.

so true, whenever i need to bring him with his group mates, it's all young ladies. that's why, I asked why?

w0m4n's photo
Tue 11/29/11 04:54 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!

Men need a male role model, without one, he is behaving as a woman. I suggest you encourage him to be friends with more boys and buy him a copy of "No More Mr Nice Guy".

I raised my boys alone, they didn't and don't act like women.
They are all strait and get dirty, play and watch sports and do 'guy' stuff.

I agree boys need male role models and the book is also a good idea... if he is gay it isn't going to make a difference he will still be gay.

The only difference is that my son was with three women, where we do so many feminine things at home; dye our hair, paint our nails, shave and so on. When we laugh we cover our mouth, when we sit we close our legs and many feminine touch. I see him doing the things we do, it is not that I want him to be dirty, I just wanted him to act like a man not like us that was so feminine, but I guess that`s only an addition to the point. Just like any common family, every one want a son to be a man not another woman. But if in the end that would be his situation, I have no problem dealing with it, but for now, it was very unwelcoming to act like that, the society and people we are in were so judgmental and conclusive, to add that my greatest fear lies on how his peers, schoolmates and people around him will treat and respect him.

Being around females DOES NOT make a guy gay.

Kids can be mean, hell, grownups can be mean. My son was called a 'fag' in school and he isn't gay. People can be jerks!!

From the posts here, looks like your the only one judging him.
Sorry, that's how it appears here.

That`s fine, that was your opinion. Just drawing out the difference between our families, you got three sons and you - while it`s the opposite on my side, I got a son and three ladies around him.

My oldest son is 8 and 10 years older than his brothers...
when he came along it was just him and a bunch of women.
daughters, sons..matters not.
a guy can't catch gay by being around females

I understand it is not by association, that one becomes gay. I have a this gut-feeling and based on what I observe and see everyday, that gives me this "I think" conclusion, I wish, I was wrong.
Well hopefully its some thing he will grow out of , i have some friends you would bet money they were gay but there not.

I know what you mean, I have a very feminine friends before who were not gays. The reason I need to write it, coz I need opinions from others that might have the same experience as me. I am looking for possible solutions not judgement. Thank you for your input.

Seakolony's photo
Tue 11/29/11 04:57 PM
Edited by Seakolony on Tue 11/29/11 05:15 PM

My daughter used to tell me my son was gay because he thought it was fun to put on her makeup and shoes. He was four. I said he would grow out of it. When he was one, he would pick flowers and take them to the girls. he is twelve now and had two girlfriends. He said he had to dump one because it was too much to have two. He also got caught kissing one of them under the slide at recess. Does that mean he's straight? Gay? Lord only knows, but I do know this, I won't suggest he is either. He will find his own way in life and I will rejoice in how much I love my children. Each in there own special way.

I say this to you Spidrcmb.....the only reason a homosexual would be prone to committing suicide would be if the societal area they live in comdemns their life style choices, or famlial relations make them feel ashamed of who they are. They can always walk away from family and change their local for a happier life. It's a choice how and where we live our lives, but not who we are.

I offer statistics and you offer your opinion, that is not an equal trade. laugh

How do you know that there isn't a genetic per-disposition in homosexuals to be depressed or to kill themselves? You automatically blame the society and the family. Well, I got news for you sister, it's your job to fit into society, not the other way around. If the society you are in doesn't accept gays or blacks or left-handed people, then it's the job of the left handed gay blacks to change the society or accept their alienation.

Your right its the peoples job to fit into society. I do not happen to believe in conformity, or that we have to fit into the mold of the majority. I really didn't see any studies on the prediposition of depression in homosexuals in your statements either. So, I have to believe that your statements are your beliefs and conjecture, as well. If you wish me to do a research paper with notations on studies linking depression to homosexuals or lack there of, please let me know, but it better count towards my classes for my Human Services Degree in Family and Youth Counseling. Yes, I do have a degree in Human Services. This means I studied Psychology, Sociology, Abnormal Psychology, Counseling Theories, Interviewing and Counseling Skills, Ethics, and Multi-cultural differences among many others. I worked as a Social Worker for four years and an Domestic violence advocate and completed two internships in the Psychology field. I am working on working in the Victim/Witness Advocacy field at this time. I do not believe my opinions on the matter remain baseless. Yes, I spoke with studied and befriended homosexuals learned of how they and their families learned to cope with who they were. It's not really their job to learn to cope with the rest of us, but societies process of learning to cope with reality as it affects more and more people everyday. Since, homosexuals seem to be forming their own sub-society within society and has been recognized as sexual orientation by the Federal Government. Many states recognize the homosexual and making laws toward the benfits of the homosexual society daily.

By the way, I am not your sister. I, also, did not see one statistic inyour comment. Did I miss them? Only a statement that your statistics suggest what you say. Funny thing about statistics, they can be made to show whatever the scientific study wants them to show. I wouldn't trust statistics without knowing the variables used, the process in which they were taken, and what type of statistical study was taken.

no photo
Tue 11/29/11 06:23 PM

"We all know that a straight boy who acts like a girl is going to be bullied and you as his mother are concerned."

That was what I am trying to point out, if he's too feminine, kids will start bullying him... just thinking about is was really grueling

My son is autistic, I know how you feel. Every day I worry that he'll be teased at school. The best thing for your son would be for him to fit into society as a normal male, regardless of if he is straight or gay. It will be easier for him to get accepted in high school and beyond.

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/29/11 06:54 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!

You said.....
"I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as ANY normal grown up man one day." "I don't know what to do."...

See him! Take "any" out of your thinking and replace it with "only"........gay or straight, both are normal...

There is nothing to do except continue to love, nurture, guide, and support your son ..... flowerforyou

Thanks, as I mentioned I always do, If any of the parents who were on the same boat as me. How did they approach it. Only thinking if there are ways to treat and or correct it.

I think this kind of thing has to come from inside the person. My experience has been not to try to 'correct' it but to stay consistent in my values and my reasons and continuing to love him but not define him by this lifestyle. HE knows he is loved, and he can respect the reasons I believe what I believe. I let him 'explore' the world and just hope the worst doesnt befall him.

THere is always a chance that something may turn his affections away from such a strict lifestyle, the same way something turned him from being more 'open' to exploring both genders, but that is something that has to come from inside him and I have to accept that it is unlikely in the current culture as the more we identify ourselves in a certain way and have it REINFORCED in our daily lives the more concrete that identity will become as life goes on.

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/29/11 06:58 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!

Men need a male role model, without one, he is behaving as a woman. I suggest you encourage him to be friends with more boys and buy him a copy of "No More Mr Nice Guy".

I raised my boys alone, they didn't and don't act like women.
They are all strait and get dirty, play and watch sports and do 'guy' stuff.

I agree boys need male role models and the book is also a good idea... if he is gay it isn't going to make a difference he will still be gay.

The only difference is that my son was with three women, where we do so many feminine things at home; dye our hair, paint our nails, shave and so on. When we laugh we cover our mouth, when we sit we close our legs and many feminine touch. I see him doing the things we do, it is not that I want him to be dirty, I just wanted him to act like a man not like us that was so feminine, but I guess that`s only an addition to the point. Just like any common family, every one want a son to be a man not another woman. But if in the end that would be his situation, I have no problem dealing with it, but for now, it was very unwelcoming to act like that, the society and people we are in were so judgmental and conclusive, to add that my greatest fear lies on how his peers, schoolmates and people around him will treat and respect him.

That wouldn't cause a straight guy to be gay. A straight guy will be a straight no matter his environment. A gay guy would still be gay with all the manly ideas, sports, and male bonding around him.The environment doesn't change who you are sexually anymore than it changes your gender.

what about a confused, emotionally immature teen(or younger) who is neither straight nor gay, but completely confused about HOW to define themself?

we arent talking 'guys' or 'females' , we are talking about children and teens. How can people be so insistent that their environments cant influence them when that is proven untrue on so many other social levels? Of course, it is possible, environment can even influence self identity.

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/29/11 07:06 PM

"We all know that a straight boy who acts like a girl is going to be bullied and you as his mother are concerned."

That was what I am trying to point out, if he's too feminine, kids will start bullying him... just thinking about is was really grueling

the behavior is something that can be 'corrected' by addressing the issues you are concerned with from the stand point of a concerned mother

I have done so in my own situation too, had those talks with my son to tone it down and not 'act' so flagrantly. He is normally fairly laid back, but sometimes he really buys into that whole flagrant, feminine, dramatic thing that he thinks is fun. He understands though, that its just not the appropriate way to behave and will limit his possibilities in life. Of course he is college aged. BUt my point is that if the relationship there is strong enough, you can simply point out your concern and talk to him about it directly.

Seakolony's photo
Tue 11/29/11 07:09 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!

Men need a male role model, without one, he is behaving as a woman. I suggest you encourage him to be friends with more boys and buy him a copy of "No More Mr Nice Guy".

I raised my boys alone, they didn't and don't act like women.
They are all strait and get dirty, play and watch sports and do 'guy' stuff.

I agree boys need male role models and the book is also a good idea... if he is gay it isn't going to make a difference he will still be gay.

The only difference is that my son was with three women, where we do so many feminine things at home; dye our hair, paint our nails, shave and so on. When we laugh we cover our mouth, when we sit we close our legs and many feminine touch. I see him doing the things we do, it is not that I want him to be dirty, I just wanted him to act like a man not like us that was so feminine, but I guess that`s only an addition to the point. Just like any common family, every one want a son to be a man not another woman. But if in the end that would be his situation, I have no problem dealing with it, but for now, it was very unwelcoming to act like that, the society and people we are in were so judgmental and conclusive, to add that my greatest fear lies on how his peers, schoolmates and people around him will treat and respect him.

That wouldn't cause a straight guy to be gay. A straight guy will be a straight no matter his environment. A gay guy would still be gay with all the manly ideas, sports, and male bonding around him.The environment doesn't change who you are sexually anymore than it changes your gender.

what about a confused, emotionally immature teen(or younger) who is neither straight nor gay, but completely confused about HOW to define themself?

we arent talking 'guys' or 'females' , we are talking about children and teens. How can people be so insistent that their environments cant influence them when that is proven untrue on so many other social levels? Of course, it is possible, environment can even influence self identity.

Did your son's environment influence his being homosexual? Every homosexual I asked about their sexuality stated they were born that way. I have never heard a homosexual state that their environment influenced their sexuality. Most were raised normally with a normal two parent family, involved in sports, etc.

Some were married with nuclear families because they thought that's was society wanted them to be, but found they weren't happy in the traditional relationship. They ended up becoming divorced hurting their partner and nuclear family. They did end up in happy relationship with the same gender.

Seakolony's photo
Tue 11/29/11 07:12 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!

Men need a male role model, without one, he is behaving as a woman. I suggest you encourage him to be friends with more boys and buy him a copy of "No More Mr Nice Guy".

I raised my boys alone, they didn't and don't act like women.
They are all strait and get dirty, play and watch sports and do 'guy' stuff.

I agree boys need male role models and the book is also a good idea... if he is gay it isn't going to make a difference he will still be gay.

The only difference is that my son was with three women, where we do so many feminine things at home; dye our hair, paint our nails, shave and so on. When we laugh we cover our mouth, when we sit we close our legs and many feminine touch. I see him doing the things we do, it is not that I want him to be dirty, I just wanted him to act like a man not like us that was so feminine, but I guess that`s only an addition to the point. Just like any common family, every one want a son to be a man not another woman. But if in the end that would be his situation, I have no problem dealing with it, but for now, it was very unwelcoming to act like that, the society and people we are in were so judgmental and conclusive, to add that my greatest fear lies on how his peers, schoolmates and people around him will treat and respect him.

That wouldn't cause a straight guy to be gay. A straight guy will be a straight no matter his environment. A gay guy would still be gay with all the manly ideas, sports, and male bonding around him.The environment doesn't change who you are sexually anymore than it changes your gender.

what about a confused, emotionally immature teen(or younger) who is neither straight nor gay, but completely confused about HOW to define themself?

we arent talking 'guys' or 'females' , we are talking about children and teens. How can people be so insistent that their environments cant influence them when that is proven untrue on so many other social levels? Of course, it is possible, environment can even influence self identity.

Did your son's environment influence his being homosexual? Every homosexual I asked about their sexuality stated they were born that way. I have never heard a homosexual state that their environment influenced their sexuality. Most were raised normally with a normal two parent family, involved in sports, etc.

Some were married with nuclear families because they thought that's was society wanted them to be, but found they weren't happy in the traditional relationship. They ended up becoming divorced hurting their partner and nuclear family. They did end up in happy relationship with the same gender.

Child Development: Nuture VS. Nature

Environment and sexual orientation is research into possible environmental influences on the development of human sexual orientation. Some researchers distinguish environmental influences from hormonal influences[1] while others include biological influences such as prenatal hormones as part of environmental influences.[2]

Research has shown that it is a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences,.[3] Research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, but no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors.[4] Research suggests it is biological in nature, determined by a complex interplay of genetic factors and the early uterine environment. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles.[4]

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 11/29/11 07:12 PM

He seems wise from how he hangs out with ladies. It is possible that he won't grow up with a lot of hangups. But if he does he will have friends to help him with them. He is being a 15 year old and not ready to get married, settle down and have kids. I am impressed. Good job on parenting him.:smile:

Thank you for a very positive comment and complement

You're welcome. I am impressed that you were strong enough to marry a lawyer. That must have taken a lot of courage. I mean some people have a fear of gay people. I have always been more afraid of lawyers. How did you overcome your fear of lawyers?

Please stay within the topic, it was about my son not with my ex-husband. Thanks for your opinion.

I apologize for getting off topic.

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/29/11 07:15 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!

Men need a male role model, without one, he is behaving as a woman. I suggest you encourage him to be friends with more boys and buy him a copy of "No More Mr Nice Guy".

I raised my boys alone, they didn't and don't act like women.
They are all strait and get dirty, play and watch sports and do 'guy' stuff.

I agree boys need male role models and the book is also a good idea... if he is gay it isn't going to make a difference he will still be gay.

The only difference is that my son was with three women, where we do so many feminine things at home; dye our hair, paint our nails, shave and so on. When we laugh we cover our mouth, when we sit we close our legs and many feminine touch. I see him doing the things we do, it is not that I want him to be dirty, I just wanted him to act like a man not like us that was so feminine, but I guess that`s only an addition to the point. Just like any common family, every one want a son to be a man not another woman. But if in the end that would be his situation, I have no problem dealing with it, but for now, it was very unwelcoming to act like that, the society and people we are in were so judgmental and conclusive, to add that my greatest fear lies on how his peers, schoolmates and people around him will treat and respect him.

That wouldn't cause a straight guy to be gay. A straight guy will be a straight no matter his environment. A gay guy would still be gay with all the manly ideas, sports, and male bonding around him.The environment doesn't change who you are sexually anymore than it changes your gender.

what about a confused, emotionally immature teen(or younger) who is neither straight nor gay, but completely confused about HOW to define themself?

we arent talking 'guys' or 'females' , we are talking about children and teens. How can people be so insistent that their environments cant influence them when that is proven untrue on so many other social levels? Of course, it is possible, environment can even influence self identity.

Did your son's environment influence his being homosexual? Every homosexual I asked about their sexuality stated they were born that way. I have never heard a homosexual state that their environment influenced their sexuality. Most were raised normally with a normal two parent family, involved in sports, etc.

Some were married with nuclear families because they thought that's was society wanted them to be, but found they weren't happy in the traditional relationship. They ended up becoming divorced hurting their partner and nuclear family. They did end up in happy relationship with the same gender.

I think most people, straight or gay, have come to trust and accept the cultural philosophy that they are 'born' that way. I know my sons environment influenced him. Environment influences us all. I have no reason to believe it didnt influence him in his self identification as well.

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 11/29/11 07:18 PM

Being around females makes a guy gay? Oh, God please help me. Oh, pretty please God don't make me gay. I beg of you with sugar on top. Thank you, God. I was just checking in. Nah. Everything is okay really. Aw, you are so sweet.:heart:

I didn't say that, that's over the top. What I have in mind is that, things may have been better if he was surrounded with males, his father, uncle, cousins some role model that will show him how man rolls.

Oh okay. I apologize for trying to put words in your mouth. I can see where you are coming from. You will have to excuse me as all my relatives are either addicts, alcoholics or religious fanatics. Especially those who are a combination of all three. I have a tendency to forget that there are normal people out there.

Seakolony's photo
Tue 11/29/11 07:21 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!

Men need a male role model, without one, he is behaving as a woman. I suggest you encourage him to be friends with more boys and buy him a copy of "No More Mr Nice Guy".

I raised my boys alone, they didn't and don't act like women.
They are all strait and get dirty, play and watch sports and do 'guy' stuff.

I agree boys need male role models and the book is also a good idea... if he is gay it isn't going to make a difference he will still be gay.

The only difference is that my son was with three women, where we do so many feminine things at home; dye our hair, paint our nails, shave and so on. When we laugh we cover our mouth, when we sit we close our legs and many feminine touch. I see him doing the things we do, it is not that I want him to be dirty, I just wanted him to act like a man not like us that was so feminine, but I guess that`s only an addition to the point. Just like any common family, every one want a son to be a man not another woman. But if in the end that would be his situation, I have no problem dealing with it, but for now, it was very unwelcoming to act like that, the society and people we are in were so judgmental and conclusive, to add that my greatest fear lies on how his peers, schoolmates and people around him will treat and respect him.

That wouldn't cause a straight guy to be gay. A straight guy will be a straight no matter his environment. A gay guy would still be gay with all the manly ideas, sports, and male bonding around him.The environment doesn't change who you are sexually anymore than it changes your gender.

what about a confused, emotionally immature teen(or younger) who is neither straight nor gay, but completely confused about HOW to define themself?

we arent talking 'guys' or 'females' , we are talking about children and teens. How can people be so insistent that their environments cant influence them when that is proven untrue on so many other social levels? Of course, it is possible, environment can even influence self identity.

Did your son's environment influence his being homosexual? Every homosexual I asked about their sexuality stated they were born that way. I have never heard a homosexual state that their environment influenced their sexuality. Most were raised normally with a normal two parent family, involved in sports, etc.

Some were married with nuclear families because they thought that's was society wanted them to be, but found they weren't happy in the traditional relationship. They ended up becoming divorced hurting their partner and nuclear family. They did end up in happy relationship with the same gender.

I think most people, straight or gay, have come to trust and accept the cultural philosophy that they are 'born' that way. I know my sons environment influenced him. Environment influences us all. I have no reason to believe it didnt influence him in his self identification as well.

In order for the nuture to influence the nature or genetic disposition. He had to hav a genetic predisposition to the sexual orientation to begin with. Otherwise, if his genetic predisposition was for all intense purposes staright his surroundings would not be able to nuture his sexual orientation into homosexuality.

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