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Topic: Leaving the rat race
meowzakat's photo
Fri 12/02/11 08:39 AM
I am seriously thinking of selling my house, driving off to the s.w. area, buying a horse an other needed items,then leavin into the wilderness. I have made plans w/ several other families{we are up to ten people now} to do the same. The money ya get from the sale of the homes would pay for travel expences and supplies to leave with. It would also leave quite a bit in the bank for the old years if we didnt die in the wilderness. this has been heavily discussed,an planned rite down to the last piece of dried corn. But am looking for potencial location...want to see seasons...but not have 20 degree below zero winters...any suggestions???

vivian2981's photo
Fri 12/02/11 08:50 AM
There is no 'Wilderness' anymore. All but about 1% of Texas is privately owned..and I'd be willing to bet the State Parks wouldn't let you homestead.
When I lived in far West Texas, there was a lady that left the rat race. She rode a donkey everywhere..slept on the side of the roads and highways. The Mexicans were afraid of her, thought she was crazy. She kept to herself had few friends..I got to know her as well as anyone, but she never talked of personal things. Wouldn't even let you give her a match to light her cigarette ..paid you a nickel for it. She did this for years, roaming up and down the Rio Grande to Van Horn and up into New Mexico...One winter, someone found her dead beside the road. She had froze to death. She was 56 yrs old.

no photo
Fri 12/02/11 09:12 AM
That's a great idea! And a lot of people are doing something similar, but you probably won't find them on this forum. I recommend you decide what's important to you about this adventure, determine your area of expertise, and find a forum on that subject.

Is the wilderness most important? Is it moving with no transportation? If you're considering a horse or something similar, do you have experience handling animals?

One very realistic option is to organize a trip for a week or two. Look up adventure travel. There's a lot in the US and even more in other places in the world. There are self-sustainable communities where people have their own private residence and shared responsibility for cooking and other long term needs as they age. Also, if you go to a bookstore, you'll find an entire section on adventure travel.

People get very creative with this idea. Some people book a permanent cruise with the option to change ships once in a while. All their food and basic living expenses are taken care of and even minor medical needs. It's a lot cheaper than maintaining a house and they have LOTS of friends and travel companions.

Here's a good place to start

Good luck, and don't let anyone talk you out of your ideas. There are many things you can try even for a weekend to see if you really like it.

lilott's photo
Fri 12/02/11 09:26 AM
It's a good thing to be a prepper as I am. The only thing that I can tell you is that if you go off now you will probably have trouble with the forest rangers but if you wait till the world falls apart they won't be concerned about you.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 12/02/11 09:29 AM
I think it's great you can do this..

I've considered an RV..still am.
I do have concerns about going it alone though.
I'm spoiled to have 3 great grown sons and would
prefer to have one or some of them with me.

Lancelot68's photo
Fri 12/02/11 09:57 AM
Isnt it a sign of the times dat we are all even considering dis sorta thing ! There seems to be a sorta worldwide-vibe dat everyting is gone terribly wrong , and the WORST part of dis,for me personally,is knowing dat while we are all fretting about our and our families futures, the vermin who caused it all are getting wealthier by the second !

meowzakat's photo
Fri 12/02/11 10:24 AM
Lots of interesting stuff bein said. Animals are easy, and do have experience..raised my kid in the 1840's fur trapper fasion, know tracking, know how to build and sustain,sew,smoke,skin, etc. I belive there to be expances of mountains and such that we could get lost in...was just wonderin if anyone had any favorite spots they would care to share. I have on board 2 builders,5 hunters[ exp. w/bows, guns an atlatles], an electrician [that sounds funny but he can build wind mills an such even if only for movin water], a hortoculture specialist,a nurse practicioner,and a wild game cook. One of my probs is that all the families have I need a few more peeps w boy kids or my tribe will die. An yes..we are willing to die in the woods...better than payin for a funeral. Like I mentioned earlier..we are serious...and experienced...we wanna do this befor the world goes to ****[an its goin fast]. We have just become a policed nation since they took away more of our rites as more are we free when the armies of our own country can arrest us w/o cause,throw us in prison,an loose the key..with no trial.Time to go

Lancelot68's photo
Fri 12/02/11 10:39 AM
I say go for it ! U seem to have thought it thru,and our ancestors were a Damn sight happier than we,in general, are now, and with a lot less ! What are u leavin behind? Crap TV, Crap food, the "ME"-Society, mindless,materialistic consumers.

meowzakat's photo
Fri 12/02/11 10:42 AM
Ha ha lol..only other suggestion for me to stay would be that EVERYONE stop payin taxes..dont vote at the existing rehire 1 person from each state as a rep, no more over seas aid for ten yrs for ANYONE..ANYONE! No more immigration[not against it,we as a country need to take an overcrouding break] for ten yrs either..I am not into politics an that stuff..but I can see what is causing this country to they dont have it here for 13 mil unemployed..stop sendin it elsewere.

Lancelot68's photo
Fri 12/02/11 10:45 AM
Wen u get right down to it, all humans REALLY need to survive is Water,food, other people, and in dat order ! Seems to me u have all those covered :)

no photo
Fri 12/02/11 02:10 PM
There are people living off the grid in communities on private land. If you're talking about building anything, I doubt you can do that in a national park. Private land in the middle of nowhere is very affordable and can be picked up at an online auction or at a tax sale. Some communities have strict ordinances about what you can build on undeveloped land, especially in the wilderness. Oprah got in trouble with her neighbors when she bought land in the middle of nowhere and then wanted to put in a road and a helicopter pad.

If you're worried about government intervention, there's a guy in the middle of international waters who anchored an oil rig, declared himself a nation and even started minting coins. I'm sure you can Google him.

Also, look up – Principality of Sealand. Have fun! :)

no photo
Fri 12/02/11 02:19 PM
Edited by MemphisChick on Fri 12/02/11 02:28 PM
Also, please start a blog so we can follow your progress. If you get this going, you won't have any problems attracting other people with boys, with money, or anything else. You also need a website with a donation button. (I can help with that.)

meowzakat, you're a woman???? WOW, you are totally cool! You go girl!!!!

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 12/02/11 02:19 PM

I am seriously thinking of selling my house, driving off to the s.w. area, buying a horse an other needed items,then leavin into the wilderness. I have made plans w/ several other families{we are up to ten people now} to do the same. The money ya get from the sale of the homes would pay for travel expences and supplies to leave with. It would also leave quite a bit in the bank for the old years if we didnt die in the wilderness. this has been heavily discussed,an planned rite down to the last piece of dried corn. But am looking for potencial location...want to see seasons...but not have 20 degree below zero winters...any suggestions???

You want to leave the rat race, yet take at least 10 people with you?! Kinda negates the point!

meowzakat's photo
Fri 12/02/11 02:54 PM
I dont wanna spend my life alone, so yes, my long time friends an I have been planning the "out" for a while. I dont belive that a group of established couples constitutes being in a rat race.

I do however like the idea of the oil rig nation of our own...

meowzakat's photo
Fri 12/02/11 03:33 PM
oh yea..if i buy land in the middle of no were...then again I am a citizen...responcible for taxes an the thanks..out is out. Yes I am a woman in answer to that question. I dont want to attract people w/ money..will be leaving my banking to the they can direct deposit my retirement till I am dead,or I come back when I am old or I can will it to my family.Money is not an issue...I will however be scouring the "I know you" list for a few more couples w boys. Prefer to know them first, for a while, see if they fit in.
Thanx for all the info an stuff...keep up the great ideas...

burgundybry's photo
Fri 12/02/11 03:36 PM
sounds way cool!! good luck!!:thumbsup:

meowzakat's photo
Fri 12/02/11 03:41 PM

There is no 'Wilderness' anymore. All but about 1% of Texas is privately owned..and I'd be willing to bet the State Parks wouldn't let you homestead.
When I lived in far West Texas, there was a lady that left the rat race. She rode a donkey everywhere..slept on the side of the roads and highways. The Mexicans were afraid of her, thought she was crazy. She kept to herself had few friends..I got to know her as well as anyone, but she never talked of personal things. Wouldn't even let you give her a match to light her cigarette ..paid you a nickel for it. She did this for years, roaming up and down the Rio Grande to Van Horn and up into New Mexico...One winter, someone found her dead beside the road. She had froze to death. She was 56 yrs old.

Yet she was happy..fed..and had money to lite her smokes..freezing to death was unfortunate..but she went they way she wanted, I applaud her. But sorry for your loss if she was your friend. I have no intentions of being exposed to the elements..teepees can get pretty warm in winter...a cave will do.

vivian2981's photo
Fri 12/02/11 03:49 PM

There is no 'Wilderness' anymore. All but about 1% of Texas is privately owned..and I'd be willing to bet the State Parks wouldn't let you homestead.
When I lived in far West Texas, there was a lady that left the rat race. She rode a donkey everywhere..slept on the side of the roads and highways. The Mexicans were afraid of her, thought she was crazy. She kept to herself had few friends..I got to know her as well as anyone, but she never talked of personal things. Wouldn't even let you give her a match to light her cigarette ..paid you a nickel for it. She did this for years, roaming up and down the Rio Grande to Van Horn and up into New Mexico...One winter, someone found her dead beside the road. She had froze to death. She was 56 yrs old.

Yet she was happy..fed..and had money to lite her smokes..freezing to death was unfortunate..but she went they way she wanted, I applaud her. But sorry for your loss if she was your friend. I have no intentions of being exposed to the elements..teepees can get pretty warm in winter...a cave will do.

Thank you for the sentiment. She never smiled and I never heard her laugh. She was a lonely woman. She did have money..but never slept in a tent or tepee or cave.
I haven't looked at your profile, so I don't know where you and your friends are from. I do know this..You can't do what you're planning in the State of Texas. Also don't know of another state where it is possible. I understand what you are wanting to do. I've managed ranches and lived in desert country. Nothing like the freedom of the deserts or the mountains. I think you might have to look at Canada or Australia, or somewhere similar. Mexico is not a safe country at the moment.

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 12/02/11 04:39 PM
Edited by motowndowntown on Fri 12/02/11 04:41 PM
Viv is right not only about Texas but pretty much all of the U.S..

There are rugged wilderness areas in places like Idaho and some of the South West, but if you make any kind of foot print, buildings, trips to town etc, you will be found and sooner or later put back on "the grid". Australia may be a good choice but there is some rough waterless country down under. Parts of the Amazon rain forest may work but life in the jungle is no walk in the park.

There is a nice planet in the Zebulon galaxy that is wide open for homesteading, but it's a long long trip.

skywisper's photo
Fri 12/02/11 05:11 PM
Well where ever you go make it a place where you have a chance to strike it rich so you have some thing to do for one.Like paning for gold some where is an idea.

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