Topic: Ghosts and Hauntings
ishimcity's photo
Fri 01/27/12 11:26 PM
Edited by ishimcity on Fri 01/27/12 11:26 PM
If you are not engaged in never, you start "is not a direct exit from the body" . Before this You need to prepare themselves psychologically to the output, you can see what's never been seen and just scared. I recommend you start with the moment when you go to bed, but you don't need to sleep. You just need to relax your body and not think about anything, just free the mind. You have to be sharp and physically healthy. When you are lying in bed, close your eyes, and relax, don't not think about anything, you should try to look through your eyelids. this last no more than 5 minutes, you'll see the white mist and some of the outlines. At this time you should try to stand up not physically but how would the astral body. A bit of practice, usually 3-4 days and you have come out, I can give you a link to the video if you want.

joy4gud's photo
Sat 01/28/12 12:37 AM
Oh yes please, give me the link..

ishimcity's photo
Sat 01/28/12 12:45 AM
I hope I will not swear on the forum))) here is the link

no photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:42 AM

I hope I will not swear on the forum))) here is the link
Very interesting indeed. Thanks.

no photo
Sat 01/28/12 06:47 PM

Hello everyone! I am interested in EVP and astral travel, with pleasure talked on this topic.

I know astral travel but what is EVP?

ishimcity's photo
Sat 01/28/12 09:49 PM
EVP - Electronic voice phenomena. The voices of the dead received with the use of electronic means.

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 05:24 AM

Lets get started.

How to hunt for ghosts!
Here is the much anticipated list of all the basic ghost hunting tips necessary for optimal results in the field. The list was created with your safety in mind.

"A good investigator is objective. Adheres to scientific protocols, eliminates all other possibilities and presents what is found"
Let's Get started...
In the instructions below I allude to the fact that it is possible for a ghost to follow you home, and this is obviously a concern among ghost hunters. However, it is extremely rare! You have more of a chance of being followed home by an actual person than of a ghost. I feel confident if you follow the rules all will be well. :)

Here are twenty helpful tips:

1. Never go alone on a ghost hunt. Take along a partner for safety and peace of mind.

2. Always say a prayer of protection before and after a ghost hunt. We don't want those pesky ghosts following us home!

3. Make sure all of your equipment is fully charged and that you have extra batteries available. Ghosts have the ability to drain fully charged instruments.

4. Don't walk into an area snapping pictures right off the bat. Give those ghosts that are present some time to get used to you.

5. Be aware of the surroundings for safety sake. For best results, always take a day walk through before doing a nighttime investigation, if possible. The other option would be to show up just before dark (dusk) and have a look around before starting.

6. A ghost hunter steps into an investigation/ghost hunt with the best of feelings for those that are with him/her and for the ghosts that might be present. In other words, full respect for the living and the dead.

7. Above all - NO HORSE PLAY! A serious and conscientious ghost hunter gets results.

8. Large groups should split up into smaller groups of four individuals or less per team.

9. If you are scientifically minded, and I hope that you are.....take along a notebook to record significant occurrences. Begin by logging in the starting time and weather conditions etc. Also make note of surrounding lights so as to not confuse them with anomalies later on in the pictures. Record all meter abnormalities, strange sounds, sightings and feeling or emotions. Each group should take their own notes and compare afterwards.

10. Do not show fear. A gracious ghost will not come around if they sense you are fearful. Yet your fear can have a mischievous ghost feeding on that fear......not good.

11. Always remember, you are the one with the body, and you are the one with the power. Don't give up your power to them through fear.

12. Keep in mind that a lot of the places you will be investigating will be secluded. Because of this you should always bring along some form of protection. I suggest pepper spray or a stun gun. I am of course talking about protecting yourself from bad people, not bad ghosts. *smile*

13. If you are going to be taking pictures, be sure and read the Ghoststudy photography tips page. Click here for that page

14. If you feel that some unknown force wants you out of there...then by all means get out! You should never go against these feelings or you could end up having something show up at your home. Turnabout is fair play right?

15. Never dare an unseen entity to make itself known to you. However, It is okay to ask those present if you can take their picture or record their voice.

16. Make sure you have permission before entering private property such as a cemetery or abandoned house. I know how tempting this can be for a ghost hunter to do. Just remember this though, when you are caught sneaking around, it makes the ghost hunting community as a whole look bad. You could also be fined or jailed. Think about that.

17. If you are not familiar with EMF meters, you might want to check out our meter page for helpful tips on using these devices. We also have meters available for sale through our secured service. Meters can be quite helpful in locating ghostly presences.

18. Now a word about ghost voices, referred to as EVP (electronic voice phenomena). Take along an audio recorder and as you are recording ask questions to those invisible beings that might be in the area. Pause for an answer. It's also a good idea to ask some questions and then leave the device recording in a remote location for around 20 minutes or so. When you come back you might have your replies! For a list of EVP instructions for capturing ghost voices, please see our EVP page.

19. Be sure and have a look at out "standards and Protocol" page for a list of the guidelines expected when hunting for ghosts.

20. End a ghost hunt/investigation by evoking the power of God as a protection. "All unseen presences must remain here in the name of God" (or however you would do it according to your own personal religious beliefs). And don't forget to thank these that are unseen for any evidence you may have acquired during the investigation/hunt.

Don't forget to check out your old photos and you photo albums for ghost anomalies. You might be pleasantly surprised at the ghost pictures you already have!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 01/29/12 05:27 AM

I do, and I like to think That I can say hi to them any time. :heart:


The veil is very thin

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 05:29 AM

Standards and Protocol for ghost hunting

1. Avoid taking pictures in the rain or when it’s snowing or foggy. Moisture or precipitation in the air can and will cause artificial anomalies to appear on film. Also remember that precipitation is in the air before & after a storm.

2. Do not smoke during an investigation. Also stay away from lit barbeques and open campfires. In other words, avoid smoke, flames.

3. Hold your breath when snapping photos on a cold night. Exhaled breath can show up as a mist or fog on film.

4. Tie long hair back so it doesn’t show up in front of the lens.

5. Know where your camera strap is at all times. Either have it around your neck or take it off. Also be mindful of a tangling lens cover.

6. Avoid taking pictures during any adverse weather conditions. Including windy days.

7. Stay off private property unless you have permission.

8. Never go on an investigation alone. Particularly in a secluded area.

9. Make sure your camera lens is clean. A smudge can look like an anomaly.

10. Know where your fingers are and keep them away from the lens.

11. Avoid taking pictures of shinny objects. This means glass, mirrors, reflective objects and anything that shines or that could cause a reflection.

12. If you are using a camera with night settings, use that setting when taking pictures in the evening and inside of dark buildings.

13. Avoid lens flair. Never take pictures in the direction of the sun or a strong light source. Try to have light sources behind you when snapping a picture.

14. No horse play during an investigation.

15. Never dare spirits to come around. You might get your wish and they aren't always friendly during these situations.

16. Promote positive energy during an investigation or ghost hunt. The good ghosts will sense fear and stay away out of kindness and the bad ones will feed off of your fear. Either way, for best results and safety, always go into an investigation with positive & compassionate feelings. In other words think happy thoughts.

17. Let the ghosts know what you are doing and why you are there. Invite them to have their picture taken.

18. Be objective about the things you encounter! Try to find other rational for everything. If there is no other explanation for what you witness, you may be on to something!

19. It's always a good idea to keep a cell phone with you just in case.

20. A ghost hunt is no place for cigarettes and alcohol. Cigarette smoke looks like ghostly forms in photos and alcohol can distort your senses. That goes for any other mind altering substances as well.

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 05:32 AM

I do, and I like to think That I can say hi to them any time. :heart:


The veil is very thin
I feel at times that there is indeed a person around me. Even if I can not see them.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 01/29/12 05:48 AM

I do, and I like to think That I can say hi to them any time. :heart:


The veil is very thin
I feel at times that there is indeed a person around me. Even if I can not see them.

i believe they are, all the time, more than we know

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 05:49 AM
Let's Get started...
First of all There are three proven ways to gather ghost recordings on tape. 1. Lay the unit down with MIC extended, ask a few questions and walk away for twenty minutes. Or, 2. This time lay the unit down and stay there asking questions and pausing for a response. 3. Gently carry the recorder around with you as you walk. Stop and ask a question, pause for answer then move on to the next stop.

Here are Seventeen helpful tips:

1. Only use new name brand tapes, not department store specials. The better tapes will increase the clarity of the voice you capture and is worth the difference in cost. A tape labeled "normal" from a company such as TDK or Maxell are affordable and fine for use with EVP. Remember, it's not professional to use a previously recorded tape for something as important as this.

2. If possible, use an EXTERNAL microphone. This will drastically cut down on the motor noises and internal sounds from the recording device. Extend the MIC away from the unit when recording.

3. If you have to talk on an investigation, do it in a normal voice. Whispering can sound like a ghost voice when playing back the tape.

4. Always maintain a positive attitude and expect to get results.

5. As you are recording, be sure to make note of any sounds or noises so as to not confuse it with something paranormal during playback.

6. If you're recording unit has a sensitivity level, adjust it to the highest level possible. A ghost voice is usually very faint and anything we can do will help.

7. Consider setting your unit to "voice activated" mode if it has it. But only do this if your unit is extra sensitive or has the ability to adjust the sensitivity to high.

8. Both digital and regular tape recorders seem to work fine. However, some say that reel to reel and full size cassette players work the best. That could very well be true, especially when using an external MIC, but I haven't noticed a distinct difference.

9. At the beginning of your recording session state your location, the time, and the weather conditions. This can be very helpful later on.

10. Ask the spirits to talk loudly and even shout if possible. We need that voice as loud and clear as possible. :)

11. On playback do not confuse background noise and garble as a ghost voice! If it sounds like it could be background noise, then it most likely is just that.

12. There are several programs that can be used to edit your voice results. You can find some of these on the web at & .

13. Oh, and here's a secret.....when asking questions for a ghostly response, never say "is anyone there?." ALWAYS act like you know they are there. So say something like "what is your name?" or "is there something I can do for you?" Try it. :)

14. During playback it is advised that you use earphones that completely cover your ears as to not allow distractions when you're reviewing for the first time. Oh, and when adjusting the volume make sure it is at a safe level so that a sudden loud burst will not deafen you. :)

15. Coming soon - a list of instructions for converting your EVP to a a computer file!

16. Read this investigation report and note how all the steps in this report are followed.

17. Always express your gratitude at the end of the recording session. They like it when you say Thank you.

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 05:53 AM

I do, and I like to think That I can say hi to them any time. :heart:


The veil is very thin
I feel at times that there is indeed a person around me. Even if I can not see them.

i believe they are, all the time, more than we know
I know some times, that I wish they are. Other times I know they are there. It feels like they either wish to be around you, or they need to be there.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 01/29/12 05:57 AM

I do, and I like to think That I can say hi to them any time. :heart:


The veil is very thin
I feel at times that there is indeed a person around me. Even if I can not see them.

i believe they are, all the time, more than we know
I know some times, that I wish they are. Other times I know they are there. It feels like they either wish to be around you, or they need to be there.

all ya gotta do is ask...they'll be there

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 06:02 AM
Edited by tazzops on Sun 01/29/12 06:02 AM

I do, and I like to think That I can say hi to them any time. :heart:


The veil is very thin
I feel at times that there is indeed a person around me. Even if I can not see them.

i believe they are, all the time, more than we know
I know some times, that I wish they are. Other times I know they are there. It feels like they either wish to be around you, or they need to be there.

all ya gotta do is ask...they'll be there
I do ask some times, when I Listen to my instincts and my intuition. I have found myself asking the question "who are you?"

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 01/29/12 06:22 AM

I do, and I like to think That I can say hi to them any time. :heart:


The veil is very thin
I feel at times that there is indeed a person around me. Even if I can not see them.

i believe they are, all the time, more than we know
I know some times, that I wish they are. Other times I know they are there. It feels like they either wish to be around you, or they need to be there.

all ya gotta do is ask...they'll be there
I do ask some times, when I Listen to my instincts and my intuition. I have found myself asking the question "who are you?"


no photo
Sun 01/29/12 06:27 AM

I do, and I like to think That I can say hi to them any time. :heart:


The veil is very thin
I feel at times that there is indeed a person around me. Even if I can not see them.

i believe they are, all the time, more than we know
I know some times, that I wish they are. Other times I know they are there. It feels like they either wish to be around you, or they need to be there.

all ya gotta do is ask...they'll be there
I do ask some times, when I Listen to my instincts and my intuition. I have found myself asking the question "who are you?"


no photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:08 AM

The Scottish singing sensation claims she's seen her mother's ghost appear to her in her own home. Susan Boyle has revealed she believes her home is haunted by her late mother and insisted she has seen her at least once since she died four years ago.

Boyle who won Britain's Got Talent in 2009 says that her mother's "energy" is still present in her house after she died in 2007, aged 91. "I've actually seen my mother in the house," she said. "She wasn't troubled. I think she was letting me know she was all right. There was a lovely smell. Perhaps it was her perfume, I'm not sure."

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 04:42 PM
Sure. I visit them whenever I can, I enjoy listening to the history and stories behind such hauntings. I keep my own book on the subject.

ishimcity's photo
Sun 01/29/12 10:47 PM
Friends I can give a link to the real experiments , the voices of the dead and pictures.