Topic: Your love Story (one that you have lived)
manny809's photo
Sat 04/14/12 02:25 PM
Edited by manny809 on Sat 04/14/12 02:25 PM
love love :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Tell me a little about your love story one you have lived if your still living it great:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

evian001's photo
Sat 04/14/12 02:47 PM
dont mind me- just looking around.

manny809's photo
Sat 04/14/12 02:57 PM

dont mind me- just looking around.


wux's photo
Sat 04/14/12 03:12 PM
My love story would take much longer than what this literary vehicle allows, so instead, I'll give you three poinnngs.

Poiiings are long-time penned up longings that one finally discharges because he or she gets a release.

I had one when I was 24. I was dating a 17-year-old blonde, and we took a trip on the west coast. She was from SF. The we flew down to SF from Vancouver.

On the airplane I looked at her, and I casually put my hand on her thigh. She was wearing blue jeans.

This was a penned-up need in me, to be spontaneously caring, sensual, possessive, and displayful of attention and affection.

This movement had been living in me since my teens, and this was the first time when I had a release.

Another time it was my cousin's wife. She had come from a very protected, small-town Ontario community. She is very conservative, and to her bad luck, she is patently unattractive. No, she is not unattractive; she is not sexually attractive. She is clean, well presented, full of good will and a big heart, trying to please the family when she just first got married to my cousin, who is a doctor now.

So we were sitting at the dinner table, at my brother's, I think it was thanksgiving. The wife of my cousin was in her late menopause then; nearing sixty. She was not tipsy, but she had had a glass or wine or two.

Because of her menopause, her breasts had enlarged in the two years prior to that evening. I was so full of food that I got into a "slow" mood, just sitting, vegetating; and I caught myself staring at her breasts.

She noticed this. And hardly perceptibly, she was thrilled with my look.

Every woman needs to see that look in a man's eyes. The look of sheer lust, the look that says "I could have you just about right now." It needs not to be fulfilled; but the woman MUST experience the look. She is not a woman if she never gets that look.

She got the "look" from me at her age sixty, and she visibly relaxed. There was contentment and pride expressed on her face. She got her Poiiing right there and then.

Nobody else noticed what had happened.

I promised you three stories of Poiiiings, but I can't remember the third one.

There are many love- and sex-related releases in a person's life. What makes a Poiiing is the fact that it is a hitherto non-experienced satisfaction, something that is long overdue. The person who gets the poiiiing catharsys even forgets he or she needs it. When she gets it, she remembers it.

It does not come with an earth-shattering feeling. The earth does not move. It is just registered, and though there is some pleasure associated with it, the pleasure stems from having fulfilled the requirement of some social status, and as such it is not a hedonistic pleasure of the senses. In fact, the pleasure is rather diminutive. But it feels good nevertheless.

Imagine an itch in the middle of your back, that started forty years back, and you could never scratch it, and forty years later someone scratches the spot, and you remember the longing for scratch of the itch, you remember how much you longed for it, and now it's done, finally. This, but in a social-emotional itch, not a physical one on your skin.

Peekinin's photo
Sat 04/14/12 03:17 PM
My love story is in my profileflowerforyou

Came close once

Perhaps it's too much to ask to actually LIVE it?whoa

oldhippie1952's photo
Sat 04/14/12 03:33 PM
Never had a love story, but I haven't given up hope.

navygirl's photo
Sat 04/14/12 10:09 PM

love love :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Tell me a little about your love story one you have lived if your still living it great:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Sorry but not love story for me. Too busy working to make any time for love. bigsmile

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/14/12 10:31 PM
met my high school sweetheart

my high school sweetheart became my first

we married

we made a million incredible memories together

we had a child

we struggled to provide

we suffered through infidelity

we divorced,,,

we remained platonically (at least on my part) crazy about each other our whole life,,,

krupa's photo
Sun 04/15/12 03:37 PM
Sooooo...I met this really fine woman on Mingle. I flew to her and I dropped my pants. We are still very much in love.

Just a spot of advise my good man...if you meet a chick you want to be your ball and chain...give her the full penis. Don't half-dick her....they know when you are holding out on them.

ashryn's photo
Mon 04/16/12 12:18 PM
he was my best friend most of my life...we became high school sweethearts. he went off to college and we did long distance dating for a while. he moved back home. An incident happened between me and my friend's brother. we went to court, he went jail. my guy was trying to be there for me and tried to give me space to get better. then we lost touch. we were engaged but i ended it because i was having a tough time coping. he moved away. ten years later...i found him on facebook...we've been talking like the best friends we were when we were younger. the crazy thing is i am in a marriage thats ending and he is single. we are still completely in love with each other but its like being a kid again...we are tip toeing around it...but it if doesn't become anything thats okay...i'm glad to have my best friend in my life again :)