Topic: Confessed cheating.
no photo
Tue 05/22/12 11:49 AM
Why wud a guy cheat on u and then confess and apologise.2 forgive or not?

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/22/12 12:05 PM

Why wud a guy cheat on u and then confess and apologise.2 forgive or not?

guilt, conscience?

forgiveness is a personal decision,,,

oldhippie1952's photo
Tue 05/22/12 12:06 PM
Maybe he realizes he messed up. The question is, will he change and not cheat again?

no photo
Tue 05/22/12 12:51 PM
He confessed because he cares about your relationship. Give him one more chance

TammyA's photo
Tue 05/22/12 01:09 PM
OR, to see what your reaction would be so he would know if he could get away with it again. If he cared about the relationship, he wouldn't have cheated.

wux's photo
Tue 05/22/12 01:17 PM

Why wud a guy cheat on u and then confess and apologise.2 forgive or not?

guilt, conscience?

forgiveness is a personal decision,,,

Raises a lot of question marks how much the saving of mankind of sin is going to affect forgiveness for our sins... remember, man was made in the image of god. If we have executive power over deciding whether to forgive or not, then god does too... which means that living a good life necessarily gets rewarded, and living a bad life, necessarily gets punished, on the day of the final Judgment.

wux's photo
Tue 05/22/12 01:18 PM

Will he change and not cheat again?

We had better ask him.

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 04:13 PM

Why wud a guy cheat on u and then confess and apologise.2 forgive or not?

I had that happen to me. I guess the question would be how upset you are when you hear the news. some people don't think instead they let their emotions control them. My question to him was why? What was so bad about what we have that you needed to go sample somewhere else?? He actually ended up cheating on me twice. The last time he didn't tell me...I found out because she called my phone. I told him he was free to go. That I was not keeping him here. There was no reason for him to stay if he did not want to. I don't beg anyone to be with me. I also let him know that I don't need him to stay because we have kids together. He can be just as good a father in his own apartment as he can here. We are still friends and we still hang out but we have always been better just took us nine years to figure that out :)