Topic: A little something to get ya'll goin... pro or con
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 07/26/12 10:57 AM

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 07/26/12 11:57 AM
Someone on this site posted the stand of the three candidates, Obama (BOO HISS!), Romney (BOO!), and Ron Paul.

Having said that it was clear to me who the best of the three candidates are. ONLY one made any sense. His stand in some ares does not mirror mine but most of what he says makes sense and how long has it taken him to fight for OUR OWN GOVERNMENT to Audit the Federal Reserve? He got one step closer this week after TEN YEARS!

Even if I am throwing my vote to the wind I am voting for Ron Paul, hands down!

And this is my person thought as to why and I would like to address it to the man who indeed deserves to know why I am not voting for him:

Screw you OBAMA! GO JUMP IN FRONT OF A BUS AND DO US ALL A FAVOR! There are countries where you would be facing a knife knowing you are expected to do yourself to save face but you are a Chicago Sell out politician who could care less the damage your policies are going to do to us in the coming years! Your Obamacare is facing repeal! You helped this tragedy we call a failed economy along and you lie to us. You wrap the truth up in rhetoric and misinformation and lies and yet you act like your hands are dirty in the hard work of fixing America. They are dirty in campaign contributions and back door deals! You surround yourself with the criminals profiting off of our suffering acting like most of us cannot see what you are and what you do! You are BOSS TWEED OF TAMMANY HALL! frankly the only people who really are stupid enough to vote for you twice are hard core Ghetto TRASH, LIBERALS, and DIE HARD DEMOCRATS! Those sheeple are the ones you depend on for your votes and as long as they get handouts they vote for you. You and Congress have broken our bank. YOU HAVE MADE US LOOK LIKE FOOLS TO THE WORLD! Your wife is a step out of the ghetto herself and makes an *** of herself on the world scene. Neither of you are respectful or have any respect nor deserve any!

And it is my one wish for real hope is that if it is Romney or Ron Paul, I really don't care who, as long as we do not have to endure 4 more years of your incompetence and political impotence! Obamacare is a retarded baby that is deformed and in the real world has no chance of survival. And it looks like Congress will get around soon towards repealing (:banana: EUTHANIZING:banana:) That bastard child of a law you dumped on us! You are an illness plaguing America and as a leader have fallen far too short to be considered anything less than WORST PRESIDENT OF AMERICA TO DATE! WORST THAN HOOVER, FAR WORST THAN WILSON, FAR WORST THAN CARTER WHO WAS THE WORST BEFORE YOU! Even Clinton sucked but you have taken failure to an all new high! Please go away! Pretty please? Step down for someone more competent to do the job you think you are doing.

Thanks for not driving our nation completely into the ground.


You all know who I am!


And I don't trust Republicans either. Both Romney and Santorum are bad choices. At least Santorum is out of the race. Romney is Theocratic! Don't need to be driven into a Christian Theocracy let alone an Islamic one!

Troubled's photo
Thu 07/26/12 05:57 PM

Couldn't agree more.

It will be nice to vote FOR a candidate, instead of the same old same old,