Topic: Surrounded by Bad News, Hope for Obama?
Ras427's photo
Tue 10/16/12 08:15 AM

America gave us George Bush junior and the world couldn't believe what Americans had done. Obama has given the world some hope but the American Racists are showing their true colours again....thankfully they are a minority .

The White House should now be renamed...The Reservation....
yep,the Hope that went down the drain!
And calling People who saw it even beforehand Racist won't change anything!laugh
Actually,you Guys need a different Tack!
Those accusations of Racism anytime one states the Truth is growing really stale!
Something tells me you actually know the references regarding race pertains to the racist tags disguised as dissent. Something also tells me you are ignoring that. I dont agree with all that my President has done. But a socialist, death threats, unamerican, foriegner, a Muslim, a hater of whites, one fool even suggests hes guy, wouldnt these things suggest an irrational hatred. Now id love to hear what the NOI has to do with this thread, or was it mere deflection on your part?

Ras427's photo
Tue 10/16/12 08:20 AM

America gave us George Bush junior and the world couldn't believe what Americans had done. Obama has given the world some hope but the American Racists are showing their true colours again....thankfully they are a minority .

The White House should now be renamed...The Reservation....
yep,the Hope that went down the drain!
And calling People who saw it even beforehand Racist won't change anything!laugh
Actually,you Guys need a different Tack!
Those accusations of Racism anytime one states the Truth is growing really stale!


Come back when you can disprove the facts.

Wow we, nothing better then to wake up late to coco cinnamon, ump,

willing2's photo
Tue 10/16/12 08:21 AM

Negros screaming racist while hanging onto their own extremist radical racist groups.

Dey needs ta be cleaning dey own side da skreet fo hollern' bout how dirty is da other side. Cunning-linguist jeanius willing2.


Optomistic69's photo
Tue 10/16/12 08:59 AM

I hear ya, ill stick with Obama, Romney I just dont trust. But I respect all voters, many say the same thing as you regarding Obama being un American, although I recognize that un American is merely code word for he is to darkskined.

So do I recognize that un American is merely code word for he is to darkskined.

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 10/16/12 09:02 AM

Never has there been a president so socialist or Unamerican.

What a ridiculous statement

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 10/16/12 09:06 AM

America gave us George Bush junior and the world couldn't believe what Americans had done. Obama has given the world some hope but the American Racists are showing their true colours again....thankfully they are a minority .

The White House should now be renamed...The Reservation....
yep,the Hope that went down the drain!
And calling People who saw it even beforehand Racist won't change anything!laugh
Actually,you Guys need a different Tack!
Those accusations of Racism anytime one states the Truth is growing really stale!
Something tells me you actually know the references regarding race pertains to the racist tags disguised as dissent. Something also tells me you are ignoring that. I dont agree with all that my President has done. But a socialist, death threats, unamerican, foriegner, a Muslim, a hater of whites, one fool even suggests hes guy, wouldnt these things suggest an irrational hatred. Now id love to hear what the NOI has to do with this thread, or was it mere deflection on your part?

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 10/16/12 09:08 AM
Racists do not bother me because of their ignorance..what does bother me are the closet racists mildly and quietly supporting the unashamed racists.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 09:14 AM

Saved by a Trillion-Dollar Coin?

Bernanke and Geithner Don't Need No Stinkin' Debt-Ceiling Increase

Late last week, when more and more analysts contemplated the horror of a US government default and partial shutdown, Jack Balkin — a professor of constitutional law at Yale — outlined strategies that the White House could use to evade the pesky borrowing ceiling imposed by a fickle Congress:

Are there other ways for the president to raise money besides borrowing?

Sovereign governments such as the United States can print new money. However, there's a statutory limit to the amount of paper currency that can be in circulation at any one time.

Ironically, there's no similar limit on the amount of coinage. A little-known statute gives the secretary of the Treasury the authority to issue platinum coins in any denomination. So some commentators have suggested that the Treasury create two $1 trillion coins, deposit them in its account in the Federal Reserve and write checks on the proceeds.

The government can also raise money through sales: For example, it could sell the Federal Reserve an option to purchase government property for $2 trillion. The Fed would then credit the proceeds to the government's checking account. Once Congress lifts the debt ceiling, the president could buy back the option for a dollar, or the option could simply expire in 90 days. And there are probably other ways that the Fed could achieve a similar result, by analogy to its actions during the 2008 financial crisis, when it made huge loans and purchases to bail out the financial sector.

The "jumbo coin" and "exploding option" strategies work because modern central banks don't have to print bills or float debt to create new money; they just add money to their customers' checking accounts.

These suggestions should horrify anyone who understands the importance of sound money. Not only are the proposals themselves preposterous, but the mere fact that they are being discussed is a symptom of the cultural decadence wrought by the government and the Fed's responses to the 2008 financial crisis.
Money for Nothing

When critics of the Fed assert that Bernanke creates money "out of thin air," they mean the following: The Federal Reserve has the power to buy whatever assets it wants at whatever price it wants. In principle, Treasury Secretary Geithner could sell a paperclip to the Fed for $2 trillion. The Fed would simply write a check made out to the Treasury, drawn on the Fed itself.

When the Treasury deposited this check with its own bank — which just so happens to be the Fed — then its own "checking account" balance would go up by $2 trillion. This money wouldn't come from anywhere in the sense that some other account would need to be debited $2 trillion. On the contrary, the system's total reserves (and what is called the "monetary base") would have swelled by $2 trillion. The Treasury would be free to start paying bills by writing checks on the $2 trillion in its account.

The only kink in the plan would be the state of the Fed's balance sheet. Initially it could value the paperclip at $2 trillion — what the Fed paid for it — and list the paperclip among its other assets such as Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities.
"These suggestions should horrify anyone who understands the importance of sound money."

Of course, people in the financial markets would cry foul. They would know that if the Fed's books were "marked to market," the paperclip would be worthless and the Fed would suddenly be insolvent according to regular accounting rules. (Its liabilities, in part consisting of bank reserves — which are dollar-denominated claims on the Fed — would have risen by $2 trillion, while its assets didn't budge.) But this would merely be an embarrassment rather than a legal obstacle because the Fed has put into place Orwellian rule changes that allow it to shield its shareholder equity from capital losses.

The difference between my absurd paperclip scheme and the two proposals discussed by Balkin is one of degree and not of kind. As of this writing, platinum is trading for a little less than $1,800 per ounce. Thus, $2 trillion in platinum would weigh about 35,000 tons, almost one-sixth the weight of the Sears Tower. (Those would be two of the heaviest coins Bernanke would likely encounter in his life.) Clearly, the platinum coins stamped "$1 trillion" would not actually be worth that in terms of the metal content.

Things are just as bad with the option scheme in which the Fed would quite deliberately pay $2 trillion for an asset that it intended to hold until it expired as worthless. At least my hypothetical paperclip would still be useful after 90 days.
Debasing the Money, As Well as the Public's Ideology

Conventional "open-market" operations are a convoluted form of legalized counterfeiting, as I've explained before. The virtue of Balkin's discussion is that the sleight-of-hand is minimized and most readers will be able to see the naked redistribution in all its glory (or lack thereof). We are moving ever closer to the point at which the government runs the printing press to directly pay its bills, just as surely as the monarchs of old who added base metals to the coinage of the realm.

The danger of these proposals doesn't consist solely in the price inflation and transfer of purchasing power that they would entail if implemented. No, simply the discussion of them by allegedly sophisticated scholars further degrades the public's understanding of money. More and more Americans are "learning" that saving and frugal living is a sucker's game, because the Treasury and Fed will simply create money to bail out their rich buddies.

Flawed as it is, the US Constitution vested fiscal authority with the Congress — rather than with the Executive Branch — for an important reason. The president has several advantages, not least of which is his (or her) ability to wage war. Therefore the Constitution seeks to limit that power by keeping the purse strings in the hands of elected representatives.

If the Treasury ever falls back on a scheme such as the ones Balkin discusses, the United States will be one step closer to an outright dictatorship. The American president now claims the authority to execute US citizens without any judicial oversight at all. This is not a person to whom we should grant a printing press.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 09:15 AM

Racists do not bother me because of their ignorance..what does bother me are the closet racists mildly and quietly supporting the unashamed racists.
here fishy,fishy!laugh

Ras427's photo
Tue 10/16/12 09:16 AM

Racists do not bother me because of their ignorance..what does bother me are the closet racists mildly and quietly supporting the unashamed racists.
exactly, and inturn undermine whites who are not racist as out of touch "lefties. Its somewhat simular at calling a rape victim anti man for her audacity to prosocute her assailant.

willing2's photo
Tue 10/16/12 09:21 AM

Negros screaming racist while hanging onto their own extremist radical racist groups.

Dey needs ta be cleaning dey own side da skreet fo hollern' bout how dirty is da other side. Cunning-linguist jeanius willing2.


Must be true.

No one claimin' it ain't.

When I get on my comp I'll look up and post all the negro hates whitey groups.

Who wants to see those haters go away?

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 09:29 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 10/16/12 09:30 AM

America gave us George Bush junior and the world couldn't believe what Americans had done. Obama has given the world some hope but the American Racists are showing their true colours again....thankfully they are a minority .

The White House should now be renamed...The Reservation....
yep,the Hope that went down the drain!
And calling People who saw it even beforehand Racist won't change anything!laugh
Actually,you Guys need a different Tack!
Those accusations of Racism anytime one states the Truth is growing really stale!
Something tells me you actually know the references regarding race pertains to the racist tags disguised as dissent. Something also tells me you are ignoring that. I dont agree with all that my President has done. But a socialist, death threats, unamerican, foriegner, a Muslim, a hater of whites, one fool even suggests hes guy, wouldnt these things suggest an irrational hatred. Now id love to hear what the NOI has to do with this thread, or was it mere deflection on your part?
actually it just settled something!
Nope,I do not agree with Death-Threats against Obama either!
To deny that he is extremely left would be dis-ingenuous!
Whether he was indeed born outside the US,or isn't a Natural Born Citizen only he knows!
Same with being a Muslim!
If he is,the Constitution is clear about that too!
NO religious Test required for holding Office!
His Race really doesn't mean Crap to me,rather it is his political Philosophy that I hate!
And those who hate him for being part African are Idiots!
Anyone who hates some other Person for their Race are Idiots!

But Obama is in way over his Head!
I wonder sometimes,when he is by himself if he doesn't wonder,How the Heck did I ever get here!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 09:33 AM

I hear ya, ill stick with Obama, Romney I just dont trust. But I respect all voters, many say the same thing as you regarding Obama being un American, although I recognize that un American is merely code word for he is to darkskined.

So do I recognize that un American is merely code word for he is to darkskined.
are the Fish biting?laugh

Ras427's photo
Tue 10/16/12 10:12 AM
Edited by Ras427 on Tue 10/16/12 10:16 AM

America gave us George Bush junior and the world couldn't believe what Americans had done. Obama has given the world some hope but the American Racists are showing their true colours again....thankfully they are a minority .

The White House should now be renamed...The Reservation....
yep,the Hope that went down the drain!
And calling People who saw it even beforehand Racist won't change anything!laugh
Actually,you Guys need a different Tack!
Those accusations of Racism anytime one states the Truth is growing really stale!
Something tells me you actually know the references regarding race pertains to the racist tags disguised as dissent. Something also tells me you are ignoring that. I dont agree with all that my President has done. But a socialist, death threats, unamerican, foriegner, a Muslim, a hater of whites, one fool even suggests hes guy, wouldnt these things suggest an irrational hatred. Now id love to hear what the NOI has to do with this thread, or was it mere deflection on your part?
actually it just settled something!
Nope,I do not agree with Death-Threats against Obama either!
To deny that he is extremely left would be dis-ingenuous!
Whether he was indeed born outside the US,or isn't a Natural Born Citizen only he knows!
Same with being a Muslim!
If he is,the Constitution is clear about that too!
NO religious Test required for holding Office!
His Race really doesn't mean Crap to me,rather it is his political Philosophy that I hate!
And those who hate him for being pa rt African are Idiots!
Anyone who hates some other Person for their Race are Idiots!

But Obama is in way over his Head!
I wonder sometimes,when he is by himself if he doesn't wonder,How the Heck did I ever get here!
I can respect your position now that you have posted a clearer perspective. To some degree President Obama reminds me of a great quarterback with a mediocre offensive line. My primary concern is for the future, what kind of country will our childrens children inherit?

no photo
Tue 10/16/12 10:59 AM
Edited by alleoops on Tue 10/16/12 11:07 AM

I hear ya, ill stick with Obama, Romney I just dont trust. But I respect all voters, many say the same thing as you regarding Obama being un American, although I recognize that un American is merely code word for he is to darkskined.

Lol totally untrue. You know I see Obama supporters bringing color into it more than nonsupporters. Obviously if you don't support Obama then you are racist. You can't disagree with his policies. Even a white person with his policies would very called a socialist and many people consider socialism unamerican. He doesn't put his hand over his heart for the pledge. Many consider that unamerican. It's not unrealistic to see Why people may think this even if you don't agree.

Never has there been a president so socialist or Unamerican. They only understand racism. They think it works in any situation.
In 2007 while still a Senetor, Obama recieved so many death threats that he became the first ever canidate to recieve Secret Service protection due to several plots to murder him. So that socialist unamerican crap is just that, crap, mindless racist crap. The unamericans are those crackpots who dress in bed sheets and those who realize that the hooded cone shaped hats had to go so as to hide better. In 2007 socialist was not being used yet. The backlash caused by these death threats and plots forced the dumb racists to use more coded rhetoric to disquise what they really are racists with new ways to express it. Socialist, what a joke.

Was he a Senetor and a canidate or a Senator and a candidate?
Better stick to Spanish. :wink:

Chazster's photo
Tue 10/16/12 11:12 AM

Racists do not bother me because of their ignorance..what does bother me are the closet racists mildly and quietly supporting the unashamed racists.

Lol funny coming from you.

no photo
Tue 10/16/12 11:16 AM
Edited by alleoops on Tue 10/16/12 11:18 AM

Racists do not bother me because of their ignorance..what does bother me are the closet racists mildly and quietly supporting the unashamed racists.

Yes, they keep their white sheets there too.:laughing:

BTW, nice butt on that girl.drool

Chazster's photo
Tue 10/16/12 11:16 AM
Edited by Chazster on Tue 10/16/12 11:20 AM

Some folks just cannot conceal their racist opinions.

Obama is a modern American and he will be relected...

Get used to it guys.......The white house is now inhabited by non whites.....drinker drinker

Jews are in Israel, get used to it.

Ras427's photo
Tue 10/16/12 11:28 AM

I hear ya, ill stick with Obama, Romney I just dont trust. But I respect all voters, many say the same thing as you regarding Obama being un American, although I recognize that un American is merely code word for he is to darkskined.

Lol totally untrue. You know I see Obama supporters bringing color into it more than nonsupporters. Obviously if you don't support Obama then you are racist. You can't disagree with his policies. Even a white person with his policies would very called a socialist and many people consider socialism unamerican. He doesn't put his hand over his heart for the pledge. Many consider that unamerican. It's not unrealistic to see Why people may think this even if you don't agree.

Never has there been a president so socialist or Unamerican. They only understand racism. They think it works in any situation.
In 2007 while still a Senetor, Obama recieved so many death threats that he became the first ever canidate to recieve Secret Service protection due to several plots to murder him. So that socialist unamerican crap is just that, crap, mindless racist crap. The unamericans are those crackpots who dress in bed sheets and those wh o realize that the hooded cone shaped hats had to go so as to hide better. In 2007 socialist was not being used yet. The backlash caused by these death threats and plots forced the dumb racists to use more coded rhetoric to disquise what they really are racists with new ways to express it. Socialist, what a joke.

Was he a Senetor and a canidate or a Senator and a candidate?
Better stick to Spanish. :wink:
actually I speak several languages, lol. Im a lousy speller, especially while on a cell phone. However, dispite the misspellings, I manage to get my point across, but I never critique those who misspell, to common.

willowdraga's photo
Tue 10/16/12 11:28 AM
President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.