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Topic: Surrounded by Bad News, Hope for Obama?
TJN's photo
Wed 10/17/12 11:06 AM

I take it then that you are a comfortably well-off middle class person with a secure job and plenty of promotional prospects.

If that is the case then good luck to you......but I doubt it

It really makes no difference what I do, where I'm at in life, and what my potential for advancement is. But if you must know I'm doing well and not worried about my future, I'll take care of myself.
Obama has done nothing to better the "middle class" or what's left of it.
If you ask my opinion I'd say he is on the side of destroying it so the democrats can have more people not working and living off the government.

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 10/17/12 11:31 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Wed 10/17/12 11:32 AM

I take it then that you are a comfortably well-off middle class person with a secure job and plenty of promotional prospects.

If that is the case then good luck to you......but I doubt it

It really makes no difference what I do, where I'm at in life, and what my potential for advancement is. But if you must know I'm doing well and not worried about my future, I'll take care of myself.
Obama has done nothing to better the "middle class" or what's left of it.
If you ask my opinion I'd say he is on the side of destroying it so the democrats can have more people not working and living off the government.

I am glad you are doing well.:thumbsup: waving

As for Obama destroying the middle-class....That is ridiculous.

BTW, what you in America call middle-class we call working class.

All over the world there are millions of people out of work with no possibility of ever again of being employed.

Unless you kill those unemployed off they are going to have to get monies to live, so therein lies the big problem not just for America.

America is going Socialist as is the rest of the world...its the only way forward....after all, The Reckless Gambling of the Financial elite and the debts they created have been socialized.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/17/12 11:41 AM

I take it then that you are a comfortably well-off middle class person with a secure job and plenty of promotional prospects.

If that is the case then good luck to you......but I doubt it

It really makes no difference what I do, where I'm at in life, and what my potential for advancement is. But if you must know I'm doing well and not worried about my future, I'll take care of myself.
Obama has done nothing to better the "middle class" or what's left of it.
If you ask my opinion I'd say he is on the side of destroying it so the democrats can have more people not working and living off the government.

I am glad you are doing well.:thumbsup: waving

As for Obama destroying the middle-class....That is ridiculous.

BTW, what you in America call middle-class we call working class.

All over the world there are millions of people out of work with no possibility of ever again of being employed.

Unless you kill those unemployed off they are going to have to get monies to live, so therein lies the big problem not just for America.

America is going Socialist as is the rest of the world...its the only way forward....after all, The Reckless Gambling of the Financial elite and the debts they created have been socialized.

So if Socialism is so great...why does it have to be mandated and forced on people?

Chazster's photo
Wed 10/17/12 11:49 AM

Romney will finish what GW started and that will be a complete break of the middle class. There will be the filthy rich or the dirt poor and the rich will have complete and utter control in this country.

There will be no more legitimate elections because the rich cannot allow the surfs to elect someone who might change their advantage so...

It will really suck for those who are not rich enough to be in the Club with the big boys.

The American dream will die that day.

Actually middle class is doing alright. It's the working class that isn't. People just don't want to admit that our middle class has shifted and many who are actually working class try to be counted as middle class.

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 10/17/12 11:58 AM

Romney will finish what GW started and that will be a complete break of the middle class. There will be the filthy rich or the dirt poor and the rich will have complete and utter control in this country.

There will be no more legitimate elections because the rich cannot allow the surfs to elect someone who might change their advantage so...

It will really suck for those who are not rich enough to be in the Club with the big boys.

The American dream will die that day.

Actually middle class is doing alright. It's the working class that isn't. People just don't want to admit that our middle class has shifted and many who are actually working class try to be counted as middle class.

The Middle-Working-Classlaugh

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/17/12 12:01 PM
this is how the American Dream is turned into a Nightmare!

Across the board Obama has surrounded himself with the most extreme appointees in American History.

Cass Sunstien - Obama’s “Regulatory Czar,” supports massive gun control, wants to ban hunting completely, and has argued that “Animals should be permitted to bring suit…” He also supports the “Fairness Doctrine,” the wrongly-named concept which allows the government to regulate the airwaves.

Todd Stern - negotiator at the Kyoto conference in 1997 (which would have plunged the world into economic chaos). He wants world powers form an “E8” group to meet yearly and dictate environmental policy to the rest of the world. He is also the nutcase behind the Cap and Trade proposal which, even an analysis by Obama’s own Treasury Department concluded, would cost American taxpayers up to $200 billion dollars—just what we need for today’s economy!

John Holdren-Science Czar- supports “laws requiring compulsory abortion,” government confiscation of new born babies, the “development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin,” and, incredibly, “adding a sterilant to drinking water or stable foods….” as long a livestock would not be affected (as experimentally implemented in India). Holdren wants the government to dictate family size and advocate a “planetary regime,” run by the United Nations. This real life Dr. Frankenstein will be deciding science policy for the United States of America.

Mark Lloyd - Chief Diversity Officer, FCC - who worked for George Soros. He seems to be enamored with dictators and has even publicly praised Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Chavez’s “incredible…democratic revolution.” He also wants to use the Fairness Doctrine to “balance” talk radio and believes there are too many white people in the media.

Attorney General – Eric Holder - His list is too long to post

Elena Kagan-Supreme Court - has ZERO judicial or appelate experience. Her job as Dean of Harvard Law School was to fundraise and make the students “comfortable.” However, the few legal views she holds are certainly far from the mainstream (abortion is "sexual freedom," etc,)

Department of Education – Arne Duncan. A totaly failure as the CEO of Chicago schools despite a very generous budget - Has an aggressive agenda to promote the homosexual lifestyle in the schools, so he is attractive to Obama. Chicago kids can’t read or write, but they all know how to engage in homosexual sex.

Department of Education – Kevin Jennings - founder of the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a group dedicated to promoting the homosexual agenda to school children as young as five. Jennings is noted for giving encouraging advice to a boy who privately confessed he was having sex with an older man. Jennings advised him to buy a condom.

Susan Rice - US Ambassador to the UN - fanatically pro-UN despite the fact that the UN has never been supportive of US interests. The former Ambassador to Sudan implicated her as the person who bungled the opportunity to take out Osama bin Laden when Sudanese officials offered him to the USA on a silver platter during the Clinton years.

Legal advisor to the State Department – Harold Koh - believes America should defer to the International Court of Justice to determine legal precedents (totally unconstitutional). He believes all distinctions between American Constitutional law and international law should vanish. Incredibly, he even believes Muslim law –Sharia law– should be applied to some disputes in US courts. Clearly, his views are in contradiction to the Constitution he swore to uphold, yet he is now in charge of all legal issues for the U.S. State Department.

National Security Council – Samantha Power. Extreme anti-Israel pseudo intellectual who also pooh-poohs the idea that Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

Advisor, Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy – Rosa Brooks. This genius wrote that Al-Qaeda was just an “obscure group” until America began the war on terrorism. It’s hard to believe she is now deciding defense policy.

Senior Advisor and Obama's best buddy – Valerie Jarrett. She has vetting all the extremists Obama has appointed. For example, she knew Van Jones was a communist but was “delighted to be able to recruit him into the White House.” No surprise since she married into a family with a pedigree of Communist Party involvement. Her father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, worked closely with Obama mentor and Communist Party leader Frank Marshall Davis in a number of Communist Party front groups during the Cold War years. Valerie married Vernon’s son in 1983 and later became chief of staff for Mayor Richard Daley, where she was a key player in perhaps America’s most corrupt big city political machine. Obama does not go forward with anything without her counsel.

Political advisor – David Axelrod - has a long history of working for obscure socialist candidates and Obama was no different (apparently it's a family tradition). He has spent his entire life promoting extremist candidates, but no one bothered to look into his background. Today, he advises Obama on all things political.

Director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change – Carol Browner - A socialist who was picked by Socialist International to be one of 14 leaders of a group it created called the Commission for a Sustainable World Society. SI believes in massive wealth redistribution from the West to the Third World, choosing to ignore the evidence that Third World countries are poor due to their socialist policies.

SI constantly attacks the free market in general and the United States in particular. The fact that Obama has chosen both Browner and Todd Stern (Climate Czar) does not bode well for the American economy.

General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Management & Budget – Preeta Bansal. Bansal is very close to Obama; she acts behind the scenes advising him regarding the selection of federal judges. She is on the far left side of the judicial spectrum and is a leader of the American Constitutional Society which is obsessed with criminal rights, illegal alien rights, terrorist rights, and other phony rights. ACS is America’s main networking group for far-left attorneys and is where Bansal is recruiting many of Obama’s judicial nominees.

Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Executive office of the President — Cecilia Munoz. A hard-core open borders advocate who served recently as the Vice President for the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) (another Soros-funded group).

Director, Domestic Policy Council – Melody Barnes- certified wacko. She glorifies abortion as being a “concept of liberty that includes women as equal.” She was previously Vice President of the far-left Center for American Progress and also another former staff member of the American Constitutional Society.

willing2's photo
Wed 10/17/12 02:41 PM
John Holdren-Science Czar- supports “laws requiring compulsory abortion,” government confiscation of new born babies, the “development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin,” and, incredibly, “adding a sterilant to drinking water or stable foods….” as long a livestock would not be affected (as experimentally implemented in India). Holdren wants the government to dictate family size and advocate a “planetary regime,” run by the United Nations. This real life Dr. Frankenstein will be deciding science policy for the United States of America.

I like this dude.

Ghetto rats are pumping out kids they can't afford and it puts a grand strain on the taxpayer.

Make sterilization of women on welfare mandatory and put their kids in Military academies.

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 10/17/12 02:51 PM
This is the future

U.S. Hispanic population to triple by 2050bigsmile

U.S. Population Could Reach 438 Million by 2050, and Immigration Is Keybigsmile

If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their U.S.-born descendants, according to new projections developed by the Pew Research Center.

Of the 117 million people added to the population during this period due to the effect of new immigration, 67 million will be the immigrants themselves and 50 million will be their U.S.-born children or grandchildren.bigsmile


willing2's photo
Wed 10/17/12 02:57 PM

This is the future

U.S. Hispanic population to triple by 2050bigsmile

U.S. Population Could Reach 438 Million by 2050, and Immigration Is Keybigsmile

If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their U.S.-born descendants, according to new projections developed by the Pew Research Center.

Of the 117 million people added to the population during this period due to the effect of new immigration, 67 million will be the immigrants themselves and 50 million will be their U.S.-born children or grandchildren.bigsmile


TBRich's photo
Wed 10/17/12 03:08 PM

Out of touch. What does that mean? out of touch to you may not be to others.

out of touch to struggling women, to impoverished, to the middle class

he has had little connection or history with ANY of those demographics throughout his life

he has interest in the profiteers for which it has been his career to remain one of,,,

OBama has profited too, but he has not ALWAYS been a profiteer and has not always worked FOR profiteers,,,
he has more connection to 'common' obstacles and issues,,

The above sums it up nicely....Romney belongs to a class who do not know nor care how the vast majority of people live.

They are divorced from reality.

What gets me is people who vote for these candidates somehow believe that they are being represented.

How can a filthy rich person represent a person who is working their arse off and barely keeping their heads above water?.

Get Real folks....You are not and probably never will belong to Romneys Club.

Its a rich mans club and YOU ain't phucking in it....pure and simple.

If you can't bring yourself to vote for Obama, don't bother to vote.

Stalin used to say similar things!
Actually you just suggested to disenfranchise 50% of the American Voters!

yep,lets institute a Branch of the SED in the US!laugh

Call it the SEA!

Sozialistische Einheits Partei Amerikas!

Would make Walter Ulbricht proud!
So,if you don't Vote for it,You Don't Vote!

Ulbrecht was kicked because he was trying out to many reforms

no photo
Wed 10/17/12 05:13 PM

This is the future

U.S. Hispanic population to triple by 2050bigsmile

U.S. Population Could Reach 438 Million by 2050, and Immigration Is Keybigsmile

If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their U.S.-born descendants, according to new projections developed by the Pew Research Center.

Of the 117 million people added to the population during this period due to the effect of new immigration, 67 million will be the immigrants themselves and 50 million will be their U.S.-born children or grandchildren.bigsmile


and how many come from Ireland? Take care of your own ok?

willowdraga's photo
Wed 10/17/12 06:47 PM

Romney will finish what GW started and that will be a complete break of the middle class. There will be the filthy rich or the dirt poor and the rich will have complete and utter control in this country.

There will be no more legitimate elections because the rich cannot allow the surfs to elect someone who might change their advantage so...

It will really suck for those who are not rich enough to be in the Club with the big boys.

The American dream will die that day.
would you care to post some sources other than your Opinions?

He hired 2/3 of Bush's staff...lol that alone says a lot.

I don't see your unbiased sources being posted to support your opinions. Why do others always have to do your homework?

no photo
Wed 10/17/12 06:56 PM

Romney will finish what GW started and that will be a complete break of the middle class. There will be the filthy rich or the dirt poor and the rich will have complete and utter control in this country.

There will be no more legitimate elections because the rich cannot allow the surfs to elect someone who might change their advantage so...

It will really suck for those who are not rich enough to be in the Club with the big boys.

The American dream will die that day.
would you care to post some sources other than your Opinions?

He hired 2/3 of Bush's staff...lol that alone says a lot.

I don't see your unbiased sources being posted to support your opinions. Why do others always have to do your homework?

Please, name your sources, if you have done others "homework"/

msharmony's photo
Wed 10/17/12 06:57 PM

Romney will finish what GW started and that will be a complete break of the middle class. There will be the filthy rich or the dirt poor and the rich will have complete and utter control in this country.

There will be no more legitimate elections because the rich cannot allow the surfs to elect someone who might change their advantage so...

It will really suck for those who are not rich enough to be in the Club with the big boys.

The American dream will die that day.

Actually middle class is doing alright. It's the working class that isn't. People just don't want to admit that our middle class has shifted and many who are actually working class try to be counted as middle class.

lower, middle, upper, positional labels

working,, not a positional label

'middle class' income can be earned by the working class

and working class can also sometimes earn more than those in other 'middle class' positions,,,


no photo
Wed 10/17/12 07:02 PM

Romney will finish what GW started and that will be a complete break of the middle class. There will be the filthy rich or the dirt poor and the rich will have complete and utter control in this country.

There will be no more legitimate elections because the rich cannot allow the surfs to elect someone who might change their advantage so...

It will really suck for those who are not rich enough to be in the Club with the big boys.

The American dream will die that day.

Actually middle class is doing alright. It's the working class that isn't. People just don't want to admit that our middle class has shifted and many who are actually working class try to be counted as middle class.

lower, middle, upper, positional labels

working,, not a positional label

'middle class' income can be earned by the working class

and working class can also sometimes earn more than those in other 'middle class' positions,,,


Wow.A lot of propaganda. Straight from the proletariat?

msharmony's photo
Wed 10/17/12 07:18 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 10/17/12 07:19 PM

Romney will finish what GW started and that will be a complete break of the middle class. There will be the filthy rich or the dirt poor and the rich will have complete and utter control in this country.

There will be no more legitimate elections because the rich cannot allow the surfs to elect someone who might change their advantage so...

It will really suck for those who are not rich enough to be in the Club with the big boys.

The American dream will die that day.

Actually middle class is doing alright. It's the working class that isn't. People just don't want to admit that our middle class has shifted and many who are actually working class try to be counted as middle class.

lower, middle, upper, positional labels

working,, not a positional label

'middle class' income can be earned by the working class

and working class can also sometimes earn more than those in other 'middle class' positions,,,


Wow.A lot of propaganda. Straight from the proletariat?

lol, numbers again huh?

what is 'propoganda' about the statement that 'working' is not a label that belongs with

lower, middle, upper

lower. middle, and upper imply a position (income class),, WORKING does not

the 'working class' can be in both lower or middle income ranges,,,

willowdraga's photo
Wed 10/17/12 08:47 PM

Romney will finish what GW started and that will be a complete break of the middle class. There will be the filthy rich or the dirt poor and the rich will have complete and utter control in this country.

There will be no more legitimate elections because the rich cannot allow the surfs to elect someone who might change their advantage so...

It will really suck for those who are not rich enough to be in the Club with the big boys.

The American dream will die that day.

Actually middle class is doing alright. It's the working class that isn't. People just don't want to admit that our middle class has shifted and many who are actually working class try to be counted as middle class.

lower, middle, upper, positional labels

working,, not a positional label

'middle class' income can be earned by the working class

and working class can also sometimes earn more than those in other 'middle class' positions,,,


Wow.A lot of propaganda. Straight from the proletariat?

lol, numbers again huh?

what is 'propoganda' about the statement that 'working' is not a label that belongs with

lower, middle, upper

lower. middle, and upper imply a position (income class),, WORKING does not

the 'working class' can be in both lower or middle income ranges,,,


Ras427's photo
Wed 10/17/12 09:36 PM

Romney will finish what GW started and that will be a complete break of the middle class. There will be the filthy rich or the dirt poor and the rich will have complete and utter control in this country.

There will be no more legitimate elections because the rich cannot allow the surfs to elect someone who might change their advantage so...

It will really suck for those who are not rich enough to be in the Club with the big boys.

The American dream will die that day.

Actually middle class is doing alright. It's the working class that isn't. People just don't want to admit that our middle class has shifted and many who are actually working class try to be counted as middle class.

lower, middle, upper, positional labels

working,, not a positional label

'middle class' income can be earned by the working class

and working class can also sometimes earn more than those in other 'middle class' positions,,,


Wow.A lot of propagand a. Straight from the proletariat?
propaganda? In America? wow, never knew that.laugh

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