Topic: State stands on gun control
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 01/15/13 03:25 PM

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 03:32 PM
VERY interesting.

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 03:50 PM

Really gets started about 8 minutes in.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 01/15/13 04:59 PM
the leadership of New york has their heads so far up their backsides! How many of their laws got tossed by the grand jury so far?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 01/15/13 05:11 PM

Senator Greg Ball NY session comments - 1/14/13

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 01/15/13 05:16 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 01/15/13 05:17 PM
South Carolina's Tom Davis introduces a joint resolution that nullifies any executive orders on guns:

"Any federal executive order restricting, abridging, or otherwise infringing upon the free exercise of a citizen's second amendment right to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional and shall not be enforced by any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency within South Carolina."

The full bill can be read here:

If you're state has not yet passed nullification or has not introduced nullification, please contact your state senators and congressman immediately.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 01/16/13 12:30 AM

When the president surrounds himself with children while giving his announcement that reasonable gun control measures are necessary, bear in mind that those ‘assault rifles‘ the government is sure to be going after were not even used in the Newton, Connecticut elementary shooting. As NBC admits in the video above, four handguns were used to carry out that despicable atrocity. This directly contradicts other reports.

Pete Williams, who is NBC’s chief Justice correspondent, reported the following in the video posted above:

This continues to be a very complex investigation and there is a lot of contradictory information out there, but we have some new information this morning (one month ago) from a couple of federal officials and state officials.

They say now that there were actually four handguns inside the school, not just two as we were initially told. Four handguns and apparently only handguns that were taken into the school.

We knew that Adam Lanza, the man said to be the gunman here, also had an ‘assault-style’ AR-15 -style rifle that he had had taken to the school, it was in the car he drove there, his mother’s car, but we have been told by several officials that he had left that in the car.

The correspondent makes it clear over and over again that he confirmed this information with federal and state officials. Now, a lot of media reports contradict this one, but somebody’s lying. The report that an ‘AR-15-style’ assault rifle was in the trunk of murderer Adam Lanza’s car is up for dispute as well. If one examines footage from police breaking into Lanza’s car, one sees police clearing a round from a “long gun of some type” that does not appear to be ‘AR-15 style’ or ‘assault-style.’

Whether or not the mainstream media are intentionally spreading disinformation about the Sandy Hook elementary tragedy, there is one thing for certain: not only are violent crime rates at a modern low and going down, but only 323 homicides were committed by rifles in 2011. That includes hunting rifles, assault rifles, military style rifles, semi-automatic rifles and whatever label one comes up with, regardless of magazine or clip capacity.

In a nation of 311 million people, the odds of being killed by a rifle is about one homicide per million people, which is far less than the odds of being murdered by a blunt object. But we don’t hear the media arguing about regulating hammers and clubs. Again, when 99.7% of registered gun owners are law-abiding, gun control is not about guns, it’s about control.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 01/16/13 04:40 AM
The Liberty and Freedom Foundation
TEXAS PLANS TO ARREST ANY OBAMA OFFICIAL WHO TRIES TO ENFORE HIS 2ND AMENDMENT RESTRICTING EXECUTIVE ORDER - Texas is standing up to Barack Obama's attack on our freedom and the Constitution and is proposing to JAIL any federal officials Trying to Barack Obama's gun Restrictions in the State. The Texas legislature plans to file the Firearms Protection Act, which would make any federal laws that may be passed by Liberals or imposed by An Obama order which would ban or restrict ownership of firearms or limit the size of gun magazines illegal in the state. State Rep. Steve Toth says the measure also calls for felony criminal charges to be filed against any federal official who tries to enforce the rule in the state. "If a federal official comes into the state of Texas to enforce the federal executive order, that person is subject to criminal prosecution," Toth said. WAY TO GO TEXAS!