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Topic: Taking Back This Country
Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 02/07/13 02:09 AM
How can we take back what we had? Guns will only work till they get tired of us. If that's their mindset that we are now cattle to them.. Far reaching but how can we take back our Country legally and playing their own game?

We know politicians look for good press for them. Pass Laws everyone will endorse. So many Laws... That's all they do is pass new laws. The most on the state and county level.. once they start their whether we like it or not at least several more states will be taking our rights away..

The laws are not fair to begin with.. to many loopholes. have enough money and you can basically buy yourself out of anything. Be middle class and its another story. Then start with our local cops ( trickle down theory . you know from the top to the bottom) Well I do not know about you but the only trickle down I have seen is being Pissed ON :smile: Its so sad but so true.

You get pulled over.. you can get a ticket or told to be more careful. Cops decides (lets just say) first line of judgment . You got a ticket.. 2nd line of judgment ( all on how they feel is right..) The prosicuter. Some are cute. oh well. They can move forward or not. Then some have to go to the grand jury. ( better justice) Then on to trial. Or its easier to just pay the darn thing and forget about it. That's me.

Their much more to this way our laws are governed. Loophole you and me never know exist.. Our congressmen make the laws.( Most all Lawyers) Then we get 2 lawyers coming to trial before Big Chief Lawyer. ( The Judge.. Here come the Judge? Don't don't ya just shiver when you come before the Judge? That feeling this person can ruin my life. If its serious enough. Then these 2 lawyer present their case to the Jury ( who can be instructed by the judge that he throwing something out from testimony.. when ever he wants> ( The Judge has Power.

This power struggle. Is in city councils. So many people telling us what we can and can not do, Way 2 many laws. Can ya go the bathroom if your ready to explode right then and their. Or do you go in your pants afraid of the law if someone saw you?

That's a Bull Crap Law. Should be called what it is.. We need to take back this country. By using the very exact rules they have on us right back on them and let their greed fall them away.. Those who are not for us will fall but those who are will get stronger because they will understand. They understand greed because they see it all the time. They though have a Job to do.. They have believed since day 1 when they were elected they would do the best they could for his people.. whoever he represents. Trying to do what's right that's instilled in them will also keep their same path when wolves turn on themselves.

The only way (IMO) to take this country back is to play ball. Watch them and checkout how everyone has voted. How Judges have ruled on like same cases.. I would think the Freedom of Information act u could get info on different rulings.

We have to realize judges are appointed.. Yet they have the most influence over our everyday lives.. Most all if not all are appointed. Important ones are for sure and for how long? Their where to start at the local level.. How fair our your Judges?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 02/07/13 02:51 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Thu 02/07/13 02:57 AM
Some laws need a huge make over. They know it.. Their not dumb.

Yet we have child support laws. which need be.. But what good does it do to catch the dead beat dad and put him in prison?

We pay about 1000 a week to keep someone locked up in prison and many go their.

When we could when a dad has shown he does not care. Has no intention of supporting his kid. Don't put him in prison.. He has it better now than a homeless person. No put him in a half way house. he goes to work pays his room and board and 1/2 his wages are garnished until he shows a change of heart. That's a much better law in my book. What good does it do his kids if he is in jail?

We need to lesson possession user Laws. Non sense also. If you get caught a 2nd time no matter what the substance is. using as a guide current laws make them go to forced rehab and they get to pay the bill when they get out and our on probation till the bill is paid. At least we are cracking down and saying.. Look it's time to straighten up and Make them do it.. Thiers a law still on the books from the early 1900's in Penn. Like to see it enforced. That if a car sees a horse and buggy coming.. They have to disassemble their car and wait for the buggy to pass.. Then they can go on.. Amish did not like motorized buggy's. still don'tnoway

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 02/07/13 05:27 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 02/07/13 05:33 AM
To spite what the Hindus and New Agers may think about karma, I'm of the opinion that Justice doesn't exist as a law of nature; the burden of justice falls upon each and every one of us who want to see it, so if you are reading this and want justice, I'm talking about you, so remember:

"Justice does not exist in nature. It is our burden to create it, insist on it, and to fight for it." - an onymous duck

If you do not want justice, it can only be that you are an apathetic fool and/or a self-serving, psychopathic member of an elite that is the enemy of the rest of humanity. The message to you is that the gravy train of human exploitation and bondage is about to end; it would be wise not to be on that train; the huge meal you've been enjoying of the blood, sweat and tears of others is almost over. From here on in, the waiter will be passing out just desserts.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/07/13 06:11 AM
humans are imperfect, therefore any system run by humans will have imperfections

we can only strive to do 'better'

and Im not quite sure what period of 'justice' we should go back to,,,,,as I dont know of such a time where we had justice across the board here in america,,,(or anywhere else for that matter)

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 02/07/13 06:25 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 02/07/13 06:27 AM

humans are imperfect, therefore any system run by humans will have imperfections

As long as the race is imperfect, the best we can do is imperfect justice, but that is no reason not to strive for it. A proper republic comes close because it is based on the rule of law, whereby imperfect men must interfere as little as possible.

and Im not quite sure what period of 'justice' we should go back to,,,,,as I dont know of such a time where we had justice across the board here in america,,,(or anywhere else for that matter)

That is a strawman argument. Did anyone say there was more justice in the past? In truth, the only way we will have justice in the future is to fight for it in the present. The past only provides lessons we should be learning from.

When we finally recognize that law just IS and can't be legislated (that legislation isn't law, but only a regulatory opinion given the force of law), we will make a giant leap into a better world. It will mark the end of rule by men and the beginning of a true rule of law.

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:03 AM

humans are imperfect, therefore any system run by humans will have imperfections

we can only strive to do 'better'

and Im not quite sure what period of 'justice' we should go back to,,,,,as I dont know of such a time where we had justice across the board here in america,,,(or anywhere else for that matter)

The idea of a republic with small regional governments is to prevent large tyrannies.

Small tyrannies are more easily overcome. We need to go back to a form of government that can only create a small regional tyranny at worst.

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:08 AM
How can we take back what we had?

The Indians are probably asking themselves that same question

willing2's photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:11 AM

How can we take back what we had?

The Indians are probably asking themselves that same question

The folks before the indians are asking the same thing.

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:20 AM

How can we take back what we had?

The Indians are probably asking themselves that same question

The folks before the indians are asking the same thing.

what folks might that be?...the dinosaurs perhaps? ..are dinosaurs folks?...

instead of Jurassic would have named it Folks Park

willing2...perhaps you should think... before you post

willing2's photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:23 AM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 02/07/13 07:24 AM

How can we take back what we had?

The Indians are probably asking themselves that same question

The folks before the indians are asking the same thing.

what folks might that be?...the dinosaurs perhaps? ..are dinosaurs folks?...

instead of Jurassic would have named it Folks Park

willing2...perhaps you should think... before you post

Excuse me?

Where do you get the idea indians were the first people to inhabit North America?

From yer 4th grade history class?
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:31 AM

How can we take back what we had?

The Indians are probably asking themselves that same question

The folks before the indians are asking the same thing.

what folks might that be?...the dinosaurs perhaps? ..are dinosaurs folks?...

instead of Jurassic would have named it Folks Park

willing2...perhaps you should think... before you post

Excuse me?

Where do you get the idea indians were the first people to inhabit North America?

From yer 4th grade history class?
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I'm surprise you didn't say that illegal aliens were the first folks to "inhabit" pre-North America

you're also welcome to name "the folks" you believed lived in Pre-North America before the Indians did

if you can't...then as I should think ...before you post...

willing2's photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:36 AM

How can we take back what we had?

The Indians are probably asking themselves that same question

The folks before the indians are asking the same thing.

what folks might that be?...the dinosaurs perhaps? ..are dinosaurs folks?...

instead of Jurassic would have named it Folks Park

willing2...perhaps you should think... before you post

Excuse me?

Where do you get the idea indians were the first people to inhabit North America?

From yer 4th grade history class?
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

you're also welcome to name "the folks" you believed lived in Pre-North America before the Indians did

if you can't...then as I should think ...before you post...

Here. You do yer homework.

Google (1st north american inhabitants).

If, I am right, you need not post on this topic or other topics you know little about.

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:49 AM

How can we take back what we had?

The Indians are probably asking themselves that same question

The folks before the indians are asking the same thing.

what folks might that be?...the dinosaurs perhaps? ..are dinosaurs folks?...

instead of Jurassic would have named it Folks Park

willing2...perhaps you should think... before you post

Excuse me?

Where do you get the idea indians were the first people to inhabit North America?

From yer 4th grade history class?
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

you're also welcome to name "the folks" you believed lived in Pre-North America before the Indians did

if you can't...then as I should think ...before you post...

Here. You do yer homework.

Google (1st north american inhabitants).

If, I am right, you need not post on this topic or other topics you know little about.

willing2...are you "willing2"(no pun intended) post your own thoughts and stop letting the government of google control you

so use your own thoughts (if possible) and name the folks you claimed lived here before the Indians

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:56 AM

Some laws need a huge make over. They know it.. Their not dumb.

Yet we have child support laws. which need be.. But what good does it do to catch the dead beat dad and put him in prison?

We pay about 1000 a week to keep someone locked up in prison and many go their.

When we could when a dad has shown he does not care. Has no intention of supporting his kid. Don't put him in prison.. He has it better now than a homeless person. No put him in a half way house. he goes to work pays his room and board and 1/2 his wages are garnished until he shows a change of heart. That's a much better law in my book. What good does it do his kids if he is in jail?

We need to lesson possession user Laws. Non sense also. If you get caught a 2nd time no matter what the substance is. using as a guide current laws make them go to forced rehab and they get to pay the bill when they get out and our on probation till the bill is paid. At least we are cracking down and saying.. Look it's time to straighten up and Make them do it.. Thiers a law still on the books from the early 1900's in Penn. Like to see it enforced. That if a car sees a horse and buggy coming.. They have to disassemble their car and wait for the buggy to pass.. Then they can go on.. Amish did not like motorized buggy's. still don'tnoway
Taking it back by making more Laws and more Restrictions,as long as they are Up-to-Date?laugh

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:58 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Thu 02/07/13 07:59 AM
Whats an Indian?

Whats a country before someone draws a map and gives it a name?

If you had 100 million people living on a single continent and none of them calling themselves other than human what then?

You guys could sit here and revisit ancient history with specifics, or you could just keep generalizing vague terms with little meaning over large spans of time and about groups of humans with little actual differences.

The thing is neither is really going to prove anything.

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 08:09 AM

Whats an Indian?

Whats a country before someone draws a map and gives it a name?

If you had 100 million people living on a single continent and none of them calling themselves other than human what then?

You guys could sit here and revisit ancient history with specifics, or you could just keep generalizing vague terms with little meaning over large spans of time and about groups of humans with little actual differences.

The thing is neither is really going to prove anything.

Bushidobillyclub....oh so now you don't know what an Indian is? never watched a second of American Television with Indians...

you went thought the entire school system never learning what an Indian was....

you never pick up or read a book that mention anything about Indians,

you have the entire wealth of man's knowledge (supposedly) on The Internet at your fingertips but yet you're confused to or never heard of an Indian

and you guys wondering what's wrong with America ....apparently it's the public school system

willing2's photo
Thu 02/07/13 08:13 AM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 02/07/13 08:13 AM
An Indian is possibly the second or third (human) inhabitant of North America.

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 08:24 AM

An Indian is possibly the second or third (human) inhabitant of North America.

an inhabitant could apply to a dead body floating to the shore

so ironic how you guys avoid answering questions just like the politicians you're always in here complaining about

all those that came after the Indians would be classified as illegal aliens

willing2's photo
Thu 02/07/13 08:32 AM

An Indian is possibly the second or third (human) inhabitant of North America.

an inhabitant could apply to a dead body floating to the shore

so ironic how you guys avoid answering questions just like the politicians you're always in here complaining about

all those that came after the Indians would be classified as illegal aliens

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 02/07/13 11:45 AM
I'm a duck...I'm also an indigenous native of this land because I was born here and that's what the Europeans found when they arrived on Turtle Island centuries ago. They called the indigenous natives Indians by accident, but the moniker stuck because Indians were known to be non-Christian heathens that had to be converted to Christianity (in accordance with Imperial Church/(business) policy). This policy suited the european power interests who coveted the land and its resources very well. Consequently the Indians were forced at gunpoint to adopt European ways. Those who didn't were considered savages who stood in the way of "progress" (profit), so they were systematically killed off in droves. The more honourable Indian understanding of law (that provided some of the principles of natural law used in the original American Constitution) stood in opposition to to the more profitable European feudalistic system based on land & resources being private property, so the natural law the indians lived by (which made land and resources part of the common) had to be "removed" for the sake of profit. This resulted in what amounts to a cultural (and nearly actual) genocide.

Why don't we all wise up and quit playing the "who was here first" game and recognize that anyone born on a land is a native of that land, with the same natural rights and duties as anyone else? It's time to quit playing "us" versus "them"...There is no "them"...only us...the people. Countries and other crap like that were just things that were made up, mostly for the unlawful over-exploitation of resources for the profit of a small and extraordinarily wealthy elite that has exploited us as a human resource for centuries.

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