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Topic: Romance addicts...
GreenEyes48's photo
Wed 02/13/13 05:04 AM
I've known women and even some men who seem to be "romance addicts."...I think some of it has to do with wanting to be "rescued" from a dull life. (Like the story-lines and plots in fairy tales.)...What do you think?

justme659's photo
Wed 02/13/13 05:22 AM
Well, I guess it depends on what one person means as romantic. I am sure those flower and candy types are out there.
But as for me, a romantic gesture would be grabbing the dish towell and drying the dishes without having to be asked. Getting up off the couch, to move the couch while I sweep. Or, comming to the grocery store with me to pick out whats for supper.
I do not know if that means that I want or need to be rescued from a dull life.
I do know that I would love the chance to be with someone that I could share my life with, dull or other wise.

willing2's photo
Wed 02/13/13 05:35 AM
Romance has it's time and place. Spontaneity is good.

Feeling content and at ease in your home with your partner is soul enriching.

Me, I'm pretty boring in the daily routine of things.

Mine is just an ordinary life. I do run into a lot of extraordinary folks.

oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 02/13/13 05:39 AM
If I was in good health I'd like to rescue a woman...

GreenEyes48's photo
Wed 02/13/13 06:05 AM
Edited by GreenEyes48 on Wed 02/13/13 06:08 AM

Well, I guess it depends on what one person means as romantic. I am sure those flower and candy types are out there.
But as for me, a romantic gesture would be grabbing the dish towell and drying the dishes without having to be asked. Getting up off the couch, to move the couch while I sweep. Or, comming to the grocery store with me to pick out whats for supper.
I do not know if that means that I want or need to be rescued from a dull life.
I do know that I would love
I can relate. Romance doesn't have to be about candy or flowers or expensive jewelry or "baby talk!"...I've run into some people who do seem to want to be "rescued" in a fairy-tale kind of way...I have a male friend in his 30's who grew-up in an abusive home...My friend keeps looking for a "princess charming" who will "rescue" him from his abusive life and love him unconditionally but he keeps hooking-up with women who end-up abusing him down the road too...The women seem loving at first and he's captivated by their charms. But he doesn't see that they are really "wolves" in "sheep's clothing" because he's never really come to terms with his abusive background. And he doesn't stand-up for himself with his abusive family. (At least not very often anyway.)

GreenEyes48's photo
Wed 02/13/13 06:24 AM

Romance has it's time and place. Spontaneity is good.

Feeling content and at ease in your home with your partner is soul enriching.

Me, I'm pretty boring in the daily routine of things.

Mine is just an ordinary life. I do run into a lot of extraordinary folks.
I like the part about "feeling content and at ease at home with your partner." This says it all for me. And this is what I used to have with my husband for nearly 25 years. (Until he passed away. Sad!)...Love doesn't have to be about fireworks and roses and sipping champagne day and night.. Or "hoochie-goochie" 24/7...I agree with you...Love is about having peace and feeling loved and "loving back" in simple and quiet ways.

no photo
Wed 02/13/13 06:34 AM

I've known women and even some men who seem to be "romance addicts."...I think some of it has to do with wanting to be "rescued" from a dull life. (Like the story-lines and plots in fairy tales.)...What do you think?

I'm sure romance holds unique connotation for each person and each romance they experience....I agree that some women are romance addicts and I think what drives them varies, ranging from a need for financial security to an array of psychological and emotional needs and/or problems...When I was in college, I met a woman who was addicted to romance novels....She seemed convinced that the stories were reality based....She had lots of short term romances and kept us entertained with the details of each during our breaks laugh

GreenEyes48's photo
Wed 02/13/13 06:48 AM

I've known women and even some men who seem to be "romance addicts."...I think some of it has to do with wanting to be "rescued" from a dull life. (Like the story-lines and plots in fairy tales.)...What do you think?

I'm sure romance holds unique connotation for each person and each romance they experience....I agree that some women are romance addicts and I think what drives them varies, ranging from a need for financial security to an array of psychological and emotional needs and/or problems...When I was in college, I met a woman who was addicted to romance novels....She seemed convinced that the stories were reality based....She had lots of short term romances and kept us entertained with the details of each during our breaks laugh
Great post...I know some women who are super-super tough and macho yet they love to read romance novels in their spare time. Go figure...These women complain about their husbands a lot. But the truth is they hardly ever let their husbands see their "softer sides." They act tough and macho most of the time so how can they expect their husbands to ever feel romantic towards them?

no photo
Wed 02/13/13 07:07 AM

I've known women and even some men who seem to be "romance addicts."...I think some of it has to do with wanting to be "rescued" from a dull life. (Like the story-lines and plots in fairy tales.)...What do you think?

I'm sure romance holds unique connotation for each person and each romance they experience....I agree that some women are romance addicts and I think what drives them varies, ranging from a need for financial security to an array of psychological and emotional needs and/or problems...When I was in college, I met a woman who was addicted to romance novels....She seemed convinced that the stories were reality based....She had lots of short term romances and kept us entertained with the details of each during our breaks laugh
Great post...I know some women who are super-super tough and macho yet they love to read romance novels in their spare time. Go figure...These women complain about their husbands a lot. But the truth is they hardly ever let their husbands see their "softer sides." They act tough and macho most of the time so how can they expect their husbands to ever feel romantic towards them?

Romance novels (including 50 Shadeswhoa )...Ridiculous erotica, counterproductive to enjoying a healthy sex life! laugh

no photo
Wed 02/13/13 07:16 AM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Wed 02/13/13 07:16 AM
This is a dating site, and romance is in the air everywhere, and every day, and I don't know about anybody else, but the happy feelings we get by hanging around in an environment that is conducive to setting the stage for love and making heartfelt connections, possibly even lasting relationships is somewhere I want to be, and I sure won't need rescuing from it...drool laugh

GreenEyes48's photo
Wed 02/13/13 07:48 AM
Looking back I can see that I definitely got caught-up in the "prince charming" stuff when I married my first husband...Of course I was only 18 at the time and "green" behind my ears...He presented himself as my "rescuer." ("Knight in shining armor!") And I was anxious to leave home at the time since my family had ongoing problems back then...But everything changed when the "honeymoon phase" was over and I sure felt disappointed...I had a lot of lessons to learn about love and relationships during my younger years. (Lessons learned the "hard way!")...When I met my "last" husband (later in life) I wasn't looking for someone to "rescue me.".. I was looking for a best friend and companion and someone to "enjoy."

no photo
Wed 02/13/13 09:06 AM

Looking back I can see that I definitely got caught-up in the "prince charming" stuff when I married my first husband...Of course I was only 18 at the time and "green" behind my ears...He presented himself as my "rescuer." ("Knight in shining armor!") And I was anxious to leave home at the time since my family had ongoing problems back then...But everything changed when the "honeymoon phase" was over and I sure felt disappointed...I had a lot of lessons to learn about love and relationships during my younger years. (Lessons learned the "hard way!")...When I met my "last" husband (later in life) I wasn't looking for someone to "rescue me.".. I was looking for a best friend and companion and someone to "enjoy."

I read you loud and clear Greeneyes!....The important thing for me is learning and holding on to a willingness to try again...After my last serious relationship ended, I spent five years getting reacquainted with me before I felt ready...It was the best thing I ever did! flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

Teditis's photo
Wed 02/13/13 09:41 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by Romance Addicts...?
Are talking about folks that dance from relationship to relationship?
When the flames die down a bit... they go find something new?

Or folks that love Love and all the beautiful emotions and actions often associated with an intimate relationship?
Then go to great lengths to keep that spirit alive in a monogomous affair with their life-long partner?

Either way... to each their own.

no photo
Wed 02/13/13 09:51 AM

Looking back I can see that I definitely got caught-up in the "prince charming" stuff when I married my first husband...Of course I was only 18 at the time and "green" behind my ears...He presented himself as my "rescuer." ("Knight in shining armor!") And I was anxious to leave home at the time since my family had ongoing problems back then...But everything changed when the "honeymoon phase" was over and I sure felt disappointed...I had a lot of lessons to learn about love and relationships during my younger years. (Lessons learned the "hard way!")...When I met my "last" husband (later in life) I wasn't looking for someone to "rescue me.".. I was looking for a best friend and companion and someone to "enjoy."

I love how you put this Greeneyes, this is perfectly stated.. and what I'm looking for too.. and it doesn't just come along everyday... it's a relationship that takes time and growth...

When I met my "last" husband (later in life) I wasn't looking for someone to "rescue me.".. I was looking for a best friend and companion and someone to "enjoy."

navygirl's photo
Wed 02/13/13 09:54 AM

I've known women and even some men who seem to be "romance addicts."...I think some of it has to do with wanting to be "rescued" from a dull life. (Like the story-lines and plots in fairy tales.)...What do you think?

Yeah; I have known guys like that and is exasperating. I always believe there can be too much of something and that it gets annoying.

no photo
Wed 02/13/13 10:01 AM

I've known women and even some men who seem to be "romance addicts."...I think some of it has to do with wanting to be "rescued" from a dull life. (Like the story-lines and plots in fairy tales.)...What do you think?

Yeah; I have known guys like that and is exasperating. I always believe there can be too much of something and that it gets annoying.

:thumbsup: Everything in moderation...Clingy and needy are huge turnoffs for me....

GreenEyes48's photo
Wed 02/13/13 10:46 AM

I've known women and even some men who seem to be "romance addicts."...I think some of it has to do with wanting to be "rescued" from a dull life. (Like the story-lines and plots in fairy tales.)...What do you think?

Yeah; I have known guys like that and is exasperating. I always believe there can be too much of something and that it gets annoying.

:thumbsup: Everything in moderation...Clingy and needy are huge turnoffs for me....
Yuk! No clingy and needy for me either!...I think relationships work best when each partner has a measure of self-sufficiency...When both partners can think "independent thoughts" and come up with novel ideas on their own...Yet they enjoy working together as a team and don't get caught-up in silly and needless games...Or heavy-duty competition. What do you think? Thanks for all you've shared.

GreenEyes48's photo
Wed 02/13/13 10:55 AM

I've known women and even some men who seem to be "romance addicts."...I think some of it has to do with wanting to be "rescued" from a dull life. (Like the story-lines and plots in fairy tales.)...What do you think?

Yeah; I have known guys like that and is exasperating. I always believe there can be too much of something and that it gets annoying.
I think I get scared-off when guys send me introductory emails and call me "sweetheart" or "beautiful" (or terms like this) right off the bat because it reminds me of romance novels...I don't want to feel obligated to play a role in someone's "love drama." How do you feel about it?...I feel safer when men just "talk straight." And don't hint at love or romance when they first approach me.

GreenEyes48's photo
Wed 02/13/13 11:04 AM

Looking back I can see that I definitely got caught-up in the "prince charming" stuff when I married my first husband...Of course I was only 18 at the time and "green" behind my ears...He presented himself as my "rescuer." ("Knight in shining armor!") And I was anxious to leave home at the time since my family had ongoing problems back then...But everything changed when the "honeymoon phase" was over and I sure felt disappointed...I had a lot of lessons to learn about love and relationships during my younger years. (Lessons learned the "hard way!")...When I met my "last" husband (later in life) I wasn't looking for someone to "rescue me.".. I was looking for a best friend and companion and someone to "enjoy."

I read you loud and clear Greeneyes!....The important thing for me is learning and holding on to a willingness to try again...After my last serious relationship ended, I spent five years getting reacquainted with me before I felt ready...It was the best thing I ever did! flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou
Good for you for taking time out to "find yourself" again before you started dating new men...I had a quickie 2nd marriage that didn't even last a year after I divorced my 1st husband...After that I waited 12 years before I was ready to commit to someone new....But the 3rd time was definitely the "charm" for me and the marriage that lasted.

TBRich's photo
Wed 02/13/13 11:07 AM

I've known women and even some men who seem to be "romance addicts."...I think some of it has to do with wanting to be "rescued" from a dull life. (Like the story-lines and plots in fairy tales.)...What do you think?

They go on my list of people to avoid, like most addicts

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