Topic: I thought I knew...
greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 08/20/07 12:36 PM
I'd see your face my heart would pound
As you moved close without a sound
But you'd get near and I would freeze
I'd feel the tremble in my knees.
Mouth would go dry before the kiss
How will I ever escape from this
the fear that grips me as we bloom
I feel overwhelming sense of doom
You assure me and I relent
Give in to time so passionately spent
Then I regret and have remorse
Im caught in limbo blown way off course

I panic when I feel my heart
want to share and never part.
Will you hit me, will you cheat
My self esteem will you beat?
Do you belittle when your mad
How will you take my tears if sad?
Im almost sure looking at you
But then more doubts-I thought I knew.
Now Im confused -dont trust my choices
I wish I could shut up these voices
They lie to me and tell me things
My mind brings back pain stings.

How will I ever make it through
Do you love me? I thought I knew.
Life in shackles, my heart is bound
And my feet on unstable ground
Yet your kindness lures me in
You're so gentle my faithful friend
But back and forth my feelings go
Tossed in emotion to and fro
Wanting love but I can't commit
I feel insane lost in a pit.
A past of anger, fists of rage
Im like a tiger trapped in a cage.

Are you the one who'll set me free?
How much longer will you tolerate me?
Do I test to see if you will-
Understand and be there still?
Will my heart grow ever faint
Til Im parted from my saint-
Missing a love thats forever true
SOmeone tell me -I thought I knew
I feel an aching in my chest
Lay down at night but I cant rest
Its no fun living this way
Filled with panic and dismay-

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 08/20/07 12:42 PM
flowerforyou Nice

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 12:59 PM
Your always great with words Greenflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

pkh's photo
Mon 08/20/07 01:27 PM
you'll know love is unconditionalflowerforyou

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 08/21/07 03:53 AM
Thank you all. Its the first Ive written in a while.
Felt good to get all that "out" WHEW!ohwell

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 08/21/07 07:52 AM
Awww very good one bigsmile

LAMom's photo
Tue 08/21/07 08:02 AM
((((( gel ))))

Always a pleasure to see you post,,, Very nice flowerforyou