Topic: What can you tell me
no photo
Tue 08/21/07 10:42 PM
About rebound relationships? I know that they are not a good thing, and people get hurt. But can a rebound relationship grow into something more long term?

KENNY1030's photo
Tue 08/21/07 10:46 PM
nope,never does and never will,it will just get worse,believe me

Italo's photo
Tue 08/21/07 10:46 PM
you never know but most of the times no

connorsmom1's photo
Tue 08/21/07 11:00 PM
What makes a rebound relationship?

Ruthies1's photo
Tue 08/21/07 11:08 PM
Well I think that any relationship can grow over time into something special. And what exactly is a rebound relationship? I think that as long as your heart is healed before you start dating then your next relationship is not a rebound relationship. A person can leave a relationship and take months or years for their heart to heal.

And look on the bright side if they don't turn out to be anything other than diversions to keep your mind off the love you lost, then what's the harm? As long as you are completely honest with whomever you are dating.

passionart's photo
Tue 08/21/07 11:08 PM
I feel as though there can be a chance if they realize they have eachothers best interest at heart. They may see the beauty that is called love in their new journey.

nvrsaynvr's photo
Tue 08/21/07 11:36 PM
Anything is possible.....gotta believe in miracles!!!

MicheleNC's photo
Wed 08/22/07 02:41 AM
Ahhh, Fine, I can only speak from experience.

My last 'rebound' relationship was the guy I dated after I separated from my ex-husband. Alas, it did not work out. He is a wonderful person. We had our share of issues. However, we are the best of friends now.

rivergirl301's photo
Wed 08/22/07 05:35 AM

rebound means you "boing" from you ex into the arms of someone new, before you have really had a chance to get over your former relationship. At least, that is my definition.

My ex husband married his rebound relationship 3 months after we were divorced (no, he was not seeing her while we were married). I think he is nuts.

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 05:42 AM
:heart: Anything and everything, is ALWAYS possible, but the odds might be against this working out with most.:heart:

All that any of us can do, is to see and feel what is best...
flowerforyou drinker :wink: smokin

justin2025560's photo
Wed 08/22/07 06:12 AM
Obviously you never know.. but, and obviously I'm not normal, after I broke up with my 5 year ex I found another girl that same night who also JUST got out of a longterm relationship and tried to start a relationship with her when we woke up in the morning. It didn't work. We were both so emotionally scarred and messed up in the head and what was good for a week ended in quite the horrific tragedy. I'll say nothing more. In my experience, rebound relationships don't work and double rebound relationships REALLY don't work. Why are you looking for another relationship anyways? date around a LOT, like, multiple people. Set qualifiers and standards and date only people that fit into those categories and slowly weed them down over a long period of time to find the true match. again, just my 2 bits

davinci1952's photo
Wed 08/22/07 07:07 AM
rebounds never work..never

dan44's photo
Wed 08/22/07 08:00 AM
Rebound relationship. Wow!
I think that is what i might be doing now, not sure.
I am involved with a woman that knows that she could be the rebound, and we have talked about this. Im trying very hard not to let it get to involved and so is she. We have had some fun togehter. Little things. We have been on one real date, which was very fun for the both of us. We have done a couple cook outs, and also went to out State Fair here together with her daughter and mine also.
There has been no affection showed in front of the girls.
She has been divorced for 13 years, me seperated since march final on 8/3/07. She keeps telling me that she has no problem just being my friend. And that should date other people first, not just her, because she understands what i still deal with.
I do have fun with her and the same from her.