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Topic: "Must love animals"?
KinBarrie's photo
Mon 09/09/13 09:05 AM
Edited by KinBarrie on Mon 09/09/13 09:06 AM
No, not that I am selfish; however I forgot to mention I am allergic to any sort of pet hair. If that makes me a bad person; oh well. Don't suggest taking allergy meds as my body can't take any type of meds without knocking me out.

My Dad has the exact same problem. We had a dog and
and a cat, on two separate occasions. Their stay was
short lived.

As a kid I did manage to have a hamster for two years.:smile:

navygirl's photo
Mon 09/09/13 09:27 AM

No, not that I am selfish; however I forgot to mention I am allergic to any sort of pet hair. If that makes me a bad person; oh well. Don't suggest taking allergy meds as my body can't take any type of meds without knocking me out.

My Dad has the exact same problem. We had a dog and
and a cat, on two separate occasions. Their stay was
short lived.

As a kid I did manage to have a hamster for two years.:smile:

Hmm, don't know how I would react about hamsters as never been around one.

no photo
Mon 09/09/13 10:21 AM

Why do many women indicate in profile an interest in dating and friendship (with or without mention of long term relationship) and insist that a man "love animals?" Does she intend to bring pets along on a date or activity? Do pet or animal topics dominate her interest or her conversational topics? Does she think that loving animals indicates that a man is "better" than one who is not an animal lover?

If one is truthfully seeking friends or activity partners it seems irrational to require that they "love animals" unless the only friendships or activities MUST involve animals.

Have you asked people who have said this? What was their answer?

no photo
Mon 09/09/13 10:28 AM
Edited by singmesweet on Mon 09/09/13 10:28 AM

No, not that I am selfish; however I forgot to mention I am allergic to any sort of pet hair. If that makes me a bad person; oh well. Don't suggest taking allergy meds as my body can't take any type of meds without knocking me out.

You mention this upfront to any dating prospect, right? If not, there's no reason for you to get upset if someone doesn't give up their pet for you.

I've never understood those who expect someone to give up a pet for someone.

no photo
Mon 09/09/13 10:32 AM

My Dad has the exact same problem. We had a dog and
and a cat, on two separate occasions. Their stay was
short lived.

As a kid I did manage to have a hamster for two years.:smile:

That's tough on the animals when someone keeps giving them up. I adopted two cats from a shelter several years ago. I would not give them up just because someone is allergic.

navygirl's photo
Mon 09/09/13 10:46 AM
Edited by navygirl on Mon 09/09/13 10:51 AM

No, not that I am selfish; however I forgot to mention I am allergic to any sort of pet hair. If that makes me a bad person; oh well. Don't suggest taking allergy meds as my body can't take any type of meds without knocking me out.

You mention this upfront to any dating prospect, right? If not, there's no reason for you to get upset if someone doesn't give up their pet for you.

I've never understood those who expect someone to give up a pet for someone.

Yes; I do tell them up front I am allergic but they always think that their pet is an exception. I haven't always had the allergy; it started only a few years ago. Other than that; I never asked anyone to give up their pet but it was frustrating on missing out on so much because they would not put their pet in a kennel or let them stay with a friend when we had plans where you simply could not take pets. This is why I immensely love taking vacations by myself as I am not limited as to where I can go and what I can do. I was just at the Shuswap area and many places don't allow pets on the beaches or in hotels there so if I dated a pet owner; I never would have been able to go there. Next year; I am going to another spot that I couldn't see because of this guy's pet. I am so excited that I can now go there and nothing will stand in my way.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 09/09/13 10:52 AM

Why do many women indicate in profile an interest in dating and friendship (with or without mention of long term relationship) and insist that a man "love animals?" Does she intend to bring pets along on a date or activity? Do pet or animal topics dominate her interest or her conversational topics? Does she think that loving animals indicates that a man is "better" than one who is not an animal lover?

If one is truthfully seeking friends or activity partners it seems irrational to require that they "love animals" unless the only friendships or activities MUST involve animals.

Men are the same when they are animal lovers. I dated one guy and told him I might have cancer; he didn't even listen to me when I told him at least three times (via phone and email) but got real upset when his dog threw up. After that I would never date a pet owner again. :angry:

Wow, this reminds me of a Canadian guy on another site that took a dislike to me when he found out that I was British because a British person had once said something insensitive to him.

Nope; not the same thing. I doubt you were dating him for one and two I am comparing a sick animal to a person who was facing a life threatening disease. I should correct myself and say this was the last straw as many times men have put their pets before me. This guy even ruined our vacation together as we couldn't go to a lot of places because he didn't put the dog in a kennel. When he put the dog's life over mine; that was too much to take.

Kind of hard to tell from what you say here if you are a demanding sort of woman that can't take boyfriends also having pets that they love or what but I would say that the guy that you do talk about here is hardly typical of pet owners and he was just an idiot. I wouldn't be too keen on putting my dog in a kennel either but if a girlfriend wanted to go on holiday there are people that would look after my dog for me while I was away.

Like I said, I had a girlfriend that didn't want me bringing my dog when we went out together but she didn't actually dislike my dog and she had one herself. She just liked to spend time with me without the dog demanding attention. Fair enough. The first time I took my dog to her house he tried to eat a chew toy that belonged to her dog and he was sick on the floor. He also peed in her house as a territorial thing I guess because her dog was female. I left my dog at home after that and I didn't insist on taking him along on dates. I did think that she was being unreasonable though that day when we were planning to go to the beach. What happened was that she saw me putting the dog's harness on and said that he wasn't coming. I just said, "Poor Sam" while I was taking his harness off again and that's when she lost her temper and stormed out. It was just part of the drama that I had to put up from her.

But all that I'm really getting from your post anyway is that you don't care much for animals and it's true that many pet owners love their pets like other people love their children. I've dated single mothers and I think that most men understand where they stand there. If quality time together away from kids and pets isn't good enough for you and you must have a man all to yourself that's your choice but it does seem a bit selfish to me and it does seem like a prejudice that excludes a lot of men that might want to date you.

I come from a nation of animal lovers and many single people do have a pet for companionship. If you have a dog it's like part of your family and it's as simple as that. It's a responsibility that you take on and how someone looks after their pets is a character trait that does tell you something about what sort of person they are. The last woman that I met through this dating site asked me if I wanted to meet up and go for a walk because she knew that I have a dog. She did make a judgment about my character when she met me and saw my dog. She saw that I have a happy dog and to her that was a sign that I'm a good guy. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that do have dogs that don't treat them so well and I wouldn't trust someone that mistreats or neglects animals.

No, not that I am selfish; however I forgot to mention I am allergic to any sort of pet hair. If that makes me a bad person; oh well. Don't suggest taking allergy meds as my body can't take any type of meds without knocking me out. However if I weren't allergic to fur; does that mean I can put my friends before him? My friends are like family to me so if he can treat a pet like family; then I should be able to treat friends like family. Fair is fair I say. I don't hate pets but I don't want to be tied down by one. Just like most people don't want kids in their later years as they want to be free to travel. Traveling with a pet is hard as most hotels; understandably; don't want pets in their hotels. You are literally chained to your pet much like having to tote around a young baby. As for a person's character; I am way more impressed with someone who does charity work or volunteer work than someone who owns a pet. As you say; people can abuse pets or kids; so that doesn't make them good people. And as for dating; I gave up long ago as pets or no pets; no one wants to date me. I don't care. I just gave my opinion this post on why some people don't want to date pet owners. That is all I have to say on the subject and personally I could care less what anyone thinks of me.

Yeah, you've said this before about how nobody wants to date you but if you don't mind me saying, I doubt that's strictly true and it sounds like you just don't feel that you are attractive to men for some personal reason.

If you are alergic to animal hair that's fair enough I guess and that's more reasonable than assuming that every man that has a pet is always going to put it before you, as you seem to be saying. Like I said, I love my dog but I don't always put my dog before a girlfriend and I don't insist on taking my dog everywhere. It is hardly the same thing as someone wanting their kids or friends around when you are having a romantic evening together though. I've got a female dog now and she does get a bit jealous when other females are giving me attention but she is just a dog and she's going to have to give up her place on the couch next to me when I have a girlfriend round.

Yeah, not everyone that owns a pet takes care of it properly or treats it well but I don't think that you can count those people as animal lovers and that's a bit irrelevant, apart from the fact that if someone mistreats or neglects their own pets that's most likely a sign that they won't treat you too well either.

navygirl's photo
Mon 09/09/13 11:01 AM
Edited by navygirl on Mon 09/09/13 11:06 AM
I know I am not attractive Tawt but I was just replying to your statement: "If quality time together away from kids and pets isn't good enough for you and you must have a man all to yourself that's your choice but it does seem a bit selfish to me and it does seem like a prejudice that excludes a lot of men that might want to date you."

I also resent you saying I am selfish. I give up much of my time to help with volunteer organizations, tell people not to buy me gifts; rather to donate to some charity on my behalf; as well I organize charity drives to help others all the time. Owning a pet doesn't make you a better person; its how you live your life which defines that. Incidentally; I always thought it was cruel to lock up a pet in a house alone while one is at work with no one to care for them.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 09/09/13 11:20 AM

I know I am not attractive Tawt but I was just replying to your statement: "If quality time together away from kids and pets isn't good enough for you and you must have a man all to yourself that's your choice but it does seem a bit selfish to me and it does seem like a prejudice that excludes a lot of men that might want to date you."

I also resent you saying I am selfish. I give up much of my time to help with volunteer organizations, tell people not to buy me gifts; rather to donate to some charity on my behalf; as well I organize charity drives to help others all the time. Owning a pet doesn't make you a better person; its how you live your life which defines that. Incidentally; I always thought it was cruel to lock up a pet in a house alone while one is at work with no one to care for them.

I didn't exactly call you selfish. I was just trying to ask you what your problem is with a man having a pet if you aren't selfish. We all have our prejudices though. I don't get on with charity do gooders because of bad experiences that I've had with them and just like you say that owning a pet doesn't automatically make you a good person, I don't think that working for charities automatically makes someone a good person.

Yeah, I wasn't allowed a dog when I was a kid because it would have been left on its own all day while I was at school and my parents were at work but I spend most of my time at home and my dog is very rarely left on her own. She's fine though if I want to go out for a couple of hours and can't take her with me. Most of the time when I have a girlfriend they come here and she's a really friendly dog. She's also fine being shut in another room while I'm through in the bedroom.

KinBarrie's photo
Mon 09/09/13 12:16 PM

No, not that I am selfish; however I forgot to mention I am allergic to any sort of pet hair. If that makes me a bad person; oh well. Don't suggest taking allergy meds as my body can't take any type of meds without knocking me out.

My Dad has the exact same problem. We had a dog and
and a cat, on two separate occasions. Their stay was
short lived.

As a kid I did manage to have a hamster for two years.:smile:

Hmm, don't know how I would react about hamsters as never been around one.

They are good pets, but you have got to be very careful not to startle them, or put your finger in their cage, while they are near it. They give you a good nip that'll draw blood.

If you're careful, they can be a friendly, loving and fun
pet to have.

Whatever you do though, never put two male hamsters in a
cage together. They will fight one another to the death!surprised

no photo
Mon 09/09/13 02:39 PM

No, not that I am selfish; however I forgot to mention I am allergic to any sort of pet hair. If that makes me a bad person; oh well. Don't suggest taking allergy meds as my body can't take any type of meds without knocking me out.

You mention this upfront to any dating prospect, right? If not, there's no reason for you to get upset if someone doesn't give up their pet for you.

I've never understood those who expect someone to give up a pet for someone.

Yes; I do tell them up front I am allergic but they always think that their pet is an exception. I haven't always had the allergy; it started only a few years ago. Other than that; I never asked anyone to give up their pet but it was frustrating on missing out on so much because they would not put their pet in a kennel or let them stay with a friend when we had plans where you simply could not take pets. This is why I immensely love taking vacations by myself as I am not limited as to where I can go and what I can do. I was just at the Shuswap area and many places don't allow pets on the beaches or in hotels there so if I dated a pet owner; I never would have been able to go there. Next year; I am going to another spot that I couldn't see because of this guy's pet. I am so excited that I can now go there and nothing will stand in my way.


navygirl's photo
Mon 09/09/13 04:32 PM

I know I am not attractive Tawt but I was just replying to your statement: "If quality time together away from kids and pets isn't good enough for you and you must have a man all to yourself that's your choice but it does seem a bit selfish to me and it does seem like a prejudice that excludes a lot of men that might want to date you."

I also resent you saying I am selfish. I give up much of my time to help with volunteer organizations, tell people not to buy me gifts; rather to donate to some charity on my behalf; as well I organize charity drives to help others all the time. Owning a pet doesn't make you a better person; its how you live your life which defines that. Incidentally; I always thought it was cruel to lock up a pet in a house alone while one is at work with no one to care for them.

I didn't exactly call you selfish. I was just trying to ask you what your problem is with a man having a pet if you aren't selfish. We all have our prejudices though. I don't get on with charity do gooders because of bad experiences that I've had with them and just like you say that owning a pet doesn't automatically make you a good person, I don't think that working for charities automatically makes someone a good person.

I never said I was a good person; I am just saying I am not a selfish person. I am out there helping my community and trying to make a difference in their lives. We are trying to help those less fortunate by volunteering our time and we expect nothing in return but now that I see you don't care for those that help charities; that explains a lot about you. I think there is a big difference from being just a pet owner to someone that actually cares about their community. Just because I won't date a man with a pet; that doesn't make me selfish; just a preference. Much like men who won't date overweight women, or people that don't date smokers, or heavy drinkers, or single parents.

navygirl's photo
Mon 09/09/13 04:33 PM

No, not that I am selfish; however I forgot to mention I am allergic to any sort of pet hair. If that makes me a bad person; oh well. Don't suggest taking allergy meds as my body can't take any type of meds without knocking me out.

My Dad has the exact same problem. We had a dog and
and a cat, on two separate occasions. Their stay was
short lived.

As a kid I did manage to have a hamster for two years.:smile:

Hmm, don't know how I would react about hamsters as never been around one.

They are good pets, but you have got to be very careful not to startle them, or put your finger in their cage, while they are near it. They give you a good nip that'll draw blood.

If you're careful, they can be a friendly, loving and fun
pet to have.

Whatever you do though, never put two male hamsters in a
cage together. They will fight one another to the death!surprised

Think I will pass on the hamsters. Don't really have time to care for a pet anyways. Always so much to do.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 09/10/13 03:24 AM

I know I am not attractive Tawt but I was just replying to your statement: "If quality time together away from kids and pets isn't good enough for you and you must have a man all to yourself that's your choice but it does seem a bit selfish to me and it does seem like a prejudice that excludes a lot of men that might want to date you."

I also resent you saying I am selfish. I give up much of my time to help with volunteer organizations, tell people not to buy me gifts; rather to donate to some charity on my behalf; as well I organize charity drives to help others all the time. Owning a pet doesn't make you a better person; its how you live your life which defines that. Incidentally; I always thought it was cruel to lock up a pet in a house alone while one is at work with no one to care for them.

I didn't exactly call you selfish. I was just trying to ask you what your problem is with a man having a pet if you aren't selfish. We all have our prejudices though. I don't get on with charity do gooders because of bad experiences that I've had with them and just like you say that owning a pet doesn't automatically make you a good person, I don't think that working for charities automatically makes someone a good person.

I never said I was a good person; I am just saying I am not a selfish person. I am out there helping my community and trying to make a difference in their lives. We are trying to help those less fortunate by volunteering our time and we expect nothing in return but now that I see you don't care for those that help charities; that explains a lot about you. I think there is a big difference from being just a pet owner to someone that actually cares about their community. Just because I won't date a man with a pet; that doesn't make me selfish; just a preference. Much like men who won't date overweight women, or people that don't date smokers, or heavy drinkers, or single parents.

Well, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that but I have a disability and I have had a lot of bad experiences with charities when I went to them for help. If you don't do it their way and let them tell you what to do you get nothing from them and that's patronising and controlling I think. Not saying that all charities are like that but most of the ones that I've had dealings with have been.

So no, I don't see a big difference between them and pet owners but at least I'm not expecting people to think that I'm some sort of saint because I look after a dog. If you don't expect anything in return why advertise the fact that you do it and imply that it makes you a good person, as if you are looking for a pat on the back or something?

navygirl's photo
Tue 09/10/13 11:19 AM

I know I am not attractive Tawt but I was just replying to your statement: "If quality time together away from kids and pets isn't good enough for you and you must have a man all to yourself that's your choice but it does seem a bit selfish to me and it does seem like a prejudice that excludes a lot of men that might want to date you."

I also resent you saying I am selfish. I give up much of my time to help with volunteer organizations, tell people not to buy me gifts; rather to donate to some charity on my behalf; as well I organize charity drives to help others all the time. Owning a pet doesn't make you a better person; its how you live your life which defines that. Incidentally; I always thought it was cruel to lock up a pet in a house alone while one is at work with no one to care for them.

I didn't exactly call you selfish. I was just trying to ask you what your problem is with a man having a pet if you aren't selfish. We all have our prejudices though. I don't get on with charity do gooders because of bad experiences that I've had with them and just like you say that owning a pet doesn't automatically make you a good person, I don't think that working for charities automatically makes someone a good person.

I never said I was a good person; I am just saying I am not a selfish person. I am out there helping my community and trying to make a difference in their lives. We are trying to help those less fortunate by volunteering our time and we expect nothing in return but now that I see you don't care for those that help charities; that explains a lot about you. I think there is a big difference from being just a pet owner to someone that actually cares about their community. Just because I won't date a man with a pet; that doesn't make me selfish; just a preference. Much like men who won't date overweight women, or people that don't date smokers, or heavy drinkers, or single parents.

Well, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that but I have a disability and I have had a lot of bad experiences with charities when I went to them for help. If you don't do it their way and let them tell you what to do you get nothing from them and that's patronising and controlling I think. Not saying that all charities are like that but most of the ones that I've had dealings with have been.

So no, I don't see a big difference between them and pet owners but at least I'm not expecting people to think that I'm some sort of saint because I look after a dog. If you don't expect anything in return why advertise the fact that you do it and imply that it makes you a good person, as if you are looking for a pat on the back or something?

Are you just not getting it? I only mentioned my charity work as an example as you said I was selfish. For the second time in big words just for you, I NEVER SAID I WAS A GOOD PERSON; JUST NOT A SELFISH PERSON. Hopefully you can comprehend this. I help others because it gives me enjoyment and if a guy said he wouldn't date me because I gave to much time to charity; I would respect his choice not accuse him of being selfish. Guess this is how you and I differ. You sit on your high and mighty throne and call me selfish because I don't want to date a guy with pets. Again; ITS SIMPLY A PREFERENCE NOT TO DATE SOMEONE WITH PETS. I have no desire to walk someone's dog; feed it; or pick up it's poop. Nor do I want to schedule my time around a pet. I can pick up and go anytime and anywhere I want without having to make arrangements for the pets. However; I am done with you and personally don't give a f-ck what you think of me.

KinBarrie's photo
Tue 09/10/13 11:40 AM

My Dad has the exact same problem. We had a dog and
and a cat, on two separate occasions. Their stay was
short lived.

As a kid I did manage to have a hamster for two years.:smile:

That's tough on the animals when someone keeps giving them up. I adopted two cats from a shelter several years ago. I would not give them up just because someone is allergic.

I agree. I didn't think my Dad was too allergic to
my hamster. We also had a cat, approx seven years
ago. We were able to keep him for around four or
five months.

It was called a ragdoll. Smartest cat I'd ever sen.

It is sad when people get pets, don't realize how much
work, money and responsibility they are, then end up
giving them away. And these poor animals don't always
get homes.

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 09/10/13 11:47 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Tue 09/10/13 11:48 AM

Are you just not getting it? I only mentioned my charity work as an example as you said I was selfish. For the second time in big words just for you, I NEVER SAID I WAS A GOOD PERSON; JUST NOT A SELFISH PERSON. Hopefully you can comprehend this. I help others because it gives me enjoyment and if a guy said he wouldn't date me because I gave to much time to charity; I would respect his choice not accuse him of being selfish. Guess this is how you and I differ. You sit on your high and mighty throne and call me selfish because I don't want to date a guy with pets. Again; ITS SIMPLY A PREFERENCE NOT TO DATE SOMEONE WITH PETS. I have no desire to walk someone's dog; feed it; or pick up it's poop. Nor do I want to schedule my time around a pet. I can pick up and go anytime and anywhere I want without having to make arrangements for the pets. However; I am done with you and personally don't give a f-ck what you think of me.

Charity work is very rewarding feeling. There are Many Men, who would not have a "Relationship" with a woman with a Pet in the house. If a man is just dating the gal he maynot mind, because he does not have to live with the woman. I have met Men who would not live in the house with ANY animal.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 09/10/13 11:48 AM

I know I am not attractive Tawt but I was just replying to your statement: "If quality time together away from kids and pets isn't good enough for you and you must have a man all to yourself that's your choice but it does seem a bit selfish to me and it does seem like a prejudice that excludes a lot of men that might want to date you."

I also resent you saying I am selfish. I give up much of my time to help with volunteer organizations, tell people not to buy me gifts; rather to donate to some charity on my behalf; as well I organize charity drives to help others all the time. Owning a pet doesn't make you a better person; its how you live your life which defines that. Incidentally; I always thought it was cruel to lock up a pet in a house alone while one is at work with no one to care for them.

I didn't exactly call you selfish. I was just trying to ask you what your problem is with a man having a pet if you aren't selfish. We all have our prejudices though. I don't get on with charity do gooders because of bad experiences that I've had with them and just like you say that owning a pet doesn't automatically make you a good person, I don't think that working for charities automatically makes someone a good person.

I never said I was a good person; I am just saying I am not a selfish person. I am out there helping my community and trying to make a difference in their lives. We are trying to help those less fortunate by volunteering our time and we expect nothing in return but now that I see you don't care for those that help charities; that explains a lot about you. I think there is a big difference from being just a pet owner to someone that actually cares about their community. Just because I won't date a man with a pet; that doesn't make me selfish; just a preference. Much like men who won't date overweight women, or people that don't date smokers, or heavy drinkers, or single parents.

Well, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that but I have a disability and I have had a lot of bad experiences with charities when I went to them for help. If you don't do it their way and let them tell you what to do you get nothing from them and that's patronising and controlling I think. Not saying that all charities are like that but most of the ones that I've had dealings with have been.

So no, I don't see a big difference between them and pet owners but at least I'm not expecting people to think that I'm some sort of saint because I look after a dog. If you don't expect anything in return why advertise the fact that you do it and imply that it makes you a good person, as if you are looking for a pat on the back or something?

Are you just not getting it? I only mentioned my charity work as an example as you said I was selfish. For the second time in big words just for you, I NEVER SAID I WAS A GOOD PERSON; JUST NOT A SELFISH PERSON. Hopefully you can comprehend this. I help others because it gives me enjoyment and if a guy said he wouldn't date me because I gave to much time to charity; I would respect his choice not accuse him of being selfish. Guess this is how you and I differ. You sit on your high and mighty throne and call me selfish because I don't want to date a guy with pets. Again; ITS SIMPLY A PREFERENCE NOT TO DATE SOMEONE WITH PETS. I have no desire to walk someone's dog; feed it; or pick up it's poop. Nor do I want to schedule my time around a pet. I can pick up and go anytime and anywhere I want without having to make arrangements for the pets. However; I am done with you and personally don't give a f-ck what you think of me.

Charming. I just wanted to know what the problem was with someone having a dog and all that you had to say was that you don't like them. I think that you are assuming quite a lot there about what dating a pet owner is like. If you want to live some hobo lifestyle though where you are going to be traveling the world all the time I guess that dating someone that has a home with a pet could be a problem because you are alergic to them.

no photo
Tue 09/10/13 11:49 AM
Edited by KiK2me on Tue 09/10/13 11:54 AM
I have 2 cats and a greyhound that hang around here
We are just good friends because i don't claim to OWN any
living thing
But they hang out because i feed them and take the dog for walks and stuff that she likes
The cats love to be affectionate so i rub them and snuggle them
As well as feed them
Guess that must be why they hang around as well
And they never judge me for being this or that
As long as they are fed and get some attention
Great friends !

I DO believe in spaying and neutering your pets
And so i have had them fixed and vaccinated for their health sakes
There are far too many irresponsible pet owners already !
Thanks ...
And your pets thank you as well...

no photo
Tue 09/10/13 12:59 PM
That's a great attitude about pets! lol
I don't think anyone actually owns a cat! noway They may think they do!!
Hahahaha!!! :laughing:

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