Topic: Obama Supporter Gets A Shock
Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/10/13 11:31 AM

Butbutbut The Fuhrer said over and over "If you like your current policy you can keep your policy!"

I didn't know there were black NAZI's. hahaha
The real NAZIs have long white hair

The use of ad hominem is not a defense of Obamacare.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/10/13 01:51 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 11/10/13 01:52 PM

Butbutbut The Fuhrer said over and over "If you like your current policy you can keep your policy!"

yes, he really should dumb down his speaking for those who cant use logic

had all those people thinking suddenly that employees and insurance companies would be prevented from cancelling any policies,,,going out of business, undergoing unsuccessful mergers,,,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/10/13 01:53 PM

so,, insurance companies cancel coverage?

tell me its not so,,,,,

It's not all true. I've heard that if they want to keep their coverage they just have to pay a lot more to do it and maybe eat less or travel less. lol

lol,, kind of like those welfare people wanting to keep up their appearance,,,


Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/10/13 01:58 PM

Butbutbut The Fuhrer said over and over "If you like your current policy you can keep your policy!"

yes, he really should dumb down his speaking for those who cant use logic

had all those people thinking suddenly that employees and insurance companies would be prevented from cancelling any policies,,,going out of business, undergoing unsuccessful mergers,,,,,

Policies are being cancelled because of Obamacare. Got it?

Peccy's photo
Sun 11/10/13 02:36 PM

Butbutbut The Fuhrer said over and over "If you like your current policy you can keep your policy!"

yes, he really should dumb down his speaking for those who cant use logic

had all those people thinking suddenly that employees and insurance companies would be prevented from cancelling any policies,,,going out of business, undergoing unsuccessful mergers,,,,,

lol......defend all you want, the fact is that it's because of Obamacare, people are losing insurance OR paying a lot more! No amount of words you use to try to explain that are going to change that fact. And there is A LOT more coming!

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/10/13 02:44 PM

so,, insurance companies cancel coverage?

tell me its not so,,,,,

The result of Obamacare it is.

ll, yeah

cause like most of Americas problems , it NEVER Happened until now,,,lol

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/10/13 02:47 PM

Butbutbut The Fuhrer said over and over "If you like your current policy you can keep your policy!"

yes, he really should dumb down his speaking for those who cant use logic

had all those people thinking suddenly that employees and insurance companies would be prevented from cancelling any policies,,,going out of business, undergoing unsuccessful mergers,,,,,

Policies are being cancelled because of Obamacare. Got it?

policies are cancelled due to free market, GOT IT?

much like any time in the past when a company cannot COMPETE,, there are cuts, or adaptations or they go out of busnes

some aren't willing or able to provide the level of service that others can, so they are canceling policies,,, noting new to see hee,,

just an easier bigger scapegoat to point to,,

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sun 11/10/13 03:19 PM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Sun 11/10/13 03:21 PM
If there is something worse than a person who knowingly and blatantly lies in order to deceive people for their own's the pathetically blind sheep who won't admit their leaders lie.

Obama LIED......PERIOD!!! No one misunderstood him or his words. He didn't mislead anyone, what he said was perfectly clear. He didn't want ANYONE to know the truth. If he had told the truth the "Unaffordable Careless Act" would have never been passed.

His faithful sheep are trying to spin this and basically saying....."people who didn't know they would lose their insurance are too stupid to understand him"....and it's nothing but BS and insults the intelligence of people who aren't sheep. His pathetic non-apology was insulting too.

Even Mary Landrieu the democrat from Louisiana is introducing a bill to undo Obama's lie. But I'm sure Obama told her she will get a
diplomatic appointment if she loses her reelection next year to pacify her since it's doubtful that Reid will bring the bill up.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 11/10/13 03:47 PM

Butbutbut The Fuhrer said over and over "If you like your current policy you can keep your policy!"

yes, he really should dumb down his speaking for those who cant use logic

had all those people thinking suddenly that employees and insurance companies would be prevented from cancelling any policies,,,going out of business, undergoing unsuccessful mergers,,,,,

Policies are being cancelled because of Obamacare. Got it?

policies are cancelled due to free market, GOT IT?

much like any time in the past when a company cannot COMPETE,, there are cuts, or adaptations or they go out of busnes

some aren't willing or able to provide the level of service that others can, so they are canceling policies,,, noting new to see hee,,

just an easier bigger scapegoat to point to,,

tell that to the millions of people that just lost their insurance, and now have to pay more for barrys insurance... they had a twitter feed that people was using to post pictures of the cancelled policies, and they all got mysteriously got shut down... can't post the truth on twitter anymore now, huh...

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/10/13 05:45 PM
that's a problem with twitter, if its even true

I could really care less about twitter, childs play, in my opinion

but anyway,, yeah, its a shame some people are gonna pay more so those in need don't have to die or go without care,,,

,,,and I know that's a catastrophe, because we should continue on with the system we had of a free market that outright excluded people who needed it most because of their bottom line

but times are changing, I don't have to pledge loyalty to a flag,, and people like Obama or other taxpayers can care enough about actual HUMAN BEINGS to pay a little more and other taxpayers who feel shafted by that change can express themselves

,,,,America is grand,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/10/13 05:47 PM

If there is something worse than a person who knowingly and blatantly lies in order to deceive people for their own's the pathetically blind sheep who won't admit their leaders lie.

Obama LIED......PERIOD!!! No one misunderstood him or his words. He didn't mislead anyone, what he said was perfectly clear. He didn't want ANYONE to know the truth. If he had told the truth the "Unaffordable Careless Act" would have never been passed.

His faithful sheep are trying to spin this and basically saying....."people who didn't know they would lose their insurance are too stupid to understand him"....and it's nothing but BS and insults the intelligence of people who aren't sheep. His pathetic non-apology was insulting too.

Even Mary Landrieu the democrat from Louisiana is introducing a bill to undo Obama's lie. But I'm sure Obama told her she will get a
diplomatic appointment if she loses her reelection next year to pacify her since it's doubtful that Reid will bring the bill up.

sorry if the shoe fits

I personally feel only a DUMMY would take a discussion about healthcare reform in the context of mandates and twist it into what these people are claiming they believed

I never thought that he meant anything other than to say there would be no requirement with the reform that you give up your insurance

I didn't make some insane assumption that it meant no insurance provider would ever cancel a policy ever again,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/10/13 06:28 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Sun 11/10/13 06:31 PM

yeah, its a shame some people are gonna pay more so those in need don't have to die or go without care,,

Wow, what a straw-man argument that is.

I am not paying more "so those in need don't have to die or go without care".

Indeed, Obamacare has made it more difficult for the poorest Americans to get necessary health care.

The New York Times reports the following:

A government subsidy, little known outside health policy circles but critical to the hospitals'�� survival, is being sharply reduced under the new health law.

The subsidy, which for years has helped defray the cost of uncompensated and undercompensated care, was cut substantially on the assumption that the hospitals would replace much of the lost income with payments for patients newly covered by Medicaid or private insurance. But now the hospitals in states like Georgia will get neither the new Medicaid patients nor most of the old subsidies, which many say are crucial to the mission of care for the poor.

"��We were so thrilled when the law passed, but it has backfired,"�� said Lindsay Caulfield, senior vice president for planning and marketing at Grady Health in Atlanta, the largest safety-net hospital in Georgia.

It is now facing the loss of nearly half of its roughly $100 million in annual subsidies known as disproportionate share hospital payments.


msharmony's photo
Sun 11/10/13 06:33 PM
the government is now subsidizing through reform

so those who most need it but couldn't afford their needed insurance now CAN DO SO,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/10/13 06:40 PM

the government is now subsidizing through reform

so those who most need it but couldn't afford their needed insurance now CAN DO SO,,,

Yet, the additional money that I will pay for health insurance won't be going to the federal government. Thus, it won't be used to subsidize anyone.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sun 11/10/13 06:45 PM
He lied......period. Welcome to social injustice.

Saul Olinsky's, author of Rules for Radicals, would be so happy to see his rules being applied by the president of the United States and not just unions and community organizers.

This law is working just as intended though. It's destroying the healthcare system, that's what it was intended to do. It's a pathway to what he's always wanted, a single payer system and he doesn't care if it's by causing chaos or hurts people. This is just a small part of Obamas "fundamental transformation of America".

His problem is some of his sheep are fleeing from the flock now.
However the blind sheep will never stray.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/10/13 07:34 PM

the government is now subsidizing through reform

so those who most need it but couldn't afford their needed insurance now CAN DO SO,,,

Yet, the additional money that I will pay for health insurance won't be going to the federal government. Thus, it won't be used to subsidize anyone.

nope, but along with paying more (if you choose to), the subsidy the government WILL Provide coupled with the requirements placed on insurance agencies will be used for more people to have access to the healthcare they need,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/10/13 07:36 PM

He lied......period. Welcome to social injustice.

Saul Olinsky's, author of Rules for Radicals, would be so happy to see his rules being applied by the president of the United States and not just unions and community organizers.

This law is working just as intended though. It's destroying the healthcare system, that's what it was intended to do. It's a pathway to what he's always wanted, a single payer system and he doesn't care if it's by causing chaos or hurts people. This is just a small part of Obamas "fundamental transformation of America".

His problem is some of his sheep are fleeing from the flock now.
However the blind sheep will never stray.

and the haters will keep hopping for and seeking out worst case scnearios to legitimize their hating,,

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/10/13 07:41 PM

He lied......period. Welcome to social injustice.

Saul Olinsky's, author of Rules for Radicals, would be so happy to see his rules being applied by the president of the United States and not just unions and community organizers.

This law is working just as intended though. It's destroying the healthcare system, that's what it was intended to do. It's a pathway to what he's always wanted, a single payer system and he doesn't care if it's by causing chaos or hurts people. This is just a small part of Obamas "fundamental transformation of America".

His problem is some of his sheep are fleeing from the flock now.
However the blind sheep will never stray.

and the haters will keep hopping for and seeking out worst case scnearios to legitimize their hating,,


Hate? Expressing a belief about the result of Obamacare is hate?

Wow. I didn't expect such ad hominem.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Sun 11/10/13 07:52 PM
I think the most messed up part of this healthcare act is for people like me who still can't get insurance. according to this law because I am uninsured I am going to be fined. I can't pay the fine either. So what is that supposed to mean? that every year I don't have a job and can't get insurance I get another fine?

My biggest problem with this bill is that it is illegal as they actually wrote in the bill that it does not apply to various members of the government. But the constitution states that no law can be passed that basically does not apply equally to all the people. Based on that alone the bill should be void and even if I do get a job. I will likely set it up so that my taxes are not withheld so they can not collect the "fine" for not having insurance. At least not by taking it from what should be my tax refund.

metalwing's photo
Sun 11/10/13 08:19 PM

He lied......period. Welcome to social injustice.

Saul Olinsky's, author of Rules for Radicals, would be so happy to see his rules being applied by the president of the United States and not just unions and community organizers.

This law is working just as intended though. It's destroying the healthcare system, that's what it was intended to do. It's a pathway to what he's always wanted, a single payer system and he doesn't care if it's by causing chaos or hurts people. This is just a small part of Obamas "fundamental transformation of America".

His problem is some of his sheep are fleeing from the flock now.
However the blind sheep will never stray.

and the haters will keep hopping for and seeking out worst case scnearios to legitimize their hating,,


Hate? Expressing a belief about the result of Obamacare is hate?

Wow. I didn't expect such ad hominem.

It's all she's got.