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Topic: Credit Scores to Score a date?
PacificStar48's photo
Fri 11/22/13 09:26 PM
I know the economy is bad but are budgets so tight that people are actually asking for credit scores to score a potential date? Is this the middle generation SAT score thing? What ever happen to just asking someone's star sign? tears

Totage's photo
Fri 11/22/13 09:45 PM
If I were ever asked for my credit score while talking to someone for dating, I would tell them to GTFO.

jacktrades's photo
Fri 11/22/13 09:53 PM
Edited by jacktrades on Fri 11/22/13 09:53 PM
II would not be up for any kind of credit checks to get a date,wow talking about taking the romance out of dating lol ! Oh Pacific Star by the way I'm a libra.

ridewytepony's photo
Fri 11/22/13 09:56 PM

I know the economy is bad but are budgets so tight that people are actually asking for credit scores to score a potential date? Is this the middle generation SAT score thing? What ever happen to just asking someone's star sign? tears

you mean like for argument sakes" A woman
asking a guy "so what's you credit score rated
at big big" opposed to the days of old?
it not just for bankers anymore.

Totage's photo
Fri 11/22/13 09:56 PM
I'm also a libra, but I think I should have been a leo because I can be like a lion (well, more so a lioness, but since I'm male... you know...).

larsson71's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:02 PM
If a woman asked my credit score on a date? I'd tell her to kiss my Scottish arse and i'd be out of there! That would tell me ' gold-digger ' had enough experiences with people like that in the past. I'm the same as Jacktrades? A libra.

no photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:14 PM
Wow, I wonder if anyone ever takes them up on that? Way to be tacky; "how much money do you have?" "None of your ****ing business."laugh

ridewytepony's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:15 PM
Edited by ridewytepony on Fri 11/22/13 10:17 PM
All three of ya are Libra three out of four of my
loves were Libra's or on the cusp of both sides
kinda weird, we attract then...
But of course I'm a Gemini

larsson71's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:20 PM

All three of ya are Libra three out of four of my
loves were Libra's or on the cusp of both sides
kinda weird, we attract then...
But of course I'm a Gemini
My brothers birthsign is Pyrex? Cos he's a test tube baby! laugh laugh

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:22 PM

II would not be up for any kind of credit checks to get a date,wow talking about taking the romance out of dating lol ! Oh Pacific Star by the way I'm a libra.

Yea I was like say what????? Then I got this whole long diatribe about trying to make "smart choices". And looking out for his security, and his kids college expenses, and the predictable rant about how the ex-wife almost drove him into bankruptcy. I thought it was just one flake but a group of mature women said they ran into similar exchanges. Maybe we are the exception but most of us are business/property/investments owners but I did not think that was a gender exception. Especially in the internet world. I get now days computers are radically less expensive but I see no shortage of brains of talent on Mingle.

ridewytepony's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:24 PM
Edited by ridewytepony on Fri 11/22/13 10:28 PM
I remember woman like that down Vancouver,
They want to know what kind off CC your holding
the may not ask but sure look hard as soon as
the wallet opens for plastic status.
That's life in the big city kid

lol (((larsson)))
is that birthstone you mean brother
its funny

no photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:27 PM
Hell, I'd be tempted to give a deliberately low score out of spite; take that money grubber!!!

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:29 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Fri 11/22/13 10:33 PM

Wow, I wonder if anyone ever takes them up on that? Way to be tacky; "how much money do you have?" "None of your ****ing business."laugh

I was so floored for a couple of seconds I had to regroup. Then I ask him was he looking for a real estate listing or was he looking for investors for something. Told him I could refer him to my attorney but his retainer was $5k. That shut him up.

no photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:30 PM

Wow, I wonder if anyone ever takes them up on that? Way to be tacky; "how much money do you have?" "None of your ****ing business."laugh

I was so floored for a couple of seconds I had to regroup. Then I ask him was he looking for a real estate listing or was he looking for investors for something.

Yeah, whenever a guy asks if I live alone, I ask him he's looking for a place to stay and that usually shuts them up.laugh

ridewytepony's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:34 PM

Hell, I'd be tempted to give a deliberately low score out of spite; take that money grubber!!!

That's like going on a hunger strike and saying
" I'll show them
or quitting your job and going on Welfare
because your child support is to high
Don't ya think paint:laughing:

izzyphoto1977's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:36 PM
I can't imagine asking a person what their credit score is. If someone asked me that on the net I especially would start messing with them. Mostly because I would expect some other sort of scam approach. Even in person I could probably honestly tell them I have no clue what the number is. But I know where the door is. hahaha

no photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:37 PM

Hell, I'd be tempted to give a deliberately low score out of spite; take that money grubber!!!

That's like going on a hunger strike and saying
" I'll show them
or quitting your job and going on Welfare
because your child support is to high
Don't ya think paint:laughing:

I didn't say I'd **** up my credit, I said I'd lie about it.laugh

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:41 PM
Wondered if he was just snooping trying to figure out how I could be retired young. Seems kind of sexist to assume it's alimony or some such thing. Women business owners are not that rare are they?

Good joke Larson I am going to save that one.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:49 PM

I can't imagine asking a person what their credit score is. If someone asked me that on the net I especially would start messing with them. Mostly because I would expect some other sort of scam approach. Even in person I could probably honestly tell them I have no clue what the number is. But I know where the door is. hahaha

Yea I kind of wonder about that when people start asking questions on line about "standard of living" questions. Seems so many out of country think a California address means you are rich. ROFLMBO

Paint here they ask you if you live alone they are hoping to rent a room more often than not. Or if you are English literate enough to be on line if you will rent one from them.

ridewytepony's photo
Fri 11/22/13 10:49 PM

Hell, I'd be tempted to give a deliberately low score out of spite; take that money grubber!!!

That's like going on a hunger strike and saying
" I'll show them
or quitting your job and going on Welfare
because your child support is to high
Don't ya think paint:laughing:

I didn't say I'd **** up my credit, I said I'd lie about it.laugh

I see ...give not GET...LOL
I figued if your were saying that, it was just a
dry joke..funny settle down:wink:
its better to be a liar than not very

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