Topic: Are you driven by the questions?
no_psychos_please's photo
Sun 09/30/07 09:32 PM
hahahahahahaha laugh

That particular alarm is not a timer my dear laugh


Marie55's photo
Sun 09/30/07 09:43 PM
A friend told me one time to cook cookies at 325 (Fahrenheit), never higher, and take them out at 10 to 12 minutes and then let them sit on the cookie sheet and finish baking on it outside the oven. Said they will never burn that way. Was either 8 to 10 minutes or 10 to 12 minutes, sorry has been about 15 years ago she told me this, but it does work.

Jess642's photo
Sun 09/30/07 11:22 PM
Gazillions of questions...and yes I think I have made contemplation at artform also..:wink:

Why do you ask this?

Why do I need to know?

What motivates me to want to know?

Why am I asking so many questions?

I wonder what colour Sherrie is wearing today?

Is it cold there yet?

Did I remember to feed the dog?

Is it still daytime?

Was I supposed to do something important today, or did I already do it?

SO many questions...and yes streaming are the answers, when I dont look for them...they appear when required..

I ask so many questions of myself, and others, to better understand me, and them...

no photo
Sun 09/30/07 11:38 PM
<<<<--- wonders ...

... why are blue grass and blackboards green huh

... why do eggplants dont have eggs in them huh

... why does the hen jumps out from its nest after laying eggs huh

... why do crabs walk sideways huh

... why do birds fly north huh

... why there are no cloned mosquitoes huh

This world is full of questions. Now, who's got another question? huh

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 10/01/07 12:43 AM
~ The Unquestioned Answer ~


I only have one question and I ask it every night
But even after sleeping the answer’s out of sight

I ask it when I’m waking and preparing for the day
I ask it when I’m picking flowers to make a beautiful bouquet

I ask it when I pet my cat and run my fingers through her fur
I even think she answers me in the rumbles of her purr

I ask it when I get my mail and look at all my bills
I ask it as I pay them even though I got no thrills

I ask my silly question until the sun no longer shines
I look toward the sky a night in the hope that I’ll find signs

But all I see are twinkling stars and dazzling dots of light
Will I ever get the answer to the question of my plight?

The moon appears to laugh at me as it taunts me with it’s beam
It magically just hovers there as if life is but a dream

The earth just slowly drifting through the emptiness of space
A tiny little speck of dust of which I am but a trace

Do I have a purpose to do more than merely ponder?
Is there something more to life beyond immortal yonder?

Does the question even matter, and if it does is this the answer?
Is the answer in the question of the contemplative dancer?

There never was a thing unknown, I simply didn’t know I knew it
The answer to life’s riddle is to simply pursue it.


(Abra 10/1/07)


no photo
Mon 10/01/07 12:44 AM
birds fly south..........

mosquitoes are clones.......I havent met one yet that hasnt looked just like his bros and sis

Im still wondering about bats peeing on their eyes!!!grumble laugh laugh

Jess642's photo
Mon 10/01/07 05:49 AM
flowerforyou :heart: Abra!

no photo
Mon 10/01/07 05:52 AM
gee no one knows if bats pee in their eyes???? Ahh yet another question that will go unanswered and most likely drive me insane laugh laugh

Jess642's photo
Mon 10/01/07 05:54 AM
Well, if a cave is full of guano and they hang upside down, then yep, if they leave their eyes open...laugh :wink: noway

no photo
Mon 10/01/07 05:56 AM
Do frogs fart??? And if so do they make lil bubbles in the pond?? And has anyone ever smelled a frog fart before, if they fart that is?? Ahhh I am so full of questions...this could very well turn into the never ending question threadlaugh

Jess642's photo
Mon 10/01/07 05:57 AM
Frogs do fart....but I don't know about bubbles...laugh laugh

Jess642's photo
Mon 10/01/07 05:58 AM
Maybe that's why they swim so fast, they are jet propelled..laugh laugh laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 10/01/07 05:58 AM
At times because I seem to question everything and everyone that at times has been my downfall. I tend to analyze everything I do. Even when I write it is full of questions. I've always been very curious of life and others. So is it so bad to be curious of one you want to get to know I never thought so for myself I've always been one you ask you shall hear. I have nothing to hide. If one does not question then how are they to learn what it is they seek?

NPP very nice piece indeed!!bigsmile

Artgurl good post as wellflowerforyou

ChelleBelle's photo
Mon 10/01/07 06:06 AM
a few things I question..........

Can you cry under water?

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

Why do you put two cents in when its only a penny for your thoughts?

Can Bald people have Hairline fractures?

Why are elderly people often called "old people" but children are never called "new people"?

pkh's photo
Mon 10/01/07 06:11 AM
I seem to trust every one and never ask and for that I have learned some hard lessons on life.
Great post as always Artgurlflowerforyou
NNP nice additionflowerforyou
Abra you tooflowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 10/01/07 04:51 PM
Wonderful questions friends!!! flowerforyou Now I want to know about the bat pee ... note to self: must visit jess and a bat cave ...

NPP - a lovely addition flowerforyou

(((Abra))) - thank you for sharing :heart: flowerforyou

Jess ... why do I ask? I am just curious about how other's see the world ... the kinds of things they think about ... why? dunno ... just nosy I guess bigsmile :wink:

What am I wearing? Thankfully it sounds less icky coming from my friend than some old guy ... well ... at the moment ... black T-shirt and yoga pants

Is it getting cold here? It is feeling like fall ... crisp cool mornings ... winter is coming early sad

I wonder where fear comes from ...

What is the consciousness of rocks...

Where does all the dust comes from ...

oh and lately I have been wondering about the illusion of life...if everything is consciousnes and reality is the illusion then why are brussel's sprouts good for you and Rolo's not ... in fact, if I believed Rolo's to have the same effect in my body as brussel's sprouts ... being purely conscousness... wouldn't they? bigsmile

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 10/01/07 04:55 PM
So many questions...
So little time...

no photo
Mon 10/01/07 04:56 PM
Rolo's must be good for you cuz chocolate is good for you or so them science dudes say and hey if them science dudes say so then it must be true( ok anything that makes chocolate ok is true laugh )

Does my soul , when my physical body passes, go into another already here or do I become a whole new person?? No real answer needed tho for me, I simply am..heh somethin I learned from someone a while ago :wink:

Jess642's photo
Mon 10/01/07 04:57 PM
Hahaha...Maybe what colour are you wearing was more appropriate, and I didnt even think of icky....blushing

I seem to have a constant stream of questions.

Why did the passionfruit seeds decide to sprout now?

Was it the moon's influence?

How did they know to sprout all at the same time?

Do they communicate amongst themselves, and have a seed pecking order?

Rocks feel old...old consciousness....sort of been there, done that, so old, nothing surprises them.

Dust...I know this one! It comes from us, and our environ, and the is made up of all the same stuff as the universe...

just shedding...:wink:

no photo
Mon 10/01/07 04:59 PM
Wow..dust is amazing bigsmile