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Topic: Why Working Class Whites Are Dying
msharmony's photo
Sun 11/08/15 12:27 PM
interesting point,,,, I can see a correlation

do you think maybe cultural standards that have come along with technological advances also plays a part in how people 'cope' (or dont)

the expectation to have everything, right now, and completely?

from our information to our meals, seems we have moved so fast that many just cant handle when things are slowed up or stalled for them in any way...

Rock's photo
Sun 11/08/15 12:34 PM

ID be quoting the whole thread

in order

1 Obamas fault
2 yeah, but how about those migrants?
3. and what about those welfare recipients?
4. yeah! and the generations of them living in Ferguson?


so which post WASNT about another groups failings from the crowd of 'personal responsbiility' in a thread about white people?


As I stated...

Deadbeat foodstamp recipients, consists of *some* people from ALL demographics.

Specifically, which "ethnic/racial" group was I "picking on"?

OCL1951's photo
Sun 11/08/15 12:40 PM
A 20 yr old Stallion can service say 20 foals in 1 day takes 11 months to give birth we make sure pay huge fees so our your prize ***** cow heifer filly breeds with perfect stud
Yet when comes to white girls any one will do if Muslim women have 10+ kids white woman 2-3 so fussy is destruction of so called superior white races starting with white woman
A prostituite charges huge fortune for. Sex
Genesis 3-16 the woman shall desire her man he shall rule over her if white superiority fakers no wake up nothing can save them
Have look at wars boxing martial arts in 1069 I was a 17 yrpld child soldier Vietnam war now 63 so what can you say to worry me wars so what read Mathew 24 divorce Dom violence
The white races need Stallions nod duds studs not holly wood
I'm white wars now fought third world countries thousands girls in Syria sold as sex slaves killed raped
Imagine what they go through while we breed tools hardest thing do open can bake beans
From our tossed up ****ed up de humanised de sanitised never come down white boy world
What mothers breed is who looks after you in old age you know knocking on your door
What you sow is what you reap who you mate with is your future chose wisely
Cheers no feeds in greed

no photo
Sun 11/08/15 12:42 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Sun 11/08/15 12:42 PM


still waiting to read the thread that talks honestly about whats 'wrong' with whites though,,,,
Well....make one....or are you one of those who want others to do the work and you reap the benefits?

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/08/15 12:47 PM

anyway, back to the only relevant attempt at discussing the topic

,, the decline of unions ,, perhaps one factor in the decline of the working class, ,including working class whites,,, is an excellent contribution,, I hope its author hasnt been discouraged from continuing in the discussion

OCL1951's photo
Sun 11/08/15 01:10 PM
A 20 yr old Stallion can service say 20 foals in 1 day takes 11 months to give birth we make sure pay huge fees so our your prize ***** cow heifer filly breeds with perfect stud
Yet when comes to white girls any one will do if Muslim women have 10+ kids white woman 2-3 so fussy is destruction of so called superior white races starting with white woman
A prostituite charges huge fortune for. Sex
Genesis 3-16 the woman shall desire her man he shall rule over her if white superiority fakers no wake up nothing can save them
Have look at wars boxing martial arts in 1069 I was a 17 yrpld child soldier Vietnam war now 63 so what can you say to worry me wars so what read Mathew 24 divorce Dom violence
The white races need Stallions nod duds studs not holly wood
I'm white wars now fought third world countries thousands girls in Syria sold as sex slaves killed raped
Imagine what they go through while we breed tools hardest thing do open can bake beans
From our tossed up ****ed up de humanised de sanitised never come down white boy world
What mothers breed is who looks after you in old age you know knocking on your door
What you sow is what you reap who you mate with is your future chose wisely
Cheers no feeds in greed

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 11/08/15 03:52 PM

anyway, back to the only relevant attempt at discussing the topic

,, the decline of unions ,, perhaps one factor in the decline of the working class, ,including working class whites,,, is an excellent contribution,, I hope its author hasnt been discouraged from continuing in the discussion

The rise of unions in the 30s,40s,and 50s contributed to the rise in the standard of living for the working class of all races. This meant that most people had a feeling that there was a future worth working for. The decline of representation for the workers and the lower standard of living that followed gave people a sense of hopelessness and the feeling that no matter how hard they worked they could never advance in a society ruled by the elite upper classes.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/08/15 03:59 PM

anyway, back to the only relevant attempt at discussing the topic

,, the decline of unions ,, perhaps one factor in the decline of the working class, ,including working class whites,,, is an excellent contribution,, I hope its author hasnt been discouraged from continuing in the discussion

The rise of unions in the 30s,40s,and 50s contributed to the rise in the standard of living for the working class of all races. This meant that most people had a feeling that there was a future worth working for. The decline of representation for the workers and the lower standard of living that followed gave people a sense of hopelessness and the feeling that no matter how hard they worked they could never advance in a society ruled by the elite upper classes.

how were unions able to be rebranded as such a negative thing,, my dad was union too and I never understood the turn......

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 11/08/15 05:35 PM

anyway, back to the only relevant attempt at discussing the topic

,, the decline of unions ,, perhaps one factor in the decline of the working class, ,including working class whites,,, is an excellent contribution,, I hope its author hasnt been discouraged from continuing in the discussion

The rise of unions in the 30s,40s,and 50s contributed to the rise in the standard of living for the working class of all races. This meant that most people had a feeling that there was a future worth working for. The decline of representation for the workers and the lower standard of living that followed gave people a sense of hopelessness and the feeling that no matter how hard they worked they could never advance in a society ruled by the elite upper classes.

how were unions able to be rebranded as such a negative thing,, my dad was union too and I never understood the turn......

Unions were always branded by the ruling class as something evil that had to be put up with. People who did not work in unionized positions did not see the benefits that organized labor
provided for the working class as a whole. A rising tide does indeed lift all boats. This combined with the failure of union leadership and the resultant decline of union membership lead to the downward spiral of the working class we have today. And that leads to a rise in hopelessness, despair, anxiety, frustration, drug use, alcoholism, the break up of families, violence, and early death.

no photo
Sun 11/08/15 07:45 PM
Why Working Class Whites Are Dying

This is a better link.


Fig. 2 presents the three causes of death that account for the mortality reversal among white non-Hispanics, namely suicide, drug and alcohol poisoning (accidental and intent undetermined), and
chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis. All three increased year-on-year after 1998

The change in all-cause mortality for white non-Hispanics 45–54 is largely accounted for by an increasing death rate from external causes, mostly increases in drug and alcohol poisonings and in suicide.

The three numbered rows of Table 1 show that the turnaround
in mortality for white non-Hispanics was driven primarily by in-
creasing death rates for those with a high school degree or less

So it seems the biggest contributor to "Why working class whites are dying" is the (drug and alcohol) poisoning of those without a college degree.

in order
1 Obamas fault
2 yeah, but how about those migrants?
3. and what about those welfare recipients?
4. yeah! and the generations of them living in Ferguson?

Seems like the failure called the war on drugs and rise in power of the pharmaceutical companies should be mentioned.

Also, seems there are similarities to the Hikikomuri phenomenon in Japan, where suicide was increasing at the same time as the OP study.

I mean
Factors in suicide include unemployment (due to the economic recession in the 1990s and in the late 2000s/early 2010s), depression, and social pressures.[5] In 2007, the National Police Agency (NPA) revised the categorization of motives for suicide into a division of 50 reasons with up to three reasons listed for each suicide.[7] Suicides traced to losing jobs surged 65.3 percent, while those attributed to hardships in life increased 34.3 percent.


Yeah yeah, wikipedia sucks, still interesting IMO.

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