Topic: Obscure Venue
brwnkimba's photo
Sat 12/19/15 07:04 AM
Obscure Venue

I’m tired of this senseless violence & gun shots from troubled tots lacking guidance from their moms & pops.
Oakland’s got pot shops across the street from cops who profile racially making unnecessary stops.
On radio & tele negativity's what stations prolifically profit from as our minds rapidly rot.
You really still believe it's not a wickedly planted seed germinated from some devilishly evil plot?
This manure’s so pure many quick to dive in it.
4 million homeless in America each year's an epidemic.
Trump's no Pres that motherfucker's just a gimmick.
Hate is guaranteed a win if he's elected, damage systemic.
Ever taxing are these times with few familiar faces or voices.
The garbage spewed is repulsive but ignoring's not 1 of our choices.
We consume the mental doom as if it's nourishing and sweet to the taste.
In reality the abnormality is laying these United States to waste.
Our children and elders seem to suffer the most.
The rich and greedy don't care a bit while off our lives lost they toast.
Red is a color that was symbolic with Love
In my global community it's less of that and more spilling of innocent blood.
I hope the fashion isn't to keep moving in this unsavory direction.
Some will never see their hates ugliness even if mirrored clearly in a reflection.
Ignoring the foundation of racism and what it breeds you'll unfortunately always stumble.
Once understood how this corruption feeds it’s much easier making it crumble.
I'm staying focused and humble in this jungle of wild beasties.
Feeling the pain of good people suffering is like enduring 10 thousands African bee stings.
I pray every day not to end up on hatreds menu.
Here we are consistently waning, complaining, cliffhanging & dangling in this obscure venue.

sybariticguy's photo
Sat 12/19/15 11:45 AM
Institutional corruption cannot be eliminated with simply a change in leadership at the white house as corporations dictate to govt how the game is played for example the pharmaceuticals determine the prices for all meds on medicare and Medicaid leaving the consumer at their mercy.. no person alone could change this well defined and corrupt system of how bills get passed and money shared to facilitate any changes.. sad but we americans are immature and believe rhetoric rather than simply going by the evidence so we actually get what we desire politicians who lie and we feel good thinking things will somehow change... naïve and ignorant rules the country...

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 12/19/15 02:09 PM
Full of poetic anguish and heart. Have you heard of 'Split this Rock'. Black Americans express their voices there. May God keep you and yours safe.
Great poem!

LAMom's photo
Sat 12/19/15 06:26 PM
Kimba, you have been missed flowerforyou