Topic: Germany Bans Sausages
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Mon 03/07/16 12:34 PM

Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

SCHOOLS and canteens in Germany have BANNED pork from their menus over fears of offending Muslim migrants, a top politician has revealed.

By Rebecca Perring
Mon, Mar 7, 2016

Schools and canteens in Germany have banned sausages

An increasing number of public canteens, child daycare centres and schools have stopped serving sausages, bacon and ham over religious considerations.

Now members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party are fighting to keep pork on the menu, insisting the consumption of pork is part of German culture.

Daniel Günther, party representative, claimed that pork products were being taken off the menu in schools, nurseries and canteens across the country.
He said: "The protection of minorities - including for religious reasons - must not mean that the majority is overruled in their free decision by ill-conceived consideration.

He said: "The protection of minorities - including for religious reasons - must not mean that the majority is overruled in their free decision by ill-conceived consideration.

Daniel Günther, CDU party representative

Mr Günther argued that tolerance also means "the appreciation and sufferance of other food cultures and lifestyles”.

He argued that those who didn’t want to eat pork didn’t have to, adding: ”The consumption of pork belongs to our culture.

“No one should be obliged to do so. But we also don't want the majority having to refrain from pork."

German sausages are part of the country’s culture. At Oktoberfest in Munich, the largest beer festival in the world - sausages are served alongside steins of beer.

The move is likely to cause tensions among residents who support the introduction of restrictions on the inflow of refugees to the country.

The German Government has come increasingly under fire for its open-door refugee policy.

The scale and nature of the crimes in Cologne has been a disastrous torpedo to the heart of Mrs Merkel's open-door refugee policy and her popularity.

Having initially been hailed for her leadership over the escalating crisis after offering sanctuary to nearly 1.1million refugees fleeing war and persecution in Syria, the German supremo now faces growing calls for stricter immigration rules.
Merkel ally fights to keep pork on menus despite concerns over offending Muslims
March 4, 2016
Germany's Style Sausage in France:
March 6, 2016

German Sausages, are famous throughout the world

Verona limits ‘ethnic eateries’ to protect ‘decorum of the city' 02:56

Italian city bans kebab shops to protect ‘decorum' 01:18
March 6, 2016

Actually it is to stop anymore news ones from opening up.
It also restricts, OTHER Ethnic food. So Italy does not loose it's culture, especially in this city of historical architecture.
Italy receives approximately 80 Million tourist a year.

* And people are crying racism. * slaphead

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 03/07/16 01:12 PM
Dumb and Dumberer!

no photo
Mon 03/07/16 01:25 PM
I don't eat pork. I don't allow it in my house. This is my choice. My home.

But I would never tell anyone they can not eat it, or sell it, or have or own pigs & I don't freak out seeing a pig. Geez.. I know people that have pigmy pigs as pets. It dosen't stop me from going to that house or petting the pig. " Named Nicolas " happy

This as@ kissing is destroying cultures from the inside out.

Rock's photo
Mon 03/07/16 02:11 PM
Germans were once viewed as among the smartest
in the western world.

Wtf were they thinking, to ban sausage?!?!?

It's damned well time, to get over worrying about
"offending" the ungrateful refugees.

Refugees don't like the culture they moved into,
they need to GTFO.

Anyone recall when refugees were so coddled?
I can't.

no photo
Mon 03/07/16 04:19 PM
don't freak
out seeing a pig.
I do....but I freak out with the thought of that bacony deliciousness that pig can provide....and at the thought of those smoked hocks simmering in a pot of black eyed peas....and those pork chops fried in the pig's own bacon fat....and that smoked pork butt pulled and layed on top of a bun....and that glorious ham sliced and slapped between a cathead biscuit...gotDAMM I love me some pork...can eat everything but the squeal laugh

no photo
Tue 03/08/16 12:07 AM

don't freak
out seeing a pig.
I do....but I freak out with the thought of that bacony deliciousness that pig can provide....and at the thought of those smoked hocks simmering in a pot of black eyed peas....and those pork chops fried in the pig's own bacon fat....and that smoked pork butt pulled and layed on top of a bun....and that glorious ham sliced and slapped between a cathead biscuit...gotDAMM I love me some pork...can eat everything but the squeal laugh

Hhaa. America is not giving up pork noway & neither should Europe

inshape61n's photo
Tue 03/08/16 05:04 PM
I love my braughtwerst!!!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 03/08/16 05:22 PM

Ever wonder why people are supporting Trump.

no photo
Wed 03/09/16 03:58 AM

Ever wonder why people are supporting Trump.

Nope smokin