Topic: Disruptors in Mr.Trump Rallies
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Thu 03/24/16 01:15 PM
After Being Attacked for Supporting Trump, Owner of Mexican Restaurant Gets Unexpected Call From Her Husband: ‘You Need to Come In’

Mar. 24, 2016
Jon Street

The owner of a Mexican restaurant in Arizona says she and her husband were called racists and other vulgar names after she was seen on stage alongside Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump at a recent rally in Tucson.

Betty Rivas, who was holding a sign that read “Latinos support D. Trump,” was called up on stage by the billionaire businessman. But soon after her public appearance, Rivas’ business, Sammy’s Mexican Grill in Catalina, Arizona, started getting racist and vulgar threats.

Rivas had posted a photo of herself at the event on her Facebook page, capturing the attention of those who do not support Trump for president. Ironically, Rivas hasn’t even made up her own mind about which candidate to support, acknowledging that she took a similar sign to a rally for Democratic candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.).

But after receiving a number of threats, the restaurant owner and her husband, Jorge, got quite the surprise.

“At 7:00, my husband called me and said, ‘You need to come in and I said, ‘ Why?’” Rivas told KGUN-TV. Rivas said she thought it was something bad, but when she got there, she discovered something very positive.

The business was being flooded with people coming out to support Rivas and her First Amendment rights. In fact, the couple’s phones were ringing off the hook because of people calling in and placing their orders.

And that’s not to mention the crowd of people already at the restaurant showing their support.

“We just wanted to come by today — more or less — to just show our support that America still exists. People have the right say what they want to say without being threatened,” Rhonda Mikuski said.

“I don’t want her to fail because some people … are meaning to shut free speech down,” Harry Edmondson explained.

Despite all that’s happened, Rivas said she has no regrets.

“I haven’t done anything wrong. I have the right to say what I’m thinking. I can go listen to Hillary; I can go listen to Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders, because I’m within my right,” Rivas said. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

* Embedded links & video *

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/24/16 10:53 PM

protesters were 'verbally violent'

inside a man 'sucker punched and stomped on a protestor'

how else can you deal with 'verbal violence',,,lol

,,,,is that a legal term,, or one to justify physical violence without physical threat or confrontation

" officer, whey did you shoot him?'

well he was verbally violent with all the vulgar hand gestures and screaming,,,,what else does a respectable man do but respond with violence and encourage others to do the same

but,, people have their own perceptions,, there are white people with a lot of respect for Sharpton for example, and black people who cant stand him

this article points out the officer race as black,,,just proves perceptions are not neatly and definitively along racial lines, people are still individuals

which is a refreshing silver lining to the whole nonsense

Oh Holy Spin...............:laughing:

yes, yes,, all opinions in an OPINION thread that don't match your opinion are hysterical or 'spin'

getting kind of old

but moving on,,,,

no photo
Fri 03/25/16 06:16 AM

Bill Montgomery: Protesters who blocked Fountain Hills road at Donald Trump rally CHARGED :thumbsup:

inshape61n's photo
Fri 03/25/16 10:47 AM
The towns where these protestors are must love it. They provide a huge
revenue stream from all the fines and court cost that the protestors have
to pay!

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 03/25/16 10:52 AM

no photo
Fri 03/25/16 07:02 PM

Clinton And Soros Are Behind Violent Riots At Trump Rallies, Not Sanders

The Establishment on both the left and the right, who want to disenfranchise the millions of Republican voters who support Donald Trump, have blamed the staged riots near Trump rallies on Trump or on Bernie Sanders. That’s like blaming the Russians for the Reichstag Fire. Bernie has little to do with these manufactured protests. This is a Clinton operation, a faux protest.

False flag operations have long been common in politics, but these riots are poisonous to the electorate, intentionally designed to turn violent and stifle free speech.

This free speech-busting goon squad operation is directed by supporters of Hillary Clinton. It is paid for mostly by George Soros and and pushed by David Brock at Media Matters for America. It’s also funded by reclusive billionaire Jonathan Lewis, who was identified by the Miami New Times as a “mystery man.” He inherited roughly a billion dollars from his father Peter Lewis (founder of Progressive Insurance Company).

A march and demonstration against Trump at Trump Tower essentially fizzled Saturday when only 500 “protesters” of the promised 5000 showed up. Infiltrating the crowd, I learned most were from MoveOn or the Occupy movement. Soap was definitely in short supply in this crowd. Several admitted answering a Craig’s list ad paying $16.00 an hour for protesters.

Hillary understands that Trump would lose the votes of certain establishment Republicans if he were the nominee. On the other hand, it doesn’t matter, because of his crossover outreach. In Michigan, Democrats and independents who have lost their jobs because of disastrous globalist trade deals like NAFTA are lining up to vote for Donald.

The Clinton camp figured out that Bernie’s economic voters — not the hard-left voters who will stick with her, but blue-collar folks who have just figured out that they have been left out of the new-world-order economy, are already voting for Trump and Hillary is petrified.

Hillary supports TPP and helped sell us NAFTA. She killed American jobs. It’s her Achilles heel.

Trump is the only candidate who is a populist nationalist, not a globalist like the Clintons and Bushes (and Cruz). This explains both his appeal and the fear the establishment in both parties have of him. Lots of hardworking, blue-collar people across America have lost their jobs since the 1990’s, victims of the globalist policies of the Bushes and Clintons. Those voters, regardless of party affiliation or race, are fed up and gearing up in massive numbers to support Trump.

This is why David Brock’s dirty trick solves two problems at once: it helps discredit Bernie because it appears that his followers are violent; and it also disqualifies Trump for a future vote, by portraying him as a racist or a bigot. The whole thing is a kabuki dance. Blaming Sanders for these riots is like blaming the Communists for the Reichstag fire.

Trump needs to understand that the Clintonistas are doing it — and why. Sanders’ socialism is dangerously wrong, but he is generally forthright, not having the decades of experience in political deceit of the Clinton gang.

Sanders has nothing to gain by sending his Millennial hipster followers to a Trump rally and for the most part, they wouldn’t tear themselves away from their parents’ basements or trendy wine bars. Some Sanders followers will show up, but it’s mostly professional agitators in a well-organized web of ringers. The Chicago Machine of Rahm Emmanuel (a Clinton supporter) generated bodies as well. Ironic because Rahm’s brother Ari is Trump’s agent in the reality TV business.

While historically corrupt Chicago was a prime location to start, these phony demonstrators will show up at other Trump events around the country. Massive civil disobedience is already being planned on the East Coast in April. More mainstream media should report the truth behind them and call them what they are: the Clinton/Soros Riots of 2016.

no photo
Fri 03/25/16 07:05 PM
Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: “I Was Paid $3,500 To Protest Trump’s Rally”

By abcnews -
March 25, 2016

Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: "I Was Paid $3,500 To Protest Trump's Rally" - ABC News

Fountain Hills, AZ — For weeks, rumors have circulated the web that individuals were being paid to protest at rallies held by Presidential hopeful, Donald Trump. Today a man from Trump’s rally on Saturday in Fountain Hills, Arizona has come forward to say that he was paid to protest the event.

“I was given $3,500 to protest Donald Trump’s rally in Fountain Hills,” said 37-year-old Paul Horner. “I answered a Craigslist ad a little over a week ago about a group needing actors for a political event. I interviewed with them and got the part.”

Trump supporters have been claiming for weeks that the protesters are being paid for by Bernie Sanders’ campaign, but Horner disagrees.

“As for who these people were affiliated with that interviewed me, my guess would be Hillary Clinton’s campaign,” Horner said. “The actual check I received after I was done with the job was from a group called ‘Women Are The Future’. After I was hired, they told me if anyone asked any questions about who I was with or communicated with me in any way, I should start talking about how great Bernie Sanders is.” Horner continued, “It was mostly women in their 60’s at the interview that I went to. Plus, all the people that I communicated with had an AOL email address. No one still has an AOL email address except people that would vote for Hillary Clinton.”
Craigslist ad for Donald Trump protesters
A screenshot of the Craigslist ad that Horner says he responded to. The actual ad has since been removed. (Dennis System, File) / ABC News

“I knew those weren’t real protesters, they were too organized and smart,” said 59-year-old Tom Downey, a Trump supporter who attended the rally in Fountain Hills. “I knew there was something up when they started shouting all these facts and nonsense like that. The best we could do was just yell and punch em’ and stuff.” Downey continued, “I think we did a good job though. I was shouting at them the whole time, calling them losers, telling them to get a job or go back home to mommy’s house; I got a bunch of high-fives from my fellow Trump supporters. It was a great time.”

When asked about the other protesters at the rally, Horner said he saw most of them during the interview and training for the rally.

“Almost all of the people I was protesting with I had seen at my interview and training class. At the rally, talking with some of them, I learned they only paid Latinos $500, Muslims $600 and African Americans $750. I don’t think they were looking for any Asians. Women and children were paid half of what the men got and illegals received $300 across the board. I think I was paid more than the other protesters because I was white and had taken classes in street fighting and boxing a few years back”

Sarah Bradley, a spokeswoman for Sock It Forward, a group that provides the homeless and those less fortunate with brand new socks told ABC News that she does not understand why Trump protesters would need to be paid.

“I’ll protest that guy for free,” Bradley said. “Trump is creating a place for like-minded, hate-filled, individuals to gather. You wouldn’t have to pay me anything to protest that.” Bradley continued, “Trump supporters are the last kind of people to donate socks to the homeless, they only care about themselves and their white race.”

Horner said the group had a mandatory six-hour training class that had to be completed before protesting at Trump’s rally.

“During training we were taught chants to shout like ‘Dump Trump’ and ‘Trump Is A Racist’, things like that. We were told how to respond to anti-Trump comments too. If a Trump supporter said something about how great his wall will be, the Latinos in our group would say, ‘We’re just going to tunnel underneath it.’ They even gave me a shirt to wear at the rally which said ‘**** Donald Trump’ along with a sign to hold that said ‘Make America White Again’.”

David Mikkelson, founder of Snopes, a website known for giving bias opinions of stories on the internet in order to generate advertising revenue, told ABC News that he approves of what a story like this is accomplishing.

“You have to understand that when a story like this goes viral, and we spend a minute or two debunking it, we make lots of money. Stories like this have helped put my children through college, buy a new car, a home and even get the surgery my wife Barbara wanted so I didn’t have to use Viagra anymore.” Mikkleson laughs, “We claim ‘to provide evidence for such debunkings and confirmation as well‘, but that’s just ridiculous. Do you know how much time that would take? Instead, we just copy and paste parts of the original article into ours, write a couple sentences, and that’s it. I just want to be clear, our website does zero journalism or anything creative, and I’m only telling you this for legal reasons. For example, do you remember that recent article we wrote debunking a story which claimed Scientology lost it’s tax-exempt status? Did you actually read it? What is the name of the person responsible? What is the actual website URL? We claim to know it, since we list the website’s disclaimer in there, but no real information is there. We even go as far as saying the site that started the story spreads malware and viruses, but we don’t say what website it is. I think warning people about a website that could potentially destroy their computer is probably a good idea, and I hope one day to do that kind of ethical journalism, but people will click our ads regardless, bottom line; so why do the extra work? To be honest, I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.”

ABC News reached out to Hillary Clinton’s campaign for comment but did not receive a response.

no photo
Fri 03/25/16 07:09 PM

Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: “I Was Paid $3,500 To Protest Trump’s Rally”

By abcnews -
March 25, 2016

Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: "I Was Paid $3,500 To Protest Trump's Rally" - ABC News

Fountain Hills, AZ — For weeks, rumors have circulated the web that individuals were being paid to protest at rallies held by Presidential hopeful, Donald Trump. Today a man from Trump’s rally on Saturday in Fountain Hills, Arizona has come forward to say that he was paid to protest the event.

“I was given $3,500 to protest Donald Trump’s rally in Fountain Hills,” said 37-year-old Paul Horner. “I answered a Craigslist ad a little over a week ago about a group needing actors for a political event. I interviewed with them and got the part.”

Trump supporters have been claiming for weeks that the protesters are being paid for by Bernie Sanders’ campaign, but Horner disagrees.

“As for who these people were affiliated with that interviewed me, my guess would be Hillary Clinton’s campaign,” Horner said. “The actual check I received after I was done with the job was from a group called ‘Women Are The Future’. After I was hired, they told me if anyone asked any questions about who I was with or communicated with me in any way, I should start talking about how great Bernie Sanders is.” Horner continued, “It was mostly women in their 60’s at the interview that I went to. Plus, all the people that I communicated with had an AOL email address. No one still has an AOL email address except people that would vote for Hillary Clinton.”
Craigslist ad for Donald Trump protesters
A screenshot of the Craigslist ad that Horner says he responded to. The actual ad has since been removed. (Dennis System, File) / ABC News

“I knew those weren’t real protesters, they were too organized and smart,” said 59-year-old Tom Downey, a Trump supporter who attended the rally in Fountain Hills. “I knew there was something up when they started shouting all these facts and nonsense like that. The best we could do was just yell and punch em’ and stuff.” Downey continued, “I think we did a good job though. I was shouting at them the whole time, calling them losers, telling them to get a job or go back home to mommy’s house; I got a bunch of high-fives from my fellow Trump supporters. It was a great time.”

When asked about the other protesters at the rally, Horner said he saw most of them during the interview and training for the rally.

“Almost all of the people I was protesting with I had seen at my interview and training class. At the rally, talking with some of them, I learned they only paid Latinos $500, Muslims $600 and African Americans $750. I don’t think they were looking for any Asians. Women and children were paid half of what the men got and illegals received $300 across the board. I think I was paid more than the other protesters because I was white and had taken classes in street fighting and boxing a few years back”

Sarah Bradley, a spokeswoman for Sock It Forward, a group that provides the homeless and those less fortunate with brand new socks told ABC News that she does not understand why Trump protesters would need to be paid.

“I’ll protest that guy for free,” Bradley said. “Trump is creating a place for like-minded, hate-filled, individuals to gather. You wouldn’t have to pay me anything to protest that.” Bradley continued, “Trump supporters are the last kind of people to donate socks to the homeless, they only care about themselves and their white race.”

Horner said the group had a mandatory six-hour training class that had to be completed before protesting at Trump’s rally.

“During training we were taught chants to shout like ‘Dump Trump’ and ‘Trump Is A Racist’, things like that. We were told how to respond to anti-Trump comments too. If a Trump supporter said something about how great his wall will be, the Latinos in our group would say, ‘We’re just going to tunnel underneath it.’ They even gave me a shirt to wear at the rally which said ‘**** Donald Trump’ along with a sign to hold that said ‘Make America White Again’.”

David Mikkelson, founder of Snopes, a website known for giving bias opinions of stories on the internet in order to generate advertising revenue, told ABC News that he approves of what a story like this is accomplishing.

“You have to understand that when a story like this goes viral, and we spend a minute or two debunking it, we make lots of money. Stories like this have helped put my children through college, buy a new car, a home and even get the surgery my wife Barbara wanted so I didn’t have to use Viagra anymore.” Mikkleson laughs, “We claim ‘to provide evidence for such debunkings and confirmation as well‘, but that’s just ridiculous. Do you know how much time that would take? Instead, we just copy and paste parts of the original article into ours, write a couple sentences, and that’s it. I just want to be clear, our website does zero journalism or anything creative, and I’m only telling you this for legal reasons. For example, do you remember that recent article we wrote debunking a story which claimed Scientology lost it’s tax-exempt status? Did you actually read it? What is the name of the person responsible? What is the actual website URL? We claim to know it, since we list the website’s disclaimer in there, but no real information is there. We even go as far as saying the site that started the story spreads malware and viruses, but we don’t say what website it is. I think warning people about a website that could potentially destroy their computer is probably a good idea, and I hope one day to do that kind of ethical journalism, but people will click our ads regardless, bottom line; so why do the extra work? To be honest, I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.”

ABC News reached out to Hillary Clinton’s campaign for comment but did not receive a response.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/26/16 11:03 AM

The towns where these protestors are must love it. They provide a huge
revenue stream from all the fines and court cost that the protestors have
to pay!

and don't forget Trump,, keeps his name in the news and its so much 'fun'

During a protest in Warren, Michigan, Trump said of a protester: "Get him out. Try not to hurt him. If you do I’ll defend you in court."
"Are Trump rallies the most fun?" he then asked the Warren crowd, as if violence is humorous entertainment. "We’re having a good time."

no photo
Wed 03/30/16 02:32 PM

Craigslist ad offers protesters $15 to crash Trump rally
By Rudy Takala

Scroll down for next story

By Anna Giaritelli(@anna_giaritelli)•3/29/16 12:15 AM

A Craigslist ad by supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' Wisconsin campaign team is offering individuals $15 an hour to protest at Donald Trump's Janesville rally Tuesday.

The undisclosed sponsor of the ad, which has since been removed from the free advertising website, is asking for protesters who can attend the GOP front-runner's pre-rally and main event.

Attendees will be compensated for four hours of service at more than double the state's minimum wage of $7.25.

"We are offering this amount because of the current income inequality that we are fighting in America today!" the ad reads.

The protest's organizers said they will supply helpers with signs and even shuttle them to the event.

A Trump rally in Chicago on March 12 was cancelled after hundreds of protesters infiltrated the event. Sanders' campaign team said it did not instruct its supporters to crash the candidate's rally.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:36 PM
I was wondering why the 'co' after

I found out

inshape61n's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:48 PM

lol, yes, all the people who don't support trump are lazy, welfare receiving, non job having, racists

the WHOLE and only reason to not support trump is welfare

laugh laugh


more advice, perhaps if dissention makes people feel 'intimidated' they should ,,,I cant even say it because I feel its so ignorant to insist people leave when they don't like something

but perhaps that WHOLE constitution should be applied for EVERYONE

as much a right as it is for Trump to say vile and disruptive things about mexicians, blacks, muslims,,etc,,,

it is just as much right for those who take offense with his rhetoric, to be equally vile and/or disruptive in their 'free speech'

not for nothing, but isn't it so silly, how as americans,, that term 'free speech' gets thrown out whenever we want to insist on being as insulting and degrading and 'disruptive' as we feel

but that same 'free speech' passion gets thrown out the window when we are on the receiving end,,,?

anyone at any time. msharmony you are a joke!

inshape61n's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:50 PM

The towns where these protestors are must love it. They provide a huge
revenue stream from all the fines and court cost that the protestors have
to pay!

and don't forget Trump,, keeps his name in the news and its so much 'fun'

During a protest in Warren, Michigan, Trump said of a protester: "Get him out. Try not to hurt him. If you do I’ll defend you in court."
"Are Trump rallies the most fun?" he then asked the Warren crowd, as if violence is humorous entertainment. "We’re having a good time."

He said it as a joke! go and change your wet diaper.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:55 PM

lol, yes, all the people who don't support trump are lazy, welfare receiving, non job having, racists

the WHOLE and only reason to not support trump is welfare

laugh laugh


more advice, perhaps if dissention makes people feel 'intimidated' they should ,,,I cant even say it because I feel its so ignorant to insist people leave when they don't like something

but perhaps that WHOLE constitution should be applied for EVERYONE

as much a right as it is for Trump to say vile and disruptive things about mexicians, blacks, muslims,,etc,,,

it is just as much right for those who take offense with his rhetoric, to be equally vile and/or disruptive in their 'free speech'

not for nothing, but isn't it so silly, how as americans,, that term 'free speech' gets thrown out whenever we want to insist on being as insulting and degrading and 'disruptive' as we feel

but that same 'free speech' passion gets thrown out the window when we are on the receiving end,,,?

anyone at any time. msharmony you are a joke!

did I say anyone had a right to assault anyone?

its a joke that so many cant respond like adults to my posts instead of the namecalling,, but then again,, it does explain fascination with Trump

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:56 PM

The towns where these protestors are must love it. They provide a huge
revenue stream from all the fines and court cost that the protestors have
to pay!

and don't forget Trump,, keeps his name in the news and its so much 'fun'

During a protest in Warren, Michigan, Trump said of a protester: "Get him out. Try not to hurt him. If you do I’ll defend you in court."
"Are Trump rallies the most fun?" he then asked the Warren crowd, as if violence is humorous entertainment. "We’re having a good time."

He said it as a joke! go and change your wet diaper.

yeah,, 70 year olds joke all the time about physical assault,,,,

nice come back though,, everyone else is serious when they are offensive, but of course, this senile senior is just 'joking'

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/30/16 06:05 PM
a non vote, is a vote for whomever you don't want to see in office,,,,

please vote,, because you cant control who else is going to,,,,

no photo
Wed 03/30/16 07:48 PM
He went to the store to buy some stupid and they were out?whoa

no photo
Wed 03/30/16 08:55 PM
HoooWeeee!!!!I'm bAck........and i'd like to read more about what international human righs it is.......then bEw!!!!!!!!!!!!!souds like tha,,,,,,,, I need tha kid..... I need tha kid......
I won't response to it...... I won't response to it......
Ar!~~~~~~~~~ we have the best milk selling today it including 101% baby sisters loving and 1% sanaping care what you waiting for better rush now?!~~~~~~ better and more!!~~~~~~~~~~:banana:

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 03/31/16 03:48 AM

HoooWeeee!!!!I'm bAck........and i'd like to read more about what international human righs it is.......then bEw!!!!!!!!!!!!!souds like tha,,,,,,,, I need tha kid..... I need tha kid......
I won't response to it...... I won't response to it......
Ar!~~~~~~~~~ we have the best milk selling today it including 101% baby sisters loving and 1% sanaping care what you waiting for better rush now?!~~~~~~ better and more!!~~~~~~~~~~:banana:


inshape61n's photo
Thu 03/31/16 07:48 AM

a non vote, is a vote for whomever you don't want to see in office,,,,

please vote,, because you cant control who else is going to,,,,

actually we should be able to keep the dead from voting!