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Topic: advanced html HELP ME!!!!!!!
Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Wed 11/21/07 09:46 AM

ty so much never siad that im a succesor or skoller but simple put vb6 is a main aplet form basic to most but the format is realy very complickated but it dous the job form what i need yea but what you froly dont know is ther is short form and fast form why you may ask LOOK IT UP MORON c++ serves its perpose as well but i find vb more usfull and bendable and also reliable so go stick some more code up your ass shrish

Before I respond to this, I want to make sure I understand it correctly. Can you please let me know if I have translated this correctly? I'm assuming English isn't your first language, I'm not having a go at you about spelling.

Thank you so much.

I never said that I'm a successful programmer or scholar. I simply put that, VB6 is a main applet form of basic to most people. The format is really very complicated but it does the job for what I need.

What you probably don't know is there are short forms and fast forms. You may ask why. LOOK IT UP MORON! C++ serves its purpose as well. I find VB more useful and bendable. It is also reliable.

Go stick some more code up your ass chrish

I'm the first to admit that my English or code isn't perfect, but hopefully this makes things a bit clearer.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh Chrish, you go boy!!!!!!!!!

sp1d3r's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:18 PM
lol yea your so much better than me cous i dont spell right becous i dont ****in wana and dont need to i spell things my own way not becous i dont know how to spell them the right way becous i like to the way i want to so say somthen els stoopid that i can laph at you for!!!!!!!!!!!! o and or make you look stoopid about ty have a good one chrish

sp1d3r's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:19 PM
lol yea your so much better than me cous i dont spell right becous i dont ****in wana and dont need to i spell things my own way not becous i dont know how to spell them the right way becous i like to the way i want to so say somthen els stoopid that i can laph at you for!!!!!!!!!!!! o and or make you look stoopid about ty have a good one chrish

chrish's photo
Thu 11/22/07 04:12 PM
Two points:

Firstly, don't call people lamers for making a suggestion about something you know NOTHING about! If you do, then be prepared to have people not be too nice to you.

Secondly, I would like to draw your attention to the part in my post where I said:

"I'm assuming English isn't your first language, I'm not having a go at you about spelling."

chrish's photo
Thu 11/22/07 04:37 PM
Actually, I think I'll add more.

I wasn't laughing at you, I had (and still have) a genuine difficulty understanding what you have been writing, you still haven't answered my question about whether I am correct or not in my translation.

Maybe I have difficulty because I'm stupid, or maybe its because English isn't your first language. That is for other people reading this thread to decide. Thats the beauty of forums, they provide a platform that allows people to make up their own minds.

Perhaps adding a splash of punctuation would help?

Either way, if you are trying to communicate with people on a written forum, and if you can, it just looks better, and is easier to read if you at least spell some words correctly.

Whether you wish to blame: society, the Queen, Bush, Education or anything else. People will build an opinion of you from the way you write. I'm not the one to say whether its right or wrong but, a lot of people will take the way you write as a reflection on your self.

Either way, I will reiterate my point:

I have no problem with you but I do think it was out of order how you were rude to OTHER PEOPLE in this forum. Especially as they were trying to HELP YOU!

By all means say what you will about me, I actually genuinely do not care. This does not mean one should excuse bad manners to other people.

If you look at my previous posts, you will see I try to help people wherever I can (or maybe ask a question myself). If I can't bring anything to the discussion, then I won't post. I would implore you to do the same.

I am not laughing at you, I find nothing about you funny.

I am bored of this now, and will no longer reply to your posts in this thread. By all means if you wish to carry this on send me a mail.

Change your attitude, and I will gladly help you (as best I can) get started in web development.



TheresaK's photo
Fri 11/23/07 07:41 PM
chrish is, in my opinion, right on here; both with his assessment of the general attitude of the boy asking for help and the client/middleware/serverside distinctions.

My forte is clientside, and also agree that there has to be a line between presentation and content. Constructing a basic form is far from "advanced" HTML, and from what I can glean of the psuedo English, there is a lack of understanding of what a form is actually used for.

In the end, I agree that it is best to tweak off-the-shelf to fit your needs, whatever they may be.

Oh, and chrish, thanks for the interpretations. It was far, far too mangled for me to bother with. (I read the thread because I thought I could learn something or help out.)

Totage's photo
Fri 11/23/07 07:55 PM
Edited by Totage on Fri 11/23/07 07:58 PM
sp1d3r you obviously have no idea what you are doing, why not save your self the trouble and just install a script from someone who knows what they're doing? It's common sense.

BTW, HTML can't do message boards systems laugh laugh laugh

Ready4theweekend's photo
Sun 11/25/07 05:28 PM

BTW, HTML can't do message boards systems laugh laugh laugh

That's what I thought

Yeah man, if your building something keep it simple stupid, just get some script from someone else it is oh so much easier. But I'm honestly glad he didn't, that tounge lashing chrish gave him was hilarious. You go chrish.

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