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Topic: " When The Dollar Collapse...What R U Going Do?"
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Fri 02/24/17 05:18 PM
IBD.....you dudes are marvel.......such topic can be kinda of over mind wheeling off......HoooooWeeee......I bet 1 cent that you dudes won't caculating how much 1 dollar deserve.......yea~you don't hear that with another voice......100 cent.....that's how you dudes hightly drill with such issue about how we make it with out cashes.....I'm so sure there will be a gaint nest behide fill the bees full of the knundon ding dong~~~~~~~you know what? i had bough my self a hat back to those lala time at the MS, but i've forgten it reamin it in tha motel.....then that's what i've call it the truth value of dollar....yea dollar.....buy your self something till you've brain washing by the "flood" the loss it........don't make that jojo again okay? unless CW will rule......yea~~~ you don't miss what your brain seen on this......drinks

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 02/24/17 11:49 PM


No, No , No no ones twisting your words, and Zionist are the Jewish...please research it.

Ok again....1. I wasn't the one saying Zionists. I said that is what other topics
have said. 2. I didn't say Zionists weren't Jewish. I said I don't believe the Jewish are Zionists. In other words....Zionists are extremists like there in in anything but that doesn't mean all Jews are Zionists. Again....don't twist my post

i wouldn't bother, the NOI dislike the jews as much as real muslims...
.. why is everybody always Pickin on the Jews haven't they done enough already..lol..jk..

i blame obama...
....I was going to go with Judas...hmm..I wouldn't worry about Obama I'm sure Trump is going to..
Make Obama's stay at the big house..
Look like he was just there to fill up the water glasses..lol.... okay a little dark humor a little bit on the racial side just kidding

seems trump has everyones attention...lol
.. Trump and his minions of the Rich and Powerful.. don't know what his game plan is and he's not sharing it with anyone.. makes me a little worried....
But if you're going to build a economic superpower.. driven primarily by the White.. I guess you would have to get rid of all that cheap labor..frist.. bring back the Union..
But have some type of cap on wage negotiation... or let the market decide for itself...lol..umm.. point the finger squarely at your enemy.. and tell him..
I'm coming gunning for you.. and anyone that looks like you... sorry for the racial overtones.. then look at your competitors and tell them if you don't deal with me I'm going to lock you out... oh looky looky we have a plan

i don't believe unions are part of any answer... IMO the answer lies in creating jobs without unions for the American people, not the Illegals...

when we did away with unions we did away with good jobs. I am suprised. I guess Give to the rich and they will take care of you is still an Idol that we believe. How has that worked out?

do you think chevy or ford pays the 40 dollars an hour for someone to turn a screwdriver? no, the consumers do, when they jack up the prices to compensate... why do you think they packed up and went to mexico after obarrys bailout? to pay workers 10 an hour for the same job...

one thing I doubt that mexico is paying 10 dollars an hour. I do have some knowledge of this but a while back. In the late 90's Chrysler built a state of the art plant in Mexico and did away with 3000 jobs. A VP from thier when doing his rounds to the dealerships talked about this. They at that time got rid of these $25 an hour jobs to pay $ 2 .40 a day not an hour. Cost savings 10% or at that time around 2000 per car. Now most people who can afford a 20k car could afford a 22k car and i wonder how many millions per week was put into the economy. Chysler went after the bailout and cut wages.

Housing why is housing so high cars so high yet how much has the blue collar workers wages went up?

the companies want cheap labor . Unions keep other jobs wages up. before NAFTA took affect things were going fine. the 2000's when free trade took over then we see the difference in Americas jobs we see business telling us we need and want you to work and shut up. they got rids of the unions and how much did the stockholder make? getting rid of the unions was for a fews profit they needed that to justify leaving. wal mart. used to pride itself i MADE IN AMERICA. Remember the Banners. They were not union. They did give stocks before NAFTA. paid min wage. But have you ever seen what a worker when they had this in place retired with? I knew a lady who after 25 or 30 years had 450k in stocks GIVEN to her over the years. Sam died and what happened. Since we got rid of unions we got rid of Pensions for 401k. Do you remember how this was going to give you that much better of a retirement? Now its up to you 401k is your retirement unless you work for a Union. How many employers give pensions? a thing of the past. sure we can save money by cheap labor but destroy ourselves. Is your Healthcare Unionized?

adj4u's photo
Wed 03/01/17 07:50 PM

if the dollar collapses, I will welcome the haves into the world of the have nots

and I will feel secure that something will FINALLY Be done about income inequality

(action is always taken on an issue once it starts affecting the HAVES)

if it is a true collapse the have will be the first eliminated and the
ones that have been living on nothing already will be the survivors

the haves live off their money and even if they spend thousand on
prepping they will be overrun because they are a have and everyone
knows it

have will have some piles of what everyone wants and they will be hit
first and the dead bodies around their place will advertise it so
more will hit them and they will lose eventually but fortunately they
will take out a bunch of the bad guys for us have nots

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