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Topic: shame on the west!
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Thu 05/11/17 08:17 AM
In April 2014 300 young school girls were kidnapped in Nigeria by the
Islamic terrorist group 'Boko harom'
some have previously been released and another 80 were released yesterday. what have we done about it as we in the west like to think we rule the world?
Maybe I'm thinking if it had of been 300 barrels of oil our forces would have been in straight away! (Just my thoughts )
So they will have been abused for 3 years by these scum bags, what I'd love to do to those scummy creatures!
You're thoughts please :

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/11/17 08:22 AM
my thoughts are that the US has no magic wand to fix atrocities in every nation every time they happen

my thoughts are that those regions have a high incidence of 'terrorist' activities

my thought is that THEIR PRESIDENT must use available resources to flush them out and that it is a difficult task, being that all out war would defeat the purpose of saving anyone since it would no doubt ENSURE the deaths of many 'innocents'.

my thought is empathy for those girls, and understanding of the difficult and life threatening struggles in that region of the world...

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 08:27 AM
Ok, but the 'magic wand' soon comes out when it suits us.
My post wasn't aimed at the us ,there are other countries in the west!
Come to that, shame on the east too!

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 08:51 AM
msharmony made some good points, as well as you mikey. I don't know enough about politics to voice my thoughts about the politics behind this.

But I do feel you are right mikey, unfortunately. I think if it had been 300 barrels of oil, the troops would have made more effort and acted quicker in apprehending it. It's sad that commodities seem to have more value than human life where the government is concerned.

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/11/17 09:28 AM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 05/11/17 09:33 AM
There are far too many atrocities in the world for the WEST or anyone else to be able to fix them all,, all of the time

not to mention, there are international laws and rules about what actions can and cannot be taken between countries,,,

and the passage of time means the dispersal of the kidnapped throughout Nigeria,, making them harder to find, let alone rescue

D40nine's photo
Thu 05/11/17 09:30 AM
East, West, North or South - evil men rule because good men sit and do nothing! Plain and Simple.

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 09:33 AM

There are far too many atrocities in the world for the WEST or anyone else to be able to fix them all,, all of the time

not to mention, there are international laws and rules about what actions can and cannot be taken between countries,,,

True, trouble is we are the only ones who adhere to the law!
We've been sending aid to these countries for years and nothing changes.

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/11/17 09:35 AM

There are far too many atrocities in the world for the WEST or anyone else to be able to fix them all,, all of the time

not to mention, there are international laws and rules about what actions can and cannot be taken between countries,,,

True, trouble is we are the only ones who adhere to the law!
We've been sending aid to these countries for years and nothing changes.

one never knows, I believe much goes on, both good and bad, that is never reported

some for tactical reasons, and some just because what happens in other regions is not as newsworthy as what is happening right at home

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 05/11/17 09:40 AM
It is a sad thing that is going on. can one put it on other countries or even our own, when they have sex trafficking they can not even control themselves....

If they are releasing them then someone is doing something or they would not be releasing them at all they would have never let them go...

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 09:45 AM

There are far too many atrocities in the world for the WEST or anyone else to be able to fix them all,, all of the time

not to mention, there are international laws and rules about what actions can and cannot be taken between countries,,,

and the passage of time means the dispersal of the kidnapped throughout Nigeria,, making them harder to find, let alone rescue

That makes a lot of sense msharmony, and easier to understand, thanks.

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 09:45 AM

It is a sad thing that is going on. can one put it on other countries or even our own, when they have sex trafficking they can not even control themselves....

If they are releasing them then someone is doing something or they would not be releasing them at all they would have never let them go...

True, and that also happens in Europe by so called civilised countries,
Point is that we portray ourselves as the leaders of the 'free' world, I we either are or we're not!
And does the 'free 'world include these countries?

37ko's photo
Thu 05/11/17 10:20 AM
there's no money to be made with school oil, no land or no drugs involved there so why would the us government care??? no profit in it

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 05/11/17 10:37 AM
Here is a link to what has happen since those girls were kidnapped.. Giving updates of each time that some were released ect... or found..

I understand it is a concern but with what info is out there how does anyone know that others did not offer to help, and the Nigerian Government declined..

Regardless what we think other countries should have done unless all the info is there of who tried to help or offered and what their Government would accept or not accept.. The blame really can not be put on another country...

Regardless of the power any Country has their Power does not exceed the Government of another Country..

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 10:38 AM

It is a sad thing that is going on. can one put it on other countries or even our own, when they have sex trafficking they can not even control themselves....

If they are releasing them then someone is doing something or they would not be releasing them at all they would have never let them go...

True, and that also happens in Europe by so called civilised countries,
Point is that we portray ourselves as the leaders of the 'free' world, I we either are or we're not!
And does the 'free 'world include these countries?

The trouble is Mikey, these countries are not considered part of the free world, so a sort of Malaise creates itself around most of the people in the so called free world, and this gives Carte Blanch to the powers that be, and most people just shrug there shoulders as if there is nothing they can do about it, and as long as the 300 barrels are making their way to us, the 300 lives just get forgotten in the political meanderings of our leaders, but we become guilty by association, and don't they like it like that.

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 10:44 AM
Probably a little effort was done behind the scenes but obviously not enough regardless of there government. bigger governments have been kicked out in the middle east when it was convenient!

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 10:58 AM
Then look what happens.

Couldn't agree more Convenient.

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 12:23 PM
It's a problem for the UN to solve.
I'm sure they are right on top of it.

dreamerana's photo
Thu 05/11/17 12:52 PM
Many countries turn a blind eye to many things unless it impacts their economy.

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 01:28 PM
you need to take action yourself and stand for what you believe in don't wait for others to do it for your be a man

no photo
Thu 05/11/17 01:32 PM

you need to take action yourself and stand for what you believe in don't wait for others to do it for your be a man

I've been there done that!

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