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Topic: So I've been "seeing" this chick
Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 11:05 AM
I really don't know what to make of her... We both love sex... but I
have the oddest feeling that we have totally diffrent ideas of what sex
should be. I like to get a little freaky and try new things and she
dosn't know anything but 3 posotions. She dosn't give head after it's
been in (WTF). Now I brought this to her attention last week after a
good long night I said it gently and kindly as I could... We talked
about it and she agreed to start trying some new things. Now again we
are both sex fiends so she's been over here a few times since. And every
time I ask to try something new and every time I have been shot down.
It's really starting to bother me... Should I be the good guy and wait
for her to "be ready" or am I right for thinking she is playing with me
and is only after what I give her and dosn't give 2 shits if it's good
for me or not? Or is there a 3rd or 4th option that hasn't even crossed
my mind?? Please advice Or even your thoughts may help me make a better

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 01:34 PM
Sheesh noone has anything to say to this?? This is only half of my
Dilemma... I have my ex calling me now after many months of seperation.
I know the sex is good there...probably why the sex I'm getting not
being good is bothering me so.

bigbayhrsrider's photo
Sun 11/12/06 01:43 PM
hey hon is SEX all you two are about? maybe she s waiting on a
committment?? who knows. ?? then again maybe she doesnt know and waiting
for someone [YOU } to show her??

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/12/06 01:52 PM
That is a hard one to answer because everyone is different. You might
get a lot of different opinions on this, but what it comes down to is
that what you have been doing is talk with her. Find out why she don't
want to try new things, but at the same time I wouldn't push anything.

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 02:03 PM
Yea I try not to push... But you know when someone says she wants to try
new things and then won't it makes the brain start runnin circles. and
yea Bigbay so far it has been pretty much purely sexual.. It hadn't even
crossed my mind that she might be wanting a commitment again this puts
me chaseing my tail again because if she wants a commitment before the
sex gets good and I want good sex before I commit... we are going
nowhere lol But thanks guys and keep em comeing fresh perspectives are a
wonderful thing.

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 02:07 PM
And oh about her not knowing... I agree with that somewhat...but she
does go down... just not after it's been inside of the pink. I would
think this an easy thing to overcome but I try not to be pushy. Her last
boyfriend was younger than her and she is only 21 so I can't imagine a
wealth of sex knowledge between the 2 of them I guess I'm trying to say
I am willing to show her but she dosn't seem willing to learn? Maybe
"willing" is the wrong word. Eager... yea that's better and when someone
is hesitant I feel pushy GAH IT JUST DOSN'T END!

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/12/06 02:07 PM
I can see your point if she says one thing and does another. if it was
me. I would back of on some of the things I would do with her and see
where that goes.

brandy12345's photo
Sun 11/12/06 02:08 PM
Ok you said she isnt trying new things Are YOU? Have u tried making it
more romantic. Are you trying hard to please her? Maybe taking it slow
with a massage. Women are more apted to try new thing when they are
made extremely cmfortable. Than again she may not be completely
comfortable in her own sexuality.

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 02:22 PM
Shadow and Brandy... both seem like great ideas our meeting has
intensified at each one I have been going farther and farther out of my
way to try to be certain that she knows exactly how sexy I think she
is... I havn't broken out the massage oils for her yet though... I have
lit candles and made foreplay last for hours muwahaha she hates to be
teased (bummer) I'm a tease. I cook for her and tell her she is
beautiful. Maybe a massage is the ticket though.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/12/06 02:24 PM
I agree with you Brandy, some women are delicate but then again some are
just plan rough.

iceprincess's photo
Sun 11/12/06 02:25 PM
Mayby she just doesn't want to do anything different. mayby she's not
completely comfortable with you. If she hasn't experienced these ideas
you have she's not gonna want to with somebody she's not completly
comfortable with. try being romantic be a little racy with the foreplay
see how receptive she is.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/12/06 02:28 PM
Just a thought, going out of your way can scare someone too. So be
carful. but if you are going farther with he and that seems to be
working. Stick with it.

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 02:33 PM
noted noted noted... Words of Wisdom Ice I thankyou. No going out of my
way dosn't seem to be working at all.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/12/06 03:05 PM
LOL, Then like you said it's just sex.

iceprincess's photo
Sun 11/12/06 03:18 PM
If you feel the sex is such an issue then you need to let her know it's
not doing it for you.Don't beat around the bush so to speak just tell
her what she does is great but you need more and if she doesn't feel she
can give you that then move on.I know this is what I'd prefer. whaen you
guys hint at things or allude to them but don't come right out with it
we build it up to be a much bigger problem than it is and we balk. If we
feel ere already fucking up we're not gonna put ourselves out there any

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/12/06 03:43 PM
beat around th' bush with yer toungue,throw her on th' bed and take her
like a

iceprincess's photo
Sun 11/12/06 03:50 PM
ha-ha funny is that a promise

izzynavi's photo
Sun 11/12/06 04:06 PM
Try and find out more about her....maybe her upbringing did not prepare
her for such opened-minded sex. If you keep up the pursuit of "freaky
sex" - it might be a turn-off for her. On the other hand, she must like
you a lot, returning for more or is she using you fro just straight sex?

sherrie0527's photo
Sun 11/12/06 04:09 PM
well sex all starts with trust and comunication... make a key word or
something. For her when she wants to to STOP..and not the oh stop stop
stop..LOL.. ya no what i mean..LOL... She has to feel comfortable with
you and maybe shit isnt whiling to try new things cause that reason...
Sit down and talk to her and ask her what will make her comfortable with
you while trying new things... if she doesn't have an answer make some
points.. the keyword...her being in control..ect Ask her what makes her
fill good and tell her u want her to tell u want she wants... and that u
want to beable to please her and u want her to please you. tell her what
u like..what u want to try with her..or just try. ask her the same.. u
both are going to have to be adults about it.. thats all for now...
email if ya want more... ~~SHERRIE~~

iceprincess's photo
Sun 11/12/06 04:09 PM
just talk to her and if she's up for it she will if not decide how
imprtant to you it really is. It's that simple you either need it or you

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