Topic: Red Wave Coming?
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Wed 11/07/18 10:57 AM

If your point is that you think your MISINTERPRETATION is correct..than obviously you missed my point

msharmony's photo
Wed 11/07/18 10:58 AM
Its perception, but consistency is consistency.

if people insist that the confederate flag is about their culture, then they should be more accepting of immigrants who come here and maintain their 'culture'. If people insist that those here need to assimilate to AMerican culture, then confederate culture should no longer be a thing.

I have no horse in the race, except to think that taxpayers who moan about everything else, should see how it is nonsense to expect taxpayers from previously oppressed groups to have offensive flags of that time raised at state or city buildings. The American flag is the universal American cultural symbol. Others should be free to be flown by individuals, but not put upon by the precious 'taxpayers' and citizens.

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 11/07/18 11:04 AM
The confederate flag is part of American history, not another country's history. Immigrants should be American. If they want their old country, go home. Don't come eat up all the welfare cheese while holding your countries flag.

no photo
Wed 11/07/18 11:15 AM

I like the twist,,as always..YOU see the problem isn't's ILLEGAL immigrants note the word,,ILLEGAL..if you can't have enough RESPECT for our laws from the jump and you break them by entering OUR country ILLEGALY..than you should be DEPORTED..AGAIN there is NO problem with immigrants just those who feel they can enter OUR country ILLEGALY..wait your turn in line behind those who follow our laws and show the respect..

But there are those who would aid and abet law breakers because they too must obviously feel they are ABOVE THE LAW..and they're NOT...smokin

no photo
Wed 11/07/18 02:21 PM

Red wave :thumbsup:

You mean like when he said Megan Kelly had a red wave?

no photo
Wed 11/07/18 02:26 PM

America needs to WAKE UP and stop playing party against party

Good luck with getting members of the Alt-Right to go along with that.
They think that it is still acceptable to display symbols of white supremacy.

Aka The Losers Club.

Flying the flag of traitors is about as unAmerican as it gets. Never mind that THEY LOST, which is akin to collecting losing lottery tickets.

They betrayed the United States and formed a foreign army to do battle against the United States. Every single member should have faced a firing squad.

no photo
Wed 11/07/18 03:40 PM
Like it or hate it, it is a part of American History and NOT a cultural thing brought here by others from other countries.

It is American HISTORY, same as the Indians, the Pilgrims, the west, ect. ect, ect.

msharmony's photo
Wed 11/07/18 04:03 PM

The confederate flag is part of American history, not another country's history. Immigrants should be American. If they want their old country, go home. Don't come eat up all the welfare cheese while holding your countries flag.

No, its part of the CONFEDERATE states of america, They wanted to CEDE from the UNITED states. They launched a war and Lost. the only American flag is the American flag. it should be flown north and south in government buildings.

The confederates that want to hold on to CONFEDERATE flags and culture and live in the UNITED states, are no different than immigrants that want to hold on to their flags and culture and live here. its fine for both or fine for neither, no in between.

msharmony's photo
Wed 11/07/18 04:05 PM

Like it or hate it, it is a part of American History and NOT a cultural thing brought here by others from other countries.

It is American HISTORY, same as the Indians, the Pilgrims, the west, ect. ect, ect.

I dont really care except about consistency. Many peoples are part of AMerican history, because it started as a country of immigrants. European cultures, Latin American cultures, and AFrican cultures all were 'brought here' from other countries technically.

They are all part of the history of 'America'.

So they all should feel welcome to hang on to the parts of their 'culture' that are important or meaningful or none of them should feel welcome to.

no photo
Wed 11/07/18 04:23 PM
And did these immigrants bring the rebel flag with them? Or was it born on American Soil

The rebel flag was adopted in 1863 on American soil by Americans

Therefore it is American History.. home grown

msharmony's photo
Wed 11/07/18 04:41 PM

And did these immigrants bring the rebel flag with them? Or was it born on American Soil

The rebel flag was adopted in 1863 on American soil by Americans

Therefore it is American History.. home grown

It doesnt matter what parts of their culture they brought. it wouldnt change that the confederate flag was not representing the UNITED STATES< but only the CONFEDERATE States which explicitly stood for being SEPARATE from the UNITED STATES.

Mexicans were here, therefore their flag and their customs are part of American history. AFricans were brought here, therefore their culture INCLUDING their flags would be part of "American"History, and so on and so forth.

if a Mexican wants to fly their flag they should be able to. If a European descent person wants to fly their flag they should. but the only flag that should be flown at facilities of the USA govvernment is the USA flag, not the confederate states flag.


other cultures flags are equally welcome to be flown.

no photo
Wed 11/07/18 06:05 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 11/07/18 06:09 PM

if the ignorance and hatred I read so often on the web and hear so often in media is any indication of what we are striving for and accepting, we are royally screwed.

I agree.

For example, all that fuss about an immigrant caravan coming from Central America is foolish. It isn't illegal for natives of Central America to seek asylum in the USA. The caravan hasn't reached the USA yet, and foolish people have already labeled those asylum seekers criminals.

David, You know where this shyt comes from. It comes from Trump's big mouth. Trump started all this when he started shooting off his mouth about them when they were thousands of miles away. A friend of mine just today posted on FB about one of the migrants had already hit one of our soldiers with a rock. Hurting the soldier.

The thing is, the migrants haven't even gotten to the border yet. I had to straighten him out and prove it to him that it didn't happen.

The idea of these weak, starving people, mostly women, and kids with a few men coming to our border seeking refuge are going to chunk rocks, is just ludicrous. It makes no sense. I mean, all you have to do is look at them. Why would these people travel thousands of miles just to lose all chance of asylum by chunking a rock at an American soldier? All this was nothing but some kind of sick idea Trump came up with to rile up his base.

He said it himself, he loves the ignorant/uneducated. Because they will follow anything he says and believe it to the letter.

Donald Trump declares 'I love the poorly educated' as he storms to victory in Nevada caucus".

Yesterday when I went to vote, I had the opportunity to take part in several conversations concerning Trump. I kept my thoughts to myself mostly and just listened to what others had to say. Simply put, many of these people are Republican. But they voted the other way. And their reason, Trump scares them.

The way a lot of them seem to look at it, they know that having a split between the House and the Senate was not an optimal thing. But, having too many of the same party running our country, unchecked, well, that ain't good either. At least this way we now have watchdogs that won't let Trump run wild anymore.

They can't stop him from running his mouth and stirring up violence in people. But, Maybe add some balance.

no photo
Wed 11/07/18 08:05 PM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 11/07/18 08:36 PM

First of all they are NOT mostly women and children they are mostly single young men ..then we can see how some of them have shot at Mexican police and torn down fences showing no respect for property or law..then you have the almost 100 members of ISIS that Guatemala has arrested..then there are those from the middle east that are mixed in ..not to mention and I just saw this an immigrant who was deported for attempted now Trump is NOT labeling them all as being bad but one can DEFINITELY see they are not starving after all they were given credit cards not to mention the people of Mexico are helping them get fed and so is the UNHCR..

I don't know what channel of MOCKINGBIRD delusional t.v you're watching..but if these people want to come to OUR country they can go through the legal process..not to mention they were already offered asylum by Mexico..and we see what they've done to the police as they threw rocks at them..It is Trump's job to insure the safety of the American citizens..and as the old saying goes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure..but we will wait sure they may be miles away ..but we'll wait and see how they obey our laws when they are on the border..we can already seen what they did in Mexico

There are criminals mixed in with these people and Trump is just setting up precautionary measures to weed them out ..if you all had it your way you would just open the borders and allow what has happened to France Italy Sweden and Germany happen to the U.S..not to mention what they have done to our Golden State California..which is looking more like a shyt hole every day..

Our ambassador in Guatemala has even reported there are criminal elements in these caravans and so has the president of yea Charles they are just starving women and children.. not to mention there were seven children being trafficked with the caravan and other criminal gang bangers do you even do any REAL research or do you just let your hatred for Trump over rule your logic

HERE give this a listen..and learn something..YOUTUBE

Tom Fitton's Video Weekly Update..IMPORTANT Border Crisis Update & Hillary Clinton Lawsuit

Give this a listen ..this guy is with Judicial Watch ..or don't and just keep spewing that which you don't know...

NOT to mention this is a ploy by Soros to use these people in order to help him destroy America and create his BS ideology of a New World Order..a one Global Government..All part of his master plan to enslave the world while a few sit at the elite table..DO THE RESEARCH..

no photo
Wed 11/07/18 09:20 PM
There are men. But a lot of women and kids.

"Thousands of migrants from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala head north hoping to find work and a better life in the US. The largest Central American caravan in decades keeps growing as thousands more join this journey – but when they reach Mexico, the migrant caravan starts taking different directions".

Rock's photo
Wed 11/07/18 10:06 PM
No American posting in this thread,
has ever owned a slave.

Doubtful, if any American posting in this thread,
has ever picked cotton.

Boohoo, get over it, move on.

Every topic here, needn't be derailed into
yet another meaningless debate about the
civil war.

msharmony's photo
Wed 11/07/18 11:19 PM
there really are few threads about the civil war

The post was about division of 'us vs them' in politics.

many examples were given, dem vs rep, alt right and non alt right, and white supremacists vs non white supremacists in the republican party

the discussion about the flag neatly fit into the topic of white supremacy

noone on this thread lived in the CONFEDERACY either, but they are not told to 'get over it' when they want to fly a flag ... just a thought.

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/08/18 12:37 AM
I have been a minority all my life. And though I am sure there are people who want everyone else wiped out but 'their own' in every race. It is illogical to believe that everyone in any group wants such an extreme action. I certainly do not. There is also not a separate fund either for white and black taxes or white and black recipients of taxes, so the idea that 'whites' are supporting blacks is also nonsense.

It does have alot to do with personality, but also with opportunity and environment and self image that is influenced by media and education AND envvironment. I have seen, and HAVE a black son who has excellent credit, pays his bills on time and is saving for a home and has held a job since he was 17 I have seen white girls who would have tantrums when they had to work PERIOD and they always bummed rides off of other people.

White people dont put minorities into homes either, CARING people of all races help others with their homes. CARING people of all races also help people salvage their homes.

These characterizations of blacks as having an inferior personality or character are stereotypical BULL. People from all races can and do have inferior personality, just read posts on the internet ... happy

no photo
Thu 11/08/18 02:24 AM
Honestly, What does this have to do with the supposed, "red wave"? that never materialized? More like a damp puddle.

Ted Seems a little butthurt. Conservative Crybaby. Maybe he needs a "Trumpy Bear" to cuddle up with and cry on.

Ted Nugent upset that Michigan is turning 'into a California s***hole' after Election Day

"Ted Nugent isn’t happy about the way the midterm elections turned out in his home state of Michigan. The 69-year-old rocker known for his conservative views shared his frustration on Facebook Wednesday".

no photo
Thu 11/08/18 09:23 AM

Like it or hate it, it is a part of American History and NOT a cultural thing brought here by others from other countries.

It is American HISTORY, same as the Indians, the Pilgrims, the west, ect. ect, ect.

No, it's not. It's a part of CONFEDERATE history. They were not Americans, they rejected their citizenship.

Flying the Confederate flag is no different, then flying the Japanese flag on Pearl Harbor Day, or the Mexican flag at the Alamo.

The Confederates were a foreign adversary, no different than Russia or North Korea today.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/08/18 09:27 AM

Honestly, What does this have to do with the supposed, "red wave"? that never materialized? More like a damp puddle.

Ted Seems a little butthurt. Conservative Crybaby. Maybe he needs a "Trumpy Bear" to cuddle up with and cry on.

Ted Nugent upset that Michigan is turning 'into a California s***hole' after Election Day

"Ted Nugent isn’t happy about the way the midterm elections turned out in his home state of Michigan. The 69-year-old rocker known for his conservative views shared his frustration on Facebook Wednesday".

This morning on CNN they were calling Ga racist because we elected kemp. Couldn't possibly be we don't want a governor who didn't pay her taxes to raise ours.