Topic: Bra size
blb63's photo
Tue 11/27/18 01:08 PM
A man walked into the ladies department and shyly walked up to
the woman behind the counter and said,
'I'd like to buy a bra for my wife. '
' What type of bra?' asked the clerk.
'Type?' inquires the man, 'There's more than one type?'
' Look around,' said the saleslady, as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, color and material imaginable.
'Actually, even with all of this variety, there are really only four types of bras to choose from.'
Relieved, the man asked about the types.
The saleslady replied:
'There are the Catholic, Salvation Army, Presbyterian, and the Baptist types.
Which one would you prefer?'
Now totally befuddled, the man asked about the differences between them.
The Saleslady responded, 'It is all really quite simple.'
The Catholic type supports the masses;
The Salvation Army type lifts the fallen;
The Presbyterian type keeps them staunch and upright;
The Baptist type makes mountains out of molehills.
Oh and
Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD , E, F, G, and H are the letters used
to define bra sizes?
If you have wondered why, but couldn't figure out what the letters stood for, it is about time you became informed!
{A} Almost Boobs.
{B} Barely there.
{C} Can't Complain.
{D} Dang!
{DD} Double dang!
{E} Enormous!
{F} Fake.
{G} Get a Reduction.
{H} Help me, I've fallen
and I can't get up!
Send this to all that will appreciate it!
oh They forgot the German bra.

no photo
Tue 11/27/18 03:15 PM
laugh laugh laugh

Riverspirit1111's photo
Tue 11/27/18 03:20 PM
slaphead laugh

FredoniaDaydreamer's photo
Tue 11/27/18 05:01 PM
Very cute! laugh

Real Tx Girl's photo
Tue 11/27/18 05:12 PM

BIRD's photo
Tue 02/19/19 11:15 AM

ivegotthegirth's photo
Tue 02/19/19 11:29 AM
*Disclaimer* I have nothing against Mexicans, I've known many and most are good hard working people. But I hadn't thought of this for years. So kill me!

Do you know the difference between a C cup and a P cup?

One's a bra size

The other's something a Mexican drives to work

jaish's photo
Sun 04/07/19 10:05 AM
a bra hanging to dry reminds me of many things:

Harold Robins first book
Scent of a woman

and the dyslexic man who walks into a bra

Sticktree's photo
Fri 04/12/19 01:46 PM
A Pcup. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: love it

Rogers's photo
Sun 05/05/19 01:37 PM

Grover's photo
Tue 05/07/19 12:59 PM
Our pastor keeps a light on in the church garden. He wants to watch over his phlox by night.:wink: :wink:

no photo
Mon 06/10/19 12:30 AM
laugh :smile:

no photo
Mon 06/10/19 05:10 AM

*Disclaimer* I have nothing against Mexicans, I've known many and most are good hard working people. But I hadn't thought of this for years. So kill me!

Do you know the difference between a C cup and a P cup?

One's a bra size

The other's something a Mexican drives to work

Does the P cup stand for pendejo que ti importa ?

uttam's photo
Mon 06/10/19 06:07 AM
rofl drinks

Mandeepinncr's photo
Sat 06/15/19 09:23 AM
What does a dumb slut say when you ask if she’s ever tried 69?
“Thirty dudes is the most I can screw in one night.”

ivegotthegirth's photo
Sat 06/15/19 07:41 PM

*Disclaimer* I have nothing against Mexicans, I've known many and most are good hard working people. But I hadn't thought of this for years. So kill me!

Do you know the difference between a C cup and a P cup?

One's a bra size

The other's something a Mexican drives to work

Does the P cup stand for pendejo que ti importa ?

No, it stands for pickup.......truck

But for you, you can call call me a pendejo if you like! flowers