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hardBNhard's photo
Thu 02/28/19 07:18 PM

NYT catches Trump in an apparent lie about Jared Kushner's security clearance

"Despite the president’s assurances to the contrary, Donald Trump ordered his former chief of staff John Kelly to grant his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a top-level security clearance, the New York Times reported Thursday".


“No, I don’t think I have the authority to do that,” Trump responded. “I’m not sure I do. But I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t do it. Jared’s a good — I was, I was never involved with his security. I know that he, you know, just from reading, I know that there was issues back and forth about security for numerous people, actually. But I don’t want to get involved in that stuff.”

He sounds like a teenager who didn't finish his homework...or High School in general.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Using some of his harshest rhetoric in recent memory, President Donald J. Trump came out strongly against intelligence on Wednesday morning.

“I’ve listened to these people with so-called intelligence go on and on, and, quite frankly, it’s a waste of time,” he said. “I know a lot more than people with intelligence do.”

Trump added that he has stopped receiving intelligence briefings at the White House, arguing, “I can do my job without any intelligence whatsoever.”

He said that he has chosen, instead, to seek advice from his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and from his elder children, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald, Jr. “You won’t find a trace of intelligence in anything they say,” he boasted.

At a briefing for the White House press corps, the President’s press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, denied that Trump’s war on intelligence was a new development. “Intelligence has never played a role in Donald Trump’s life,” she said.


Yet another big lie from the idiot ! Does he ever stop ?

FeelYoung's photo
Thu 02/28/19 07:34 PM

Even in high school, I had a teacher tell us to believe only 10% of what we read and 5% of what we hear.... to work only with what we KNOW to be a fact. I see that now the "witch hunt" has moved into Israel. We as humans will never learn.

* I have the right to remain silent, but I don't have the ability

hardBNhard's photo
Thu 02/28/19 07:39 PM
Edited by hardBNhard on Thu 02/28/19 08:11 PM

NYT catches Trump in an apparent lie about Jared Kushner's security clearance

"Despite the president’s assurances to the contrary, Donald Trump ordered his former chief of staff John Kelly to grant his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a top-level security clearance, the New York Times reported Thursday".


“No, I don’t think I have the authority to do that,” Trump responded. “I’m not sure I do. But I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t do it. Jared’s a good — I was, I was never involved with his security. I know that he, you know, just from reading, I know that there was issues back and forth about security for numerous people, actually. But I don’t want to get involved in that stuff.”

He sounds like a teenager who didn't finish his homework...or High School in general.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Using some of his harshest rhetoric in recent memory, President Donald J. Trump came out strongly against intelligence on Wednesday morning.

“I’ve listened to these people with so-called intelligence go on and on, and, quite frankly, it’s a waste of time,” he said. “I know a lot more than people with intelligence do.”

Trump added that he has stopped receiving intelligence briefings at the White House, arguing, “I can do my job without any intelligence whatsoever.”

He said that he has chosen, instead, to seek advice from his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and from his elder children, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald, Jr. “You won’t find a trace of intelligence in anything they say,” he boasted.

At a briefing for the White House press corps, the President’s press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, denied that Trump’s war on intelligence was a new development. “Intelligence has never played a role in Donald Trump’s life,” she said.


Yet another big lie from the idiot ! Does he ever stop ?

It must have been pretty bad meeting that tramp would skip a lunch that was all ready and the tables made uplaugh
There probably wasnt any "HAMBERDERS" rofl

indianadave4's photo
Thu 02/28/19 08:42 PM
In my opinion Obamacare was known to be a rip off and would shortly fall apart. Now that we have disastercare the real direction is coming to the forefront: Medicare for all.

Sounds nice but PBS news just said it will cost tens of trillions to implement. Typical socialism.

no photo
Thu 02/28/19 09:12 PM
Fordham confirms that Trump team threatened the school if his grades became public

"Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen has testified to Congress that Trump directed him to write letters warning his schools and the College Board not to disclose his grades or SAT scores".


Another one of those Trump oddities. What is there to hide? Something else for the Democrats to subpoena?

no photo
Fri 03/01/19 01:38 AM
For those who haven't already listened. Or wish to listen again.

Bye...Bye...Ivanka Trump! Michael Cohen Brutal ENDING Ivanka in Trump’s Lies Empire


They can't attack the message. So they attack the messenger. A huge sign of weakness on the Republican side.

no photo
Fri 03/01/19 10:22 AM
Many view 'black friend defense' as a tired, hollow argument

"Back in high school, a group of white classmates dressed in Confederate-inspired clothing as part of a social club called the "Rebel Rousers" and insisted they weren't racist when confronted because some of them knew Darden, who is black.

"It was insulting," the 64-year-old Greenville, North Carolina, man recalled Thursday. "I was insulted by it even when it was occurring."


Trump claims Cohen book would prove ex-aide a liar

"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump claimed Friday that his former lawyer Michael Cohen shopped a book to publishers that portrayed Trump in a favorable light, vastly at odds with Cohen's damning testimony to Congress".


Was this book from before or after Cohen said being loyal to Trump was a mistake?

Of course. At that time Cohen was trying to ingratiate himself to Trump. That is hardly evidence to refute what he's saying under oath now. Cohen has little to gain by lying to Congress. He's already been sentenced.

Trump's "evidence" is a book? He knows that testimony under oath is different than lying in a book, right? Since, you know, the actual author of Art of the Deal has also admitted that book was filled with lies?

Officials say Trump overstated Kim's demand on sanctions

"HANOI, Vietnam (AP) -- President Donald Trump said he walked away from his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un because Kim demanded the U.S. lift all of its sanctions, a claim that North Korea's delegation called a rare news conference in the middle of the night to deny.

So who's telling the truth? In this case, it seems that the North Koreans are. And it's a demand they have been pushing for weeks in lower-level talks".


It is a sad day when I believe the dictator of North Korea over the President of the United States. But I have had many sad days in the last two years.

no photo
Fri 03/01/19 03:29 PM
Trump, Cohen and the paradox of believing proven liars

"Throughout Michael Cohen’s testimony this week before the House Oversight Committee, Republicans repeated what would seem to be a simple rule of human nature: Never trust a person who has been proven to be a liar.

“I want everyone in this room to think about this, the first announced witness for the 116th Congress is a guy who is going to prison in two months for lying to Congress,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said in his opening remarks.

But as more Republicans on the committee followed Jordan’s lead, that strategy quickly hit a wall.

“You’re a pathological liar. You don’t know truth from falsehood,” Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz, scolded Cohen, who then swiftly turned the tables on his interrogators.

“Sir, I’m sorry, are you referring to me or the president?” Cohen asked with a boyish grin". "Therein lies a paradox for the Republican Party. They distrust the fixer who lied to protect the president but trust the president who himself has been shown to have difficulties telling the truth".


no photo
Fri 03/01/19 04:21 PM
Trump border emergency foes close in on needed Senate votes

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate opponents of President Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency at the Mexican border moved within a hair Thursday of having enough votes to prevail, and one Republican suggested he risks a rebuff by the GOP-led chamber if he doesn't change course.

Trump's move would "turn a border crisis into a constitutional crisis," veteran Sen. Lamar Alexander said on the Senate floor. But he stopped just short of saying he'd support a resolution blocking the president's move. Had Alexander pledged his vote, it would probably be enough for the Senate to pass a measure repealing the emergency declaration".


no photo
Sat 03/02/19 01:27 PM
Trump Fumes Following Cohen Testimony: Mueller Investigation 'Bulls**t'

" President Donald Trump responded to his former personal attorney flipping on him, testifying before Congress, and working with special counsel Robert Mueller by calling the investigations into his campaign and Russia “********.”

In a typically long, rambling, off-script speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday, Trump said Mueller has “perhaps the worst reputation of any human being I have ever seen.” (Mueller’s reputation in Washington is generally considered sterling.)


Trump said Mueller has “perhaps the worst reputation of any human being I have ever seen.” (Mueller’s reputation in Washington is generally considered sterling.)

Again I keep seeing the President say just bizarre things like this ...SMH and seriously question his stability. That is out of left field folks.

We have never had a president who cries so much, innocent people don't act like this, they laugh when they know they're right.

Trump does not seem to understand that the SDNY investigation is the real threat. They have enough real crimes uncovered already (conspiracy to commit campaign finance fraud, self-dealing/embezzlement from the inauguration committee, to give them cause to issue more subpoena and that will then lead to more crimes being uncovered. It is called "sprawl". Unlike Mueller, they are not limited in scope. They can look at anything, as long as they develop probable cause.

NY AG's civil complaint on the trump foundation, which lays out parallel criminal charges, including fraud, tax fraud, and theft, which are chargeable under NY State statutes and Federal Statutes. The evidence to convict is in the public record.

hardBNhard's photo
Sat 03/02/19 05:10 PM

Trump Fumes Following Cohen Testimony: Mueller Investigation 'Bulls**t'

" President Donald Trump responded to his former personal attorney flipping on him, testifying before Congress, and working with special counsel Robert Mueller by calling the investigations into his campaign and Russia “********.”

In a typically long, rambling, off-script speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday, Trump said Mueller has “perhaps the worst reputation of any human being I have ever seen.” (Mueller’s reputation in Washington is generally considered sterling.)


Trump said Mueller has “perhaps the worst reputation of any human being I have ever seen.” (Mueller’s reputation in Washington is generally considered sterling.)

Again I keep seeing the President say just bizarre things like this ...SMH and seriously question his stability. That is out of left field folks.

We have never had a president who cries so much, innocent people don't act like this, they laugh when they know they're right.

Trump does not seem to understand that the SDNY investigation is the real threat. They have enough real crimes uncovered already (conspiracy to commit campaign finance fraud, self-dealing/embezzlement from the inauguration committee, to give them cause to issue more subpoena and that will then lead to more crimes being uncovered. It is called "sprawl". Unlike Mueller, they are not limited in scope. They can look at anything, as long as they develop probable cause.

NY AG's civil complaint on the trump foundation, which lays out parallel criminal charges, including fraud, tax fraud, and theft, which are chargeable under NY State statutes and Federal Statutes. The evidence to convict is in the public record.

You think he would have learned after his university scam failure laugh
What a idiot

FeelYoung's photo
Sat 03/02/19 07:59 PM

In my opinion Obamacare was known to be a rip off and would shortly fall apart. Now that we have disastercare the real direction is coming to the forefront: Medicare for all.

Sounds nice but PBS news just said it will cost tens of trillions to implement. Typical socialism.

during an interview with Rolling Stone Opens a New Window. , on Wednesday, Pelosi was stumped on the large price tag of Medicare for All.
"Thirty trillion dollars," she said. "Now, how do you pay for that?”

*I have the right to remain silent, but not the ability.

hardBNhard's photo
Sat 03/02/19 09:21 PM

Trump Fumes Following Cohen Testimony: Mueller Investigation 'Bulls**t'

" President Donald Trump responded to his former personal attorney flipping on him, testifying before Congress, and working with special counsel Robert Mueller by calling the investigations into his campaign and Russia “********.”

In a typically long, rambling, off-script speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday, Trump said Mueller has “perhaps the worst reputation of any human being I have ever seen.” (Mueller’s reputation in Washington is generally considered sterling.)


Trump said Mueller has “perhaps the worst reputation of any human being I have ever seen.” (Mueller’s reputation in Washington is generally considered sterling.)

Again I keep seeing the President say just bizarre things like this ...SMH and seriously question his stability. That is out of left field folks.

We have never had a president who cries so much, innocent people don't act like this, they laugh when they know they're right.

Trump does not seem to understand that the SDNY investigation is the real threat. They have enough real crimes uncovered already (conspiracy to commit campaign finance fraud, self-dealing/embezzlement from the inauguration committee, to give them cause to issue more subpoena and that will then lead to more crimes being uncovered. It is called "sprawl". Unlike Mueller, they are not limited in scope. They can look at anything, as long as they develop probable cause.

NY AG's civil complaint on the trump foundation, which lays out parallel criminal charges, including fraud, tax fraud, and theft, which are chargeable under NY State statutes and Federal Statutes. The evidence to convict is in the public record.

no photo
Sun 03/03/19 12:56 AM

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Using some of his harshest rhetoric in recent memory, President Donald J. Trump came out strongly against intelligence on Wednesday morning.

“I’ve listened to these people with so-called intelligence go on and on, and, quite frankly, it’s a waste of time,” he said. “I know a lot more than people with intelligence do.”

Trump added that he has stopped receiving intelligence briefings at the White House, arguing, “I can do my job without any intelligence whatsoever.”

He said that he has chosen, instead, to seek advice from his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and from his elder children, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald, Jr. “You won’t find a trace of intelligence in anything they say,” he boasted.

At least Dozy Donald can make us laugh. It's probably true that there isn't a trace of intelligence in anything his children say! laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 03/03/19 01:58 AM
She doesn't seem to favor either. Sounds good to me.

Nancy Pelosi brushes off Green New Deal and Medicare for All

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently brushed off two key proposals from the progressive wing of her party: Medicare-for-All and the Green New Deal.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI), on Wedneday, introduced the “Medicare for All Act of 2019." It offers more benefits and a faster transition to government-run health care than the Medicare for All bill introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

But during an interview with Rolling Stone, on Wednesday, Pelosi was stumped on the large price tag of Medicare for All".


Don't just tell part of the story. Tell it all.

no photo
Sun 03/03/19 11:33 AM
Cohen: President Trump told me to lie about Stormy Daniels hush-money payment

"In February 2018, several weeks after the Wall Street Journal broke the news that Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels to silence her about her relationship with Donald Trump, Cohen issued a statement saying he used his “own funds” and that neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was privy to the arrangement".

"At his hearing before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday, Cohen testified that President Trump and Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s chief financial officer, directed him to intentionally omit Trump’s name".


no photo
Sun 03/03/19 02:35 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 03/03/19 02:37 PM
GOP Rep. Amash says he has a higher loyalty than Trump — to the Constitution

"Rep. Justin Amash, the Michigan Republican who broke with President Trump to vote to overturn his declaration of a national emergency at the southern border, said some of his colleagues are failing to uphold their duties to the Constitution.

Asked on CNN’s “State of the Union” if he thinks that “Republicans who are supporting this national emergency are abdicating their responsibilities to the Constitution,” Amash responded, “I think so, yes".


I agree. Every member of Congress has a higher loyalty than Trump and party. They swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and quite honestly if they aren't doing that I want them investigated because they may have a reason for not upholding their duties.

If Trump loses, we know what to expect: anger, fear and disruption

"Michael Cohen says the president will not go quietly if he is beaten in 2020. We should believe him". The United States is now headed by someone pathologically incapable of admitting defeat. This doesn’t bode well for the 2020 presidential election.


The way things are right now with Trump, I look for him to be a one-term president. But since he seems to lean toward the communist side, I look for him anytime to start laying the seed of fake elections. Or really just anything he can come up with to try to put doubt in his followers' minds.

He usually uses fear mongering as a tactic for getting his way. So, I'm looking for him to start something, anything so he might get the chance to show his other communist buddies Putin and Kim that he can do the same as they can. Piss on our constitution and remain ruler of the "Not" so free world.

I know that is what Trump dreams of.

Trump a communist sympathizer? | Letters to the editor for Aug. 10, 2018


"I am sick and tired of hearing Devin Nunes’ excuses for Donald Trump’s lies and insults he gives to anyone disagreeing with him. It is publicly known that Donald Trump asked and received assistance from the government of Russia (Communist Putin) to be elected president. In the USA, it is considered treason to receive help from Russia for election to any government office. It is also known that Nunes was part of the committee to elect Donald Trump. Therefore, Nunes committed treason because he was aware of the Communist assistance to Trump".


Donald Trump, a socialist using communist principles

"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. This describes Donald Trump’s socialism for the rich, free enterprise for the poor performance as practiced by communism. All communist leaders live lives of luxury while expecting their “subjects” to sacrifice for them, a la Donald Trump. We have mandatory auto liability insurance to protect drivers from economic disasters and this is not socialism. Health insurance for all to ensure good health and protect against economic disaster is not socialism. Preventive medicine is much cheaper than recovery medicine. Socialism is Donald Trump wanting all businesses to answer to his beck and call, regardless of his complete incompetence and ignorance in all matters".


no photo
Sun 03/03/19 07:19 PM
Trump suggests Cohen hearing contributed to failure of North Korea summit

" SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that the Democrats' decision to interview his longtime fixer, lawyer Michael Cohen, on the same day as a meeting with Kim Jong Un may have led to the North Korea summit ending with no deal".


Trump claimed the Democrats scheduled Cohen's testimony to disrupt the Vietnam summit.
However, Cohen's testimony was scheduled BEFORE Trump announced the 2nd summit.

Therefore, it was Trump who scheduled that summit to distract from his summit failure and from Cohen's TRUTHFUL testimony.

Cohen was scheduled to testify last month until Cohen was threatened by Trump and feared for his family and that's the only reason that testimony was given at the same time. A think a good president would concentrate on his negotiations and review details of the hearing when done. Pretty sad to claim to be a master businessman but unable to handle but one thing at a time.

Lucky Cohen testified when he did. It gave Trump someone to blame besides himself.

no photo
Sun 03/03/19 08:55 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 03/03/19 09:04 PM
Republican defections on national emergency set up Trump's 1st veto

"Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., signaled on Saturday that he will vote to block President Trump’s national emergency declaration to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border — a move that likely gives the Senate enough votes to pass a resolution that would nullify the declaration.

Trump has vowed to veto the bipartisan resolution, which would be the first veto of his presidency".


1) The resolution, which would nullify Trump’s national emergency declaration to build his wall, will pass the Senate.
2) Trump will make good on his veto vow.
3) Congress will fall short of the two-thirds majority needed to override Trump.
4) Trump will claim “winning,” no doubt!
5) Republicans will also claim “winning” even though Congress loses “the power of the purse.” -- (*smh*)
6) Democrats will score an important “precedent” as a tool that can be utilized for their agenda in the near future.

I don't support most of Paul's beliefs, but he is absolutely right. Our forefathers put checks and balances in the Constitution for a runaway President like Trump who has no regard for the Constitution. If he does veto this, I guarantee the next Democratic President will follow Trump's lead and will get whatever he wants, with no regard for the Constitution. McConnell and his Republican cronies know this but they still put party before country, and I only hope that any Republican who follows Trump down this path is replaced when their term is up for re-election.

With Rand Paul on board, Senate appears set to reject Trump’s border emergency


no photo
Mon 03/04/19 12:51 AM
Analysis: GOP senators struggle to escape no-win border vote

"WASHINGTON (AP) — One by one, the Republican senators floated their ideas. They were trying to find a way out of a seemingly impossible dilemma: how to support President Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico border wall without approving the national emergency declaration he invoked to build it.

And one by one, during a private lunchtime meeting that ran hot at times, they found no easy answers.

As a deadline for voting looms, it's increasingly clear that Republican senators are deeply uncomfortable with Trump's use of executive power to build the wall and desperate to devise a way around the vote".


Top House Republican Contradicts Donald Trump On Otto Warmbier's Death: 'Kim Knew'

"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Sunday implicated North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Otto Warmbier’s death, splitting from President Donald Trump’s naive assessment last week of the college student’s killing".


Putin, MBS, and Now KJU are to be believed but our national security agencies are wrong?

Mark Meadows and the GOP have lost all credibility. Do not let them control the message because it is clear and Otto lost his life on THEIR WATCH. They stood with the President as he bowed to Kim Unknowing what he was and they complied and complimented Trump as he "fell in love" with Kim Un. We need to Impeach and get back to our values and not become any Dictator's doormat. Stay focus and support our Dems as they show us all that truth can wake up a nation. Impeachment can cleanse our wounds of division and together we will restore our respect, pride, strength!

13 House Republicans vote to reject President Trump’s national emergency declaration at the southern border


Senate seems to have votes to reject Trump's national emergency after Rand Paul signaled support for bill of disapproval


It seems that at least a few Republicans want to keep their jobs.

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