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Wed 03/06/19 11:34 AM
School attended by Trump says it concealed his grades

"Washington (AFP) - A military academy that Donald Trump attended as a teenager concealed his academic records in 2011 in response to pressure from Trump allies, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The New York Military Academy came under such pressure after Trump challenged then President Barack Obama to release his own academic records, with Trump saying he was surprised such a "terrible student" got into Ivy League Schools.

Evan Jones, the headmaster of the military academy at the time, told the Post that the superintendent of the private school "came to me in a panic because he had been accosted by prominent, wealthy alumni of the school who was Mr. Trump's friends" and wanted to keep his academic records secret".


Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 03/06/19 11:48 AM
Why would his school records be important now! Seems Trump made it to being your POTUS. :smile:
How many other Presidents school records were actually released anyway!!

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 12:17 PM

Digging for anything petty are we now that the Russian collusion is a known hoax..all those threads just so sure that Trump was guilty..and now all you got is a big nothing burger..no matter what you can't cover up that the DNC duped all of you into believing something that wasn't true..now what do you have..more petty nothing burgers..YOU GOT NOTHING...months of threads so sure Trump was guilty of Russian collusion.. months of threads...ALL PROVEN WRONG..rofl

The Count Down has begun..

t minus 13



msharmony's photo
Wed 03/06/19 12:18 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 03/06/19 12:24 PM
They cant and they wont release educational records. IT only shows the hypocrisy of Trump from when he implied to know Obama was a terrible student, even though it IS public that he graduated magna *** laude, which is given to students with the highest GPAs. And even though Trump made a fuss claiming Obama fought to keep HIS records confidential, here is Trump doing the same thing he falsely claimed and criticized with another. And possibly the fear and panic of being caught in a lie regarding his own claims of his academic success and intelligence is a reason for him not bothering to read the limits on educational records.

But I digress.

If our POTUS bothered to believe he could LEARN anything, he might look up the laws concerning school records and know they cannot be released without consent. But just like signing an executive order reiterating enforcement of freedom of speech, this is another irrelevant 'fight' over something that was already law.

FeelYoung's photo
Wed 03/06/19 12:27 PM
do all the Democratic Senators and House members release THEIR school records?? OMG what if one of them got a failing grade in Pottery or Poetry. hmmmm. seems foolish to me to want to know the prez' grades from 50 years ago. Anything, just anything to dig at him.

It's becoming a terrifying Actual Emergency.
Listen to our Border Patrol...some are Dems, some not and they all agree its BAD.
*I have the right to remain silent, but don't have the ability to do so.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/06/19 12:31 PM

do all the Democratic Senators and House members release THEIR school records?? OMG what if one of them got a failing grade in Pottery or Poetry. hmmmm. seems foolish to me to want to know the prez' grades from 50 years ago. Anything, just anything to dig at him.

It's becoming a terrifying Actual Emergency.
Listen to our Border Patrol...some are Dems, some not and they all agree its BAD.
*I have the right to remain silent, but don't have the ability to do so.

the only reason it peaks my interest is because HE continues to make such an issue of how well he did. If he did well, I wonder why he wouldnt want to verify that by sharing his excellent academic history.

otherwise, I dont care. His actions and words give me a pretty good indicator of what kind of student he no doubt was.

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 12:33 PM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 03/06/19 12:43 PM

Sort of like the hypocrisy of an ongoing investigation that should have been shut down a long time ago when we saw how those FISA warrants were obtained....How long were the threads about Russian collusion going..and were all proven wrong..How do you all think all the rest of these petty investigations are going to turn out..care to guess?..LOL..#DUPED AGAIN..it is rather amusing... some days..


msharmony's photo
Wed 03/06/19 12:42 PM

Sort of like the hypocrisy of an ongoing investigation that should have been shut down a long time ago when we see how those FISA warrants were obtained....How long were the threads about Russian collusion going..and were all proven wrong..How do you all think all the rest of these petty investigations going to turn out..care to guess?..LOL..#DUPED AGAIN..it is rather amusing... some days..


lets review first what hypocrisy means

hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

so which moral or belief is the subject of this hypocrisy you are writing of?

My example was regarding Trumps implied belief that OBama was sneaky by allegedly sealing school records, but then attempting the same himself.

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 12:48 PM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 03/06/19 12:54 PM

We don't have to see Obama's school records to know he's a traitor who was nothing more than a fraud with a fake birth certificate

SOooo let us review what hypocrisy means..lol

Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence, in a general sense, hypocrisy may involve dissimulation, pretense, or a sham. Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another. In moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one's own expressed moral rules and principles. According to British political philosopher David Runciman, "Other kinds of hypocritical deception include claims to knowledge that one lacks, claims to a consistency that one cannot sustain, claims to a loyalty that one does not possess, claims to an identity that one does not hold". American political journalist Michael Gerson says that political hypocrisy is "the conscious use of a mask to fool the public and gain political benefit".


msharmony's photo
Wed 03/06/19 12:54 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 03/06/19 12:56 PM
, "Other kinds of hypocritical deception include claims to knowledge that one lacks, claims to a consistency that one cannot sustain, claims to a loyalty that one does not possess, claims to an identity that one does not hold". American political journalist Michael Gerson says that political hypocrisy is "the conscious use of a mask to fool the public and gain political benefit".

and who does THAT sound like?

The guy that said he supported Hilary and said she'd make a good president when he was running in her circles, and later admitted that he said it just cause 'thats what he does'? (loyalty one does not possess)

The guy who has brought on board admin and colleagues and then thrown them under the bus as 'traitors' or worse? (loyalty one does not possess)

The guy who admitted to saying to the Canadian Prime Minister something he had no idea was true or not?(knowledge that one lacks)

The guy insisting Mexico would pay for the wall?

The guy who was not healthy enough for a draft, yet the healthiest president we have ever had?( an identity one does not possess)


and again, thanking you for additional clarity on the definition, in what way is an investigation 'hypocritical'?

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 01:07 PM

I find it rather odd that so many people think they know what Trump knows..do you have access to his intel..if so enlighten the rest of us..what do we know other than what they let us know..and these people he has named as traitors..you "know" they aren't traitors..how?..spock

How is the investigation not hypocritical..after all those who are investigating it and suppose to be about law and justice themselves know that the warrants were illegaly obtained..therefore being crooked and hypocritical as to what they stand for and what justice is all about..

hardBNhard's photo
Wed 03/06/19 01:19 PM

He's had 2 years and still has NOTHING.

Not True.

"Just in case you weren't keeping track . . . Hillary Clinton Benghazi "Investigation" 4 years 0 indictments 0 convictions Hillary Clinton Email "Investigation" 2 years 0 indictments 0 convictions.

1) George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, was arrested in July 2017 and pleaded guilty in October 2017 to making false statements to the FBI. He got a 14-day sentence.

2) Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was indicted on a total of 25 different counts by Mueller’s team, related mainly to his past work for Ukrainian politicians and his finances. He had two trials scheduled, and the first ended in a conviction on eight counts of financial crimes. To avert the second trial, Manafort struck a plea deal with Mueller in September 2018 (though Mueller’s team said in November that he breached that agreement by lying to them).

3) Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign aide, and Manafort’s longtime junior business partner was indicted on similar charges to Manafort. But in February 2018 he agreed to a plea deal with Mueller’s team, pleading guilty to just one false statement charge and one conspiracy charge.

4) Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

5-20) 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

21) Richard Pinedo: This California man pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge in connection with the Russian indictments, and has agreed to cooperate with Mueller. He was sentenced to 6 months in prison and 6 months of home detention in October 2018.

22) Alex van der Zwaan: This London lawyer pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Rick Gates and another unnamed person based in Ukraine. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and has completed his sentence.

23) Konstantin Kilimnik: This longtime business associate of Manafort and Gates, who are currently based in Russia, was charged alongside Manafort with attempting to obstruct justice by tampering with witnesses in Manafort’s pending case last year.

24-35) 12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia’s military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats’ emails in 2016.

36) Michael Cohen: In August 2018, Trump’s former lawyer pleaded guilty to 8 counts — tax and bank charges, related to his finances and taxi business, and campaign finance violations — related to hush money payments to women who alleged affairs with Donald Trump, as part of a separate investigation in New York (that Mueller had handed off). But in November, he made a plea deal with Mueller too, for lying to Congress about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

37) Roger Stone: In January 2019, Mueller indicted longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone on 7 counts. He accused Stone of lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his efforts to get in touch with WikiLeaks during the campaign and tampering with a witness who could have debunked his story.

Paul Manafort, ex-Trump campaign chairman, faces up to 24.5 years in prison, according to court filing

"Paul Manafort, the one-time chairman of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, could spend up to 24.5 years in prison on tax and bank fraud charges, prosecutors said Friday.

Court documents filed by special counsel Robert Mueller's office reveal that Manafort faces possibly the lengthiest prison term in the Russia investigation. The 69-year-old Manafort is also at serious risk of spending the rest of his life in prison if a federal judge imposes a sentence within federal guidelines".


If the investigation is such a hoax why has it yielded all of the above ?
All i see in Charles Posts are facts backed up with proof
AND BIG FAT NOTHING BERDERS From the critics of this thread
This thread has been visited over 9500 times and people appreciate thehard work done by the OP and the facts he provides and links .
Great job Mr.C:thumbsup:

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 02:47 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 03/06/19 02:49 PM
Lets inch just a little closer to communism.

"President Trump on Wednesday issued an executive order revoking an Obama-era requirement to publicly report the number of U.S. drone strikes outside of war zones and the number of civilians killed by them.

The new policy does not cover Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, areas of conflict where the United States has troops currently deployed. It only applies to drone strikes carried out by intelligence operatives — i.e., the CIA. The military reports casualties separately in the theaters where it operates.

"The president also revoked a section of a law, passed by Congress last year, which specified the report “shall be made available to the public unless the Secretary of Defense certifies that the publication of the report would pose a threat to the national security interests of the United States".


Yes, Let's start trying to hide info from the public. Let's be able to feed the lies we want the public to believe. We start by taking away Government Transparency. One piece at a time.

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 05:19 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 03/06/19 05:20 PM
Michael Cohen unloads on Trump in final testimony as Democrat chairman calls it 'enormously productive'

"Michael Cohen – Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer – has completed several days of scathing testimony about the president, emerging from a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill to declare the “committee members were satisfied” with the evidence he gave".


Manafort accused of sharing 2016 election data with Russians

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort shared polling data during the 2016 presidential campaign with a business associate accused of having ties to Russian intelligence, and prosecutors say he lied to them about it, according to a court filing".


Manafort as chairman of the campaign shared confidential polling data with Russian government operatives. Just that alone is collusion. Mueller is investigating conspiracies, collusion, established.

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 05:23 PM

He's had 2 years and still has NOTHING.

Not True.

"Just in case you weren't keeping track . . . Hillary Clinton Benghazi "Investigation" 4 years 0 indictments 0 convictions Hillary Clinton Email "Investigation" 2 years 0 indictments 0 convictions.

1) George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, was arrested in July 2017 and pleaded guilty in October 2017 to making false statements to the FBI. He got a 14-day sentence.

2) Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was indicted on a total of 25 different counts by Mueller’s team, related mainly to his past work for Ukrainian politicians and his finances. He had two trials scheduled, and the first ended in a conviction on eight counts of financial crimes. To avert the second trial, Manafort struck a plea deal with Mueller in September 2018 (though Mueller’s team said in November that he breached that agreement by lying to them).

3) Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign aide, and Manafort’s longtime junior business partner was indicted on similar charges to Manafort. But in February 2018 he agreed to a plea deal with Mueller’s team, pleading guilty to just one false statement charge and one conspiracy charge.

4) Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

5-20) 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

21) Richard Pinedo: This California man pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge in connection with the Russian indictments, and has agreed to cooperate with Mueller. He was sentenced to 6 months in prison and 6 months of home detention in October 2018.

22) Alex van der Zwaan: This London lawyer pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Rick Gates and another unnamed person based in Ukraine. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and has completed his sentence.

23) Konstantin Kilimnik: This longtime business associate of Manafort and Gates, who are currently based in Russia, was charged alongside Manafort with attempting to obstruct justice by tampering with witnesses in Manafort’s pending case last year.

24-35) 12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia’s military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats’ emails in 2016.

36) Michael Cohen: In August 2018, Trump’s former lawyer pleaded guilty to 8 counts — tax and bank charges, related to his finances and taxi business, and campaign finance violations — related to hush money payments to women who alleged affairs with Donald Trump, as part of a separate investigation in New York (that Mueller had handed off). But in November, he made a plea deal with Mueller too, for lying to Congress about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

37) Roger Stone: In January 2019, Mueller indicted longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone on 7 counts. He accused Stone of lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his efforts to get in touch with WikiLeaks during the campaign and tampering with a witness who could have debunked his story.

Paul Manafort, ex-Trump campaign chairman, faces up to 24.5 years in prison, according to court filing

"Paul Manafort, the one-time chairman of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, could spend up to 24.5 years in prison on tax and bank fraud charges, prosecutors said Friday.

Court documents filed by special counsel Robert Mueller's office reveal that Manafort faces possibly the lengthiest prison term in the Russia investigation. The 69-year-old Manafort is also at serious risk of spending the rest of his life in prison if a federal judge imposes a sentence within federal guidelines".


If the investigation is such a hoax why has it yielded all of the above ?
All i see in Charles Posts are facts backed up with proof
AND BIG FAT NOTHING BERDERS From the critics of this thread
This thread has been visited over 9500 times and people appreciate thehard work done by the OP and the facts he provides and links .
Great job Mr.C:thumbsup:

:thumbsup: waving

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 05:39 PM
Here we go again. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Ivanka Trump Lied About How She Got Her Security Clearance

"First daughter and senior White House advisor Ivanka Trump seems to have lied about the role her father, President Donald Trump, played in granting her security clearance.

CNN reports the president pressured his staff to grant Ivanka a permanent security clearance, against recommendations from his then-chief of staff John Kelly and White House counsel Don McGahn. The news comes just days after the New York Times reported that the president also ordered his staff to grant his son-in-law Jared Kushner top-secret security clearance, despite concerns from the intelligence community and the White House legal team".


You Have Questions About Robert Mueller's Investigation. Here Are the Answers

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly wrapping up his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and may complete his report in the near future.

After nearly two years of probes, interviews, indictments and hype, there are a lot of expectations weighing on the outcome. Mueller and his team have already brought charges against 34 people and three companies, including several key members of President Donald Trump’s inner circle and a host of Russian nationals".


no photo
Thu 03/07/19 12:28 AM
Republican senator to seek Trump's tax returns if House Democrats do

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican on tax policy in the U.S. Senate said on Wednesday that he will seek President Donald Trump's tax returns if Democrats in the House of Representatives obtain them".


Many can’t understand why Grassley thinks releasing T-Rump’s tax returns is “using the IRS for political purposes.” He -- not the IRS -- promised to release his returns. He should be held to his promise by any means necessary. Voters need to know what is he hiding?

I vetted judges and senior Justice officials and never came across anyone like Jared Kushner

"Cummings in January launched an investigation into security irregularities in the Trump White House, focused in particular on top-secret clearances for nine current and former high-level White House appointees. Kushner is now at the top of the list in light of what Cummings called "grave new reports" that President Donald Trump "may have falsely claimed that he played no role" in the clearance process for his son-in-law and senior White House adviser, a highly leveraged real estate developer whose foreign partners include Saudi Arabia and other countries potentially at odds with U.S. policies and interests".


no photo
Thu 03/07/19 01:48 PM
Congress has new questions for Donald Trump Jr. about Moscow tower testimony

" Congressional investigators are making plans to ask Donald Trump Jr. to return to Capitol Hill, in part, to ask why he told lawmakers under oath that he knew "very little" about a deal with Russian developers in 2016 to put the Trump brand on a skyscraper in Moscow, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News".


Looks like all the Trump Jr lies may be starting to crumble. If they find lies in Trump Jr, those lies will lead right to the biggest lier of them all. Mister Cheeto himself.

Michael Cohen sues Trump Organization to pay his legal bills

"Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen filed a lawsuit Thursday alleging that the president’s business organization broke its promise to pay his legal bills, which Cohen says now total $1.9 million".


Support for Impeaching President Trump Ticks Up Since Michael Cohen Testimony

"According to a Monmouth University Poll conducted after former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen testified before Congress, 42% of Americans back impeachment and removal, an increase from 36% who felt the same way in the previous poll.

“The fact that more independents are starting to question Trump’s fitness for office could be a sign of trouble, if not for impeachment itself than for his re-election prospects in 2020,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.

The poll also found that 54% of respondents believe that Trump reimbursed Cohen for paying off porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 election, and 48% believe he personally asked people to mislead investigators or Congress on his business dealings or Russian interference in the election".


no photo
Thu 03/07/19 02:04 PM
Dow Braces for 4th Straight Beating as ECB Pinch-Hits for Trump

"The already-battered Dow Jones is well on its way to a fourth-straight beating, as the US stock market plunges despite a pre-bell boost from an honorary member of President Donald Trump’s “Plunge Protection Team.”

Dow Plunges Nearly 200 Points

As of 9:46 am ET, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had cratered by 194.27 points or 0.76 percent. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq declined 0.68 percent and 0.81 percent, respectively, as the bears smacked the US stock market lower".


Can anyone imagine what would have happened if "Mr. Art Of The Deal" had been elected in 2009 when the stock market was at 7,900, unemployment 14.7%, housing bubble busted, 401k's / IRA's down 50 %, GM / Chrysler, on verge of bankruptcy, trade deficit 50 % lower, National Debt 50 % lower, government spending 50 % lower? Good thing the Lord is watching over us.

More winning? 1,700 jobs lost in Ohio, retailers announce plans to close 4,900 stores in the country this year (and those are just the big chains). Home improvement spending is taking a huge dive. Do you think just maybe Americans have less disposable income?

Then there's the tax scam: reduce withholdings to create slightly higher incomes, we have to pay it all back in taxes!

If you wanted to say, "Here comes the pain!" Now you would be correct. And this is just the beginning. Let's see how things will be in 2020. Signs of failure are already starting to show.

FeelYoung's photo
Thu 03/07/19 07:16 PM
PAIN to me is listening to Omar attack Israel. She needs to be censored. Pelosi doesn't really know what to do with her, all that matters to most Dems is that she is young. Also they don't want to appear to attack HER religion. Sheesh, she wears that scarf and I can't wear a MEGA hat ? ridiculous. Get rid of her Dems -- she and AOC are going to COST you votes,, not Gain votes. Both of those young women are true PAINS in the Bottom.

And, no, I did not forget the illegal masses at our border.

Listen to our Border Patrol...some are Dems, some not and they all agree its BAD.

*I have the right to remain silent, but don't have the ability to do so.

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