Topic: Women deserve the truth
PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 12/18/06 11:05 PM

no photo
Tue 12/19/06 05:35 PM
true that.

Bryon53067's photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:18 AM
Look,you wanna try to put up gun control,the fact is that the murder
rate actually increases when a place has gun control,go ask the law
enforcement officers in the UK.Abortion is what I consider murder,it is
unconstitutional,the Supreme Court made it legal,that's not their
job,their job is to interpret the constitution,which Judge Blackwell did
not do,in this nation each man "is created equal,with the right to
life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
If you say the constitution makes it legal,tell me where,because it
doesn't,the only way that the Left-wing likes to use Judges so much is
because the Judges up 'till now have taken the Lefties persona,the Left
is to weak to show any kind of moral fiber,if a person becomes a bother
to them,they just kill them.

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:35 AM
have you grown a vagina or a utereus yet??? Nahh I didn't think ya have no say..until you become a woman you have no say

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Wed 12/20/06 09:06 AM
Oh man..Bryon. I LIVE in a country with gun control. Have my whole life.
Don't tell me to look at the UK, the fact is, on a per capita basis, the
UK still has wayyyyyyyy fewer gun murders than the US, so does Canada.
The only reason the rate in Canada is going up is because more and more
guns make it across the border from the WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF
Once again you hide behind the constitution. Have you actually READ that
part of it???..the WHOLE part?
now back to abortion. Here's an example for you:
A woman is going to die giving birth if she doesn't have an abortion.
Who's right to live takes precidence? EVERY doctor will tell you, their
FIRST responsibilty is to the mother but I'd really like to hear YOUR
answer Bryon.

karmafury's photo
Wed 12/20/06 11:45 AM
Bryon. Public is right. There are way fewer gun related crimes in the UK
and much fewer in Canada, both with gun control. However as a security
officer I worry more and more about some punk I go to arrest pulling out
a weapon stamped 'Made in U.S.A.' which make their way here in
increasing numbers. So talk gun control when you know more about it.
As for your abortion issue. The odds are that an unwanted child will a:
be adopted -good thing or b: grow up using one of those non-controlled
guns. To have an abortion is strictly and only up to the woman. When men
can carry them then we'll have a say.

BillRoot's photo
Wed 12/20/06 04:44 PM
My guns will be pried from my cold dead hands.If guns kill ppl then my
pencil miss spells words.Black market in America is big.Why should the
criminals be the only ones with guns?Why cant I hunt and sport shoot?If
someone wants to kill they will.Bow and arrow.Throwing knives and
stars.There are also darts and the list goes on.One more thing,If you
dont live in the U.S.A.,how is it your business

stan4eVeR's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:08 PM
While i personally don't agree with abortion except in rape and incest.
i also believe that it is and always should be the womans choice, after
all she is the one who has to endure the whole thing,! when u start
letting some one else decide what u can and cant do with your own body
then we truly have no freedom how would u like it if some one told u
you had to have your nuts clipped? what??? just because some other ppl
didnt think you should be able to have or not have children? how would
you like to be told what religion you had to believe in?? do you enjoy
being able to make your own decisions about your life? i for one do! so
who am i or who are you to say what anyone else should be allowed to do
or not to do with their own body??

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 09:01 PM
well the baby sure didn't live with your choice huh? nope to abortion
and anyone that has done it you think you living with "it" now, wait
till your judgement day doesn't matter if you believe or don't believe
it's not gonna stop judgement day from happening

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 09:04 PM
karmafury I have a say in how my kids are raised and I did not carry
them, and the love I carry in my heart for my children is the same as
their mothers, maybe stronger, so far everyone sounds like their talkin
out their a§§es to me

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 09:08 PM
I know in some cases as in rape there is no choice but dammit if you
don't want to get pregnant close your damn legs, cork the hole, whatever
you got to do to abstain from sex it's a sad world when you want sex so
bad that you are willing to kill for it

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 09:12 PM
Bryon I don't particularly like your views but I agree with your view on
abortion, and all the heckling I get from this oh well I might answer
for my thoughts and feelings when I die but I'd rather answer for mine
and not yours. Gun? Guns are awesome. Yes if people wanna kill people
there are plenty of other ways. You don't like guns, then don't buy one.

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 12/20/06 10:01 PM
Why don't you right to lifers adept the unwanted then. OH!!!!! Can't do
that now can you. Got your own little brewds to attend to. Then

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 10:03 PM
GhostRecon if we wanted your lip we'd rattle our zippers ty

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 10:05 PM
hopefully you don't have children, if you do you might want to tell them
that they are lucky they won the coin toss

karmafury's photo
Thu 12/21/06 06:40 AM
Billroot. I have no problem with your Constitutional Right to Bear
Arms. However when those same arms are brought across the border into my
country by those looking to make a quick buck or looking to use them
against the citizens of my country the it does become my problem. When I
have to seriously worry because American guns are used within two blocks
of my two youngest or in FRONT of my grandson it becomes my problem. You
have the Right to Bear Arms, wonderful. Keep them at home.

rachel_00152's photo
Thu 12/21/06 07:07 AM
this is just my opinion, not to offend anyone, .... to all you out there
who say us women have a choice, you all are absolutely correct... we do,
however the choice is made at the time we chose to have sex. Anyone
with a brain knows that when you have sex, whether protected or
unprotected, there is always a risk of getting pregnant. So in knowing
that ahead of time, you've made your choice. I strongly feel abortion
is murder... a huge problem America has today is somehow no one likes to
take responsibility for their actions. And to the previous comments to
those who say "where we gonna put all those babies if they hadn't been
aborted"... maybe if people actually had to start taking responsibility
for their actions and raise their own children instead of taking the
easy way out and saying "oh, well, i can't afford it or don't want it so
i'll just kill it", then people would stop being so irresponsible and
having sex when their not ready to be parents or take responsibility for
their actions. i'm not saying that everytime i've had sex, I
necessarily wanted to have a child then, but if i had of gotten
pregnant, then i would've stepped up to the plate and taken care of the
child. I am currently 7 months pregnant with my 2nd child and can't
imagine how anyone could kill such an innocent living being. With all
the love I have for this child growing in me, I can't imagine how
someone could abort their own baby that's part of them. Bottom line is
God gives life, and He should be the one to take it away,... who are we
to take that power into our own hands? There is a judgement day coming,
and we all have to answer for ourselves the choices we've made and how
we've lived our lives...

And to the comment regarding the guns... guns don't kill people, people
kill people. You can take the guns away, but it's not going to stop
those kinds of people from killing, they'll just find something else to

iceprincess's photo
Thu 12/21/06 06:51 PM
I have to say i agree with my baby sister on thisone. I have been faced
with the choice of to abort or not. My daughter is the result of rape. I
was married to him yes but rape is rape regardless. I made the
appointment i even went to it and walked out at teh last second. I look
at my little girl each day and thank god. I could never love a child
more adn know if i had continued i would have probably killed myself. I
almost lost her due to my actions there adn due to her fathers actons
later, She is my miracle. I don't judge others everyone has their own
demons and skelotons to face i just know for myself that was not an
option i could take. I firmly believe we all have a choice but at what
price in the end?

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 12/21/06 07:37 PM
Bill, it became my business the day I had a friend gunned down at a bar
in Windsor by some American. I'm not talking about rifles for hunting
here, I'm talking about handguns. They serve only 2 purposes, to be
easily concealed and to shoot ppl with. And I'm sorry, but your example
of a bow is a little conspicuous. I haven't seen anyone rob a place at
bow-point lol.
Even from a military stand point for use, a handgun is pretty much
useless except for close defense. Most are only accurate to 15-20 yards
at best, then the accuracy drops off substantially.
I've even heard some idiot claim that he only uses his M-16 to hunt.
Well I'm sorry but, if you need an M-16 to hunt with, yer either a
freakin menace or a lousy shot and should just stay home!!

BillRoot's photo
Fri 12/22/06 02:28 AM
I do hunt with my hand guns.I do know them well.I do know where there
limitations are.I do know there advantages are.Your problem is not the
fact we are able to have them.Like I said If they were band,the crimal
would be the only ones with them.Black market.Sure we have our problems
here.Your biggest problem is protecting your border.I should not have to
loose my right because of your problem!My guns will be pried from my
cold dead hands!I wont change your mind,you wont change mine.I am now
done with this subject.