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Topic: The "N" Word
Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:17 AM's 2006 and the N-word should have no effect at this point
unless it comes to this kind of scenario in which I would have smacked
the shit out of this guy:

Richards Apologizes for Racially-Charged Rant
LOS ANGELES (Nov. 21) - He called two black hecklers the "n-word" and
enthusiastically referenced a time when blacks were often victims of
civil rights abuses, but Michael Richards said his verbal barrage during
a stand-up routine was fueled by anger and not bigotry.
"For me to be at a comedy club and flip out and say this crap, I'm
deeply, deeply sorry," the former "Seinfeld" co-star said during a
satellite appearance for David Letterman's "Late Show" in New York.

"I'm not a racist. That's what's so insane about this," Richards said,
his tone becoming angry and frustrated as he defended himself.

Richards described himself as going into "a rage" over the two audience
members who interrupted his act Friday at the Laugh Factory in West

His explanation was reminiscent of Mel Gibson 's assertion that he
wasn't anti-Semitic after he let off a barrage of Jewish slurs during a
traffic stop last summer: despite what came out of his mouth, that's not
what is inside him.

"For me to be at a comedy club and flip out and say this crap, I'm
deeply, deeply sorry," the former "Seinfeld" co-star said during a
satellite appearance for David Letterman's "Late Show" in New York.

"I'm not a racist. That's what's so insane about this," Richards said,
his tone becoming angry and frustrated as he defended himself.

Richards described himself as going into "a rage" over the two audience
members who interrupted his act Friday at the Laugh Factory in West

His explanation was reminiscent of Mel Gibson 's assertion that he
wasn't anti-Semitic after he let off a barrage of Jewish slurs during a
traffic stop last summer: despite what came out of his mouth, that's not
what is inside him.

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:19 AM
Yeah...he was pretty crazy...I hear it on Tom Joyner this morning...!

Nervesgone's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:24 AM
Probably will be on Jerry Springer next!

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:27 AM
He'll probably be visited by Al Sharpton's hair and Jesse's
Mustache.......just kidding. Seriously, he's needs his ass kicked....he
has too many Black fans for him to speak like that.

Nervesgone's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:29 AM
You got that right solow! To be in the public light like that and carry
yourself like that is not good. Nothing good can come from it!

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:29 AM
Yes...I still watch seinfeld...and can,t believe he said that
but he maybe was trying to be funny...but went to far.

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:32 AM
I'm sorry I just find it deplorable that anyone even uses this word,
it's ignorant and hurts feelings. I don't care if you are just regular
ol Joe Blow from down the street or a "star" use this word shows
ignorance and insensitivity.

Nervesgone's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:33 AM
I don't see how anything funny with the "N" word unless he is telling a
joke. Then like solow said "this is 2006" and there is nothing wrong
with the word black man!

Tneal's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:33 AM
I think deep down, what you say in anger.. shows the real you!! cause
that is when the real you comes out. I hardly ever cus, and when I am
pissed off I hardly cus either. I think he has a deep problem that needs
to be addressed...

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:35 AM
Well...I don,t Mel Gibson, he apologized, but do you really
believe him...?

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:35 AM
The horrible thing about this is the fact that he was NOT joking. He's
lucky that he was able leave unscathed....people are not tolerating
those words like "50 years ago"'s sad that one word can cause so
much bullshit. I have clear knowledge of the black struggle and I
respect it.......sometimes we HAVE to let certain things go.

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:43 AM
I don't know.....I still have lots of respect for Mel. I firmly believe
Mel made a mistake. He has a little bit more of a humanitarian character
in comparison to the other jackass plus his tirade was not half as bad.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:46 AM
Hummm my thoughts on that is that when someone out of anger comes out
with the words that cross there lips they are saying what they truely
believe deep down!

They can come back and say it was just out of anger and they did not
mean anything by it. If anyone truely believes that well they just was
able to sugar coat it for those and right back in there good graces.

This stands for anyone that shoots harsh words out of there mouth in
anger either about blacks or to your spouse, b/f whom ever you throw
those words at it is still what is inside of you deep down!

But ohhh after they say them the only reason they come back and try to
make appends is in order to gain something for themselves! For they know
they are in deep shit and try to correct that image they had.

Myself that is one word that was not allowed in my house and is still

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:49 AM
I unfortunately have not seen the show yet, however people who use the N
word sometimes don't realize what effect it has on people today. Where I
grew up I heard it everyday. From blacks and white both. I will not try
n justify ever using this word it is hateful and discusting, but there
have been times I have used it. I was taught this word as a child and
sometimes bad habits do come out in a fit of anger. One thing you can be
sure of though, I will apoligize for the use of it, but never justify
its use. I due NOT believe there is any reason to use any slurs of the
human race period.

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:55 AM
Nicely put Gryphyn. I don't know you, but I have respect for your
honesty and opinion. I wish there were more people out there with
similar thoughts.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:59 AM
Thank you, one thing you will find in me is if a question is asked I
will answer it honestly no matter the circumstances. I may lose a friend
being honest, however if that friend leaves was he truly a friend?


Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 08:04 AM
Another good're on a roll. The more this topic comes up,
the more I have revised the lyrics in some of my songs....(I'm a
rapper). The "N" word is used far too freely in rap and I hope that'll
change one day. The usage of the word invites others to use it with
reckless abandon and without the fear of many times,
people don't expect an uproar....unless the NAACP jumps in that

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 08:46 AM
That is yet another word that has no place in modern society.
It is mostly used to elicit a predetermined emotional response.
Sad to say, it is also used at times as an affectionate greeting from
one to another, sometimes allowing some ignorant person the thought that
this term is ok if used in the correct context. It's not.
Imagine someone you knew slightly 10 years ago bumps into and says Hey,
how've you been? How's your slutty sister and that old whore of a mama
you got???
Probably not a pretty sight.
Solow, I do agree, it is 2006 (soon 2007) and this word shouldn't have
any effect, but the demeanor behind it is crystal clear, used to piss
someone off.

Morena350's photo
Tue 11/21/06 09:14 AM
I will like to ask question, and I need a real answer.

Why is ok. for us to use the N word, I mean we called eachother nigga,
and no harm done is actually cool for us to use the word freely. But
when a white man even mention tha N word we get ofended and very upset,
sometimes white people,like to talk to blaks open and freely without the
fear of offence with the N word
is very dificult to understand why, like you said Solow we are in 2006,
and we all have the same rights, sure we all are not going to get along,
it's like that even withing our race. and any race.


no photo
Tue 11/21/06 09:21 AM
I think the whites (usually) use the word in an offensive manner with
intent to irritate on purpose.
But your statement reenforces what I said about use of the word by
blacks to each other.
Not everyone sees the difference and they may be right, shouldn't be
any difference. As long as it continues to piss people off, it will
continue to be used in that way.
We are all people, I have a Czek background, not sure whether I'm proud
of that or not but I am proud to be AMerican and proud to be a Texan, no
two of us are alike. We may have similar interests, dreams, hopes and
desires but color etc doesn't really affect those.
And I like people!

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