Topic: how sex drive changes
Adii's photo
Sun 05/30/21 01:36 PM
Early 40s

Rock's photo
Sun 05/30/21 01:41 PM
Fahrenheit or Celcius?

It makes a difference.

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 05/30/21 01:47 PM
More like late 60s (F)

mikewood387's photo
Sun 05/30/21 04:18 PM
no big deal, condom, lube and option of viagra

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 05/30/21 05:12 PM
Sometimes I drive a short ways and sometimes I drive a long ways for sex. O it's the other sex drive? Nevermind!

no photo
Sun 05/30/21 05:14 PM
What does a condom have to do with it?

Rock's photo
Sun 05/30/21 05:20 PM

What does a condom have to do with it?

It's in case he doesn't wanna get his hand dirty.

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 05/30/21 06:27 PM

What does a condom have to do with it?

ha ha ... he doesn't wand to get the 25 year old in the family way.... old guys are still smart yanno