Mefikit's photo
Sun 02/26/23 02:19 AM
As I was driving down the motorway, I glanced in my rear view mirror.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

There was what looked like a three legged chicken racing up behind my car.

Unbelievidly, I pulled into the inside lane to see if it passed me.

It did.

AND yes, it did have three legs.

I chased after it.

30 mph and accelerating.

I followed.

45 mph and accelerating.

I followed.

I was slipping behind as the chicken raced ahead.

Just before it hit 70 mph it shot up a slip road and disappeared through a farm gateway.

I was so curious, I followed.

On entering the farmyard, I noticed that there were other three legged chickens walking about.

So, I knew I was in the right place.

Being a curious type of person |I looked about for someone to ask about these strange birds.

What I assumed to be a farm hand appeared pushing a barrow and I asked him about these three legged birds.

"Oh yes, sir, that be right. We breed all o' them, right here on this farm."

I asked, "What made you breed a chicken with an extra leg?"

He replied, "Ah well, sir, that be the crux of the matter. You see, I likes a leg, my wife likes a leg and my son, he also likes a leg. So circumstances decided it for me. So I bred a bird with an extra leg."

My curiousity was still driving me on. I asked, "So, what do they taste like?"

"Dunno sir. Can't catch the blighters."

 Ꮢ Ꭷ Ᏸ ɨ Ꮑ's photo
Sun 02/26/23 02:40 AM

JulieABush's photo
Sun 02/26/23 03:12 AM
Funnylaugh .

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 02/26/23 04:00 AM
I heard this one many years ago ... the joke teller was President Ronald Reagan.....

sonofrangi's photo
Mon 03/06/23 02:05 PM
rofl rofl rofl