Topic: Chruch Hopping???
niceguynickj's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:41 AM
Okay so you've probably heard of bar hopping, but I'm starting to realize that church hopping is quickly cathing up. Why do so many people jump from church to church. I bring this up because I have noticed so many of my friends tell me, what seems like every few months, that they are looking for a new church. And in my own church I see so many new faces just over the last 1-2 years. So why all the hopping?

I am affraid most who call themselves Christ followers might not like my opinion on the matter. Ask any Pastor of any church the #1 reason people leave a church and undoubtubly their response will be:
"I left because I just feel like I wasn't being led anymore."
However, I think what people really mean is what the pastor is speaking doesn't speak to me. If you think about it, why do most people go to a particular church. Sure you have some standards...good worship, childrens programs, student ministry, etc. But most people go because they like the pastor. More specific they like what the pastor has to say. I think we all have our own "Church Boxes." Where we decide what we will keep in them and what we will throw out. And most of us seek to find others that have similar stuff in their boxes. So when you find a church where the pastors speaks to you, it is probably because they hit on things you have A. dealt with, or B. are somewhere in your "Church Box" of theology. Think about it. When is the last time you left a church you were at and honestly had to wrestle with something? Where you were hit with something that totally made you stop and think. Were it wasn't a feel good sermon, or a you can do it/here's how to impove this are of your life sermon. I think many of us are uncomfortable wrestling with God, or anything in our theological boxes. So when someone comes along and challenges something in my box the easiest way to deal with it, is to immediately throw it out and move on.

I know I spit alot out there and maybe I didn't totally stay on topic, but does anybody agree with any of this, or I am totally alone on an island? I'm not looking for someone to respond with a bunch of canned religious answers, just some peoples HONEST opinions and thoughts.

soxfan94's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:49 AM
Churches generally are notorious for scaring people into joining, but then treating their congregation as if everything is warm and fuzzy and nothing else needs to be feared. Like you said, people hate grappling with issue that involve things they like when they know that they're going against the tenets of whichever religious book they may be following. Churches are feel-good scams to most people who go to them. Heading in your Sunday best every week is presumed to make up for the shameful and sinful week that you've had. Not many people go to church to learn how to change, most use it as a way to "balance out" everything else they do.

As you may have noticed, I'm far more in favor of a personal spirituality.

Rosebud2669's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:52 AM
You are right people don't want to be preached at on Sunday morning about the wrong they are doing and have convictions about it. They want to hear the happy sermons.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 01/09/08 02:41 PM
Not that I've actually looked into the whole issue, BUT.

In the last 6 or 7 years there have been quite a few NEW Christian churches popping up all over our area. Doing some reaseach on-line one nigh, I came accross a couple of the 'new' church names. It made me look further.

What I disovered was this. Almost every 'new' church, at least 15 of them, are unaffiliated with any particular religious sect, other than to say they are "a Christian based faith".

They advertise on line, such phrases as, "A place for young adults to...." "Meet other young adults...." and "A modern Church in Christ for today's young adults" just a few.

So I guess, the OP is correct on one level. People want 'relavency'. And what could be more relavent to a busy young adult than an place to meet like minded, other young adults - especially of the opposite sex.

So it seems to me that people today are so busy and it's so difficult, as a young adult, to meet others like themselves. So Church has become a social haven. A place for Christian young adult to look for social connections.

Not a bad idea, and the nice thing is that the doctrines of these churches are extremely open, to allow for all Christians to enter, without comparing specifics with regards to the more rigid doctrines they grew up with.

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 01/09/08 03:06 PM
I also think alot of people search until they feel at home. I left my church when a pastor that was there I knew had an agenda. I gave it 3 chances and each time the Lord spoke to me and told me that he has an I went to another church for awhile and then came back. As soon as I walked through the door I knew I was home. And yes the pastor did change also. And I work with the new pastor daily.

I think alot of times also people themselves can make or break a church. If you are lucky enough to get a church body that really love and worship and fellowship together its a beautiful thing.

question for Redy......Why would you feel the need to go to churches if you are an atheist.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:51 PM
question for Redy......Why would you feel the need to go to churches if you are an atheist.

I don't. I was doing some research for a new friend. She had just moved here and was looking for a Christian church to attend. She's a young adult and her previous church was non-denominational. I'm out of work right now, so I was letting my fingers do the walking for her.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 01/09/08 11:10 PM
My aunt church hops because she likes to hear different choirs sing. :wink:

I have a cousin who church hops because he likes to get a taste of the different views and traditions, so he will hop between churches that have quite a large range of denominations and beliefs.

I used to attend a lot of different churches when I was young simply because everyone in my extended family was Christian and they all went to differnet churches, some of my uncles were preachers and actually preached in different churches also. The only thing there was that, although the congregations and buildings were different, it was always Free Methodists. So the overall, beliefs were the same.

However, even within that confined denomination I saw quite a bit of variety! Some preachers were more of the ‘fire & brimstone” type preaching that we need to straighten up or go to hell, whilst others were preached a more positive view treating the congregation like we are all there with the intention of wanting to love one another. So their sermons would be focused more on love.

Without a doubt I appreciate the preachers who preach love. Instead of chewing us out for all the bad things we do, they try to inspire us to go out and do good things. I like that more positive view of the religion.

The last thing I need to do is sit through sermons where the preacher is telling us not to cheat on our spouse, and hold grudges against are neighbors, or that we need to resist the temptation to shop-lift, or whatever. I personally don’t need to hear that crap. I don’t do any of those things and don’t even come close to being tempted to do them. Preaching that crap to me is a waste of my time.

So yes, people should shop around until they find something that ‘fits’ who they are. Why would someone who doesn’t even have a mate, want to go to a church and listen to a fire & brimstone preachers chew them out about how we don’t treat our mates good enough and that we are too selfish, blah, blah, blah. All that does is remind me that I have no mate to go home to! And if I did, I wouldn’t be treating her in all the terrible ways that the stupid preacher is accusing the congregation of anyway!

Yes, religion has to ‘fit’. Why bother with a religion that has nothing to do with you?

In fact, I feel that way about Christianity as whole! It’s all about sin and salvation, and sin has never been a major issue in my life. I dare say that it isn’t even a minor issue. It’s more like a non-issue. So from my point of view the whole religion is inapplicable to my lifestyle. It has nothing to offer me. I already, quite naturally life a lifestyle similar to what Christ taught. I could teach that lifestyle, why should I go listen to someone else trying to teach it to me?

Even Jesus himself said that some people do not need a spiritual physician!

Britty's photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:01 AM

Hi Niceguy and welcome to JSH.

Looks like you like to jump in at the 'deep' end. :wink:

I can understand some of your points.

I have visited quite a few different churches since I have
been here, partly an opportunity to learn about other
denominations and belief systems, also I have moved over the
years, due to work, etc. Also, I have made friends from a
variety of different faiths and I have enjoyed sharing their
services with them and in the process getting to know them on
a more personal level.

I prefer an upbeat body of believers where the pastor preaches
a gospel of love, and inspires the 'church' (the people) to
build relationships and encourage one another.


no photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:41 AM
When I was younger I use to "church hop"...I was raised a Catholic, and I started becoming ambilvelant (still am ) about the whole church concept...The only time I go to church now, is when there isn't a "sermon"...I'll go on off days (rarely ) and just sit there and I guess it's called pray!..

Not sure about the organized religion thing....I went to different churces from different denominations and found that the common denominator is the same throuhout!...So, personally, I don't go!..yet, I can pull away entirely either...I haven't had communion in years and years...however, I went to confession about 2 years ago without the time I guess I needed it...but even that was selfish, to some degree...

Anyway, sorry if I got off topic...Church hopping...well, don't see anything wrong with it...guess some people have to try on different ones to find the one that "fits"..flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:42 AM
ooops, meant to say "can't" not can pull away...My bad...dang this computer!..grumble drinker flowerforyou

Lonely_Spirit's photo
Thu 01/10/08 10:58 AM
crutch hopping / crotch hopping?

spiritual support / you know what...

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 01/10/08 11:00 AM

question for Redy......Why would you feel the need to go to churches if you are an atheist.

I don't. I was doing some research for a new friend. She had just moved here and was looking for a Christian church to attend. She's a young adult and her previous church was non-denominational. I'm out of work right now, so I was letting my fingers do the walking for her.

Thanks Redy......just didn't get that one......