Topic: Military families??
Journey2008's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:43 PM
My son and daughter-in-law are in the Air Force. They are both deployed overseas right now. I have left my family and friends behind to move 900 miles away to keep my two grandsons while they are gone. Anybody else have family members fighting in this war??

steelangel's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:44 PM
I'm deployed right now to Groton, CT... going out that way soon.

shadow_princess's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:47 PM
i have an older adopted brother in the army whos deployed right now

nonchalantwendy's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:49 PM

I'm deployed right now to Groton, CT... going out that way soon.

Hey I know someone else on here who is there too........

KENNY1030's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:54 PM
been there done that look at my pics,eventhough i dont want to think about it i say it happened in a car accident,,,,name one person that walked out of the after bein shot in the head,,,,i lost alot of friends over there,there my family within,,,,sorry

Amberdee29045's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:57 PM
i don't have family there now, but my dad was deployed during desert storm.......y'all are in my prayers and thank you to our veterans

MysticJ's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:57 PM
I have some friends over there and 1 uncle stateside deployed omewhere.

Journey2008's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:09 PM
God bless them all and bring them all home safely!!

robinlynn42's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:24 PM
a very honorable thing to do care for family. and those u fought with will be family as u have had many experiences together. and i am sure we have family and friends that have been fighting ,or will be and those that died to save our freedom that keeps getting tested day after day. make sure those stationed or fight get positive encouragement by email or snail mail. believe me i don't mind writing to help somebody stay positive.

Journey2008's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:41 PM
I am able to talk, thru email, most every day with my daughter-in-law. She should be home next week. Thank God!! My son, now that's a different story. I don't get to talk with him as much. It's really hard not knowing what's going on and trying to explain to the boys why they can't talk with daddy as much. The boys are 2 and 5. Too little to understand where mommy and daddy are.