Topic: to forgive a monster?????
kolhauszer's photo
Sat 01/19/08 07:59 PM

really this is kind of a hard story to feel any compassion about the perpetrator, certainly the death penalty is ludicrous, and he should be punished for his crimes, but this guy does not receive no badge of honour and it's a really stupid question because it defies all sense

well i thank you for your opinion miss 2 match..i wanted to see how many people would feel as the parents of the child did..i believe that no one said that this nman deserves a badge of honer either miss 2match..but the parents themselves did indeed wish that they exectution be terminated..ireally dont think that it is stupid though,because life doesn't get more real then this,to have your child taken away by a monster and to have these parents show pity for him..shows humanity of incredible proportions..a kind that i would never have been able to express..

thanks for your opinion though

no photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:00 PM
sorry kol, didn't mean to come across so rudely, just that nothing erases the pain, that's all

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:00 PM

Keep adopting brother there are alot. And then when that is done we can discuss legitimately the legality of abortion. No unwanted children worldwide is the goal. They are here, living unwanted, now. Future unwanted children should be an after thought.

You claim no compassion for the unwanted childern of the world and you have none for the unborn? You are heartless & cruel. But by all means lets not kill anyone on dead row, hypocrite.

That did not make sense but I will assume you meant that I have compassion for the unwanted children and none for the unborn. Well you said it, the unborn. Once born you are here. Until then you are cells. That may sound cold and unfeeling but it is the truth. A child here now has priority. People yell and scream about abortion which, yes, I agree it is a horrid form of relief of an unwanted child but a woman should have the right to choose it if she finds herself pregnant with an unwanted child. It always comes back to this unwanted thing huh? Do you know how many men bail on their responsibility with children? Many. Do you know how hard it is as a woman alone raising children? Probably not. A woman ultimately ends up with the responsibility of the child. It should be her choice. I cannot take that from any woman. Using it as a form of birth control as portrayed, no it is not. Once a woman has one abortion she will not try to come back for another. I can guarentee you that. I have counseled women on this choice and they do not make it lightly. It still comes back to the unwanted children. Unwanted alive now in the world. They are all needing parents. Once there are no more unwanted children and it is a shortage of children to adopt in the system then we can worry about future unwanted children. Abortion is just a choice available. If you do not want her to have the abortion, start an organization that hands these women a good $100,000 to raise the child. If you can't do that then do not impinge on her right to choose. She will have to raise the child alone so it is her ultimately that should make the choice.

This has nothing to do with an innocent on death row, absolutely nothing.

Oh lord, I wrote a book again, sorryflowerforyou

no photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:04 PM

If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call.

correct me if Im wrong but by your picture I am assuming you are/were in the military, perhaps you've had the experience of killing another person. I have never killed another, and while I've been in situations that could have ended in either them or me dying I have been spared having to make that decision. I don't know it having had the experience of taking a life influences ones judgement about the death penality.

No judgement intended, just thinking out loud.

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:07 PM

sorry kol, didn't mean to come across so rudely, just that nothing erases the pain, that's all

miss 2 match..have you ever had a child taken away from you like this...i mean if i had indeed choose a topic that actally happened to you in your life..please tell me,,and if so then i will report my own post to the moderators and have the remove it...and if this is indeed not the case..i hope then no you didnt come across as is a very hard hitting discussion..

but i am conserned now as to what you wrote...nothing erases the pain..i hope you were talking figuratively

mrtxstar's photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:12 PM
A popular bumper sticker says, "We kill people to show people that killing people is wrong." The slogan is short, simple, and to the point. But is there really such irony in capital punishment as the slogan implies?


First of all, the slogan misses an important point. The death penalty does not punish people for killing, but for murder. Killing is justified when it is done in self-defense. Killing means to cause death. Murder, on the other hand, is defined as, "the unlawful and malicious or premeditated killing of one human being by another" (for the less observant, this definition cannot be applied to the death penalty, because the death penalty is lawful, non-malicious, and is not carried out by an individual but by the government). "Kill," "murder," and "execute" are not interchangeable terms. Death penalty opponents would like us to believe otherwise. Just because two actions result in the same end does not make them morally equivalent. If it were so, legal incarceration would be equated with kidnapping, lovemaking with rape, self-defense with battery, etc. Therefore, the slogan is better stated, "We execute people to show people that murder is wrong." Not quite as catchy, is it?

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:30 PM

sorry kol, didn't mean to come across so rudely, just that nothing erases the pain, that's all

miss 2 match..are you still there?

mrtxstar's photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:33 PM

That did not make sense but I will assume you meant that I have compassion for the unwanted children and none for the unborn. Well you said it, the unborn. Once born you are here. Until then you are cells. That may sound cold and unfeeling but it is the truth. A child here now has priority. People yell and scream about abortion which, yes, I agree it is a horrid form of relief of an unwanted child but a woman should have the right to choose it if she finds herself pregnant with an unwanted child. It always comes back to this unwanted thing huh? Do you know how many men bail on their responsibility with children? Many. Do you know how hard it is as a woman alone raising children? Probably not. A woman ultimately ends up with the responsibility of the child. It should be her choice. I cannot take that from any woman. Using it as a form of birth control as portrayed, no it is not. Once a woman has one abortion she will not try to come back for another. I can guarentee you that. I have counseled women on this choice and they do not make it lightly. It still comes back to the unwanted children. Unwanted alive now in the world. They are all needing parents. Once there are no more unwanted children and it is a shortage of children to adopt in the system then we can worry about future unwanted children. Abortion is just a choice available. If you do not want her to have the abortion, start an organization that hands these women a good $100,000 to raise the child. If you can't do that then do not impinge on her right to choose. She will have to raise the child alone so it is her ultimately that should make the choice.

This has nothing to do with an innocent on death row, absolutely nothing.

Oh lord, I wrote a book again, sorryflowerforyou

The woman that aborts the baby is no beter than the man that abandoned the pregnant woman. Two wrongs don't make it right. You say it is a womans choice..... Well until the Supreme Court repeals Roe v Wade, that is legally true.

tomie's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:29 PM

I am sorry, I will not address the abortion issue on this thread anymore, whoever that was that is calling me out on it.

The death penalty is too definite to allow for mistakes and one can talk about the possible victims if the person walked the street again but we keep them for life all the time and they never walk the streets again unless found innocent by DNA.

Our government cannot be condoned to kill innocents at any level. It is bad enough it is allowed in war. But to have a flawed justice system take a life of a wrongly convicted person should not be allowed. Not with the intelligence of our current society. It was expected in the past because we were ignorant humans and avenging was more animalistic. We are intelligents now, or at least I like to thing we are intelligents now.

This is exactly why you can not seperate the abortion issue and the death penalty. You are so concerned about killing innocent people but the pro-choice ppl do not take that same stance about killing innocent babys. Both anti-death row and pro-choice ppl are mostly liberals. They contradict themselfs.

Back we go, okay my stance on abortion, for those unknown, I don't want to hear one damn word against abortion from NOONE until ALL unwanted children in the WORLD are adopted. NOT one word. If you haven't adopted you have no rights to speak on who can have abortion, about illegality of abortion, about the moral issue of abortion, etc.... PERIOD!

Dragoness, I have adopted 2 & since you demanding rules are enforced, how many have you adopted? What you are saying is that if humans aren't wanted then they should be killed. Are you wanted?

tomie's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:37 PM

A fetus is not a child, women are not incubators, abortion is not murder.

How barbaric, symplemyne. Oh by the way, kool hair do. Abortion is murder cause it takes a life not only a child. Heartbeats are deteced 3 weeks after conception. If it has a heart it is life, if it has life it is a child. No women are not incubators but should be more responsible with the life they can bring forth.

mrtxstar's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:40 PM
I think the dragoness has retreated to her lair. But be assured she will return. It baffles me how ppl can claim to have compassion for unwanted children and yet support abortion. Those very same ppl are appalled at the death penalty. indifferent

bright_eyes77's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:46 PM
ok well I am out of here I hope you got the answers you were ACTUALLY looking for, I know this has turned in to a whole different subject I am gonna turn my head and go about my merry way good luck to allflowerforyou

tomie's photo
Sun 01/20/08 04:20 AM

I think the dragoness has retreated to her lair. But be assured she will return. It baffles me how ppl can claim to have compassion for unwanted children and yet support abortion. Those very same ppl are appalled at the death penalty. indifferent

You're so right, my man. I see people here locally having trouble adopting & many going to foreign countries to adopt. Not that it is wrong, we should care for children across the world. But to have them slaughtered instead of allowing them life unwanted, where is the justice in this? Who gives us the right to enforce that type of justice?
And speaking of injustice, I guess we have done kolhauzer an injustice in detouring his post. Please forgive us again, kolhauzer for this disruption in your thread.
mrtexstar, how many children did you adopt? How old are they now? GOD bless you & your family.
T:tongue: mie

daniel48706's photo
Sun 01/20/08 04:37 AM

it does make me wonder how many people have been executed wrongly before d.n.a come into view...but i do know that durring a show on american justice..117 people were released from death row in the past decade and exhonerated for thier crimes..because of d.n.a...the death pennalty has been around since the dawn of many thousands of innocent people were killed because of a lack of real evidence..yes i am a ardent believer in the death pennalty...but there must be no margin for error

The thing is, dna is not full proof either. DNA can be planted just like any other evidence.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:01 AM
The bottom line, again, here in the US anyway, is that the death penalty is unconstitutional. "Life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness", these are INALIANABLE rights. And besides that there's no justice in it, only revenge. And it IS murder. Life in prison works alot better;^]

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:20 AM
So life in prison isn't a death penalty? laugh To live the rest of your life and die in prison isn't a death penalty?

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:24 AM
Ya know, I had a friend get raped when she was 14 years old. She wound up pregnant by said man. She had an abortion. That was her right to do and I supported that. It's not anyone elses business WHY someone gets an abortion, so I feel all the pro-lifers need to mind their own damn business.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:27 AM

So life in prison isn't a death penalty? laugh To live the rest of your life and die in prison isn't a death penalty?

If you wanna put it like that life itself is a death penalty, in prison or not. Once again, the death penalty is unconstitutional;^]

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:30 AM

So life in prison isn't a death penalty? laugh To live the rest of your life and die in prison isn't a death penalty?

If you wanna put it like that life itself is a death penalty, in prison or not. Once again, the death penalty is unconstitutional;^]

If you say so. I'm sorry, but if someone came and raped and killed my child, he should die.:angry:

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:34 AM

So life in prison isn't a death penalty? laugh To live the rest of your life and die in prison isn't a death penalty?

If you wanna put it like that life itself is a death penalty, in prison or not. Once again, the death penalty is unconstitutional;^]

If you say so. I'm sorry, but if someone came and raped and killed my child, he should die.:angry:

Hence my other point. First was it being unconstitutional, second is that it has nothing to do with justice, only vengeance. And yes, I have had loved ones murdered;^]