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Topic: why is age always an issue
justwanting's photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:34 AM
i recently met this guy that is 14 years
my junior. he and i really hit it off and
we have talked everynight for the last month.
but i cant help thinking that he is to young
for me even tho he says that the age thing
doesnt bother him. how can i start feeling
more comfortable with this. im 36 hes 22.

SteveJarvis's photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:41 AM
HOT... you might as well try.

Here is why:

You sound conflicted. If you pass this up and it comes around again you
are still going to be conflicted. If you take a chance you will find
out one way or another if it something that is beneficial to you. At
the very least if the situation presents itself again you will no longer
be conflicted.

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:42 AM
you'd have to really determine what it is exactly that bothers you about
the age it what your friends will think etc.

Dave2722's photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:48 AM
I think that the main problem that you are having with the age
difference, is that you have in the back of your mind that you are
ALMOST old enough to be his mother. And I say almost because of the age
that girls are starting to become sexually active nowadays, and not
saying that you were at that age. But the age difference does play on
the mind of men as well, as I have had several (from another site) from
the philipines say that they want to marry me, and I have a problem with
being involved with a "girl" that is young enough to be my daughter. So
unless you can make up your mind that age is just a number, like I have
heard so many say, then I am afraid that you will not feel comfortable.

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:49 AM
i think if you two get along well, you should try it. what if it turns
out to be meaningful

SteveJarvis's photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:52 AM
Dave are you hooking up with 20 year old Filipinos?

Dave2722's photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:01 AM
no steve... WAAAAAYYYYY too young for me... I turn them down flat... and
to tell the truth... justwanting would probably cause me a conflict as I
have a daughter that is just 4 yrs younger than she is.

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:06 AM

bigpat's photo
Wed 08/30/06 08:24 AM
becuse people want someone close to their age because when we get older
the the older one will leave and now they are alone and dont know what
to do

unsure's photo
Wed 08/30/06 08:42 AM
Honestly, I don't think age is a big issue. I dated someone for almost 3
years that was 13 years younger then me. I finally felt bad because he
wanted to have kids and I didn't want anymore. So I told him to go out
with women his own age and start dating. He kept calling but he finally
did meet someone and did have a daughter but they ended up breaking
up...guess who he still calls. I think you have to be comfortable with
yourself, if it doesn't bother you to date someone younger...then go for

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 09:56 AM

Unsure hit the nail on the head for me and many others who started our
families while young. I met a young lady on another site during a 7 day
free trial. She is 19 and I am 34. She had no kids of her own and I have
4. I do not want anymore children and I have not met personally any
woman who does not at some point in her life wants to be a mom. This
girl and I hit it off emailing each other until she told me her true
age. She had in her profile she was 25. When I asked if she would ever
want kids the answer was most definatly a couple. So I told her find
someone else as I am done(hope so anyway).

But if you want more kids and they do and you have a real connection go
for it. The drive to reproduce is very strong and will destroy a good
relationship if the other partner does not want kids. I am looking 10
year younger and older because I want someone young enough to keep up
with me and someone old enough to have their kids and to be mature
enough to know what they want. 22 is a bit young but depending on the
life he has lead he may well be ready to settle down as most of us in
our 30s are.

seinfeld_lover's photo
Wed 08/30/06 10:49 AM
It is just a number; however, my wife is 6 yrs older than me and look
her age; I on the other hand look 10 yrs younger than my age. My point
being, I lost the sexual interest in her due to (in part) her physical
appearance. Something to think about.

unsure's photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:39 PM
what do you mean by her physical appearance? You had to know at one
point that she was going to age faster then you, because she was older
then you. Or did you not think of this?
I will say this, my father married a lady that was 19 years
younger...people thought she was his daughter. For a very long time, it
really bothered us kids, but then we realized that my dad was happy. So,
it doesn't matter what anyone thinks...the main thing is that the people
involved is happy!

Karensmiles's photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:49 PM
Demi did it and its working so I say "You go girl" I'm 45 and have dated
guys in their late 20's and we have had a blast. The kid thing is an
issue I have to agree with unsure about that.

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 09:40 PM
Hey there,
Speaking from experience with 2 long relationships/and marraige that
were both greatly my senior...Sometimes I think it doesn't matter how
great you 'hit it off' eventually you will reach a time when it
manifests itself how UNequally yoked the two of you are. Not to say
that it is not worth it but remain open minded of what may happen down
the road. And furthermore f*@k what other people say of they have a
problem with it. It is your life! Good luck!

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 09:48 PM

nlahm's photo
Wed 08/30/06 10:54 PM
I love older women!!!!!!!!!!!1

unsure's photo
Thu 08/31/06 04:58 AM
I don't think they thought ahead about they physical appearances. They
honestly could not have been to much in love or would that really
matter? How do you just fall out of love with someone? Esp over an age
issue when you knew they were older then you in the beginning...doesn't
make sense to me.

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 05:00 AM
yeah, i don't get it

SteveJarvis's photo
Thu 08/31/06 05:02 AM
it sounds like that was the best thing that lame dude could come up with
about why he wanted to separate.

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