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Topic: Is ne1 else afraid to die?
Alden's photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:49 PM
Ever since i actually realized that one day my body will just quit on
me if not earlier, I am now obsessed with the horrible fact that im
gonna die, that the human lifespan is only about 60 - 80 years. I know
there is not much I can do about it, but it is kinda scary, actually it
sucks bad. I wanna know if it bothers anybody else?

SteveJarvis's photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:51 PM
the weight of it hasn't hit me yet. Imagine how you are going to feel
when you become incontinent and you are choking on mucus. That would
scare me.

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:53 PM
it doesn't scare me, it's the natural course of life. just try to life
your life the best you can

unsure's photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:59 PM
You know, I use to be afraid to die...but then I had cancer in 04 and
did a lot of soul searching. I am now cancer free and I am not afraid of
passing away after that. I am grateful every single day I get to wake
up and every single year I turn a year will never hear me
complain about my age. All I can say is never fear death, just get
things right in your heart and do some soul searching. Live every day
like its your last and never take life for granted and make sure you
tell the people that you love how you truly feel.

Karensmiles's photo
Wed 08/30/06 07:22 PM
^^^ High five's Unsure !

no photo
Wed 08/30/06 10:37 PM
This is sort of weird as this topic got brought up by my oldest
daughter while we were alone on the porch rolling vines the other night.
Like Unsure said you have to live in the now but also keep in mind that
you are unlikely to die today. It is a hard concept to live in the now
and saving money for a day you may never see. You have to prepare for
your golden year now wether or not you make it to them. Focus on living

If you have been following me in other post you would have heard how
hard I worked then lost it all to one slip. My only regret is I did not
take the chance I had to ride a bull and now I will never know. I know I
loved breaking horses but they had saddles and they buck differently. I
choose to break horses as a side job to the factory work because I got
paid to do something I love. When I had the chance to ride the bull I
had no health insurance so if something happened there was the thought
of me loosing it all and how would I support the kids. Well I ended up
in bad shape anyway at a young age. My home was sold to pay medical
bills. So I am glad I did the other things that pleased me like breaking

Life is to short to not enjoy it. By dwelling on the final result you
are not enjoying it. I think we all go through that phase but some dwell
on it much more than others. The end became close to me when I was 10yo.
My parents almost waited to long to take me to the doctor when my
appendix got inflamed. After the doctor opened me up he saw it burst
open. So they had to pull all my guts out and wash the infection out of
me. I was only given a 25% chance of making it. So I learned early how
special life was.

gterry05's photo
Thu 08/31/06 12:53 AM
I don't fear death. Maybe I should? For me life has brought many twist
and turns, and somewhere along the way, my fear of death just stop being
there. Now, I think it is healthy to want to survive and continue to
live. I dont believe any healthy minded person wants to die.

For me, death does not bring fear, but because I don't know when it will
happen and yet I know it will happen, It confrims to me that I need to
see each precious moment for what it is,another precious momment...
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself", Some smart guy said that!!

kittycat41's photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:09 AM
not afraid of dying, its part of the circle. it inevitable, but the how
is what scares the hell out of me. not knowing if there is pain or
suffering from a sickness or if its terror from an accident. thats what
scares me.

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 12:29 PM
I am more scared of loosing everyone around me. Back last december my
husband became very sick and almost died ever since then I have been so
scared of loosing him and loosing everyone that I love.

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 12:34 PM
I am not afraid to die. The only part that scares me about death is that
I want my kids to out live me. The worst fear I got is burying my
children before me!! Congrats. Unsure for over coming cancer!! That is
great. I know what it is like to lose someone to cancer I have lost my
grandpa to it and Just this last May I lost my Aunt to cancer. I think
my biggest fear of dying would have to be the way I go, I don't want to
suffer from Cancer like I watched my aunt and grandpa, I want it to be
quick and fast no pain!!

paterafan's photo
Thu 08/31/06 03:21 PM

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 04:06 PM
I know I am. My biggest fear is not knowing what to expect on the other

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 08/31/06 08:50 PM
this a pretty funny topic for me(not funny haha or funny peculier but
funny in it hits so close to home) i was so scared of death you couldnt
even bring subject up cause id start thinking of my mortality and all
the thoughts of what this world would be like with out me and id just be
overwhelmed..but to make a long story short i ended up getting a job at
cemetary cause i needed to work i had a family to support and the job i
had before didnt work out i saw the ad in the paper and applied that was
almost seven years ago and now after seeing what goes on in the cemetary
buisness and in the funeral buisness i got to learn alot about a persons
mortality do live on in the memories left with your loved ones
who will visit you grave and talk to your stone and in the minds of your
kids so if you are scared of death dont be just try to live as memorable
life as possible leave something for people to remember you thats the
way i am now and im a better person for it..(you can make all the jokes
you want about my employment any time im used to it :)

Alden's photo
Fri 09/01/06 01:42 AM
wow , all you guys that answered had really awsome things to say, i do
feel better, i want to thank you all , and i wish the best for all of
you , thank you alden

no photo
Fri 09/01/06 12:03 PM
that's a good point lionsbrew. i've always been into the ideas of an
irish wake because it seems to be more about celebrating a persons life
and the memories that were created and kept more than grieving....shit
when i die, bury me under the bar.

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 09/01/06 01:43 PM
i can dig that im like 75% irish and i hope that every one at my funeral
has a good time and gets good drunk and rowdey

unsure's photo
Fri 09/01/06 03:22 PM
You know you said that you worked at the cemetary, I do understand how
people go there to talk to their loved ones. My nephew passed away 2
years ago in August, I find myself going out there and just sitting for
an hour or so a week and talking to him. Some people might find it
strange, but I find it very helpful...I miss him like crazy and I guess
with him being so young I just feel at peace when I am out there. Its a
sad situation when someone that young dies and leaves behind a beautiful
daughter, but someday they will see each other again. I guess death is
very hard to accept to some...everyone has their own ways of dealing
with it.

no photo
Fri 09/01/06 03:48 PM
you ain't crazy unsure. alot of people do that

it's that sudden separation and knowing you won't ever see them again
it's the end but it's always harder on the ones that are left behind
they say

unsure's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:10 PM
I think you are right King...I seen him on a friday and on sunday
morning boom, we got that phone call.
It would be nice if you could just have 1 more time to see them
though...say the things that you want to say...things that should have
been said but wasn't. I guess you can't so..thats why we should say them
why they are here.

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:25 PM
it is tough a freind of mine passed not to long ago she was only 30 she
had brain anurism it was really screwed cause she had finnaly been clean
from a bad addiction for over 2 yrs and was healthy had gotten a good
job with an accounting firm they said she went home fell asleep and
never woke up ...ive already had to bury freinds parents its tough to
see freinds of mine in a sad state

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