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Topic: have u ever hooked up with someone u met online
justwanting's photo
Thu 08/31/06 06:08 AM
just a poll to see how many actually meet
a person that they have met on here

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 06:18 AM
This is how I meet my husband. So my answer would be yes.

unsure's photo
Thu 08/31/06 06:36 AM
I did actually meet someone off line. My problem was he was 9000 miles
away, New Zealand, but he flew here to Indiana and then I flew there. It
would have been great if one of us would have relocated, but I couldn't
because I have children..and he didn't want to leave his family behind.
The good thing is that I can actually say that I have seen another
country and I still have the memories...but 9000 miles apart, it just
wouldn't work!

Ronnyg1948's photo
Thu 08/31/06 06:59 AM
No. And i'm beginning to belive that the possibility is rare.

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 07:10 AM
i have met about 4 i think

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 07:12 AM
it's not rare they just have to feel comfortable(especially if it's a
woman)and chances are they won't be all that comfortable when they do
meet you. there is a huge difference between talking to someone online
and talking in person.

unsure's photo
Thu 08/31/06 07:36 AM
I don't think it happens fast when you do meet someone on the net. It
took us a year to meet, that was talking on the net and then on the
phone. I think you have to have lots of trust in the other person before
you even consider meeting them.

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:20 AM
you had an obscene distance to travel to though, you had to be sure. the
girls that i met it took about 2 weeks

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:24 AM
My mother in law has meet tons of men on the net and guess what she is
still single so maybe my case is rare.

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:25 AM
Ya know I want to meet someone, or just make friends on here, but the
one thing that scares me is the way the world is today it's hard to
trust anyone!! I have talked to people on net and emailed and so on but
it never went passed that..

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:29 AM
there ain't anything wrong with that either. these sites are'nt a sure
thing, you'll have the same odds as out there of finding a keeper. all
this does is provide a forum where people looking for the same thing can
gather, it puts everyone in one place to increase the odds. it does not
increase the QUALITY.

unsure's photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:38 AM
You are right there. I guess the whole thing is, do you really know
anyone? You could date someone for a long time and not really know that I guess you just have to use your best judgement and go with
your gut feelings. My case was a lot different, it was a totally
different I was taking a very big chance!

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 08:23 PM

Well I was happy in my mariage but she was not so I never met a person
for this type of relationship. But I have met about 10 people off the
net. Most of them have been beekeepers and aquarium/killifish hobbiest
like myself. So I have met more men than women(2). But meeting a guy to
go work honeybee hives or learn how to graft queen cells or even meeting
and seeing another guys fishroom was easier than meeting a woman for a

paterafan's photo
Thu 08/31/06 08:47 PM

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:08 PM
if opportunity knocks ill open a door for romance but i havent had any
luck yet in that respect yet but as for at least making freinds ive met
a ton of cool people some buttheads but they are everywhere

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:47 PM
i met a few but there wasn't really anything there as far as a
relationship but they weren't bad people. one of them was kind of
annoying but she probably thought that i was annoying were even

stephanie25's photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:56 PM
i've wanted to meet a couple of differant people that i've talked to
online, but i've been to nervous about making good impresions in person,
w/o making an ass out of myself!! paterafan, i like the new pic. hi,
justwanting, sorry theRams lost. don't feel bad Steelers lost too, those
bums, gettin all that money and not makin good plays!!!

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 09:56 PM
i met this one girl(she'll recognize this story)and she invited me to
her birthday and i got way too drunk. the next day she tried to tell me
that i passed out while standing up and i slammed my face into her fron
t door. the only thing is, i was completely conscious and i only
stumbled and put my hand on the door. i went out to my truck, discarding
my clothes along the way and sat in it til i sobered up but i think
someone punched me in the head while i was sitting there. my head is
hard so i just thought someone pushed it, i started looking all around
cause i wanted to find em and didn't. the next day my temple was a
little sore and she tried to tell me i passed out and hit the
was a set up so a bitch is a bitch and they sucker punch a drunk AND run
from him but then pretend it was an accident. no wonder people like
that hate their lives.

stephanie25's photo
Thu 08/31/06 10:01 PM
good lord, what kind of sicko woman would do that to you, kingbreeze?
want me to go find her and punch her in the temple?

odessa2's photo
Fri 09/01/06 10:07 AM
I'm not having mch luck myself, maybe theres just mot many women looking
for a fling with a MWM

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