Topic: Do you ever..
Johncenawlife316's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:22 PM
Edited by Johncenawlife316 on Sat 03/01/08 08:24 PM
Hold your angery in or just don't let how you really feel out and or stand up for your self.

For some odd reason or another I would love to scram or yell, what have you at some people that make me pissed off but I understandable know I could get into some trouble if I did it at work that's where I would most likely to tell off some people etc.

I do get angery at my self at times for standing up for my self when I need to, but for whatever the reason I just let people run there mouths and say what they need to and I try not to listen even though I am thinking about yelling at them at that point I feel some what stuiped I guess you could say for not saying noting at all.

Any body else feel they can't let there true feelings or stand up for there selfs etc.

I mean I understand a person need's to stand up for them selfs or they will get walked all over, however I just can't seem to do it for the most part because by the time I get angery enough to want to say something I just let it all go.. almost makes me want to ask the person that is speaking to me are they done yet.


And I must admit I do not like fighting or any of that stuff with other people, I would rather walk away then yell at any body. I guess this has something to do with the way I was growing up and all.

timmyschillin's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:24 PM
Here's an idea, grow a pair of testicles. Being the quiet one doesn't get anyone anywhere. No job is worth mental abuse.

DevilDog1987's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:25 PM
its never healthy to keep angre in,it can do some serious mental damage,me i definetly let it out,by just punching a pillow or somethinglaugh

timmyschillin's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:25 PM
You could also try killing them with kindness.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:26 PM

Here's an idea, grow a pair of testicles. Being the quiet one doesn't get anyone anywhere. No job is worth mental abuse.

That is why I am so burned out with my current job I guess that I am looking for a new job. One that I less hate then the one I am current at, or rather dislike.

DevilDog1987's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:27 PM

Hold your angery in or just don't let how you really feel out and or stand up for your self.

For some odd reason or another I would love to scram or yell, what have you at some people that make me pissed off but I understandable know I could get into some trouble if I did it at work that's where I would most likely to tell off some people etc.

I do get angery at my self at times for standing up for my self when I need to, but for whatever the reason I just let people run there mouths and say what they need to and I try not to listen even though I am thinking about yelling at them at that point I feel some what stuiped I guess you could say for not saying noting at all.

Any body else feel they can't let there true feelings or stand up for there selfs etc.

I mean I understand a person need's to stand up for them selfs or they will get walked all over, however I just can't seem to do it for the most part because by the time I get angery enough to want to say something I just let it all go.. almost makes me want to ask the person that is speaking to me are they done yet.


And I must admit I do not like fighting or any of that stuff with other people, I would rather walk away then yell at any body. I guess this has something to do with the way I was growing up and all.
my friend mark always says whats on his mind,if i say something that he doesnt like(or anyone for that matter)then hes going to do something about it,even if he has to bust some heads.But thats why hes a cool guy to hang out with toolaugh

Johncenawlife316's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:28 PM

its never healthy to keep angre in,it can do some serious mental damage,me i definetly let it out,by just punching a pillow or somethinglaugh

True.. I guess that might be why I get so tried or something, because I never let my maddens out for the most part.

no photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:31 PM
Wit. I encounter situations that irritate the living s**t outta me on a regular basis, and I have a very stressful career. I handle it with very subdued wit and thinly disguised sarcasm.

Here's the kicker... You have to know what you're talking about, and be able to back it up. You have a right to stand up for yourself, but you can't 'fight fire with fire'

My granddad told me a loooong time ago "never argue with a fool in public because from a distance, you can't tell who the fool is" But... If you can express yourself pointedly, clearly, and at the same time make the other person feel like the nimrod they are with a smile on your face, then you are a god.

I'm waiting on my cult.

no photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:32 PM
Edited by shelltress on Sat 03/01/08 08:35 PM

Hold your angery in or just don't let how you really feel out and or stand up for your self.

For some odd reason or another I would love to scram or yell, what have you at some people that make me pissed off but I understandable know I could get into some trouble if I did it at work that's where I would most likely to tell off some people etc.

I do get angery at my self at times for standing up for my self when I need to, but for whatever the reason I just let people run there mouths and say what they need to and I try not to listen even though I am thinking about yelling at them at that point I feel some what stuiped I guess you could say for not saying noting at all.

Any body else feel they can't let there true feelings or stand up for there selfs etc.

I mean I understand a person need's to stand up for them selfs or they will get walked all over, however I just can't seem to do it for the most part because by the time I get angery enough to want to say something I just let it all go.. almost makes me want to ask the person that is speaking to me are they done yet.


And I must admit I do not like fighting or any of that stuff with other people, I would rather walk away then yell at any body. I guess this has something to do with the way I was growing up and all.
I know where you are coming from, most of the time in life it is faster and easier to bite your tongue and shush up but then in the end I become a boiling tea pot and once and a while something that was bothering me for quite sometime will over flow and come out the next time there is a problem, Im out spoken at work but with family memembers I am quite a holder backer, then I leave people alone for a long time until I can gather my thoughts and allow the hot water to cool down , not healthy yea i know but your not alone just at work forget it to much is to much at times leave the job and move on and or deal with the issue but take time to handle it proper and a lil manly sometimes people need a lil umff from u so just make sure its perfect timing and worth it, but always know ur right first. good luck

no photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:35 PM

Here's an idea, grow a pair of testicles. Being the quiet one doesn't get anyone anywhere. No job is worth mental abuse.

Exactly. When some dumb-ass is givin' you crap, throw it right back in their face. Give 'em both barrels, and show the fool know who they're dealing with.

Speaking up for yourself is the ONLY way to get any respect nowadays. Simply piping down and letting stuff happen to you is not gonna get you anywhere, except the road to getting more crap.

If they're gonna dole out the abuse, dole it right back at them.

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:39 PM

Wit. I encounter situations that irritate the living s**t outta me on a regular basis, and I have a very stressful career. I handle it with very subdued wit and thinly disguised sarcasm.

Here's the kicker... You have to know what you're talking about, and be able to back it up. You have a right to stand up for yourself, but you can't 'fight fire with fire'

My granddad told me a loooong time ago "never argue with a fool in public because from a distance, you can't tell who the fool is" But... If you can express yourself pointedly, clearly, and at the same time make the other person feel like the nimrod they are with a smile on your face, then you are a god.

I'm waiting on my cult.

I'm in.

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:39 PM

Hold your angery in or just don't let how you really feel out and or stand up for your self.

For some odd reason or another I would love to scram or yell, what have you at some people that make me pissed off but I understandable know I could get into some trouble if I did it at work that's where I would most likely to tell off some people etc.

I do get angery at my self at times for standing up for my self when I need to, but for whatever the reason I just let people run there mouths and say what they need to and I try not to listen even though I am thinking about yelling at them at that point I feel some what stuiped I guess you could say for not saying noting at all.

Any body else feel they can't let there true feelings or stand up for there selfs etc.

I mean I understand a person need's to stand up for them selfs or they will get walked all over, however I just can't seem to do it for the most part because by the time I get angery enough to want to say something I just let it all go.. almost makes me want to ask the person that is speaking to me are they done yet.


And I must admit I do not like fighting or any of that stuff with other people, I would rather walk away then yell at any body. I guess this has something to do with the way I was growing up and all.

I don't hold any anger or frustrations in anymore and I haven't in years because I learned that doing that can and will make/keep you sick..I noticed that every time I cussed out my "daddy"..I'd have no pain for 4months at a got to where I called him just to cuss him so that I wouldn't hurt as'm bad so what?'m gonna shut up now..sorry.

AllenAqua's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:56 PM
Anger is a reactive emotion. It's one thing to feel it, it's another thing to let it control your actions. Your feelings are determined by your perceptions and what you perceive is determined by your judgement which relies on you critical thinking ability.
I see that you're getting some solid input from other posters about the subject so I won't reiterate except to pass on what I consider to be a little gem my dad imparted to me once that goes like this....

" Son... never wrestle with a pig, because you both get dirty but the pig's the only one that has fun"drinker

Johncenawlife316's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:59 PM
Yeah.. I know and I would understand lee feel so much better just letting how I truly feel out.

I mean When I do get angery at some memebers of my familys I either tell them off or just walk a way.

But when some one at work pisses me off I normally do not say to much. But at this point I almost feel like saying the hell with it and telling people off etc.

I guess what makes me angery is when people don't even listen to me or if they do then they start talkin to other people etc, which makes me think I am hardy around.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 03/01/08 09:01 PM
drinker Sometimes you gotta let go and lay the smackdown on their candyasses.smokin Respect has to be earned champsmokin To be the man, you gotta beat the mandrinker

Johncenawlife316's photo
Sat 03/01/08 09:08 PM

drinker Sometimes you gotta let go and lay the smackdown on their candyasses.smokin Respect has to be earned champsmokin To be the man, you gotta beat the mandrinker

True to dat. laugh drinker

AllenAqua's photo
Sat 03/01/08 09:13 PM
One more thing to add. Some people tell you to just give it right back to whoever is pushing your button, but that reaction can and often does end up escalating into more than either party bargains for. I'm sure there all plenty of people sitting in prison cells that that would agree with that,not to mention those that can't agree or disagree because they end up in the morgue.

I'd personally recommend realizing that to almost any given problem or conflict, there's a solution that doesn't involve reacting in anger, that there's always another alternative to both being a doormat or being a hothead,try looking for that third alternative.