Community > Posts By > rug212001

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 11:09 PM

Anyone here familiar with Audacity? I have to do a recording, guided meditation, but I haven't got real proper recording equipment. Meaning there is noise. I set the noise filter, but now it works like a bit like noise-gate dropping out too soon at times.
I did not set up the noise gate, but the noise suppression, made a noise profile.

Anyone got any tips on to reduce the noise and not have it drop out so soon?
Maybe move closer to the mic, lower the recording volume?

* Isn't it silly I have to ask, lived with a professional sound & lighting tech for 10 years, lol. But I never understood the PA, all them buttons and sliders and things. Happy as it is that I got Audacity to work *

Audacity is a great program. I use it all the time. However, to get good noise reduction you need to make a noise profile from the sections that should be silent before you try and use the noise filter. Otherwise it may very well see some of the content as noise and cut it off.

Select a section that should be silence. Make the noise profile, select all of the file, then use the noise filter. I'm sure you will have much better results.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 10:45 PM
I say good luck hacking my systems. 90% of the people on this planet don't even know how to use my Operating System. 5% use it but wouldn't have the first clue how to hack it. 4% Know how to hack it, but are too respectable to do such a thing. 1% Know how, and would if they could. However, I take computer security very seriously and I would be in the 4% that know how but wouldn't do it. Therefore, I know how to stop the 1% from trying.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 10:41 PM

I am so disappointed. I thought this would be a nice geeky topic for me to read and make a few jokes on. Then I see people confusing Spaceballs with Star Wars, and even making up quotes. ohwell Oh well, I guess I'll just get my geek on somewhere else.
.. these aren't the Androids.. you are looking for..lmao

Alright, I have to admit, that is funny.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 10:38 PM

The people I date often read what I post and look me up or I give them my Mingle screen name and they either run away screaming or say Hell yea. lol

As is should be. You have a kind heart, an intelligent mind, and rather opinionated. Some people can't handle that in one package and others love it.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 10:22 PM

To quote my Mother [R.I.P.], "Throw enough sh#t against the wall; something's got to stick..."

That is simultaneously the most disgusting things I've heard in a while, and makes a good point. Bravo to your mom on that one.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 09:36 PM
I am so disappointed. I thought this would be a nice geeky topic for me to read and make a few jokes on. Then I see people confusing Spaceballs with Star Wars, and even making up quotes. ohwell Oh well, I guess I'll just get my geek on somewhere else.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 09:32 PM

I just read through all of these posts, many I would love to Reply to, many I laughed my *** off to! I agree with more than one theory, in the end I think there is always a physical attraction that sparks something between two people, however I also agree that attraction can grow, you may meet someone whom you don't find attractive but you become friends, start hanging out a lot, then one day realize, "hey I'm kind of attracted to this person" attraction doesn't have to be looks, it can grow and soon the person you didn't think you would even give a second look becomes the most beautiful person you had ever met!
Beauty is def inside, attraction isn't based on looks... And for the record I'm 5'11" and have and would date someone shorter than myself, I prefer a tall man but if the right guy came along and stole my heart, and he was 5'8" would I toss that away?! No way in hell!

Nice to know us short guys have a chance. bigsmile

Some guys have so much heart and soul you think they are ten foot tall even if they aren't.

Some guys have all the packaging but the box is empty.

Truer words have rarely been spoken.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 09:17 PM

Discrimination: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

You can look it up yourself if you like

....I did, and I posted other definitions,,,

Yes, and I respond to each in kind.

If people want to argue that this anatomy

has no difference from this anatomy

,,,,, there really is not much that can be done or said to help that person,,,

I'm not saying they are not different. In Fact I agreed with you they are different. However, the response to the male and female images shown from people that would respond to these images are equal. In fact it would still be equal if the woman didn't have the top on.

Women (and gay men) respond to shirtless men the same way Men (and lesbians) respond to the to a topless women.

This is what I was explaining with my response to the first definition you provided.
"the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently "

While the body parts may look different. The only anatomical difference is a layer of fat (or in this case more likely saline) over the muscle that provides the shape. If there was no layer of fat a woman's breast would look much like a man's pectoral muscles. Therefore, it seems you are really discriminating against a layer of fat.

It has become obvious you will not change your option based on logic and reason. You are using your emotional response to justify your option. So bit it. However, it's not against the law. Therefore, Women can breastfeed in public as they wish until the law changes. Therefore, neither of our options matter in the grand scheme of things. For this particular topic on this particular forum both of our options matter, but I believe this discussion has ran it's course.

I offer you the chance to get the last word in as I will not respond to it. I believe that to be only fair. Thank you for the lively debate. I look forward to the next time we can have a energetic and civil discussion.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 08:51 PM

Come to think of it, most public places (with the exception of bodies of water) require shirts. So using the discrimination logic, it would be discriminating to men

You are correct. There is no hygienic reason why shirts are required and yet it's the health department that require shirts in any location that serves or sells food of any type.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 08:47 PM

that ok,, not all discrimination is not without sound reason

we dont allow thirteen year olds to drive,, we dont allow non adults to enter into contracts, and many other things so that fits your definition of 'age discrimination',,

but being there is sound reason when considering the differences that there are between a teen and an adult,,, it makes sense that they cant do ALL the same things,,,

Valid point

and thank goodness yours is one of what are actually MANY meanings of the word,, here is another

b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently

This one has no bearing on this conversation. For the simple fact women have been known to respond to well developed pectoral muscles in a very similar fashion as men to breast.


the ability to understand that one thing is different from another thing

men and women ARE different anatomically , so their anatomic limits are not going to be the same, nor should they

thats a result of NATURE discriminating,, and humans to have the sense to follow suit,,,,

Yes, men and women are different. However, there is no part to breasts a men do not have. As you have already said. Some men also have the extra fat that makes up a fully developed woman's breast. Therefore, there is no anatomical difference for portion of the body being discussed at this time.

in the case of this THREAD that asked our opinions of such behavior,, everyones opinion 'matters'

I'm not saying your option doesn't matter. I'm simply explaining why I don't agree with it. I do not want to discriminate against anyone. Therefore, we all should have the same rights. The way I see it. Everyone else a right to eat in public if they choose. So should a child. Men have the right to go topless, so should women. My hope is that by explaining why I disagree with your opinion with logic and reason you will then change your option. If this is not the case then so be it.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 08:25 PM

no, it doesn't involve anatomy that we normally require to be covered.

OK, so has nothing to do with the kid or eating and your last statement confirms. You have a problem with the breast itself. Now the question is, Do you have a problem with a guy going shirtless?

only if the guy has developed BREASTS,, which some do,,,,

Hmmmm, so what if the woman is flat chested?

its still a woman, and the law still requires she keep covered, so yeah, Id have a problem with her baring even flat breasts unless at a topless environment,,,

Well, there you have it proof you are discriminating against women and fat guys. When one group of people can do something that another group cannot. That is the definition of discrimination.

Discrimination: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

You can look it up yourself if you like.

By the way, the law itself is discriminatory in this case. There has been a movement for years to change it. Either men have to wear shirts or women can go topless if they choose. Either way would prevent it from being discriminatory.

However, the law currently does have an exception when it comes to breastfeeding. Therefore, they are not breaking the law.

Rather it makes you uncomfortable or not does not matter in this case.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 08:15 PM

no, it doesn't involve anatomy that we normally require to be covered.

OK, so has nothing to do with the kid or eating and your last statement confirms. You have a problem with the breast itself. Now the question is, Do you have a problem with a guy going shirtless?

only if the guy has developed BREASTS,, which some do,,,,

Hmmmm, so what if the woman is flat chested?

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 08:08 PM

Man, That's just it. A lot of women are afraid of this. And rightly so. Many have met men that they thought were OK when they were messaging back and forth. Just to find out later during a video chat that the guy, for whatever reason thinks that shaking his pecker at her is appropriate.

Wouldn't it be better to find that out on video chat where they can close the window and block them. Than to have something like that happen in the middle of the first date? Just saying.

No, Put yourself in their shoes. Do you really think that women want to see some strangers dick at all? No, They don't. And there are so many perverts out there they have no idea who will cam with them and be a gentleman. Or if he is some pervert waiting for his next victim to wave his dick at.

And you think the same guy wouldn't put his dick in her face on the first date? If I was them I would rather it be on video so I can rid myself of a jerk without leaving my house. But hey, that's just the way I look at it. To each their own. When it comes to anything about the meeting rather it be video, phone, or in person it's woman's choice.

He won't put his dick in her face on the first date if she uses her head. That's why you meet in a public place. And you do it more than once.

Oh I know a few people that would prove you wrong on that one.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 07:54 PM

Man, That's just it. A lot of women are afraid of this. And rightly so. Many have met men that they thought were OK when they were messaging back and forth. Just to find out later during a video chat that the guy, for whatever reason thinks that shaking his pecker at her is appropriate.

Wouldn't it be better to find that out on video chat where they can close the window and block them. Than to have something like that happen in the middle of the first date? Just saying.

No, Put yourself in their shoes. Do you really think that women want to see some strangers dick at all? No, They don't. And there are so many perverts out there they have no idea who will cam with them and be a gentleman. Or if he is some pervert waiting for his next victim to wave his dick at.

And you think the same guy wouldn't put his dick in her face on the first date? If I was them I would rather it be on video so I can rid myself of a jerk without leaving my house. But hey, that's just the way I look at it. To each their own. When it comes to anything about the meeting rather it be video, phone, or in person it's woman's choice.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 07:49 PM

no, it doesn't involve anatomy that we normally require to be covered.

OK, so has nothing to do with the kid or eating and your last statement confirms. You have a problem with the breast itself. Now the question is, Do you have a problem with a guy going shirtless?

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 07:06 PM

no, but we arent talking about an adult eating,, we are talking about a child latching onto a breast to eat

we can pretend its the same situation, but its not

people who are also eating FOOD AND DRINK from the same menu probably have no problem witnessing someone engaged in that SAME type of consumption

but I doubt other patrons are sitting in there 'eating' from the breast of their adult female companion,,,,,lol

Ok, so lets say the kid is a bit older. Sitting in a car seat eating animal crackers. Does it matter where the child does this?

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 07:03 PM

.. han Solo says to Luke Skywalker...

DUDE YOU JUST KISSED YOUR SISTER...LOL... that's messed up..lmao

I have watched the film many, many times. While the circumstances you are talking about did take place. (Even though they didn't know they were brother and sister at the time) I don't believe Han ever said those words......

..... no but he should or perhaps Luke... read his

Like I said, no one in that scene knew they were siblings at that time. So how could they? Now later when Han and the Princes got together there may have been some discussion. I know there would have been if I was Han. lol However, that was not in the movie. So not a valid quote.

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 07:00 PM

its really not about whether natural is bad,, its about appropriate ways to be 'natural'

pooping is 'natural' but people dont want to witness others doing it, and it takes little effort to agree on an 'appropriate' place to be natural in that case

scratching an itch in a sensitive area is 'natural' too, but also something that seems a bit tacky to do in front of others

,,its just a matter of consideration for others in HOW we do 'natural' things,,,,nothing about whether they are bad things or not,,

Considering we are talking about feeding a baby lets make it about eating. Do you hide to eat? Do you ever go out to eat at a public restaurant, or one of the food trucks that seem to be everywhere? Would you cover your head to eat some chips?

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 06:56 PM

"Come over to the Darkside. I got cookies."--DARTH VADER

No, just no. grumble

rug212001's photo
Sun 05/24/15 06:54 PM

.. han Solo says to Luke Skywalker...

DUDE YOU JUST KISSED YOUR SISTER...LOL... that's messed up..lmao

I have watched the film many, many times. While the circumstances you are talking about did take place. (Even though they didn't know they were brother and sister at the time) I don't believe Han ever said those words.

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