Community > Posts By > MetroMania

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Fri 11/18/16 10:20 PM
Edited by MetroMania on Fri 11/18/16 10:24 PM

I think there is some confusion,nobody has a problem with people going to their kids school activities even if they have to take time off work to do so. Some how we got the protesters involved in the conversation and we don't understand why people don't have better things to do. Its like taking 3 days off work to camp out and save $50 on a TV on black Friday, like you don't have more productive things to do. I think they should teach gun safety in school, I know I took it thru community education and it was a school after hours and they brought guns in to show us. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. And if guns are correctly locked there is no reason for a kid to get a hold of them. I understand that fake guns can look like real guns, but t-shirts and pointing your finger like a gun is harmless. When I was a kid we would play cops and robbers and use the phrase "stop or I'll shot" and this is how cops should be able to do their job, respect them or get shot. As far as community service for the kids, maybe we should have everybody do 50 hours of community service every time they do something stupid! Just think of all the things we could get done, oh, wait, people would be doing so much community service they wouldn't have time to hold a regular job, or to Protest!

"kid gets suspended for nra shirt or gun shirt a murder skit is way beyond a shirt --- "

Teenagers and 6 yr old's have been suspended, for much less than a skit.
(This has nothing to do with 'a play', that would be WORST)

And 2 white American teenager boys, in TEXAS, were suspended for wearing American flag t-shirts on a day 'the school ' decided to have 'Cino De Mayo' day. And this was mandated- they did ask to be excused prior,to it. And parents did object.
Mexican Independence Day... slaphead
Welcome to Merica'

A little girl , about 6 yrs old, was suspended for taking a bubble gun to school.

A little boy, kindergarten, was suspended for chasing a little girl in the school yard and kissing her.

We are either equal as American citizens- or we are not spock

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Fri 11/18/16 09:49 PM
Edited by MetroMania on Fri 11/18/16 10:03 PM

Lesser of two evils...

I'm still laughing my azz off, at the recent election.

We (republicans/conservatives) just put a lifelong
democrat in the whitehouse.

And, the dems? They be mad AF about it.

WE, just put, one of THEIRS, in the whitehouse.


I know. Beating people at their own game.
I think Beck was one of them who laid out all the donations to the Dems.
Bill Clinton encouraged Donald Trump to run for office TOO.
His what ? 18th cousin in law on his wife's side. Well, Trump is Bill Clinton's Dem convert cousin too. laugh All in the family, like Obama.

Sorry OP offtopic
If we don't laugh at the royalty, we will cry.

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Fri 11/18/16 09:47 PM
Edited by MetroMania on Fri 11/18/16 10:28 PM

so can organizing with others , networking with others, supporting others with your voice

What ? They are students that need to experience repercussions and discipline.

They are not old enough to work, pay taxes, vote.
They have no voice in civilization or the election process or the outcome or to change anything.

But remember what you said, when the tables flip and they will flip. winking

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Fri 11/18/16 09:40 PM

teens should be suspended

teacher who didn't know and reacted when they realized should reinforce to the students that its not acceptable,, not be fired

people do not all work Monday through Friday jobs
many have days off on weekdays
many are unemployed
many are supported by a spouse or a parent

protesting is a reflection of that

Yeh, well instead of being unemployed, why not use that energy to find a job... isn't feeding and housing your family more important that lighting fires and rioting?.. or do they expect to find a job fair in the burnt out neighborhood.

what happened to priorities?

Oh well, maybe that's just my upbringing. I was brought up to take care of my family.

going to school function at your kids school is supporting the family
maybe they work a diferent shift maybe they are self employed

kid gets suspended for nra shirt or gun shirt a murder skit is way beyond a shirt ---

a gun shot [even a fake one] in a gun free zone can incite a panic

no the kids should get 50 hours of community service each not a vacation
[also known as suspension]

:thumbsup: Great idea! Community Service.
(In addition to being expelled and investigated).
Manual labor. Picking up trash on a highway. (Definitely not something dealing with the public). Productive citizens- obviously neither them nor their parents are, or this disgraced teacher

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Fri 11/18/16 09:11 PM

You are married.

:thumbsup: rofl

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Fri 11/18/16 12:56 PM

Hiii please tell me why I dont get any gf ?

Help me !!

Your in Delhi.
Have you checked out and posted in India forum?

I see you don't have a, religion listed.
Is not having one an issue in India?
Wouldn't most Indian women want a traditional Hindu wedding and life?

Did your family want to arrange a marriage and you wanted to find someone yourself?

Are you shy?
Or you want to date outside your country or culture?

Because, I don't see why you can't find a woman, in your area, when there is so much tradition and family rituals and community ties, in India.
(Most Americans gave all these things up) frustrated (Big mistake!)

I am NOT asking you to answer all my questions, noway just hoping that you search  yourself, for the answer.

Hang in there

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Fri 11/18/16 12:38 PM

I talked to my 25 yr old son. He was disgusted by what is happening. I have always encouraged him to take his path but the whining is disgusting. I asked what he thought I would have said as a parent. He said he thought I would understand his path but would still except him man up and handle it like an adult....the way he was raised

:thumbsup: Exactly,
"The way he was raised "

Children Learn What They Live -- Complete version.

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Fri 11/18/16 12:00 PM
We are too soft. As parents and as a society.

Expell the students, nor suspend.
Fire the teacher or suspend without pay and transfer her out.

This should not be an issue or controversial.

If it was a mock assination of Obama or H. Clinton. Damn.. the Secret Service and Homeland Security and FBI and State police would be on this.

Either we are EQUAL or we are not ! NO exceptions for BUTTER CUPS. And that includes crimes and bad or callous or foolish behavior.

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Fri 11/18/16 11:34 AM
Mock assassination of Trump stirs controversy at San Antonio school

A skit portraying the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump by two 10th grade students at Marshall High School provoked anger and dismay from the parents of a student who watched it unfold last week.

Harold and Melinda Bean said that in the skit, entitled “The Assassination of Donald Trump,” one of the boys made a gunfire sound effect with his cell phone as the other boy, portraying Trump, fell to the ground in mock death.

All of the students were required to submit descriptions of their English class presentations beforehand to be approved by their teacher, the parents said, but these two students in particular changed their skit afterward.

“Appropriate action” was taken to reprimand both boys and their teacher, said Northside ISD spokesman Barry Perez. The parents, however, believe more should have been done, including suspending the two students.

“Honestly I have run out of words to describe how angry I am and how shocked I am that they’re still in school today,” Melinda Bean said.

Younger children using their hands to simulate guns on the playground have been suspended, she said, and this was far worse.

The teacher apologized Monday, Harold Bean said, but that wasn’t enough.

“I don’t understand how the teacher can repeat an apology and be right there back at work on Monday morning,” he said. “Though we understand she is apologetic, it does not make the situation right.”

Perez said campus officials investigated the incident and found that the teacher didn’t condone it and stopped the skit. But Harold Bean questioned why she allowed it to start once she heard the title.

“Pardon my language but I think that it’s a bunch of B.S. if they’re going to tell you the kids were stopped,” Harold Bean said.

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Fri 11/18/16 08:47 AM
"As we gaze into the political crystal ball: "
As RELIEVED as, I am with the Clinton detronement. The IDIOCY of some Americans continues with longing for royalty. (Look how the media put the Kennedy's up on a pedestal, we went from divorced  Roman Catholic bootleggers, which was historically shocking- to the Arabian Kardashian whores and their bad life choices).

Now- what's done is done. Hopefully.

And I think we HAVE TO be ever MORE VIGILANT not to repeat pass self defeating distractions as well as politics.

In our favor - Most who voted for Trump did not do so, because they wanted a king or savior, or saw him as one. But, voted him in as the only option to STOP the madness and criminal mentality.

I only hope now, those people TURN OFF THE TV AND IGNORE THE BUTTER CUPS and the entertainment fractions,  completely. Because the Buttercups certainly won't.

The danger is not ONLY within but OUTSIDE influences. Americans didn't care, pre Obama, what the world thought of us. We never asked either.
(That was Obama's desire or need, to be liked and a king and trying to leave a legacy ? But NOT to Americans).

Oh the media, and the irony!

IF and I HOPE, Trump does put American and Americans FIRST. Then we have a, small shot at being a thriving and  independent, 'America' again. And not a reflection or imitation of Europe.
Like parents use to say 'If you friend tells you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?"

Hopefully we have learned not only from our own mistakes but of  Europe's.
Hopefully we can correct or at least stop the insanity of the last 8 yrs., before we are at the point of no return.

Not in our favor - Young people especially, do not know history. Our own or the world's, unless they READ it willing for themselves.
(Any one wonder why progressives  want to rewrite history? Guess!?)

Some have been brainwashed into believing that all the, so called, liberalism is an improvement instead of the reality of most catchy slogans equals LESS FREEDOM in all aspects and NOT equality.

Stay VIGILANT :flag_us:

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Fri 11/18/16 08:35 AM

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Fri 11/18/16 08:32 AM

I do believe we have come to a time when Americans love of drama, sensationalism, and stereotypes has overtaken any desire for facts, research, or verification

I don't believe that to be true.
I think drama, sensationalism, and stereotyping was always more desired than facts, research, or verification.

What do you think is going to last longer and be more popular?
The bible, The Odyssey, Tale of Gilgamesh, the works of Shakespeare, or Scientific American?

I believe we have come to a time when "Americans" love of drama, sensationalism, and stereotypes, can be gratified more easily, more cheaply, with greater consequence except for the fulfillment seeker, watched and participated in by a wider audience.

I mean
Alternative Media For The First Time In History Has Surpassed MSM

"Alt media" (on the internet) makes money (thereby survives and thrives) by pandering to bias and click baiting.

Gossiping and globalization.

Pretty much every article or website linked in the politics and current events forum on this site is simple click bait.
...Which allows people to gossip and emotionally titillate themselves about something.
...driving them back to the sites to find new stories to start new threads to gossip and emotionally titillate themselves.
Constant emotional stimulation.
It makes people feel good.
"Love" takes too long.
Happiness is fleeting and involves risk.
Outrage, and anger, and smug superiority, and victimhood is pretty easy.

It appears that posting and critizing them - must be titillating too.

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Fri 11/18/16 06:40 AM


well, kind of read my intro to this it give you more detail!

Sorry, I was just playing around.
But with a hint of TRUTH.

The United Nations appointed Obama and/ or the United States of America to police the world.
(NOT that Americans want to be caretakers. noway We don't take care of our own grumble)

Most WON'T bother to search it or check. But from what I read of your posts. You already know, the deal.


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Fri 11/18/16 06:26 AM
Edited by MetroMania on Fri 11/18/16 06:27 AM

"A Twitter user conducted an interesting experiment to sniff out double standards in the site's censorship policy concerning race.
The person wrote the same comment on two different accounts with only two words changed, then reported each for abusive behavior.

The first comment read: "I f@cking hate white people and their inconsiderate a@ses for voting for Trump. F@ck you."
The second: "I f@cking hate black people and their inconsiderate a@ses for voting for Clinton. F@ck you."
The first was found not to be in "violation of Twitter's Rules regarding abusive behavior," while the second resulted in the user's account being banned"...

Pics of tweets and ban letter in link

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Fri 11/18/16 04:43 AM
Edited by MetroMania on Fri 11/18/16 04:57 AM

If America are really interested And concern to Pakistan then Kashmir cause is nothing issue trump can resolve this issue within a day but he wouldn't because he want to engage pak-india to find his goal. I means his intention againts china..... :blush::blush::wink:

Make up your mind.

Do you think, this is about  India, oil, religious persecution or China?

Why do you think, Trump is anti China?
Because we, as Americans don't want to give jobs away anymore? Because only 1/3rd of Americans are working and paying taxes to support, EVERYONE else?

Because Trump echoes what Americas want and have always wanted, and need - to put themselves first ?

Because Trump doesn't think being one of the world's leaders means - a popularity contest?

You do realize, don't you, that Obama was popular in the world but NOT his own country?

Geez; we have enough problems. The world has to sort ITSELF out for awhile. We can't do everything rofl

BTW: Trump is NOT the President until JANUARY 20, 2016 at 12:01 pm, Washington Dc time.

So, maybe Obama could fix it for Pakistan in a day. spock
Unless he is playing golf, or on vacation or hanging out with Jay Z laugh

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Fri 11/18/16 03:39 AM
Edited by MetroMania on Fri 11/18/16 03:42 AM

and the creating of new Echochambers goes on!
Seems they haven't learned a Thing from the Election that just passed!

Clinton team didn't count on it that is for sure. They are so out of touch.
Her team underestimated the American people.
We are not zombies hanging on every word.
Which is where all this (fake ) spock

They are the ones that are shocked. laugh

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Fri 11/18/16 03:22 AM
Edited by MetroMania on Fri 11/18/16 04:05 AM

I agree with you but as far as my concern i think That india Dnt wants growing Pakistan somehow. Modi spreading the extremism and sectarian conflicts In Pakistan. He wants to divert cencentration of Kashmir cause but india fail to do so. Whre as trump policies are not look like favor for Pakistan specially for Muslims.

India is India and historically Hindu.
Pakistan is Islamic.
The USA is mostly Christian, Protestant.

Would Trump or Americans or India, want any of that to change?
NO noway
Truth is they didn't under Obama either. No matter what Obama said or did. Which is one of the reasons why Clinton lost. She is a little Obama. laugh

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Fri 11/18/16 03:18 AM
Maybe some don't realize what 'alt media' is?

There is 'alt media' for every group and sub group, left and right of politics.
It is the most popular media in the United States.

Search for yourself. MSM/ Main stream media is failing miserably, for the right and left. It shows in each of their ratings. CNN to FOX and everything in between.

So, is it any wonder the far left wants to censor it ? All those channels and owned by about 6 people /corporations pushing agenda.

'Alt Media' was first to say, Trump had the most electoral and popular votes. Not CNN, FOX, CBS. And report on the riots and violence and the lack of violence and WikiLeaks and more.

So of course it is the most popular.
People have a CHOICE and can decide for themselves, what to know and believe . You can't do that if you rely souly on one network or on talking heads on the wall.

At this point, no matter what we may think of Alt Media ; it may be the ONLY journalism left in this country. Maybe - that is why Obama gave it away on October 1, 2016 to Non Americans.

Alternative Media For The First Time In History Has Surpassed MSM,110099.0.html?PHPSESSID=13gb0mq3trf0rv4t34otvn2jc5/

Alternative Media For The First Time In History Has Surpassed MSM During A Presidential Election. - The_Donald

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Thu 11/17/16 03:27 AM
In The Friends of Voltaire, Evelyn Beatrice Hall wrote the phrase:

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

 (which is often misattributed to Voltaire himself) Hall's quotation is often cited to describe the principle of freedom of speech.

 Either it exists for everyone or it doesn't exist at all.

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Thu 11/17/16 03:25 AM
Twitter suspends 'alt-right' Donald Trump backers

Twitter has suspended the accounts of several "alt-right" figures who championed Donald Trump's bid for the White House.

Richard Spencer, director of a white nationalist think tank, accused the social media site of "corporate Stalinism" after his personal account was terminated, along with those associated with his magazine and organisation.

Also banned was Pax Dickinson, founder of "alt-right" site Wesearchr, and blogger Paul Town, who describes himself as "the leading thought leader of alt-right".

The move comes a day after Twitter announced it would expand its "mute" option in a bid to combat cyberbullying.

In a video posted on YouTube, Mr Spencer said: "I am alive physically but digitally speaking there has been execution squads across the alt-right.

"Basically, my entire digital presence on Twitter has been suspended."

Mr Spencer compared the crackdown to Adolf Hitler wiping out opposition to the Nazi Party during the Night of the Long Knives in 1934.

He added: "I think Twitter, Facebook and others are deeply triggered by this election and that social media helped elect Trump."

Prior to the crackdown, a non-profit organisation asked Twitter to remove more than 100 accounts of white supremacists, USA Today reports.

A Twitter spokesperson said the site's policies prohibit "violent threats, harassment and hateful content".

Announcing upgrades to its "mute" feature on Tuesday, the site said: "We don't expect these announcements to suddenly remove abusive conduct from Twitter.

"Instead we commit to rapidly improving Twitter based on everything we observe and learn."

The updates come after a series of complaints of abuse on the social network.

In July, Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones briefly quit Twitter after what she said was a stream of abuse fuelled by comments from Milo Yiannopoulos, an editor at the conservative news site Breitbart.

Mr Yiannopoulos was subsequently banned from Twitter permanently.