Community > Posts By > undrboss

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Wed 05/23/18 07:28 AM

have no fear etw just poking a bit cuz of the friendzone thread.
as long as you aren't encouraging hope for more or such. life IS interaction with many not just one

I dont know about that one Eric, it seems if men do that they are pigs, but when some women do it its fine and part of life.

kind of double standards ? no.

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Wed 05/23/18 07:22 AM
It works for some people, if both parties are not looking for a committed long term relationship.

The problem also arises when and it generally happens that one of the parties gets emotionally attached .

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Wed 05/23/18 07:19 AM

I repeat, there was not an all inclusive proposition

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

adjectives like 'able bodied' and 'male' and age restrictions, affirm that it was never meant as an ABSOLUTE place for any and all citizens

were disabled not citizens and not therefore have rights? or people over the age of 54?

I dont agree it defined citizenship, becuase many with citizenship were not eligible, meaning not having the right is not equivalent of being stripped of citizenship.

the logic of women not serving was the culture of women needing to raise the children

the logic of the very young or the very old was most likely a realization of how much less emotionally or physically apt they were to be able to not slow the others down

there is no logic to not allowing homeowners bear guns

similar to restricting children and the elderly, there is logic to not having those who are not 'able bodied' due to psychological illness retain weapons.

You do know that in 1700's things were different right?
women, children, men, able bodied, senior citizens , things we know is true now , they didnt know back then .

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Wed 05/23/18 06:56 AM

so you kept him on the hook incase the guy you were dating didn't pan out


eric, you know if we did that ,they would roast our balls for dinner

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Wed 05/23/18 06:27 AM

I have seen friends become lovers ... so nothing is really permanent SN . As like a happily married couple will not always stay happy forever sad2 i know being friend zoned means being able to still stay in another persons life . So where would one rather be? In or out?

You know for the first time I realized something that different cultures have different meanings to friendzone.

I dont know why that escaped me, yes in certain cultures being friends, establishing a trust assuming there is a mutual attraction, you get to know each other and a romance may or may not blossom.

But in the western society particularly in American society, its a fast food world, its either now or never.

Gone are the days where you see the person you want to marry and you take your time getting know to them, there was no hanky panky until there was a ring on the finger or a promise to put a ring on the finger and that could be months to years.

Today on average if sex isn't happening by the third date, you're kicked to the curb.

Women that friendzone guys same thing, he has 30 seconds in the begining to make a case for himself, if the cant he is relegated to the friend zone and he better order the furniture.

Hence why some many of these guys are going overseas to meet women

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Wed 05/23/18 06:19 AM

Why do girls friend zone a guy? Don't even feel like getting into a relationship now :(

women friendzone guys because they are not attracted to them

A woman decides within the first 30 seconds of meeting a guy, is he lover material or friendship material

If you're one of those nice guys that caters to her every need of course she kicked you to the curb,she sees you as a friend, one of her girlfriends, someone shoulder to cry on etc.

Sure some will tell you its better to be friends with her and stick around but why? why rub salt on the wound.

The odds of her coming around is as likely as winning the powerball... TWICE.

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Wed 05/23/18 05:23 AM

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Tue 05/22/18 07:50 PM
trial and error

learning how to give and receive

but at the end of the day there is no such thing as the perfect lover.
but you can find someone you are compatible with

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Tue 05/22/18 06:47 PM
Its a free site, you get what you pay for bud.

as in for upgrading,Im sure some have but yes you are right too many fakes but there are real people , you just have to weed through the crap.

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Tue 05/22/18 06:44 PM

I think I understand in any language that there is a difference between just saying 'a militia of every citizen' and a 'well regulated militia' in any time, then and now.

There are several such adjectives that distinguish an ABSOLUTE from a general statement. words like WELL REGULATED and ABLE BODIED and specific ages, indicate its not an ABSOLUTE and free for all meant to automatically include all citizens in all circumstances.

Im surprised your historian buddy hasn't made his presence felt in this thread, he might tell you that the term " well regulated " was a common term used back then.

It meant something that was properly working functioning as expected

Sir Francis Bacon famous quotes " If a liberal Education has formed in us well-regulated Appetites and worthy Inclinations."

"The equation of time ... is the adjustment of the difference of time as shown by a well-regulated clock and a true sun dial , taken from the book "exercises of the globe " by William Butler.

most people who fight in war are usually MEN and between a certain age, why the founders chose 45 as the tail end I dont know, the average man lived to 35 and if you made it to 50 you were considered lucky but OLD.

Language differs if you havent noticed, imagine if the founding fathers time traveled today and heard the language of today, they would run back to time machine and said get me back to our time.

I can just imagine George Washington saying to Martha, " Martha, Im know im in a war but Im stopping in for a booty call"

Or Thomas Jefferson explaining to the delegates what a transgendered person is or the other 59 different genders.

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Tue 05/22/18 05:50 PM
assault rifle, which Im surprised the media uses, especially when it was Hitler who coined the term "assault rifle"

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Tue 05/22/18 05:47 PM
I dont understand , if you friendzone him for a year why are you going out on date with him?

This makes no sense.

I guess this is why some of these self proclaimed nice guys who get friendzone thinks they have a chance with the girl who is the object of their affection or obsession .

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Tue 05/22/18 05:39 PM

I have a single brother who is 51... quite handsome and athletic . However I worry he will remain single again forever .., he told me he met a woman last week who had a body to die for but her face looked old .. she was 40... He said the date went well and they seemed to get along .. but he was just not attracted enough .. , I gave him a sisterly slap and told him to get real !!!!

Is it unrealistic to want the total package .,,

i understand preferences and not wanting to settle ., but being realistic also has its benefits .

You cant force attraction, its either there or its not , Its not unrealistic to want to the total package when he probably has the total package,why settle and be left wondering why he settled.

I realize the NZ is a small place but who knows someone might vacation there and he happens to run into her somewhere.

This is how my sister met her hubby, he is from vancouver canada and he was on a business trip here when he met my sis at a coffee shop, a chance meeting.

5 years later, married and expecting their first child and she moved to Vancouver

Tell him not to give up.

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Tue 05/22/18 05:27 PM


then he is a weirdo , I don't text with people I haven't met and to tell you that he has kept every text

he is either a stunad or your picker is out in left field.

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Tue 05/22/18 05:12 PM

I've planned a date with a guy that asked for a real date. Dinner and ride on his motorcycle. He is employed and no kids. He has his own home. But today he said he has saved every text message I've ever sent him. Said he has been going back through and is in April 2017. That's weird. I'm not even sure if normal exist anymore.

okkkkk, so have you met this guy in person?

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Tue 05/22/18 04:50 PM
another fan- phucknig -tastic day

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Tue 05/22/18 04:46 PM

I think it's fine for him to try to date up. But when the woman only shows up for shopping trips and cancels when it's a movie at home, he knows it it's going to end well. He should end it instead of spending more money for another shopping trip. Trying to go back to the average woman after treating her bad is wrong. She didn't take him back.

I've been told I'm easy to please. I don't think I try to date out of my league. Too many guys want to skip dating and sit home for sex.

too many guys? come on
where are you encountering these guys.

maybe you're doing something that is attracting them, look, I go this gym in my city but I go there in the morning because when I used to go at night I used to get all the mortadelas bugging me, they were there to meet men

The women in the morning are there to work out, not socialize or get hit on and that is way I like it.

my point people will hit on you no matter where you are, and men hitting on you wanting you to go their homes happens but if it keeps happening to you then you need to reevaluate what it is that youre doing to attracts these humps?

Like I had to figure out why its best to go in the morning vs night at the gym.

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Tue 05/22/18 04:35 PM
If I am getting free water, I cant demand it be from the purest waterfall, those providing it decide that

that would be kind of silly no? you wouldn’t say that if you lived in Flint Michigan.

If I am getting guns free, those providing them decide which guns

where do you get guns for free? Unless you join the police force or military.

Nope, though we have the RIGHT to possess guns, they are still sold as PRODUCTS that go through regulations and have prices set as well as being subject to requirements.

Just because we have the right to possess arms that doesn’t mean it’s free, you don’t understand the difference between individual right and a government sponsored privilege.

Individual rights are essential for freedom, but freedom has a price, nothing is free, if that was the case the government would supply us with guns and weapons and we wouldn’t need an army would we?

Even militia had its exceptions apparently not applying to ALL CITIZENS

in the words of George Washington (who actually served and was PRESIDENT of the constitutional convention)

“It may be laid down, as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every citizen who enjoys the protection of a free government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defence of it, and consequently that the Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) from 18 to 50 Years of Age should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth at Short Notice on any very interesting Emergency.”

-Penned in a letter to Alexander Hamilton, 1783

the militia was never all inclusive for every person under every situation ...

We can still make 'legal' exceptions based on some common sense.

I really don’t think you understand what you’re saying Ms.Harmony.

First thing the language the founding father used isn’t the language we use today, A militia, a well-regulated militia, the right to bear arms (fire arms) , the second amendment is pretty clear actually, it’s the interpretation of some that is in question and SCOTUS finally clarified, even Obama had to accept it.

It’s like when the jokers ask, does the right to bear arms means I can have a nuclear warhead to protect myself? Duh

A nuclear warhead isn’t designed to protect, its designed for total annihilation

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Tue 05/22/18 04:19 PM

From what I've seen guys try to date out of their league. They go overboard with spending and attention. That won't create true feelings. The woman gets bored of the things and move on to a guy who as good-looking as she is for sexual attraction. I have a male friend who continuously tries to date out of his league and complains about women. He doesn't want the average woman who treats him well.

I think leagues are based on personal merits

To some leagues are about looks, physique, intelligence,education.
And some socioeconomic status.

I have no idea about your male friend so when you say he tries to date out of his league, it depends on what it is, does it have to do with looks? socioeconomic status?

I have to ask, why is ok for women do go after what they want despite if they are in the guys league or not , but when average guys go after someone who is clearly in the attractive scale and out of his league so to speak he shouldn't do it?

Isnt he going after what he wants?

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Tue 05/22/18 04:14 PM
Edited by undrboss on Tue 05/22/18 04:36 PM
has rejected so many men ( not worthy of her attention) she is known as St.shy.

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