Community > Posts By > TJN

TJN's photo
Tue 10/08/13 07:43 PM
And they let an immigration rally happen on the National Mall eventho it was CLOSED

TJN's photo
Tue 10/08/13 01:38 PM

The shutdown of the federal government is now affecting some families when they are most vulnerable, denying them a $100,000 benefit to help with funeral expenses of loved ones killed while serving the country.

The families of five U.S. service members who died over the weekend in Afghanistan have been notified that they won't be receiving the "death gratuity" normally wired to relatives within 36 hours. The benefit is intended to help cover funeral costs and help with immediate living expenses until survivor benefits typically begin.

This is the most digusting, disgraceful, just plain stupid thing the administration can do.
My heart mourns for the families being denied this benifit.

TJN's photo
Fri 10/04/13 03:51 PM

I came back to Wisconsin to find a good man. Hey Guys, I believe in you!!


I'd like to hear from a few!

I don't know if I can yell loud enough to be heard all the way to


TJN's photo
Fri 10/04/13 04:02 AM
Edited by TJN on Fri 10/04/13 04:05 AM
I haven't seen any real statistics, but being that it's a nationwide law, with over 100 million people insured, there are probably thousands, if not millions helped just by those two provisions already in effect.

PROBABLY? I'll give you it has helped some.
But what about those who took cuts in hours at their job?
How many 23 to 26 year olds get sick and use insurance?
How many 23 to 26 year olds do t have jobs and their own insurance plans?

I'll give you those are some good points about the law.
But what about the other points?
Congress's subsidy, and medical equipment tax?

TJN's photo
Thu 10/03/13 03:03 PM

GOP says it is a bad Law! Yet they hurt people. And the Law will continue and GOP gains nothing. ACA has helped many.

Who has it helped?
The ACA has helped no one yet. It's not even implemented yet. And those who are signing up for it won't even be covered until 2014.

The president himself said the law isn't perfect.
He has giving wavers and exemptions that aren't part of the law.
So if it's ok for the president to change what is writen in the law why can't congress?
All you say is the republicans want to defund it. That was the first attempt and taken off the table.
They tried 3 other times without the part of defunding it and senate democrats refused all 3.
So as I see it the democrats are being the party of NO and are the cause of the government shut down.

TJN's photo
Wed 10/02/13 04:43 AM

After the senate rejected the bill that defunded the ACA the house passed a bill to delay implementation for a year just to be rejected by Harry Reid and the senate. Then the house passed a bill to exclude congresses exemption from the ACA and once again rejected by Reid and the senate.
I'd like to ask who are the ones not willing to compromise and work together?

congress has no exemption,,,

No but they are given a waiver unlike the rest of us in the same income levels.

or not

Keep telling yourself that.

Congress absolutely exempted themselves from it and are keeping their current set up in which we pay 70% of each members premiums.

keep telling yourself that

Section 1312; d3


(A) CHOICE TO ENROLL OR NOT TO ENROLL- Nothing in this title shall be construed to restrict the choice of a qualified individual to enroll or not to enroll in a qualified health plan or to participate in an Exchange.

(B) PROHIBITION AGAINST COMPELLED ENROLLMENT- Nothing in this title shall be construed to compel an individual to enroll in a qualified health plan or to participate in an Exchange.

(C) INDIVIDUALS ALLOWED TO ENROLL IN ANY PLAN- A qualified individual may enroll in any qualified health plan, except that in the case of a catastrophic plan described in section 1302(e), a qualified individual may enroll in the plan only if the individual is eligible to enroll in the plan under section 1302(e)(2).


(i) REQUIREMENT- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are--

(I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or

(II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act).

(ii) DEFINITIONS- In this section:

(I) MEMBER OF CONGRESS- The term ‘Member of Congress’ means any member of the House of Representatives or the Senate.

(II) CONGRESSIONAL STAFF- The term ‘congressional staff’ means all full-time and part-time employees employed by the official office of a Member of Congress, whether in Washington, DC or outside of Washington, DC.

which means,they are Exempted!laugh


lets review" the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are--

(I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or

(II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act).

THE ONLY HEALTH PLANS AVAILABLE,, means 'exempt'? interesting,,,

So then they are not being subsidized 72%?

TJN's photo
Tue 10/01/13 06:57 PM

After the senate rejected the bill that defunded the ACA the house passed a bill to delay implementation for a year just to be rejected by Harry Reid and the senate. Then the house passed a bill to exclude congresses exemption from the ACA and once again rejected by Reid and the senate.
I'd like to ask who are the ones not willing to compromise and work together?

congress has no exemption,,,

No but they are given a waiver unlike the rest of us in the same income levels.

or not

Keep telling yourself that.

TJN's photo
Tue 10/01/13 06:29 PM

After the senate rejected the bill that defunded the ACA the house passed a bill to delay implementation for a year just to be rejected by Harry Reid and the senate. Then the house passed a bill to exclude congresses exemption from the ACA and once again rejected by Reid and the senate.
I'd like to ask who are the ones not willing to compromise and work together?

congress has no exemption,,,

No but they are given a waiver unlike the rest of us in the same income levels.

TJN's photo
Tue 10/01/13 06:23 PM

After the senate rejected the bill that defunded the ACA the house passed a bill to delay implementation for a year just to be rejected by Harry Reid and the senate. Then the house passed a bill to exclude congresses exemption from the ACA and once again rejected by Reid and the senate.
I'd like to ask who are the ones not willing to compromise and work together?

You call trying to delay the ACA trying to work together? Making Americans wait another year to be able to get health care? Please tell me how that's trying to compromise to make things better for Americans.

Like I said that was rejected by Reid. What about the offer take out the tax on medical equipment? That sounds reasonable does it not?
Oh but wait by Reid and Obama saying compromise that just means you do it our way or we shut the government down.

TJN's photo
Tue 10/01/13 05:18 PM
After the senate rejected the bill that defunded the ACA the house passed a bill to delay implementation for a year just to be rejected by Harry Reid and the senate. Then the house passed a bill to exclude congresses exemption from the ACA and once again rejected by Reid and the senate.
I'd like to ask who are the ones not willing to compromise and work together?

TJN's photo
Mon 09/30/13 05:59 PM
I have to agree with msharmony.
A woman I dated had them and I used to draw pics using them as outlines.
Made for some interesting pictures and fun foreplay.

TJN's photo
Mon 09/30/13 03:19 PM

Cavuto is the numbers guy at Fox News, in the same way that Paul Ryan is the numbers guy in the Republican Party. They’re both clueless. There were three things missing from Cavuto’s little rant. 1). Facts 2). Data 3). Truth.

Neil Cavuto didn’t get to be an executive at Fox News by not knowing the style. Cavuto sounded tough. He sounded like he was taking on the president, but he was lying. His words were empty. He had no data to back up his claims. Everything he said was a Republican talking point, and absolutely none of it can be proven with facts. Fox News embarrassed itself, and demonstrated how weak the argument against the ACA has become.

As the data comes in, these bogus claims are falling apart. In their response, Fox News proved Obama right. These critics have nothing but distorted talking points and empty scare tactics on their side.

The only thing that smells here is the BS that is another Fox News

And where is this sites 1) facts 2) data 3) truth
To prove Cavuto wrong

Or is it just because they are not FOX News and say it so it has to be true?
The more and more that comes out about the ACA the more a train wreck it is.

TJN's photo
Sun 09/29/13 04:56 PM
It's set up to fail.
They want single payer healthcare system.
This is just a step towards that goal.
It will put our health system in such demise the only quick fix will be single payer.

TJN's photo
Sat 09/28/13 05:18 PM
It won't have any immidiate impact on me.
The one thing I don't like about it is our elected officials threaten soldiers and those and those on SS that they won't get paid if it happens just to push their agenda of what one side wants and make the other side look like bad guys.
They are all the bad guys!
Don't threaten those who have worked for what is owed them.
Politicians need to not be paid for not doing their jobs!!!!
It's their job to pass a budget and I can't remember the last time they did that. Passing a Continuing Resolution to keep government running isn't doing their job!
They all need to go and get fresh new faces in who acctually care about our country and not just their jobs.

TJN's photo
Sat 09/28/13 08:42 AM

They'll never think of looking for us on the couch,

in front of the TV,

during the Packer game......

heh heh heh...

Oh darn now you've given away our secret.
Guess I'll have to stick to hiding in the local corner bars.

TJN's photo
Wed 09/25/13 01:42 PM
The average in WI is higher than the national average.
If it's a federal run program why are the prices different in every state.
I shouldn't have to pay more for the same insurance as someone in a different state.
It will be interesting to see how screwed up things will get OCT 1st.

TJN's photo
Fri 09/20/13 04:03 PM
We're hiding from all the CRAZY women!!!


TJN's photo
Fri 09/20/13 03:48 PM
do you want a society where those who own establishments have no say in what they permit in their establishment?

We already do. They banned smoking in bars.

TJN's photo
Wed 09/18/13 04:13 PM

No I don't have to, but I choose to no matter where I go because I know that no matter where I go there may be some lunatic who is ready to shoot innocent people.

However, in getting back to this Starbuck's CEO, he is not really an idiot. He is a BUSINESS man, and it is very easy to see through his ruse. He is merely playing on the current Naval Yard shooting to get business from all the anti-gunners in the country. He certainly saw how Chik-Fil-E sales soared after the gay-marriage controversy. He's taking advantage of every anti-gunner in the country. He is truly a clever business man.

Good luck to him and his new customers who buy the brew he sells, no matter how phoney.

You are so paranoid that you have to bring a gun no matter where you go? Even if the owners of the establishment have said guns aren't allowed? Would you even insist on going into someone's house with your gun if they've told you they don't allow guns?

Paranoid? How do you know he's paranoid?
I would consider him prepared.

The CEO of Starbucks never said guns are not allowed he just would prefer people not to be carrying when they patronize the establishment.

TJN's photo
Wed 09/18/13 03:25 PM

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