Community > Posts By > Bravalady

Bravalady's photo
Mon 11/19/12 05:16 PM
Yes, he was a player. Tell your dog to wise up!

Avoid asking people what they don't like about you, unless you enjoy feeling even worse than you already do. I got really good advice from a friend once: Pay no attention to what they say, pay attention to what they DO.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 11/19/12 05:10 PM
I don't understand what you are asking.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 11/19/12 05:05 PM
If you rot in the ground, so what? You won't be around to feel it. What possible difference can an afterlife make to how you live your life today?

Bravalady's photo
Sun 11/18/12 11:22 PM
About 3 ounces of dark chocolate daily.

Every morning, bend down and pick up 2 cat dishes. Walk to refrigerator, fill dishes with food. Bend down and place dishes back on floor. Stand around while cats eat.

Repeat the same routine every evening.

Six days a week, open front door and plunge arm into mailbox, pull out any mail. Close door and walk to table. Scan mail and place all junk mail in wastebasket.

Every Friday, tote garbage bin to front of driveway for pickup. Friday evenings, walk to end of driveway and pull empty bin back again.

Sometimes I walk to the library, too.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 11/18/12 11:16 PM

Advertising and modern culture are inextricably linked don't you think? Advertisers manipulate popular culture to increase sales and create trends. So, I don't really see a separation between the two.

Yes I certainly do think so. The separation is just that they're not the SAME thing, that's all.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 11/18/12 11:12 PM

Tattooeddude81, is it your look? Or any childhood memory? Trauma? What makes you feel so selfconscious? What is the reason behind your anxiety?
From my experience, finding n analysing the reasons wont do much! It is a responce that somehow got programmed in you and you just need to overwrite it ! Medication is not a cure either! Take up yoga n force yourself into situations you don't like. Could we talk more on this?

What are you, a doctor? Let him handle it the best way he knows how. I'm sure you mean well, but you don't know him or his circumstances. Some people do have extreme anxiety and sometimes it is best treated with medication. In other circumstances, behavioral change or analysis may be what's required. You have to know the personal circumstances.

As someone who also has a form of social anxiety, I can tell you that simply forcing yourself into uncomfortable situations isn't the solution. You have to know WHAT to do when you're there.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 11/18/12 03:45 PM

I haven't really watched TV in several years (except for a few episodes of House and Big Bang Theory). In fact, I don't even own a TV anymore. But, I do have a small, portable DVD player to watch my favorite films on.

There have been a few really good TV shows, All in the Family comes to mind, but for the most part it's pretty mindless.

Usually I just watch TED talks on youtube or documentaries on HULU. I enjoy educating myself on a variety of subjects.

I went 10 years without TV. Once I moved from that particular location, I got cable because I'd missed Animal Planet and a couple of other channels. Imagine my surprise to fine how much they'd changed. I know about TED and Hulu, but for some reason watching things on my computer isn't as comfortable as watching on TV. Maybe I need a bigger monitor? Better sound? I'm not sure what it is.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 11/18/12 03:42 PM

Personally, I think TV is one of the worst things that has ever happened to our country. It aims for the lowest common denominator, and then it keeps lowering it.

What do you think? Does the quality of what's on offer reflect the culture as it is now, or does it manipulate it?

I think it takes a very small part of the shallowest urban culture and exaggerates that into being the norm for everyone. But it's not all about the culture. The other evil of TV is the way advertisers control it, the content and the format of the programs and of course the seductiveness of the commercials themselves. The visual nature of television was a pure gift to the business world. We've gotten so used to being manipulated we don't even seem to mind it any more.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 11/17/12 08:25 PM
Anybody seen this new Denzel Washington movie Flight?

Bravalady's photo
Sat 11/17/12 08:24 PM
I can't believe no one's said BABYLON 5 yet. :heart: :heart: :heart:

I also really liked Earth 2 and was disappointed when it was cancelled.

Star Trek and Star Wars, of course.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 11/17/12 08:21 PM
Plenty of gays in Portland, you should do fine. Ogunquit and Wells are the real hot spots, though.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 11/17/12 08:19 PM

An unlikely alignment of working class voters determined the outcome of the 2012 Presidential election. An aspiring ethnic working class network sought relief and change from politically sponsored economic regression and discrimination impacting their standard of living and future.

When pulling the voting lever, tens of millions of citizens understood that they were voting against politicians who seldom represented them and were abusing the power of government on behalf of corporations, plutocrats and special interest organizations whose political agendas were undermining their growing stake in the American Dream.

Survival instincts in some and common sense in others coalesced on a day reserved to give performance feedback to the political system at large. When staring at a two box selection of poor choices, Obama stood out as the low risk choice. When the votes were tabulated across the nation, the political establishment discovered in the vote count that the ethnic working class whose dynamic closely mirrors the “old fashion” American Dream had soundly rejected the “American Dream impersonator.”

Why would any working class citizen vote to elect a President that surrounded himself with Bush advisors, was a product of Wall Street, promised another round of 20% tax cuts for the wealthy, proudly brandished his record on exporting working class jobs overseas, championed another war in the Middle East on behalf of Israel and whose only campaign strategy was “Trust Me.”

What is clear from the 2012 election is that we can detect a shifting political tide from the 2010 mid-term election. The majority of Americans who voted in this election saw Mitt Romney as a front man for a coalition sponsoring a fraudulent version of the American Dream. The Republican version of the American Dream has become a tyranny against the working class where a significant amount of the wealth flowing to the plutocrats is derived by exploiting and destroying other people’s lives.

The wholesale exporting of working class jobs, the Federal Reserve’s inflation targeting and monetary policies, long term declining wage trends and institutionalized government sponsored price gouging practices on behalf of corporations ranging from healthcare services, usury rates, insurance and energy costs have collapsed the standard of living for tens of millions of workers.

The class warfare inferno sponsored by Republicans is now targeting the IOU’s owed the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Trust Funds. In our dying economy, these programs whose benefit checks are spent in local communities represent life support to both the recipient and the community.

Luckily in this election, the Republican class warfare machine got tripped up by their small minded policies, candidates saying silly stupid things and tests of ideological purity. The largess of America’s aspiring non-white working class made up of Latinos, Blacks, Asians and independent women along with a large demographic of young people righteously rejected the Republican platform.

Even in the face of a crushing election defeat, the Republicans quickly refreshed their class warfare agenda branding citizens as either “makers” or “takers”. The relentless continuation of this antagonistic degrading approach while appealing to their base of secessionists, Christian zealots and racists reflects the myopic, un-American, hollow and shallow spiritual foundation behind the Republican brand.

At the same time, the first post election words out of Speaker Boehner’s mouth were to declare that the entitlement programs were the primary driver of the deficit which is just a boldface lie. The facts clearly show that the entire $16 trillion national debt has been spent outside the boundaries of the nation’s Trust Funds which remain fully funded.

After being tethered to a rigged tax system for over three decades, America is approaching the apex in a cycle of historic wealth concentration ($60 trillion) accruing to a small but politically connected group of stakeholders. This means that the socialist boogieman (so called entitlement programs) that is inserted like a piñata into every budget negotiation for Republicans to break open and raid is just another attempt to skim assets off the working class balance sheet and onto the balance sheet of the plutocrats. There is absolutely no justification to include entitlement Trust Funds in any budget negotiation until after the 2020 election.

The proper way to wean the nation off government assistance and social programs is to first build an efficient economy and operate the nation using a balanced budget. This road has been blockaded by the financial community, military industrial complex, corporations and the tax avoidance syndicate because an efficient economy regulated by a balanced budget would significantly lower prices and fees paid by consumers and thus lower profits that are converted into tax free wealth.

In addition, an efficient driven economy would strip this coalition of their government subsidies, price protections, guaranteed government contracts, and unearned wealth that runs into the trillions of dollars.

In spite of voter suppression tactics and gerrymander rigging in several key battle ground states, the 2012 election was pretty much a rout. President Obama’s re-election effectively tazers, at least for the short term, the Republican’s frontal assault on the working class.

Based on the 2012 election demographic results, the Republican Party’s facade is clearly melting away revealing the fascist’s coup that has run America’s economy into the ground and destroyed tens of millions of working class livelihoods. It remains to be seen if this serendipitous working class rejection of the Republican class warfare model will become a blue contagion in the 2016 election. Read more about the forensics of class warfare at
This writing is even worse than on Smirking Chimp!
Reminds one of the writings by semi-literate Soviet Commissars in the twenties!

Whoa, you are REALLY living in the past.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 11/17/12 08:17 PM
I love the way some people condescendingly spout off on what other people "should" do.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 11/17/12 08:12 PM
Personally, I think TV is one of the worst things that has ever happened to our country. It aims for the lowest common denominator, and then it keeps lowering it.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 11/17/12 08:10 PM
Sigh, another religion post in the politics forum.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 11/14/12 04:07 PM
The mom & pop stores or small local chains (I'm looking at you, Amato's) have better pizza anyway.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 11/14/12 04:04 PM
You know what I like about that article? That even though it's clearly biased toward the Democrats, there is NO name-calling and very little dancing on the grave of the Tea Party. Just goes to show that it's possible to be both partisan AND respectful.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 11/14/12 03:59 PM
Jeanniebean said in another thread that they call her all the time. I've gotten calls once or twice about state issues in the past.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 11/14/12 03:58 PM
So much misinformation in this thread. I'm glad a few people have provided facts.

No state has the right to secede. Not Texas and not any other state. We fought a war over that, and the Union won.

Secession isn't about ownership of land and has nothing to do with eminent domain.

Reading the Constitution all the way through is a good exercise. It takes a while, but some people on here seem to have a lot of spare time.

I guess one way to look at it is that nobody's apathetic here. Political apathy, boo!


Bravalady's photo
Wed 11/14/12 03:34 PM

Anyone can goto and get full plans for like $50.00 a month. Everyone wants a handout. If you don't like the fact your employer doesn't offer benefits or the benefits you want find another job.

To be fair I couldn't. I have had a pre existing condition since I was 8. Then again I based my career choice with the knowledge that I need a company to provide medical insurance.

It's interesting that the ranters never respond to posts like this which point out the real-world problems with our current system.

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