Community > Posts By > jamesfortville

jamesfortville's photo
Tue 09/15/09 07:30 PM
A long time ago somebody wrote a book “Suicide of the West” and some where in the back there is a test, a long test that will tell you who and what you are.

jamesfortville's photo
Tue 09/15/09 01:48 AM

The best bit! When he asks how you want your eggs in the morning you don't have to respond 'unfertilized':smile:

That a girl

jamesfortville's photo
Tue 09/15/09 01:34 AM
What do you think?

jamesfortville's photo
Tue 09/15/09 01:17 AM
Edited by jamesfortville on Tue 09/15/09 01:27 AM
When Yahoo acts up ping it. It works every time for me.

jamesfortville's photo
Tue 09/15/09 12:21 AM
Considering I saw when investigating this myself today the people seem to be setting ACORN up on some of this stuff. Maybe that is why Faux news posts it, it is faux

My I ask, What's your definition of setting them up?

jamesfortville's photo
Mon 09/14/09 03:15 PM
I’ve heard there are thirty two terrorist camps in the US. They go into our prisons and convert short time perpetrators and take them to these camps. A while back a man killed a solders,I believe in Tennessee, he was a product of one of these camps.

Can anybody say it’s true?
Can anybody say it’s false?
Does anybody care?

jamesfortville's photo
Sun 09/13/09 07:50 PM

You remember when the Little Brown Squirrel bent his knee before the King of Saudi Arabia? Could this have been because of an inducement of 300m. For the campaign found. If it could be proved, would it be actionable if so we would have the same problem we had back in the 90’s. Thin “Big Al the Liars Pal” now
“Lying Joe Biden”

jamesfortville's photo
Sun 09/13/09 06:46 PM
I’ve read three or four of you people saying the “Tea Party” (s) are about high taxes and then I gave up. The tea parties are about this administration spending money like a navy of drunken sailors. Actually it would have to be the whole world’s navies of drunken sailors and Obama Care.

jamesfortville's photo
Sun 09/13/09 05:26 PM
There are a multitude of questions but I believe they all come down to two: One, why weren’t there dozens of fighter plans, armed to the teeth. Stacked up over each air liner. Why did the buildings fall? I have a theory which doesn’t say “Bush did it“. I would like to see this web sit take up Charley Sheen’s twenty questions, one at a time.

Why should we do it? Think about the little girl who asks her mother if she could talk to her Daddy on his cell phone and then thing about the mothers reply.

jamesfortville's photo
Sun 09/13/09 04:39 PM
Hello War Machine,

I’ll be D----, I agree with you on cops and blood. Now if you could just get your head screwed on straight about 9/11.

jamesfortville's photo
Sun 09/13/09 04:00 PM
Hello War Machine,

As I remember the plain that crashed in E S B was a B26, a lot liter, slower, and it wasn’t caring much full. The most important thing the integrity of the building hadn’t been compromised.

I saw a special on Public Television that said the installation had been blown away allowing heat to compromise the structure.

I don’t have a copy of the TV but what I saw- one floor at a time.

jamesfortville's photo
Sun 09/13/09 03:08 PM
Hello War machine,

Simultaneously = Happening, existing, or Dome at the same time.
Show me where I said simultaneously. I said one floor at a time. You rewrote my statements and then made fun of what you are contributing to me.

Why don’t you talk about the air plan that crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945?

jamesfortville's photo
Sun 09/13/09 10:03 AM
I Winx,

“Dam that Squirrel” He’s the only one you’ve got or would you prefer “Lying Joe Biden”

jamesfortville's photo
Sun 09/13/09 07:59 AM
What about Charley Sheen’s twenty Questions?

jamesfortville's photo
Sat 09/12/09 09:19 PM

It’s absolutely impossible to reason with a liberal they only see what they want to see on the page. For example where did I say the fire inside the towers got hot enough to melt that steel. The plane crashing into the building caused a fire that got hot enough to weaken the steel on one or two floors, because the installation had been changed. This/ these floors collapsed on to floors that still had good steel but the weight caused the next floor to go and so forth.

jamesfortville's photo
Sat 09/12/09 07:43 PM
Edited by jamesfortville on Sat 09/12/09 07:45 PM
People like Bestinshow who repeat lies for so long finally the people begin to be live them at least that’s what Gobles though.

The main problem with people like you is George, he didn’t give a dam, Bush. If he had then all you liberals would have been called and the lie would have been put in the proper pocked.

Dick Cheney and the CIA. That law was written by a lady, not a member of congress. She said that there were four things had to happen for the law to kick in an not one of them were meet.

George, he didn’t give a dam, Bush and Dick Cheney did some discussing things like Cheney balanced twenty five checks while in the House.

jamesfortville's photo
Sat 09/12/09 04:58 PM
The little brown squirrel an his handlers will have Acorn back in at the census. When they get through they well have maybe eight senator and two hundred and eighty congressmen. O K congress members. This would be a terrible thing to waste

jamesfortville's photo
Sat 09/12/09 04:32 PM
I read somewhere that a lot of people in China are condemned to death and sent to death roll where they what till there is a buyer that they are a mach and they are dispatched and the buyer get what he/she cane pay for.

jamesfortville's photo
Sat 09/12/09 04:32 PM
I read somewhere that a lot of people in China are condemned to death and sent to death roll where they what till there is a buyer that they are a mach and they are dispatched and the buyer get what he/she cane pay for.

jamesfortville's photo
Sat 09/12/09 04:09 PM
40 to 42% of Mexico’s domestic product comes from Mexico’s colonies north of the river.